A Three Inch Adorable Wife Hidden in the Sleeve of the Chu King

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chen Sixi was awakened by a splash of cold water.

Upon opening his eyes and meeting Xie Xun's dark gaze, he was startled, jumping up from the small bed like a leaping carp.

Wiping the water droplets from his face, Chen Sixi protested, "Xie Xun, buddy, I acted as your soul guide and helped you out big time, and this is how you repay me?"

Xie Xun looked at him expressionlessly, "If you want to sleep, go home and sleep. We're going out."

"Going out? Where to?"

"The county."

"Hey, I'm heading that way too!" Chen Sixi stood up, stretched lazily and yawned, "Why don't I give you a ride?"

Upon hearing this, Xie Xun handed him a note, "Go to this address."

Chen Sixi: "......"

Good grief, he even wrote down the address, so he was planning to use him as a driver from the beginning?


Jiang Xiaoxiao was placed by Xie Xun into a small cage.

The cage was made of bamboo that Xie Xun had cut down a few days ago.

The outside was covered with a thin, breathable cloth, and the inside was padded with a soft mat and a small pillow.

The last time Jiang Xiaoxiao shrank, Xie Xun had trouble finding a way to carry her when they went out.

Putting her in a money bag, either hanging at the waist or the chest, was too conspicuous.

Putting her in a basket was also risky, as she could get hit by things thrown inside.

Before, when Xie Xun went out, people had thrown stones into his basket.

After some consideration, Xie Xun finally made a small cage for her.

This way, he could carry her in his hand at all times, while concealing the fact that there was a person inside the cage.

From the time they returned from the burial ground until now, Chen Sixi had been dazed several times, but his mind finally cleared at this point.

Seeing Xie Xun skillfully carrying the cage containing the miniaturized Jiang Xiaoxiao, Chen Sixi gulped, "So, you've seen the master's shrunken form before?"

Xie Xun neither confirmed nor denied, which was tantamount to admitting it.

"Truly, there are no strange things in this world!" Chen Sixi marveled, "In all my life, this is the first time I've seen a living person who can actually become so small."

If he hadn't witnessed Jiang Xiaoxiao's ability to exorcise demons earlier, Chen Sixi would have thought she had become a spirit.

But such a tiny and cute spirit was completely defenseless, right?

Wouldn't everyone want to have one?

Chen Sixi's heart itched, thinking that one day if Xie Xun mistreated Jiang Xiaoxiao, he would steal her away and keep her for himself.

Jiang Xiaoxiao in the cage was completely unaware that she was being coveted again.

This time when she shrank, her tendency to sleep excessively became even more pronounced.

Despite the bumpy ride of the mule cart, it didn't affect her deep slumber at all.

The address on the note was not in the busy district.

The mule cart stopped, and Xie Xun got off, walking through a moss-covered stone bridge.

There were a few ducks swimming in the small river under the bridge, and two willow trees on the riverbank.

The shop was located at the end of the stone bridge, and the shopkeeper was a middle-aged man.

He wore a brown robe, with his hair tied in a bun wrapped in a cloth, dressed like an ordinary commoner.

But Xie Xun could sense at a glance that the man was a Taoist priest, a true Taoist priest, probably from Cangwu Mountain.

Upon seeing Xie Xun, the shopkeeper's attitude was amiable, "Young sir, what would you like to buy?"

"Help me prepare some medicine," said Xie Xun, handing over the prescription.

The shopkeeper took it and examined it, first with his pupils constricting, then as if understanding something, he didn't ask Xie Xun any unnecessary questions, only saying "Wait a moment" before taking the prescription to the inner courtyard.

An hour later, the shopkeeper came out again, the medicine already prepared and packed.

He handed the medicine pack along with the prescription to Xie Xun.

"This is a three-day supply. First, decoct it, then remove the dregs, and soak the herbal juice in water for half an hour."

The shopkeeper also reminded, "Remember to come again next month."

From his tone, it seemed that when the shopkeeper went into the inner courtyard earlier, he was seeking advice from someone inside.

Xie Xun guessed that Zhang Yu was also there, but he didn't plan to go in and meet him. He merely said a faint "thank you" before carrying the medicine pack in one hand and the cage in the other, leaving the shop.

Chen Sixi was still waiting on the other side of the bridge.

Seeing Xie Xun carrying the medicine pack, he was utterly perplexed, "With so many proper pharmacies out there, why would you come to this rundown place?"

Instead of answering, Xie Xun asked back, "Don't you have anything else to do today?"

Chen Sixi thought for a moment, "It's not busy at the shop lately, and besides, I've already asked my dad for time off."

Xie Xun said, "You don't, but I do."

Making it clear that he should know his place and leave.

Chen Sixi: "......"

What's with that tone as if he's something to be used and thrown away?

"Xie Xun, I've never seen you act like this!"

Chen Sixi gritted his teeth, "I went to your place this morning, and until now, I've only had a sip of water, no food. Is this how you treat guests? No way, you have to treat me to a meal today!"

