A Trial of Time- India/US Transference.

Chapter 9

Not dead, don't worry eh.

April 03 1942, 1452 Hours (IST)

Captain Sagara Maru was sitting at the helm of the Fleet's flagship, the IJN Ryūjō, a light carrier. The Japanese High Command tasked him to lead the Landing Taskforce to capture the Andaman Islands from British Control. Plans for the invasion were already prepared, but with the Indian rebellion in full-swing, the Japanese decided it was now time to push further into the Indian Ocean as well as support their operations in Burma.

He watched as a J17M Hotaru (based on the J7W1 Shinden) took off to join the other fighters to provide FORCAP (Force Combat air patrol) to the fleet. The plan was simple: cover the landing group, provide CAS (Close Air Support) and strike any opposing fleet.

The weird part was when an unidentified aircraft approached the fleet, twin engine, and made contact with the fleet, identifying it as an Indian (Airforce/coast guard) plane. Before he could get more out of it, it was strafed and shot down into the sea by an overzealous navy pilot who was patrolling in his J17M.

However, now it was not time to think about it. The current mission was to land the forces and then eliminate any hostile fleet, be it Indian or British standing in their way.


April 03 1942, 1500 Hours (IST)

Two Kora-class corvettes and ten other offshore patrol vessels from both Navy and Coast Guard were on their way to "Intercept" the incoming Japanese fleet. While the opposing fleet was within range of the Indian's SS-N-25 AShM, which can mostly only cripple certain enemy ships, orders were given not to fire until approval of High Command.

However, an Air Cover was present. Two Su-30MKIs were escorting the Three Jaguar IM's armed with two Sea Eagle AShMs, while a Destroyer Squadron from the mainland was on its way to reinforce the Island's defenses.

Commodore Ghanasyaam looked at his communication officer.

"Did we get any reply from them ?"

He shook his head

"No Commodore, they have not heeded to our warnings and have just crossed into our territorial waters and are currently on course towards the Islands and closing in fast."

With the enemy fleet too close to the Islands (within 25 kilometers of the main islands) and ignoring all their hails, the commodore authorized the fighters to engage the hostile fleet.

The Jaguars flew in formation with their escort.

<<Targets in Range, Hatyaras out!>>

They launched their AShM, a total of six Sea Eagles, and they broke away to return back to the CAP Andaman airbaseto rearm and come back for another strike.

A few minutes later,

Rear Admiral Yamaguchi Tamon stood on his ship IJN Ryūjō bridge and grazing onto the pride of their attack fleet, Battleship IJN Kongō armed with four twin 356 mm guns, eight single 152 mm guns and six twin 127 mm guns, capable of a top speed of 30 knots, and the armour averaging around 200mm.

The majestic and invincible steel beasts broke through the waves. Japanese Victory fever was high, and an easy victory was expected. Admiral Tamon's chest was full of pride as he watched the [dive bomber plane and plane] take off from his carrier and provide Air superiority and overwhelm the Island's meager defences.

All of a sudden, an explosion rocked the Kongō, sending shock waves all around, surprising the Admiral and many IJN sailors and pilots on the carrier's flight deck. They all turned their heads and stared at the battleship which was going up in flames. His eyes widen in mute horror as two streaks of light fly towards the Kongō, enveloping it in a bright flash. With his complete attention on the burning ship, he did not notice the panic of his sailors as they scrambled for cover as the last streak of light heading straight for his proud carrier.

A massive explosion rocked the right side of the carrier as a Sea Eagle hit its mark. Smoke billowed out of the hole created by the explosion, followed by secondary explosions, probably the planes in the 2nd hangar igniting along with stacked up ammunitions.

The Admiral could only fumble to his feet. He was lucky the explosion was not next to him. He looked ahead to see the Kongō, now on fire, with the Bridge completely destroyed, and a gaping hole in the armour belt, which was feeding water inside the compartments and making the Battleship tilt to its side.

Only to salt his wounded ego, reports came in that the Cruiser Fubuki and Cruiser Kumano were immediately knocked out after those mysterious streaks of light struck them.

He makes his way to the flight deck, and watches the crew of the ship try their best at damage control. But it was too much. As the engine shut down because of flooding of the engine compartment, the pumps which assisted the crew in extinguishing the fire shut off, leaving them with nothing much to deal with the fire.

That is when he realized the warning he had received from the Indians. If only he had listened, the Japanese Navy would not have been humiliated today.

