A Side Villain…

Chapter one

Right now my head was spinning, it was like thousands of needles were being drilled into it and the pain it caused was unbearable, if not for some external force helping me, I would have died again.


Died? Yes, the last thing that happened to me was getting killed by a speeding truck which is not a pleasant thing, believe me I have some fresh experience with it. 


Now the situation looked pretty cliche with truck-kun doing his job and me getting isekai after I tried to help someone else.


And we all know what happens next, right? Either reincarnation into a new world as an infant and living a new life or getting transmigrated in the body of someone else who might have met his or her demise.


At some point of life I kind of wished it would happen, not that anything interesting was going on in my life or that I had anyone close to share my feelings with, an average loner you see.


Now the universe and the being or beings that transmigrated me seems to be playing a prank as the face that I am looking at and the things she has been blabbering out were a bit too intense for me. 


Transmigration was a complex process to say as to quote my current feelings it would be confusion mixed with pain and garnished with bits of anger here and there. The girl in front of me doesn't want to stop talking and honestly it's getting annoying. 


"Are you okay?" asked the girl, looks like she saw my agitated face.


But what confused me was the hypocrisy of this situation as she was asking if I was okay without knowing that my source of problem was herself and the tone she was speaking with.


It was filled with disgust and loathing and her facial expression was as if I had done something unimaginable to her, did I? 


"I am fine." My reply was also indifferent, you get tit for tat.


Her face twitched in anger, maybe she was not expecting it but hey it’s not fault you were the one who started it. And since I was a believer in gender equality she was going to get everything thrown back at her.


Oh I didn’t describe the surroundings did I?


Well let me explain we are sitting in a restaurant which apparently looks like an amalgam of old and new, technology and magic, modern and medieval. The overall ambience was exceptional, different from anything back on Earth.


But those things didn’t matter for now as this girl who looked like 16 or maybe 17 was looking at me like I was some sort of  vile creature, the hate radiating from her eyes was too evident to miss and the atmosphere between us was awful.


What was her name again?


For a second I don’t seem to remember but then some new memories began bombarding my head and the pain came again which honestly was getting worse by every passing minute.


So I focused my mind on her and by the help of new memories I have gained her name was Lily and I have to say that her appearance was godly, she was your anime waifu, the perfect 2D girl except that she was here in 3D. 


Her long glossy blonde hair, blue-green eyes which contained stars in them or maybe that was my imagination, her face looked like it was sculpted by Aphrodite herself and lastly the odor that was exuding from her. 


All of this could have made her the perfect waifu for all the otakus back on earth but something inside me was telling that it was not the case for me.


Why you ask? I myself am not sure about that as the new memories that were bombarded into my head were still being processed but from the tids and bits of it that have been available to me, this girl Lily is my childhood friend and somehow that proceeded to her being my fiance.


Not my childhood friend and not my fiance but the previous soul of this body who I am very sure has departed by now.


Shit the pain is getting worse and it is not good. I need silence, somewhere where I don’t have to think too much and could let my mind rest. 


“Ahh…. not good.” I groaned with my hands holding my head. 


Then I got up from my seat and ran outside not hearing her complaints or the fact that everyone present in the restaurant was looking at us, the pain was too much for me to take those considerations.


What greeted me outside was blinding sunlight and it made my head a little dizzy but this open atmosphere was much better than the suffocating and pressurized oven I was put into.


“Breath, just breath.” I chanted this mantra and followed the ritual.


“Much better..” I told myself and looked at the nearby things which to be honest blew me away. 


If you are proud of the technological wonders of the twenty-first century and are used to the skyscrapers that adorn the cities then the view ahead of me was something picturesque.


Small buildings with only one or two storeys that were laced with bright colors stretching on a street that was made from some old medieval era bricks and the entourage of shops lined across both sides of the street.  


I looked up in the sky and my mind blew up once again as it was too clear? No, it was also too much blue. This was something impossible back home, thanks to global warming and carbon dioxide emissions but my eyes were not lying to me were they? 


There was a huge signboard mid air flying on it’s own and on it ‘Origin City’ was written, the entire scene looked like a fairy tale, like how developers build an open world for a game.


A fucking game it is.


‘Origin’ was the latest game added in the RPG market, it was created by some Japanese studio and the game took the market by a storm like nothing else. Did it revolutionize something? 


