A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 7

I held Marian's hand as she led me from the room and into the dining room. She had come to check on me since lunch had been just around the corner and if I was awake she wanted to see if I would eat. But apparently when she opened the door she saw me looking around like a lost child and couldn't help but comfort me. They had originally wanted to ease me into learning about my mother's death, but Marian's couldn't keep a secret it seemed and she let it all slip out. That said, she said I was taking it surprising well, with the exception of my outburst.

I was all kinds of nervous as a butler pushed opened the double doors that led into the dining room. The room itself was comfortably sized, fitting a table with eleven seats, of which five were filled. At the head sat a man with fiery red hair and fierce chiseled features, I presumed he was the duke. On his right sat a young teen boy, he appeared like a younger version of the duke, though his hair was closer to blonde than red. Next to the teen was a toddler boy, perhaps only three or four years old. 

To the duke's left was an empty chair, which I assumed was Marian's seat. Followed by two girl's who I assumed were the daughters Marian had mentioned. They seemed about my age, one with light blonde hair and a gentle demeanor, while the other had deep scarlet hair and seemed restless.

With my dark hair and pale skin I contrasted greatly the others sitting at the table, as each member had either red or blonde hair and skin tone that suggested quite a bit in the sun. I felt out of place as the duke looked towards me, his golden eyes seemed to be appraising me apathetically, like I was a piece on a chess board.  "So the sleeping phoenix as awoken, come sit child, you are part of this family now."

He spoke warmly, though I didn't miss the amount of authority he put into his voice. He reminded me of a boss I had once had, charismatic and seemingly kind, but really just a man who only cared what you could do for him. I didn't know what sort of use he had for me, but I didn't plan on just following whatever he wanted blindly. While Marian had seemed genuine, he seemed like the kind of person who would exploit any weakness I showed, ensuring I saw him as my benefactor. 

I didn't particularly want to be subject to his schemes, but it wasn't like I had a choice, not only had his men saved me, but I'd been adopted into his family. I wasn't sure what a duke's status was but in my past life it was a high station, just below the ruler, if I recalled correctly, a status I could leverage for my own use. It was with such thoughts that I responded. "Of course Father." My voice was strong and steady, the weakness I'd shown to Marian was nowhere to be found. The duke seemed pleased with my response as he smiled before gesturing for one of the servants to set a place for me. 

The majority of the meal was spent deciding on what I was to do for future. The rest of today would be spent doing the basics, but most importantly getting me registered at the Census Office. When I asked about it, I was told that the I needed to be registered so that they could put a criminal status out on me should I commit a crime, they would also issue me a form of identification called a Status Plate. According to what I heard, a Status Plate was how one was supposed to view their Status, and that you usually got one right after your Awakening.

While this contradicted what my mother had taught me I didn't want to draw undue attention to something different from common knowledge, at least not yet. I was worried about showing others my Status since I felt it was probably unusual and had some skills I really didn't want others to know I had, but there wasn't another choice.

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