However, returning empty handed, would mean social death to him. He would be called a coward and his family would be ostracized for having such a man as the head of the household.

However, the guilt of leading his men to their deaths, for no fault of their own. It was one-sided, and they did not even stand a chance. For all he knows there are more of those deadly things coming for them, and there was no way they could intercept it on time.

"The Navy should have just bought the Sora Taikuu (Missile) the German navy uses instead of having a superiority complex with our own allies." He thought as he limped and found his XO, who was busy in the damage control efforts.

"Order the crew to abandon ship."

"Yes sir"

"And send orders to the entire fleet to withdraw. This is my last order."

"Admiral ?"

"I am taking full responsibility for our failure and loss of our Glorious Navy's carrier and ships and endangering our operations in the Indian ocean. So I have decided to go down with the ship."

The bridge's crew all look stunned at their admiral, but none raise a word.

"I command all of you to carry on your loyal service to the Emperor, spread the word to the rest of the crew and the fleet as none of you are to be blamed here."

"I wish to join you." The Carrier captain said as tears formed in his eyes.

"Very well, let us enjoy the breezing cold air together." Admiral replied with a smile as the rest of the crew began to evacuate the ship and onto the lifeboats as ordered

Yamaguchi and his fellow companion, the ship's captain, both kept their heads high as they watched the rest of the fleet begin to turn and leave. Soon water rushed into the compartments of the ship, with it sinking as more sea water gushed inside, as it tilted to the side and IJN Ryūjō sank beneath the waves of the Indian Ocean.


With Ryūjō gone, the Twenty Naval Aircraft which had taken off now had no nest to return back to. After a brief discussion with their Wing Commanders, the J17M fighter bomber pilots decided to continue their attack on the Island and the flotilla defending and causing as much damage as possible to avenge their fallen comrades in arms and going down fighting.

The planes soon broke into two groups, one heading to attack the ground installations on the island and the other heading straight to engage the Indian Flotilla. The sky is soon filled with tracers and air bursts as the Indian ships open up at the incoming planes, trying their best to dodge incoming fire. But as soon as the planes got into range, AK 630 CIWS and SAM launchers on the ships one by one started swatting out the planes in the sky with accurate fire as they sped on, regardless of their losses.

The ten planes were soon cut down to three by the withering fire, but as they got close enough, one surviving fighter launched its 4 unguided rockets at the two larger ships. But to the pilots' shock, those were shot down by those fast firing turrets mounted on the ships.

The Pilot soon notices a rocket fired at him from the ship. He tries to evade and breaks formation to escape, but is chased and blown out of the sky. The other plane also faces the same fate as it is shot down by another SAM missile, not before sending a Torpedo at the flotilla. The corvette in danger instantly goes into evasive maneuver as a BEL TOTED towed torpedo decoy is launched to counter it.

The last remaining pilot gives a last glance at the photo of his wife and daughter he had on him and decides to go down in a bang as, flying low in an attempt to ram a Patrol vessel in a desperate kamikaze attack. But all was in vain, as his plane was turned into scrap as the entire flotilla turned their guns at it. The plane crashed into the ocean, sinking beneath the waves.

The other group didn't fare any better. While they managed to get out of the range of CIWS, they were still not going to be able to kamikaze strike the Indian islands. Unknown to them, they were already being radar locked.

A flight of three Su-30MKIs and two Tejas Mk.1As, armed for battle had taken off from (AFB) and were on an air intercept mission. After identifying the targets, permission was given to engage, and the jets launched their R-77 and Astra BVR missiles.

The Japanese air wing was taken by surprise, and one by one, they were all knocked out of the sky.

One plane did made it to the Island, the IJN pilot determined to do some damage and hurt the Indians speeds on but soon came into the range of a SPAAG which quickly swiveled its turret towards it and let loose a burst and the japanese plane's tail is hit as it burst into flames heading straight for the waters.

The pilot though was able to bail out in time and opened his chute. But through sheer bad luck the winds blew him right into the middle of an Indian Army entrenchment and as soon as he was on the ground he was hounded by the troops, roughed up by the said soldiers as the pilot tried to put up a fight trying to take out his Tanto dagger from its seathe, he was quickly disarmed and knocked unconscious with a rifle butt, tied up in his unconscious state and sent back to the Island's military Headquarters on the back of a Jeep.

The Japanese Naval group, now bruised and without Air cover, was limping back. They were lucky that only minor Indian naval assets were only patrol vessels and Corvettes.