No it was your average run of the mill fantasy world with different races and a protagonist who goes to an academy and achieves OP abilities and gathers a harem of extraordinary beauties from all over the world.


He also makes some allies from here and there and then proceeds to defeat the bad guy and yay the game ends. So how did it become such a legend? 


Well the thing is it used VR and not just your regular VR prevalent in 2020 but something from the future as you could use your five senses in the game and the gameplay felt absolutely real like an open world adventure. In short it was surreal and I also had the chance to try it. 


Why am I thinking about a game in the middle of the city when my head is on the verge of exploding? 


Because maybe I have transmigrated into that exact game and the worst part is I am not the protagonist or the main villain heck not even a mob character


My bad luck continued from the Earth and had made me a pitiful side villain, the first stepping stone for the protagonist who defeats me in a duel for the same girl who is my fiance and thus ending my life and career.


Well at least that’s what happened in the game, Akira was the first bad guy protagonist defeated and  shortly after his defeat Akira takes his life because of the amount of ridicule he and his family had to go through.


In the game it was an enjoyable arc, you get to be the shining hero who saves damsel in distress and gets everything but no one thinks about Akira as it was supposed to be like that and then everyone forgets about him and life goes on.


But I don’t have that luxury, do I? Being stuck with someone who was going to be dead is certainly not a good thing but it looks like I got no choice so might as well try something when we are here.


You might be thinking that I am taking these things too lightly but no, I am scared, scared shitless thinking about what’s going to happen in the future. 


After staying like that for a few minutes the pain subsided and I was going to go back inside the restaurant but she came first and by the looks of it she was fuming in anger.


Not that I care or anything, but why does some part of me wants to run and comfort her, apologize to her and listen to whatever she has to say, those must be the feelings of the real Akira lingering in me affecting my decision making ability. 


Sorry mate but if you keep doing that then it’s only death that is waiting for both of us and I certainly don’t want to die again. 


As she comes towards me my heart starts thumping harder and harder, those feelings of love and care of the previous owner are screaming at me to run and go to her but I can’t allow that, even if you liked her and wanted to stay by her side it’s got nothing to do with me. 


Damn these feelings are going berserk in my mind and body.


“What do you think you were doing back there? You left me alone in that place and didn’t come back.” She yelled at me and I kept looking at her face with nothing more than an indifferent attitude.


“You-you… I have told you Akira, I don’t want to marry you so why don’t you understand? Even my own parents want me to marry you. Why does no one understand?” 


She gets more angry over my silence and starts making a scene in front of everyone who are now looking at me with the same disgust and whispering something to each other.


“Fine.” I sighed and said, not wanting to continue this farce.


“What?” She asked with confused eyes.


“If you don’t want to marry me then don’t, I will annul the engagement and talk to your parents.”


Both of our parents were in the same adventurer party and one night when completely drunk they promised each other to marry their children when they grow up. 


Akira and Lily were childhood friends and at start everything was picture perfect, both of them were inseparable and their parents had to try everything just to separate them from each other.


Down the line, Lily showed great abilities and got the innate gift of a Sword saint while Akira didn’t have any. Slowly the rift between them got wider and wider and now it had reached to the point where she hated him, maybe that incident back then had something to do with this.


Akira tried his best but that was not enough, he only had his intelligence to supplement for and even that amounted to nothing extraordinary.


So when he saw that the difference between them became this wide, he became something like a stalker always following her, irritating her and acting like a proud arrogant prick just to win her attention and it backfired because she started loathing him even more.


Those were the memories of him and Lily that were being processed in his mind and that’s why he failed to notice her shocked face.


“Are you joking with me Akira? You are going to annul the engagement? Hahaha, what a joke, tell me is this a new way of getting my attention?” 


She couldn’t believe it, not in this life that Akira would annul their engagement and let her go.




“Look I am sorry, for everything that happened I am genuinely sorry and now I have understood that this engagement is not something you want so be it, you are free to do whatever you want.” 


I didn’t wanted to stay at that place any longer as my self restraint was wearing off and real Akira’s feelings were taking over me.


It was like we were two souls in one body but mine was the dominant one and it was bad, everytime that I think about her, the love, the care and other feelings wash over me, influencing my rationality.


After leaving a stunned Lily behind, I decided to take some rest and for that you need a place. Akira had his home somewhere in the Origin city but I didn’t know that, not yet. 


Focusing on his memories of this city I found the route to his no mine house and went towards me thinking,


“I have become a Side Villain.”


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