Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 16 - Surrounded

As soon as the scar face came up, he drove away the peasant who was about to trade aggressively, and dozens of people under his hand held the knife stick and surrounded Li Jia and his entourage. Wang Jiyuan and several soldiers saw that these people were not good, and hurriedly protected the trolley and the food they exchanged. However, the situation was unknown, and they did not dare to shoot at random. They could only raise their guns to confront them.

Scarface turned away from the crowd, and slowly came over, his triangular eyes gleaming fiercely, glancing over Li Jia and their faces one by one, and that look made Teacher Bai and Zhang Hong sweat a few.

When he saw Li Jia and Chen Hansheng, he recognized these two guys killing a younger brother at the school gate. The scars waved chop a few times and shouted at them.

It was like a hungry wolf with fangs exposed. Li Jia was taken back two steps by Daoguang, but was blocked by Chen Hansheng from behind. Chen Hansheng looked at each other coldly with his arms around his chest. The scar face danced the knife like a god, and the roar made his ears hurt. Chen Hansheng was unimpressed. The scar face roared, feeling that there was no reaction to the opposite side, so he sighed in silence. Chen Hansheng suddenly chuckled and said, “Is it a monkey play?” Li Jia couldn’t help laughing.

At this time Blas ran over with a sack of grain and saw the fierce scar on his face, and hurried forward to ask. After a few sentences, the two began to argue. But obviously the throat of the scarred face was louder and more powerful, and Blas seemed to be overwhelming.

“The scarred face says that we are the devil and can’t deal with the devil. He also said that all the things we bring are changed from evil magic and will be cursed when used.” Zhang Hong translated, “Bras Say, we are very powerful, there is no need to conflict with us. But Scarface said, his people ca n’t die in vain, and just saw that we cast evil spells, all rely on that pole, everyone comes together, we must … We seize. Commander Wang, what should we do? Should we rush out now? “

Lao Chen interjected: “You can’t rush directly. Look, there are people around, a dozen archers are on the roof, and the loss of hard punching will be great.”

Wang Jiyuan said with a sullen face: “It’s really not possible. He killed his scarred face first and then grabbed several hostages as shields.”

At this time, the dispute over was over, and Blas was also worth putting down the grain. He took the bow and arrow and stood behind the face of the scar. Under his command, some people who had carried the grain for the transaction, all put down the grain. , Took the weapon reluctantly and joined the encirclement. Scarface turned around, and they shouted at Li Jia fiercely.

“He … he asked us to hand over our weapons and immediately surrender …” Zhang Hong said tremblingly. “What should I do? What should I do if I don’t hand them over … I will kill them.”

“Don’t panic!” Wang Jiyuan raised his gun and aimed at the head of the scarred face.

When people are extremely nervous, there will be a variety of reactions, some people will not be able to concentrate, some people will faint, some people will be crazy, and some people will have hallucinations. When both sides took up their weapons, Li Jia felt that he seemed to have experienced all the emotions above. He felt that blood was pouring onto his head. He calmed down, but heard that someone in the distance seemed to call his name, getting closer and closer, as if the original world had called him.

However, this is the most unlikely thing, so it must be the illusion that fear brings to me. Until many people around exclaimed, he summoned his courage and opened his eyes.

He saw Xiao Chen.

He saw that Xiao Chen took a beautiful woman and a strong man, and walked into this encircling circle under the guidance of a middle-aged man Gong Qian. They were all dressed in gorgeous and mysterious robes. The black robes were embroidered with silver patterns, and under the sun, there seemed to be fluorescence flowing between the patterns. Xiao Chen held a short sword in his waist with one hand, and leaned his back against the other with his other hand.

Is this true? How could he be here? How can he walk among these natives like a walk? What adventures did he make him look like a nobleman, but we are like a group of refugees? Is this a dream?

“Everyone flashed away to make way for the honorable Master Magician.” The middle-aged Xie Ding, who led the way in front, said with pride. The magician is the spokesperson of the most mysterious power in the world. It is the protagonist of those great legends. Maybe noble, maybe evil, but without exception all are extremely powerful. For ordinary people in these towns who have only heard about the magician from the story, a living magician is as awesome and curious as the gods of the world.

The people who had been onlookers all bowed their heads and backed away, and those who had held the crossbows of swords, guns and guns dropped their weapons and made way out. Xiao Chen quickly passed through the crowd and came to Scar Scarface and Li Jia and others.