But their orderly withdrawal turned into every ship for itself, which was previously assigned in the blockade of Chittagong , had arrived to chase the fleeing fleet.

INS Kolkata (D63) and INS Rajput (D51) used their Fire control radars and locked onto fleeing the heavy cruisers, and launched some of their PJ-10 Brahmos AShMs.

It wasn't long till AShMs hit, knocking out the heavy cruisers, and forcing their crew to scuttle their ship.

However, Orders from the Naval high command were given to the Destroyers to cease their attack, ghost the Japanese fleet till they are away from Indian waters and to only fire if they decide to turn back.

The losses endured by the Japanese: One Aircraft Carrier along with the entirety of its fighter wing, One Battleship, Two Heavy Cruisers, and One Destroyers, however, none of the transport ships were touched.

Battered, the surviving Japanese had managed to escape the territorial waters of India, however the chain of events which would soon be unleashed would not be expected by anyone, until it was too late.


It was a peaceful day in Dharamshala. The birds chirped, the dogs barked, and that one cow chased one of the monks. What seems to be another peaceful town in the Himalayas has something rather unique. It is the home of the Central Tibetan Administration, the Exile Government of Tibet. It is also Home to the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, who is currently 86 years old.

Lobsang Sangay, the current Sikyong (Ruler) had his task cut out for him. First, he had to deal with the succession of the Dalai Lama, as well as the disappearance of the Panchen Lama nearly 31 years ago.

The Dalai Lama is a title given by the Tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the classical schools of Tibetan Buddhism, where they also believe is reborn after his death and can decide which body he gets reincarnated, and the Panchen Lama, chosen by the Dalai Lama, is responsible for selecting the next Dalai Lama.

Not limited to that, just before the "Wall of Light" Incident, they were dealing with the People's Republic of China meddling in their affairs, especially with the decision about the Succession of the Dalai Lama. How could an Atheist Nation, which destroyed its own culture and now hell bent on eliminating other cultures in its borders considered dangerous to the CCP, decide who is best for the Tibetan people and Tibetan Buddhism, while the CCP actively commit atrocities on Uyghurs and eliminate their culture and society as a whole?

There was also the fact they were an exile government residing in India, trying to get back to their rightful nation.

But with the transfer, they can finally return to their nation, but then there's an issue, the duplication of the Dalai Lama, as the kid version of him is alive and kicking and is in Lhasa's Potala Palace, and another fact if whether the government in Tibet would even let them in, let alone asking the Indian Government for permission in the current situation.

But now, it looks like his time has come to shine and lead his people back to their homeland; he has already got the call this morning from his Indian allies he was waiting for since the Wall of light incident happened. He adjusted his suit when a knock at his office door was heard.

"Come in."

The door opens, and his aide enters the room.

"Sikyong the convoy is here."

Lobsang smiled, "Then we should not keep them waiting, let's go."


Tsarong Dzasa could hardly believe his eyes as he saw a massive flying machine, flying towards the Lhasa airport, drawing the attention of many of the city's inhabitants and if he was right even his Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama could hear from the revered Potala Palace, the loud chopping noise machine as it echoes all over the land and air made from the revered Potala Palace.

Massive clouds of dust began to form and everyone on the airfield shielded their eyes as the craft hovered in the sky to his amazement as he had never seen an aircraft doing that before descending to land in the open ground.

He stood his ground and anxiously waited as the back door of the craft opened up as the craft's engines died. The first to come out were oddly dressed soldiers in a mixture of green and other patches, all had their faces covered with shemaghs and had compact weapons in their hands. He rightfully predicted these soldiers were part of the security detail of the diplomats as the next to come out of the craft were men dressed in black western suits and, to his surprise, were accompanied by an entourage of old monks in their traditional garb.

Tsarong went forward along with two Kashag governing council members from the court to welcome the Indian delegation to Lhasa.

"Tashi Delek." Tsarong folded his hands and bowed to the leading Indian diplomat. "We welcome you all to Tibet."

On cue, the Tibetan army band begins to play welcome music for the delegates.

"I am..."

"Tsarong Dzasa the great Commander General of Tibet, a diplomat, economist and close advisor of the 13th Dalai Lama. A man thought ahead of time and tried his best to modernise Tibet to protect it from Chinese aggression." A very old monk said.

The diplomats part away for the old man supported by other monks to come closer to Tsarong.

