A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 25. Living Lightbulb

"Cataclysms, such curious things. The first one always comes with the Outbreak, but the second? Third? With those, you can never know. In one part of the Universe, they may happen almost instantly, while elsewhere, the second Cataclysm can be the last. With the Void, you can never be sure about anything. Remember that, and one day it just might save your life."

~ Lone Traveler, 56th Outbreak

True Stealth encompassed his body as Leo stepped into the tunnel, the light of his Essence illuminating the rocky walls. The screeches in the distance reverberated through the area, yet Leo tried to pay them no mind. He had enough to worry about, and the ominous sounds were too far anyway.

He didn't even make ten steps into the tunnel before the System acted again, summoning a small text in the corner of Leo's vision.

Life Support: 20 Hours, 17 minutes remaining

Finally decided to give me a precise timer, eh? Leo snorted, trying to wave the text away. Only, it never disappeared, earning a scowl from Leo. Whatever, stay there and keep on reminding me how fucked I am...

This Life Support was just another thing that Leo would like to learn about. All he knew was that it used Ether to work. Besides that, Leo did not notice anything different from what he felt on Earth. Well, except for the constant pressure from the environment's Essence.

Weird, Leo sighed and took in a deep breath. Ether sure did an excellent job of creating artificial air for him. It definitely would be nice to know what this Ether really is... Still nothing, System? He snorted. Great, I'm already talking to myself...

Even as the depressing yet somewhat amusing thought began to run through Leo's mind, he was never given a chance to ponder upon it. Everything vanished from his mind as he jumped to the side, the rocks underneath his feet shaking stronger than ever.


Leo quickly raised his left arm a bit higher, pushing just a little more Essence into the limb.

Almost instantly, the glow upon his arm responded, razing the tunnel in bright crimson light. Leo squinted, keeping his breathing steady even as small pebbles rained from the tunnel's ceiling and the ground in front of him thrummed, almost moving.

There is definitely something near me. Another tunnel? Underground monster? Grimacing, Leo crouched and worked to summon a small Hunter's Pulse in his left palm.

Leo clenched his teeth as he wrestled his Essence for control. Keeping True Stealth and the artificial lighting active at all times already demanded a lot of concentration. Add to that the mental pressure required to guide the Pulse, and Leo nearly lost control of his abilities.

Just a little bit mo... Fuck! Leo scrambled back on all fours, his eyes growing wide as the rocks in front of him split, bathing the area in another burst of pebbles.

Something shot out of the newly created hole without giving Leo a chance to recover. It flew through the air, its worm-like body almost blending in with the rocks as it landed a few meters away.

Leo stilled, bowie knife still tightly gripped in his hand as he watched the overgrown worm raise its front off the ground as if scanning the area. Not that it would be weird, but Leo noticed a few crucial things when the creature finally turned in his direction.

For one, the creature had nothing that resembled eyes or even ears. Instead, it possessed one round mouth, similar to the one Leo saw on the Maniac. Although, in the worm's case, its teeth were pointed outwards, not hiding in the lipless mouth.

Wonderful. Leo grumbled as the worm kept on 'looking' in every direction. Identify, Bestiary.

Rock Eater (Voidling) | Rank: F | LVL: 6
Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Rock Eater
Expected Potential: F- to F
Weapon of choice: Jaws
Known weaknesses: Vision
Second evolution in the World Eater line. Usually found in Cave Worlds or underground areas. While their fighting capabilities are quite limited, Rock Eaters' almost rocky hide gives them a necessary edge to survive early on during their life. Warning! Where there is one, more Rock Eaters are definitely close by.

Of course, there are more. Not the most helpful warning... I just hope my stealth will hide me from most of them. Now the question remains. Why did it come here? The worm didn't move once, its dark, rock-like skin still glinted in the light of Leo's arm, yet the creature did nothing about it.

Can it feel my Essence? No, definitely not that. I'm pretty much a beacon of energy under my stealth. Maybe movement? Vibrations in the ground? There is nothing else that isn't protected by True Stealth...

Just to test that theory, Leo moved his left foot a bit, the worm's head immediately snapping in his direction.


The monster squeaked, barring its razor-sharp teeth. Leo shifted again, and the creature instantly followed the movement, its body tensing as if ready to jump forward. That's my cue. I just hope Kiss of Death and my claws will be enough here.

Springing to his feet, Leo ran toward the monster, one long step after another. The Rock Eater responded in kind, its mouth wide open as it slithered in the direction of Leo's feet.

It barely took a few seconds for them to meet in the middle, and when they did, Leo threw his body flying above the monster. That action was not without reason, for as he flew above the speeding worm, his claws descended, cutting the rocky hide open.

I just hope this works, Leo groaned as he landed behind the creature in a roll, the heavy backpack not making the motion any easier.

Feeling the black blood ooze down his claws, Leo's eyes immediately zeroed in on the monster. The creature had already turned, rushing to Leo's new position.


In the middle of the Eater's body, just in the place where its hide met the ground, a silvery glow appeared. Leo smiled and lowered his body just a bit, waiting for the monster.

When the Rock Eater was an arm away, its jaws poised to strike, Leo jerked to the side. His bowie knife, surrounded in the Kiss of Death, came forward, stabbing right into the glow. To add insult to injury, Leo grabbed the end of the creature's body as it flew by him and spun it around, throwing it into the nearest wall.