Xie Xun remained silent, carrying the cage and medicine pack towards the White Crane Tea House.

The last time the storyteller Mr. Guo asked Jiang Xiaoxiao for help, Xie Xun had set a condition that Mr. Guo would use the flow of people in the tea house to gather useful information for him, preferably about the capital city of Yanjing.

Some time had passed since then, so there should be some progress.

Xie Xun walked ahead, with Chen Sixi following behind.

Seeing Xie Xun enter the White Crane Tea House, Chen Sixi hopped off the cart, skillfully handing the mule over to the little attendant outside, and then followed Xie Xun upstairs.

It was the same private room as last time, and Xie Xun ordered a pot of tea.

Starving, Chen Sixi had the waiter add a plate of snacks.

Just as Xie Xun sat down, Mr. Guo noticed him and hurried over with a smile, "Master Xie, you've arrived."

Xie Xun asked, "About what I told you last time, have you made any progress?"

"There is some progress," Mr. Guo hesitated, "But I'm not sure if it will be useful to you, Master."

Xie Xun carefully placed the cage down, "Let's hear it."

Mr. Guo sat down and spoke softly, "I overheard it from a few merchant customers, who said that a major incident has occurred in the capital city of Yanjing. Princess Qinshui has requested to cancel her engagement to the Third Prince."

King Ning was the only king of a different surname in Yan Country.

His daughter Ye Chan was born on the same year, month, and day as Xie Xun, and was designated as a "Phoenix Destiny" at birth.

"Phoenix Destiny," as the name suggests, meant that she would one day assist the emperor.

So from the time Xie Xun could remember, he knew he had an arranged marriage.

But he had never met Ye Chan before.

Xie Xun was sent away from the capital at the age of three.

Until this day, if not for Mr. Guo's mention, he would have forgotten about this betrothal.

"Come to think of it, this Third Prince is quite pitiful," Mr. Guo sighed. "He lost his mother at a young age, was scolded by many, and was eventually sent out of the capital. Just when so many years had passed, he is now facing a broken engagement and has become the laughingstock of the entire capital city of Yanjing."

Someone at the next table, overhearing Mr. Guo's words, scoffed coldly, "What's so pitiful? You must not know, this Third Prince was born under an ominous celestial phenomenon. Initially thought to be an auspicious sign, it turned out to be a baleful omen, and he subsequently caused the deaths of others through his ill fate."

With a tsk tsk sound, the person continued, "Princess Qinshui is the number one beauty in Yanjing and possesses a Phoenix Destiny. Her future status needs no explanation. How could she marry a wastrel prince?"

"That's right!" someone echoed. "If you ask me, Princess Qinshui did well to cancel this marriage. Marrying a wastrel and ill-fated prince who was sent out of the capital over ten years ago would be like placing a fresh flower in dung - a sheer waste of the lady."

Chen Sixi, listening to the crowd discussing Princess Qinshui's cancelled engagement, nearly choked on a snack. After taking a sip of water, he sneered, "For a subject's daughter to brazenly cancel a marriage to the royal family, does the imperial household not care about its dignity?"

Mr. Guo's expression changed, warning him, "Young friend, you can be careless with your food, but not with your words. Be careful, or disaster may come from your mouth!"

Although Kaihexian County was remote from the imperial capital, the tea house was a place where all sorts of people gathered. Someone might overhear what he just said and spread it around.

Then he would really be in deep trouble!

Chen Sixi pondered for a moment, although he still felt that Princess Qinshui was too arrogant, he stuffed two pieces of pastry into his mouth, then shifted his gaze towards Xie Xun.

He saw Xie Xun sitting upright and proper, and after everyone had spoken, he leisurely picked up his tea cup and took a shallow sip.

Chen Sixi was full of puzzlement, "Hey, Xie Xun, why are you inquiring about this?"

Xie Xun said indifferently, "Nothing, I'm just getting some information in advance since I'll be going to Yanjing City to study."

I see.

Chen Sixi nodded in realization.

Halfway through nodding, he reacted, "What, you're going to Yanjing City to study?!"

Xie Xun looked at him, "Is it that surprising?"

"No, no." Chen Sixi hastily shook his head.

It wasn't that he found it surprising, but rather unbelievable.

Although he didn't know Xie Xun before, living in the town, he couldn't help but hear various rumors about Xie Xun.

The rumor was that Xie Xun had been an orphan since a young age.

The rumor was that Xie Xun carried a heavy ominous aura, bringing misfortune to those around him, and no one in the village dared to get too close to him.

The rumor was that Xie Xun ate people, and when angered, he would open his mouth wide like a bloody basin, able to swallow a person whole.

Because of this, many people in the town used Xie Xun to scare disobedient children.

In Chen Sixi's impression, Xie Xun had probably never attended school before.

For someone who had never attended school, it might be a problem for them to even recognize all the characters, so how could he suddenly say he wanted to go to Yanjing City to study?

If this wasn't boasting, then it was just a pipe dream.