"It has been a long time."

Tsarong was confused.

"I must apologize but I do not recognise you holy one."

The monk smiled in return. "Oh, you do know me, does the name Tenzin Gyasto ring any bells?"

Tsarong took some time to process it before widening his eyes in shock.

"What... it can't be possible, you cannot be his holiness, he is still a child, this is.."

The old monk raised his hand.

"We can discuss everything at Potala Palace, leaving our Indian guests waiting as we converse is rude."

Tsarong hesitates a bit, thinking it to be some kind of ploy before nodding and leading the Indian and the Modern Tibetan entourage back to the palace.


A discussion with the young monk and the older monk in private led to a mutual understanding, the older monk Tsarong was was indeed him, but much older, as he knew nearly everything he considered secret and never shared to anyone else, even the talks he had with those german climbers who had escaped to Tibet and now reside in Lhasa.

Right now he was on his seat at the head of the table while the diplomats from the future were on one side. His trusted advisors from the Kashag (Tibetan Governing Council) were on the other.

"What do you mean the communists would take over China, they are barely 10,000 strong, fleeing away from the Japanese while the KMT gifts them off," One of the monks questioned.

"While the KMT fights this bloody patriotic war, the traitors under Mao Zedong are building their strength," Lobsang Sangay spoke out.

"We also know what would happen. After the Japanese are beaten, the communists will strike the wounded nationalists and beat them, forcing them to retreat to Formosa." he continued.

"But how does that involve us?"

"One year after they win the civil war, they would launch a surprise attack and would Annex Tibet, threatening to bomb the spiritual palace, and hold his holiness hostage."

The monks and other officials gasp at this statement, for Tibet had nothing but mountains, and nothing worth to be invaded for.

"Nine years after the annexation, they forced his holiness to flee to India, after it was known that the communists would arrest and execute him."

This further shocked the monks to hear that his holiness had come close to getting executed by the communists.

The Indian diplomat who said this continued.

"Mao and his gang of four proceeded to strip people from their religion,beliefs and traditions, forcing their State sponsored agenda of atheism and praising Mao in the populace. Any voice of opposition will be brutally suppressed. Even we Indians who thought of the Chinese as our brothers were stabbed in the back. The communists, wanting to punish us for helping and giving refuge to his holiness, would attack us 3 years after his holiness's exile."

The final part being a bit of an exaggeration from the Indian side. The Ambassador would go on to narrate a few more events of future Chinese atrocities, some a big exaggeration for effect, others hard facts and even pointing at members of the Kashag those are going to be executed by Chinese hands for resisting, especially Tsarong Dzasa, the Tibetan rebel leader by brutal way of the cultural revolution.

They also showed real images and videos from the said events to the Tibetan leadership as more proof. Some edited for obvious reasons to make PRC as the bad guy.

The Council went back discussing among themselves and even asked a few suggestions from the Younger version of Dalai Lama. They then decided that they have to at least hear out what these future Indians have to offer. Seeing an alliance was a better option than occupation and then annexation.

"So, Mr. Raj, what do you suggest in this matter, seeing that an alliance with India is much more suitable."

"First, India will recognise Tibet as a sovereign and free nation and not a separate province of China, Tibet receiving the international recognition it needed, we will also talk with our Allies mainly the United States to do so as well, soon Next, we will invest into your country, see it as our gift to the Holiness and the Tibetan people for finally joining the bigger world, we will help you to improve the standard of living, and start building up infrastructure, starting with an airstrip."

"And the catch?"

"One Tibet will open its borders to the rest of the world, trying to live isolated will not help in any way, Second we will sign a defense pact thus giving us access to build a few Military bases and help you in rebuilding your military from the scratch, until then we will use those said bases to protect Tibetan sovereignty from any external aggression. India only wishes to make friends and allies we can trust. In these trying times, we do not have any motive of taking over Tibetan territory now or in the future.

The Council went back to discussing amongst themselves again in their native language with the uptimers from the exiled government and the older and wise Dalai Lama himself joined in with the discussion, as it was a matter of the very existence of their country.

They would discuss for another hour whether India would honour their promise and do what they said, and would these military installations actually be used to protect them, or would they be used for some other ulterior motive. With the uptimers trying their best to the down timers, the Indians are not back stabbers.

But many could see the writing on their wall. Alone Tibet cannot survive but together with a bigger ally they will thrive or become a tributary state like the ones from the Qing.