The monster slumped to the ground, twitching a few more times before going still, one last squeak leaving its mouth.

Rock Eater (LVL: 6) slain | Experience awarded | 2 Ether gained

That was easy... Not much it could do against a hidden enemy and what probably was a strike into its heart or something equally important. Also, would you look at that, another hour to the timer. Nice.

Stopping in front of the dead body, Leo drained it like any other, not even blinking as it turned into dust and left another Crystalized Essence behind. My life... Really.

With no time to waste, Leo applied Kiss of Death to his knife again and resumed his journey into the unknown. I can't wait for more of those to find me...

During Leo's four hours long trip, more Rock Eaters indeed managed to find him. Thirteen of them to be precise, although most of those come from the short time when Leo decided to drop True Stealth to regenerate some Essence. It wasn't his best idea, but his Essence reserves had been running almost dry at that point.

The only advantage of meeting so many Eaters was Leo's advancement to level eight and a nice amount of Ether in his bank. The additional point in Soul and Mind definitely saved Leo from taking another break.

Although, he grimaced, looking at the two paths in front of him. I'm gonna need another break in an hour or two... First though. Left or right?

Leo already tried to use Hunter's Pulse to determine his path. Still, unless he wanted to put all of his remaining Essence into the skill, he had no chance of scouting that far ahead. I would love to have a coin right now... Ah, whatever, right side it is. It looks smaller, so maybe it will end soon, and I can just come back...

Nodding, Leo stepped into the right tunnel. As he expected, with every minute, the walls grew closer and closer, turning the tunnel from a wide hallway to a small corridor.

Yet, instead of a dead-end, Leo was met with an opening to a large chamber. Not even his arms could illuminate the entire room, although what he saw was enough to stop Leo in his track.

He gulped, his gaze dancing between the visible parts of the rocky chamber. I'm pretty sure this is where the Rock Eaters are born...

Every illuminated part of the cave's walls or the ceiling was filled with short red worms. They just hung there, swaying gently as if moved by a nonexistent breeze. When one moved, the others followed. Hell, even their tiny toothless mouths opened and closed in a soundless harmony.

Just great. Leeches. Identify, Bestiary...

Eater (Voidling) | Rank: N/A | LVL: 0

Race: Voidling | Subspecies: Eater
Expected Potential: N/A
Weapon of choice: Paralysis toxin
Known weaknesses: Overall strength, Very limited movement
First evolution in the World Eater line. Usually found in Cave Worlds or underground areas. Incapable of fighting, large groups of Eaters always create traps around cave entrances and tunnels. They descend together and paralyze their prey with a weak toxin, leaving only bones behind. Armor or thick skin is necessary when facing a nest.

Ever so slowly, Leo's gaze traveled from the hundreds of Eaters to the countless bones scattered across the chamber's floor. That's just wonderful. Those remains came in all sizes, and Leo didn't doubt for a second that some of the beings that died inside were stronger than him. Although their intelligence could be put into question.

I still need to see what is on the other side, can't miss a possible exit... Now how to do that without getting eaten alive and draining myself with the Pulse?

Shrugging, Leo picked a pebble from the ground. Let's start with the obvious, he mused and threw the rock into the chamber. It bounced a few times, yet it earned no reaction from the Eaters. Yeah, that would have been too easy, right? What about my stealth, then?

Leo quickly grabbed a long scrape of material from his backpack and wrapped it around his right forearm. In and out. Following his thought, Leo extended his arm past the entrance, only to immediately snap it back when a dozen or so Eaters descended on the limb like hungry wolves.

His claws quickly sliced the creatures, and Leo breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the worms had no time to eat through the material. So somehow, they can get around my stealth and distinguish me from a rock. That's... disturbing, and I still need to see what is on the other side.

Settling down, Leo leaned against the cool wall, shivers running down his spine. Might as well try...

Leo dropped the bowie knife in his lap and extended his human palm as the light around him almost died down, only the glow from the taint remaining. Just like with the Pulse. Give it a form and an intent to stay together. It can't hurt to try.

With that thought in mind, Leo reached into his reserves and pushed a bit over a quarter into his palm. The energy buzzed underneath his skin, and he quickly brought his claws over the empty palm, leaving just enough space inside for his creation.

Form and intent. Form and intent. As those words and the necessary intent ran through his mind, Leo slowly let Essence seep into the empty space between his hands.

The skin on his palms constantly prickled as if burning, yet Leo didn't stop. Not when he knew that his Essence only needed a bit more time to finally settle.

Only when the drain on his Essence stopped and his skin stung no more did Leo open his eyes, grinning as he uncovered his creation.

Huh, it worked. Leo almost sniggered as he poked a small ball of light in his palm. It held firm and gave out light stronger than even that of Leo's arms just a few minutes ago. It easily illuminated a few meters of the tunnel and a part of the chamber.

Great, now for the reason I even created you.

Stopping just a step away from the entrance, Leo gripped the ball of light and swung with everything he had, sending his creation flying.

His mouth fell open, eyes growing wide when the Eaters, like one wave, descended upon the ground, chasing after the orb. Only to never catch it as it flew faster than they fell.

Okay? So that just happened.

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