A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

64. Fusion

"Greetings Caelicetus."

"Greetings voice behind this meat puppet. So I ask again. What would you want from a friendly dimensional hopper?", Caelicetus asked. 

His eyes lazily studied the puppet in all detail, it had no soul to speak of but he could see the link and where it was directed. 

He knew with this the one behind was a 'human' woman, an esper to be precise, she was in one of those giant towers built under the Z-City Ghost Town, funnily also not far from where he was and Saitama's apartment.

He didn't know who she was but at any point never had it crossed his minds that she was a good person, the entire area was infested with food/monsters there was more than one of such towers below, it was an entire town of monsters connected through tunnels to other cities. He was curious and greatly amused.

On the other side, Psykos felt like she was being observed which made her slightly nervous and could only be put on the whale and it could be both bad or good. And she was less than pleased at this fact she couldn't understand and that pissed her off.

Her mind went over various possible questions as this wasn't planned, and she held doubt about the whale's origin, he wasn't from Earth which was certain or he was just born as there was no prior information about him. 

However, his coming from another universe was more likely than not that yhe whale simply being delusional than anything else. 

In all accounts, Caelicetus seemed extremely powerful, how even just him staring at her puppet made her feel uneasy which should be impossible, and the most important and obvious fact he wasn't human.

"I wanted to ask you… What are your thoughts on humanity?", she paused her question and the equivalent of an amused snort was emitted from the whale

"Philosophical much? Honestly, if I grossly generalize with their histories from hundreds of universes I will say despairingly illogical and hilariously suicidal primates with a love for self-destruction and destruction of everything in general, though this isn't unique to them. Sapience can bring out the worst and best of every species. Otherwise, I found them pretty funny.", he responded off-handedly.

"Oh, and I would prefer we talk face to face. I'm warping in. Not that I need your authorization to do so.", he interrupted her 'What?' as he warped right in front of her real body and she stayed frozen in place.

Psyko stared agape at the whale that was slowly emitting golden particles in the air and was studying the well-furnished room she was in, her body and mind screamed she was in danger but she couldn't move as if the air had become increasingly heavier. 

She was shocked and furious, but not afraid as she was certain she could fight back or run. 

At least that was what she told herself as she was trying with most of her psychic might to suppress this pressure until she finally succeeded and stood up, which made Caelicetus internally chuckle as that was just him who stopped the pressure.

Yet she still sent a message to Orochi that things could be very, very bad. Psyko stayed composed but her demeanor has entirely shifted however she didn't attack.

"Interesting, is it some kind of monster society? Is that why you stalked me to see if I wanted to join?", he asked as he played with various glass containers full of strange organs that for intent and purpose looked like tumors of stage 4 skin cancer.

The ground shook as one of the walls broke apart. The face of a giant humanoid being could be seen, the skin of unnatural blood red filled with irregular cracks, hundreds upon hundreds of serrated teeth in an inhuman mouth, pale yet bright pupil-less eyes the whole adorned by dozens of smooth fleshy horns growing chaotically from the skull.

Then it spoke.

"If you will whale. And will you do so? Or let those inferior beings rule over this world while we must hide? Don't you want to prove how superior we are? Will you join us, will you join the Monster Association? Will you join me, Orochi the Monster King, or stay here playing as a pet for the amusement of inferior beings such as humans?! Will you help us destroy and bring death to the heroes!?", a deep menacing, and a rumbling voice echoed.

There was a short pause as Caelicetus stared into Orochi's eyes, straight at the Monster King earning a small frown from the latter. The whale stopped himself from bursting out laughing. 

It was cute how Orochi thought he was superior, and the classic evil villain was evil wanting to kill the heroes. The funniest part was that Saitama was living right next to them and could have them erased them of existence and nobody would have known about them.

Caelicetus warped in the big expanse behind the 27-meter-tall (88ft6) Orochi, a quick click and all of the dimensions of the Monster Association headquarters were in his brains.

"A bit tight but with a bit of effort I will fit just fine.", he spoke, his body glowed a burning gold, and as the light vanished his real size was shown. 

Monsters all around that were too weak and not fast enough to close their eyes became blind by the light but nobody really cared about such weaklings.

The next instant a 340 meter (~1115ft5) long alien whale calmly lit the entire cave with his golden light, he stretched in front of the surprised gaze of Orochi before orienting himself, crushing everything where his body touched until he was facing the Monster King.

"This is more appropriate to speak between 'monsters' now, yeah? To your very gracious offer, my answer is… No.", Caelicetus spoke, his triple-layered voices made from air being manipulated mixed with his real ones causing more than a few monsters to lose consciousness or die. 

Then an all-encompassing pressure of his gravity was let free, monsters either were crushed or slammed into one another or floated faster than bullets to violently stop as their insides liquified.

The pillars cracked, the ceiling broke but floated toward the ground, and the entire area was defying the gravitational hold of the planet

"It isn't that I found you sad but I found you sad, it's just such a ridiculous goal… Does it mean you think of yourself as inferior in the first place? That's how you became a monster here for the most part… Being strongly unhappy, an obsession, being jealous, and most of the like? It's frankly pitifully sad, not the mercy-worthy kind.", the more words left the whale the angrier the two leaders of the Association got.

"How dare y-"Silence Psykos, we only have this. We have yet not made a mistake but we must stop before it becomes so.", she was interrupted by Orochi whose glare at the giant whale caused the latter to chuckle, enraging the two even further.

There was a pending silence only broken by the occasional scream of agony from random monsters. The Monster King's face hardened and one of his horns snapped and like tentacles grabbed the esper woman who only shouted in surprise and mild outrage. 

Bloody red cracked flesh dragged her as she let herself be and as she disappointed within the head of Orochi a familiar presence made itself known to Caelicetus. He could see a strand of an inhuman soul wiggle inside the soul of Psykos.

"Oh it's 'God'.", voices filled with sarcasm he warped in the stratosphere while the skyscrapers attached to the entirety of the headquarters that until now were underground started to float and move exactly where he was. 

Leaving behind a hole in the ground that was multiple kilometers deep. Also very confused, Saitama came back from shopping, a bag full of food in hand. His left eyebrow twitched as his gaze alternated from his perfectly intact apartment violating the laws of physics to the gaping void that was now the entire city block.

On the rapidly ascending area was an almost holy cocoon covering the two leaders of the Monster Association. 

An arrogant and joyful laugh escapes as a white gigantic feminine left hand busted out, it was followed by the right one as Caelicetus said to himself with not much worry.

"Oh, so they fused. Quite the spotless one on the physical aspect it seems."

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