April 06 1942, 0700 hours (IST)

It was not long after the liberation of East Bengal (yes, that's what the India government now named it) that the Indian Central Command ordered the Eastern command to mobilize and deploy the entirety of III Corp to Burma border and reinforce the IV Corp now deployed there along with Assam Rifles on high alert.

The XXXIII Corps of the Indian Army soon began to moving into East Bengal to take over the garrison of the state along with the Engineer corps and Border Roads Organisation to begin making proper and sturdy wide roads, and also beginning constructing bridges all along the East Bengal rivers to have a straight land route connecting the Eastern border with the rest of the mainland. Many British army bases that were destroyed by air raids or torched by their previous occupants before their withdrawal towards Chittagong were being repaired to meet the needs of the modern Indian army. The port city of Chittagong though, still had some British military presence as hundreds of British civilians and collaborators, scared for their life, had escaped to the city for refuge and protection from the Royal Navy docked at the port.

Soon after the treaty was signed, they declared a unilateral ceasefire between the Indian and British forces and, after several hours of talks and even pressure from London, the British commander relented and opened the doors into Chittagong. The Indian Military in return guaranteed security to the British citizens and also provided protection to the Collaborators and their families. The British Indian soldiers were disarmed and were interned in their barracks until further instructions from Delhi. Soon the Indian tricolour flew above all the government buildings to cheering locals as the British stayed in their own quarters. The Indian Navy vessels also entered the port and took over its control from the Royal Navy, though the RN ships were still allowed to stay docked until further instructions from their government.

The British soldiers in the city were allowed to keep their weapons as a measure of self defence around the quarters and waited for the transport ships promised by London to arrive and take them home completely oblivious to a naval battle that happened a few days ago between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Indian Navy

Meanwhile, at the far east, an emergency meeting was being held at the Imperial General Headquarters, where most of the senior Japanese military officials were summoned after the last message from the raiding fleet reached Tokyo.

The supreme war council presiding the meeting was in a state of shock, the unexpected naval defeat in the hands of as intelligence suggested a disorganised and ragtag Indian rebel fleet composed of lighter ships sent shock waves all over the Japanese military command body, No one could believe their eyes as reports from the fleet started to flood in. It was apparent their foe was not weak as they believed to be and led to some heated arguments between the two services of the Imperial military.

The relationship between the Imperial Army and Imperial navy was never cordial; one always searched for a way to show the other their service was superior. This time the army grasped the upper hand in the meeting and did not let this golden opportunity to show navy its place for them to slide away, they immediately blamed their naval counterparts for losing an important battle and running away in shame against a weakened foe tarnishing the name of the Emperor. According to them, the Indian navy could have been broken apart if the late Admiral had kept on his attack regardless of losses. Surely they could have overwhelmed their foe with the might of their naval guns the navy is so proud of. Now, because of this show of cowardice, the entirety of the Indian Ocean front is now in Jeopardy.

The Navy retorted by pointing out several eye-witness reports from the survivors on about the Indians having access to advanced rocket weaponry not unlike their German allies, very powerful and capable to heavily damaging and even out right sinking a Cruiser, or even the pride of the navy their massive battleships those now rule the Pacific and the seas in Asia.

The back and forth went on for another few hours when a group of young military officers entered the room. The one leading them a Naval officer strides over to one of the senior navy officers in the meeting Admiral Yamamoto and whispers something to his ears. His calm expression turns to surprise and he quickly orders one of the orderlies to switch on the radio present in the room.

"...As we see the battle of Indian Ocean as a misunderstanding between both of our great nations and we regret the loss of precious human life, for very reason to stop anymore unnecessary blood being split the Government of India requests to the Government of the Japanese Empire and the revered great Emperor of Japanese people to arrange a table of mediation between our people, we will be waiting for your reply soon."

The message plays in a loop first in English and then translated into Japanese.

The entire Imperial War Council just stared at each other in surprise as the transmission ended.

Then a member from the Imperial army stood up.

"This is the sign from Kami. Our enemy must have used their entire stockpile of their wonder weapons and now they want to parley. We should press on with a new offensive."

There were few officers agreeing with him.

"What if they have not and genuinely want peace and left to themselves ?" Admiral Yamamoto said. "We should not lose this chance to gauge our opponent. I propose we prepare a delegation and send a reply we accept with post haste."

He also received approving nods from his own peers.

