Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 2 - Stone chase

Xiao Chen and the three slowly advanced along the stone road. They walked through several corners, and the road ahead gradually became brighter. Xiao Chen took a deck of playing cards from the supermarket and marked the order with a card every time he walked to a fork.

Turning another corner, Xiao Chen discovered the source of the light in the tunnel. Every ten meters or so on the wall in front, there is a slap-sized pattern, which is emitting a faint white light. This light does not come from fire, nor a lamp. It comes from the pattern itself. The light is gentle and bright, and it is better than the torch, and can almost catch up with the brightness of the incandescent lamp.

“Hey! What is this?” Xiao Chen carefully approached the light source with his hand.

Zhou He grabbed his hand, “Don’t touch it! Do you know what this is? In case of electric shock?”

“Yo, I am concerned.” Xiao Chen smiled, “It’s okay, since this thing is used for lighting, it will definitely not hurt people. I think it is a kind of lamp. Who will make the lamp shock when it is touched? I didn’t feel anything when I leaned my hand up. “Sure enough, Xiao Chen’s hand touched the wall, neither cold nor hot, as if it had touched a normal stone.

“Today I didn’t come here in vain, and I saw something new.” Xiao Chen drew back his hand and left no traces on his fingers.

Luo Ling learned that Xiao Chen lightly touched the stone wall, “This is either the high-tech we haven’t heard, or this is the legendary magic. I can’t think of any other explanation other than that. However, you see , Does this look like the Chinese word “guang”? “

Xiao Chen went a bit further and looked at it carefully. “Well, with the exception of some patterns, it is really a bit like the” light “character of Xiaozhuan. It’s like some kind of artistic character. Ha, was it written by a self-cultivating priest? Or a wizard ‘S handwriting? “

“Don’t talk nonsense, me, I’m scared.” Zhou He looked nervously around, “How could there be such a place under the school. No, no monsters?”

Xiao Chen comforted: “Where is there any monster, we have not seen a moving one along the way.”

Zhou He pursed her lips and finally whispered, “But, I always feel there is a sound around me. It seems that something is moving around us. Do you listen, is there a sound of” bang “,” bang “? The feeling of the iron box hitting the ground. “

This time Xiao Chen and Luo Ling did not dare to carelessly, and both listened breathlessly.

“There!” Luo Ling pointed to a branch where he was coming. “There is really a voice there!”

Xiao Chen also heard. He also found that the voice was getting clearer and clearer, and it was coming towards them.

In such a weird underground stone road, hearing such a voice really makes my head sweat and my heart flustered. The two girls took a step back consciously, and Zhou He hid behind Xiao Chen.

“I’ll check it out!” Xiao Chen said decisively.

“Don’t you go, what shall we do?” Zhou He said.

“Listen to me!” Xiao Chen lowered his voice. “Someone has to go to see what is going on, maybe it’s other teachers and classmates. Just stay here and wait for my news. If I call and run, Do n’t hesitate to run quickly. “

“But here is like a maze, where should we go.” Zhou He glanced at the dim stone road.

“Along the playing cards left by Xiao Chen, we can run back.” Luo Ling said.

Xiao Chen nodded approvingly to her, and took out two fruit knives from the backpack. The blade of this knife was only three inches long, but it held people’s mind at ease. He gave Luo Ling a handful and took it by himself. Then he touched the source of the sound against the wall.

“You, you must be careful.” Zhou He asked Luo Ling’s arms tightly.

Xiao Chen looked back and smiled, and compared OK with his hand to reassure her.

The passage collapsed, the ground was covered with gravel, and the illuminated runes on the wall were basically destroyed, making it dark and dark. Xiao Chen’s eyes had just been shaken by the bright light, and he could not adapt to the darkness for a while. He had only one hand in front, groping for the wall, one hand holding the fruit knife in the back, and slowly moved forward. There was a light breeze blowing in the stone road, and the cheeks felt slightly cool, but Xiao Chen’s forehead shed sweat beads, not completely nervous, but also a little excited, that was the feeling of curiosity being lifted.

After turning around the two corners, his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, and he saw a shadow sway on the wall in front of the corner.

Sure enough, there is something!

The shadow shook unsteadily, but it moved in accordance with the rhythm of the “bang” sound.

Xiao Chen squatted in the corner of the wall, leaned out and looked over there …


I saw five figures marching forward. At first glance, they were a group of ancient knights in armor, with long swords in their hands. The armor and long sword looked a bit old, covered with rust stains. But this can’t hide the runes engraved on the armor. Their style is very similar to that of the illuminated rune, only a hundred times more complicated.