“They said that this man is a magician … It seems to make them awe.” Zhang Hong is also puzzled. “Li Jia, how can he know you?”

“Of course he knew me, that was Xiao Chen! My roommate Xiao Chen!”

Xiao Chen nodded and greeted him and several others. But now that the form was on the verge, he did not come to greet him, but went straight to the scar face and asked him with a very serious temperament: “Who are you? Dare to besiege my companion?”

“Who are you? Why are you here? Are you with these demons?” The scarred face was obviously confused.

“Pas, you really don’t know life and death. The old house of the magician in the town opened the door today. Lord Xiao came out of it. You know the legend in the town that the magicians will come back one day. Today is It confirms this prophecy. Is there any doubt about it? Put down your knife and apologize to the adults. “The middle-aged man is naturally Siro, and he seems to be naturally suitable for the role of dog legs.

Scar Pass looked at several people in Xiao Chen, and then looked at Li Jia and them, “These people are also devil! You see they are all black hair, black eyes, have any of you ever seen such a person? Even those of the Empire The robbers will not grow like this. You are cheated, even the magician will not fall from the sky with a city. There will not be such a scene in the story! Silo, you idiot, tempted by the devil I do n’t know yet. “

Siro blushed angrily: “Bullshit! You have encouraged everyone to find the Earl’s trouble before, but you are caught in the Count’s ambush, causing many people to be killed by the guards. If it was not the castle of the Master Wizard From the sky, we must all be in the Earl ’s prison now! The Master who has saved us sees your life in trouble, and sends his servants to exchange your food with unparalleled magic items. How is this Benevolence, what a generous move, you guys who avenge your revenge, even instigated everyone to fight against Master Magician, are you trying to kill everyone? “

“That guy, the one who killed me!” Pars shouted at Li Jia.

“Do you mean him?” Xiao Chen patted Li Jia’s shoulder. “This is my cousin. A noble and peaceful person like my cousin will never hurt people for no reason.”

“I’ve heard about this, sir. Your cousin killed an unscrupulous bastard. He was killed because he offended the magician, and he died in vain.” Silo emphasized loudly, “Even the king Here he will say the same. “

The nobility of the magician even surpassed the nobility and also exceeded the law, and Perth knew it well. He looked at his men, all with fear in his face, and hatred in his heart, “Do a deal with the devil, and you will eventually sell all your souls.”

“Everyone knows that the devil looks ugly and strange, which legend can the devil look like a human being?” Siro turned to everyone and asked aloud, “What do you say?”

There was a lot of discussion among the people around. The legendary devil either had big horns or dragged its tail, its body was taller than the building, and its fist was bigger than the calf. If you think about it, it is too far away from these master magicians and their entourage. Some people thought of the riotous tax riot that caused the chaos today, and they all clamored.

Perth saw that many people began to look at him with suspicion, anxiously arguing: “Even if it is not a devil, it may be a liar, or it may be a spy of the empire!”

At this time Luo Ling plugged in, “You just said that we are different from the imperial people, how could it be the spy of the empire? As for whether we are magicians, we can naturally prove it to you, I hope you don’t regret it.”

Xiao Chen pulled out the short sword from the waist and pointed it toward the air. He concentrated all his spirits on it. The short sword suddenly burst into a strong flame, which was as high as two people, and rushed straight into the sky. The heat wave from the flames came over the sky, and the few people standing close to each other instantly felt like they were in the fire.

The villagers dropped their weapons in horror, and many people bowed to the ground in corpses. This scene was really shocking for the little-known countrymen. Seeing such a magic in person is like a modern person seeing a nuclear explosion in person. It is a lifetime talk for them. Even more shocking than them were Li Jia, Chen Hansheng and Wang Jiyuan. This violates their cognition for so many years, violates what they understand as so-called scientific things, and also subverts their sense of identification with the entire world. If the previous understanding of this different world still stays in the changes of the times, then at this time they really feel that their hometown is completely away from them.

The fire gradually extinguished, although the heat was moving upward, but the people around them felt that they were almost dried. And Xiao Chen wanted to deter the other party with the strongest flame he could emit. He now felt extremely exhausted and had a headache. He leaned his sword on the ground and looked around. Scar Pass has long run away, the people around him kneel down, and the partners from the earth are still sluggish. Xiao Chen smiled hard at them, “Welcome to the new world alive.”

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