It did not take long for the heated discussions to start again, but after another three hours, they came to a decision to meet the Indians but on their own terms and land of their own choosing.


Battle of London, Day-188

Lieutenant Colonel Gunther Brahm looks above and sees these five four jet engines, medium-range tactical bombers called the Arado E.560, the backbone of the Luftwaffe bombing wings.

Brahm's mission is to escort these bombers from the Royal Air Force. While few in numbers, the British RAF has proven to be resourceful. However, that is why his squadron has the Messerschmitt Me 263. Radar equipped with radar gun sights. Its speed and aerodynamics is master against all other world fighter jets.

For Brahm, both of his squadrons, this will be the eighth mission into England, third against London itself.

The goal of Operation Eagle Attack is to destroy England cities and industrial zones until they submit to Axis rule. Six months into the operation and victory is looking bright. Even the mighty American F-86 Sabre is unable to stop the E.560 bomber from destroying Britain.

Many of the pilots back at base were talking about how the war will end by Christmas if they can keep up this pressure against the Allies. The invasion of Russia has been a tremendous success, even with Turkey helping in Egypt should fall this year. If Portugal and England fall to Germany, then the so-called mighty United States cannot continue the war and will be forced to sue for peace.

Looking ahead, Brahm noticed an under-strength RAF squadron appearing. "Alright, let's get these Brits and show them who are the masters of Europe. Do not let them shoot down our bombers. We are almost at the bombing coordinates, so let's get them."

As Brahm squadrons advance forward, all of a sudden, he sees this rocket come from below - destroying the second Arado E.560. His radio lights up with confusion as everyone tries to figure out what just happened. That is when a second rocket from below destroys his wingman.


"Direct hit sir,"

Major Burk watches as the enemy bomber and two fighters fall from the sky through his digital binoculars. The test was a success however, he wished he had another day to finish setting up his battery unit.

As part of the US declaration of war against the Axis powers, President Emily ordered the US Army to deploy MIM-104 Patriot batteries to England to end the German air campaign.

Burk unit was deployed from the 3rd Battalion, 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade. While the rest of the battalion is still being deployed and set up, his platoon is ready to go.


Looking over to Prime Minister Churchill. As Burk was about to respond, he was forced to stop as another missile fired. "Surface-to-air Patriot missiles, sir. They are designed to take out fighters, bombers, even those V-missiles. Once we get fully set up, these attacks should be less dangerous."

"Will it stop the Germans?" Churchill asked.

"Yes sir," Burk replied. "This is what this beautiful war machine was built for, this role." He looked up to see more enemy fighters being taken out. "If the enemy wants to keep sending waves, we will just keep inflicting heavy casualties on them."

Hearing sirens from behind, Burk turns around. He watches as the two remaining bombers drop their payload onto London. In no time, bombs scatter around London, causing heavy damage.

"I wish we had one more day to get the rest of the battery online," Burk said.

Churchill walks up and points his cane at the city. "Yank, you do not know how happy I am right now. That is the smallest bombing raid I have seen in six months. Our Gloster Meteor and Hawker Hunter fighters can take out the Luftwaffe fighters, but they cannot reach the bombers. If they can, it is usually too late. After we lost the air battle for Britain, I was beginning to think southern England was lost."

Looking back at London, Burk sees the damage of past raids. London's cloak Big Ben is destroyed, the palace is damaged. At least a third of the city is in rubble, probably more.

While not a history man himself, Burk knows some basics of World War Two. The Royal Air Force won the Battle of Britain and crushed the Luftwaffe and all plans to invade England. He cannot believe that just ten years or more of technology advancement has changed history so much. He now wonders if NAZI Germany had a few years, then their technology would start to win the war for them.

Seeing all this damage and destruction, Burk finds a new interest in defeating the Axis and making sure this timeline outcome is the same as his.

"Men, those retreating Germans, give them hell," Burk said. "I want to strike fear into them as they flee. A warning for when they return, none will make it back home."


Portugal Front

Captain Reiben drags his feet along the dirt road, his M1 carbine rifle strapped to his back as he gives a quick glance over his shoulder to look at the rest of the D Company, or what is left of it, following suit. He and his unit were not alone though, they were joined by the rest of his Battalion, elements from the Portuguese army and a lot of civilians, all worn out and exhausted after another day on the run from the German juggernaut and its Spanish allies.

Low on ammo and with the fear of being encircled and destroyed, the joint command decided to withdraw his battalion along with many combat effective units behind the more defensive Tagus river line, where the allied army was preparing for a last stand.