However, when Xiao Chen looked at their faces, they found that they had no faces! There is a black void in the middle of the helmet, nothing. These five knights turned out to be five pairs of armor that they would walk around, and the “bashing” sound I heard before was the collision between the metal when these movable armors were walking.

What a hell! What a monster this is!

Rao is Xiao Chen always prides himself, at this moment his heart is like being hit by a heavy hammer, cold sweat like a weed in the mountains, pierced from every pore in the body.

Xiao Chen suddenly felt that his feet were empty, and his squat body could no longer control his balance, and he fell back involuntarily. He took two or three steps back and kicked a few stones on the ground in a panic. There was a karla sound.

The lead armor suddenly stopped, and his head turned to the corner where Xiao Chen was hiding. Xiao Chen’s head protruded out again, and he faced it. It stood for a second, then stretched out a finger, and the four armored warriors behind him rushed over with a long sword.

Said it was a charge, but they didn’t run fast, and the rusty joints creaked. But seeing the aggressive looks of these armor monsters, Xiao Chen knew that if they were caught, they would definitely be cut into pieces. He picked up a large bun stone from his feet, struggling to throw it away like the first armor. The stone hit the chest of the armor, making a gong-like sound, leaving a pale gray mark, but the armor just leaned back slightly, and immediately returned to balance, and continued to force it over.

Xiao Chen made a decisive decision, turned and ran, and while running, shouted: “There are monsters, everyone run away.”

Xiao Chen and the three rushed through the maze-like underground passage, and soon lost their way in the chaos. But what made him even more depressed was that although the armor fighters ran slowly, new armor fighters often came out from everywhere, no matter how they turned left and right, they would encounter siege. After a while, there will be more chases behind.

“I … how do I hear more and more voices behind me.” Zhou He had two lines of tears in his eyes, “I really, really can’t run.”

Luo Ling: “Work harder and run away if you don’t want to be eaten by the monster.”

“Xiao Chen, you think about it, what should we do? I don’t want to be eaten by these monsters.”

“You will not be eaten.”

“Really! Did you come up with any good ideas?”

“Not yet, but I see clearly, they have no mouth!”

Luo Ling couldn’t help but chuckled, Zhou He was annoyed, and the tears were even more fierce. “You, how did your brain grow, all of them, and they all laughed like this!”

“Okay, hold on! We have to find an exit or a place to hide.” Luo Ling took Zhou He’s arm and ran with her.

When the three men ran across a fork again, suddenly an armor warrior with a long sword rushed out and stopped in front of them.

“Ah ~~” Zhou He had never met them so close, she was terrified, her left foot tripped on her right foot, and fell to the ground. Luo Ling was pulled by her and almost fell. The two stopped as soon as they struggled, and Xiao Chen hurriedly stopped in front of them.

Xiao Chen looked across the stone road, and his heart sank. This stone path is long and narrow, and the armor monster sealed the path of everyone with a sword. At this time, the back chasers had already caught up, and it was too late to bring two women sitting on the ground and retreat to another way.

How to do?

In a crisis, people often have two very different performances. To be a hero or a coward is only due to the choice at this moment. Is it hard to fight forward, or to return to the road alone?

Xiao Chen made a decision in the flashlight.

“Fight!” Xiao Chen only felt the blood on his head at this time. His eyes were round, his teeth were bitten on his lips, and his face was rushed toward the armor.

He waved his right hand first, and the fruit knife in his hand was thrown into the head of the armor. The armor was blocked with a sword, and he flew the knife easily, but the original split was interrupted, and the original sharpness was lost.

Xiao Chen’s eyes were fixed on the tip of the long sword, and the side flashed across the diagonal split. With his left hand, he pulled down the left shoulder strap of his backpack, and his right hand flicked. It smashed **** the chest of the armor. Although the origin of the armor is mysterious, it is not a real person after all. It is stiff no matter in action or balance.

“Run!” Xiao Chen yelled to let Zhou He and Luo Ling go first, while lifting the stone on the ground and hitting the armor holding the sword. It may have been in disrepair for a long time, and after a few hits, the armature of the armor was broken, and the forearm of the armor fell with the long sword. When Xiao Chen was happy, he was ready to hold the long sword in his hand, but at this time the armor soldier’s left hand pinched his ankle and pulled hard, and Xiao Chen fell to the ground.

Xiao Chen is not strong, but the armor warrior is obviously stronger than ordinary people. It climbs from behind to Xiao Chen’s back, making Xiao Chen unable to turn over. While struggling, Xiao Chen looked sideways with Yu Guang, and saw that the armor pressed his back with his amputated limb and body. When his left hand was raised high, he was about to hit the back of his head.

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