However, Chen Sixi didn't feel comfortable saying such words, he only changed the way he looked at Xie Xun.

This guy better not be possessed by a ghost, talking nonsense with a muddled mind.

Thinking of this, Chen Sixi's originally strange gaze turned into sympathy, and he specially pinched a walnut pastry for Xie Xun, "Xie Xun, eat this, it's good for the brain."

Xie Xun did not take the pastry, nor did he forcibly explain anything, only a shadowy light flashed quickly in his eyes.

Third Prince Murong Xun had been forgotten for many years, but unexpectedly, he became popular in Yanjing City again, all because of being divorced.

It was not until much later that Xie Xun looked towards Mr. Guo, "Any other gossip?"

Mr. Guo said, "None for now, but if there is any in the future, I will honestly relay it to you, sir."

After a pause, he deliberately covered his mouth and leaned closer to Xie Xun, lowering his voice, "There is actually one more thing."


"It's a minor rumor." Mr. Guo said, "I've heard that the court is recently planning to establish an office, seemingly related to exorcism and demon-slaying."

"Although I don't know if it's true or not, but I think, since you, sir, understand these things, and have an extraordinary expert by your side, there's no need to go to school. You might as well try to join this office instead."

Although Yan Country emphasized civil service examinations, in this era of rampant ominous events, exorcists were clearly more sought after.

Otherwise, the National Master Bai Cheng would not have been held in such high esteem.

Throughout Yan Country, whenever the commoners mentioned National Master Bai Cheng, who didn't revere and worship him?

It was as if with him around, Yan Country had gained half of its territory.

Now that the court was specifically establishing an office to deal with ominous events, it showed how much importance they placed on this matter.

If the news was true, then this office would most likely be led by the National Master, which was a plum position. Those who joined first would benefit first.

The corners of Xie Xun's lips curved slightly as he thanked Mr. Guo.

Of course, he had to join the Yin Yang Office, but he couldn't enter together with Jiang Xiaoxiao. He had to prepare two paths.

Jiang Xiaoxiao would go to the Yin Yang Office, and he would go to Luming Academy.

That way, even if one path ran into problems, the other could still support them.

Seeing that Xie Xun took his words to heart, Mr. Guo smiled and stood up.

Inadvertently catching a glimpse of the tightly covered cage beside Xie Xun, Mr. Guo curiously asked, "Sir Xie, you also keep a pet?"

Xie Xun made an affirmative sound.

After Mr. Guo left, Chen Sixi couldn't help but twitch his mouth, "Xie Xun, you're really too unscrupulous."

For a perfectly good person to be locked in a cage was one thing, but to even call them a pet...

Although, that said, he really wanted to have such a 'pet' too.

After inquiring about what he wanted to know, Xie Xun picked up the medicine pouch and the cage, paid the bill, and left the tea house.

Chen Sixi trotted to catch up, eagerly taking the medicine pouch from his hands, "Brother, let me accompany you?"

This guy's fawning behavior clearly meant he was up to no good.

Xie Xun's expression remained unchanged, "Just say what you want."

Chen Sixi said, "Nothing much, I just want to mooch a meal later."

Since he was motherless from a young age, and his family didn't have servants, for many years it had always been him and his dad taking turns cooking.

However, the cooking skills of the two of them were not very good.

The dishes they cooked were barely edible, let alone tasty or not. He really wanted to taste someone else's cooking.

"Alright." Xie Xun readily agreed, then immediately changed the subject, "The chores of fetching water, chopping firewood, and sweeping the courtyard will be yours."

Chen Sixi's eyelid twitched.

He knew Xie Xun would never let anyone get even half a benefit for free.

But even so, it did not deter Chen Sixi's determination to mooch a meal.

"Got it!" he grinned, "You lead the way, Brother."

After arriving home, Xie Xun put Jiang Xiaoxiao back in her little nest and immediately went to the kitchen to decoct the medicine.

The tub for the medicinal bath was dug out by Xie Xun a few days ago when he was making the cage, using old tree roots. It wasn't much bigger than a rice bowl.

In other words, the medicinal liquid had to be decocted and concentrated to at most half a bowl, then diluted with water.

The smell of this medicine was far more pungent than ordinary herbal medicine.

Seated in the courtyard chopping firewood, Chen Sixi sneezed several times.

While chopping wood, he complained, "Xie Xun, are you sure this unorthodox prescription is reliable?"

As soon as Jiang Xiaoxiao smelled the odor, she wilted, trying to sneak out of her little nest.

Xie Xun grabbed her with two fingers, holding her up and raising his brows, "Where are you going?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao said, "My stomach hurts."

Xie Xun: "It's because you haven't taken the medicinal bath."

Jiang Xiaoxiao: "I'm tired."

Xie Xun: "It's because you haven't taken the medicinal bath."

Jiang Xiaoxiao: "I want to eat!"

Xie Xun: "Just take the medicinal bath."

Jiang Xiaoxiao: "......"

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