It was a bloody fighting retreat, with many units being wiped out of existence. Reiben never thought his first taste of combat in Portugal would be this bad. Like many young officers in the 101st Division, they believed they could take on anyone sent towards them. The Spaniards and their Morrocon troops would be running away from them screaming like little girls, morale was too high and the troops confident in their resolve when they sailed from states just a month ago back in February 1942.

But their overconfidence came to bite them in their back, The Spanish military was a force to be reckoned with, A professional army and a veteran force from their own bloody Spanish civil war, showed the green Americans no quarter, the British were somehow able to fare a bit better as many were veterans from the Dunkirk.

He now has come to both fear and show a great respect for them, especially the Spaniards Army of Africa forming the elite spearhead force of the Spanish army constituted by a large number of Moroccans soldiers from both the Legion and the Regulares, have given them a run for their money a lot of time on various occasions.

To add fuel to fire the Germans with their Panzer divisions, Panzergrenadiers and the Luftwaffe jumped into the fight and now overruned the entire border and are pushing towards Lisbon from all sides. The air is basically under Axis control. What merge air assets the Allies have are now consolidating in defending Lisbon and important ports, so supplies keep on coming. Their only hope now is reinforcements from the states and the US Atlantic Fleet.

He did hear some bizarre news of something that had happened back home, but like many, their main focus was now on surviving another day at the front against an unrelenting enemy.

Heavy fighting could be heard just a few miles away to the east, the town they just left behind abandoning it to the axis. But a few brave men from a Portuguese Caçadores battalion and some militia units volunteered to stay back to act as rear guard and hold on to the German and Spanish offensive as long as possible for the rest of the army to withdraw and they were doing a hell of a job at it from what he could hear.

"Brave men.." Reiben mumbled under his breath as he kept on walking.


"Pervez, get me artillery on the horn NOW!" Reiben yells at his radioman while hunkered down in his foxhole as tracer rounds fly over his head and mortar rounds fall all around them.

"Sir, I cannot raise them," his radio man replied.

"Then keep on trying." Reiben then gets up to see a large number of German amphibious vehicles lining up and preparing to cross over.

With all bridges now destroyed, the enemy was stuck on the other side. It all devolved into artillery duels and mage units, raiding each other's lines, probing for a weak point to cross through.

Now they have found one, Reiben's battalion's FOB got raided by those German mages a few hours ago, basically leaving them with limited ammunition and little to no armour support.

As the amphibious tractors got closer and entered into the river, the entire D company opened fire on them with their own MG emplacements and AT guns; those till now have survived the German barrage and raids. Scoring multiple hits on lightly armoured tractors, those burst up in flames, some taking their entire troop components with them.

But they sped on regardless, responding with their own MG 42s or buzzsaws mounted on them.

The entire area is lit by tracers going all around,

"Do not let up!." Reiben motivated his men "Pervez WHERE IS MY ARTILLERY ?!"

"I am still trying, captain."

"Damn it!"

It did not take long for the first wave of tractors landing on to the allied side. They were greeted by well placed allied land mines, causing many to lose their tracks. The Germans soldiers soon got out of their transports, only to be pinned down by withering fire.

It did not take long for German E-50 and E-75 tanks to roll in and start providing covering fire for the assault troops, blowing up MG emplacements and pinning down the defenders, relieving stress for the assault party. AT guns tried their best only to be destroyed one after another as by counter fire from the tanks.

More German along with Spanish reinforcements are starting to land with the second wave. Heading upwards towards the American foxholes overwhelming forward positions with brute strength.

It all began to devolve into a bloody hand to hand fight, Men fighting with bayonets, shovels and even with their bare hands to slow the tide. With the Axis with numbers gaining over the Americans, but also paying in blood for each foxhole taken.

Reiben fired constantly with his M1 Carbine before lowering his weapon to notice the futility of his action.

His company was getting slaughtered, no quarter shown to them,the Axis advance unstoppable. Their lines will soon fall.

"Sir, you will get shot!"

His radioman suddenly broke from his thoughts and pulled him down.


"I got them on the line, the Artillery is on the line." He shouted.

Reiben thought for a second before taking the receiver from him and then gave a glance at the front as his men fell back to the final position.

'The line was broken. They will not survive. Better take a few Nazis with them to hell.' He thought to himself before speaking through the receiver

"148th Artillery, this is Captain Reiben D Company, 3rd Battalion 502nd Infantry. I want you to fire on my Location, over."

There was a pregnant pause from the otherside.

"Confirm Captain, Say again, do you want us to target your position?"

"Enemy is gaining ground and we are about to be overrun. Do you understand me?,I want you to target my location, over."

There was another moment of silence.

"If you are hearing this, if you do not do it, we will all be dead in another 40 seconds so for god's sake do it, over." Reiben yelled at top of his voice in the midst of all the fighting.

"Roger that, Captain, may god be with you."

Reiben gave the receiver back and looked at his radioman's face, who gave him a nod and they stood back firing their weapon, joining the rest of the survivors, giving their all as the Germans and Spaniards creeped closer.

It was then a whistling sound was heard and the front of the Foxhole exploded.


More artillery shells began to rain down on them, engulfing the whole area.


Reiben slowly opened his eyes, he slowly moved his head around, his senses coming back,he took a gasp of air and tried to get up, only to find someone lying on him.

Looking down, he found his private Pervez lying on him, a medium size shrapnel lodged on his back. His shirt now soaked in his radioman's blood, still flowing out of his wounds.

With pain in his eyes, Reiben slowly and respectfully moved Pervez's mortal remains to the side.

"Rest in peace old friend." He said, now going to check himself for any injuries, finding negligible cuts on his left cheek from a shrapnel and another one stuck to his right arm. Which now began to hurt like hell. His legs are still intact.

"Ahh.. that's going to leave a mark." He said to himself, His dominant hand is now out of action.

With difficulty he got out of his foxhole and was greeted by the sight of an absolute hellscape.

Bodies and human remains lying everywhere, bomb creators, the smell of burning flesh striking his nose, vehicles turned into burning wrecks stricken at the banks, bodies floating to the currents of Tigus. He slowly began to walk forward looking for any other survivor, carefully minding his steps and trying not to step on any Human corpse or someone's served hand or leg friend or foe.

His eyes now turned towards the Axis side of the river. To his shock, another Assault force, most probably the Third Wave, prepared to cross. Now there were German Mages flying around, providing close air support.

He could not see, but he was certain the Germans and Spainards had also breached other defensive perimeters in their defense line.

He felt a sense of defeat wash over him.

"We failed" He said to himself , "All my men are dead.. Why am I the only one alive ?" Tears now flowing down his eyes.

He then suddenly felt someone watching over him.

Looking up, he found it was a German mage, hovering up in the sky, staring down at him.

"What are you waiting for you Jerry scum DO IT," He yelled at the top of his voice.

The German did nothing, just kept on looking down at him.

Reiben felt that man's eyes looking at him in pity. But the sense of guilt being the only survivor of all honourable men, some close friends he had under his command, was strong.

He quickly reached for his pistol from his holster on his hip, brandishing a 1911, and fired a few rounds at the mage.


It was then the German raised his weapon and Reiben closed his eyes.

But Reiben's attempt at getting himself killed was interrupted when out of nowhere, he heard the familiar screeching of a jet.


what he heard as he opened his eyes, only to see the German mage now turned into red mist.

Three Jets flew over him, he could see they were of very different built as the planes took another pass now over the German forces, flying very low, his eyes caught up the aircraft having the US marking on them as it unleashed another barrage of cannon fire and rockets, destroying droves of well placed German Amphibious crafts and causing chaos among the Axis ranks.

Reiben sat down and kept on staring with wide eyes at the bloody and fiery spectacle of destruction now unleashed upon the Axis.

With all his attention towards the quick moving jets unleashing death on its foe, he failed to notice, until to the end when he felt him being pulled away, looking back, he saw men in very different Camo uniforms he had never seen before holding him.

He began to struggle, lashing out weakly, remembering German, especially their SS troops using camo uniforms, but after noticing the American flags on their shoulders along with the bald Eagle patch of the 101st Airborne, he stopped.

He is taken onto a stretcher and gets himself a shot of morphine. And loaded onto a very oddly looking rotor craft, very different from the ones they had. The craft already had three more wounded men, making the captain realise he was not alone. As the craft began to fly away, he turned his head to give a last look at the field where he fought. Now soldiers in green camo uniforms took over and secured the area, with the skies filled with faster jets taking over the sky.

"You will be alright."

He heard one of the Medics with him in the chopper say.

He turned his head and smiled weakly before closing his eyes to finally rest.  

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