A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #7: The Windrunner Sisters

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


When Rognak stumbles out of the room several hours later, his attention is focused entirely inward.
“C’mon… c’mon…”
With a sudden sort of ‘popping’ sensation, the draconic features that Alexstrasza had ‘blessed’ him with disappear. The horns atop his head slip back into his skull, the long dragon’s tail coming out of his tail bone recedes into his body, and the scales and claws on his chest and hands disappear as well.
Of course, just because he’s outwardly able to regain his old appearance doesn’t mean he’s back to normal by any stretch of the imagination. Even as Rognak lets out a deep sigh of relief at having his natural orc body back, he can feel the changes within him caused by Alexstrasza’s ‘blessing’. The Blessing of Life that she had poured down his throat in the form of Ruby Dragonfire had altered him in ways Rognak was only barely able to comprehend.
He wasn’t just a Champion of Nature anymore though. He was very much a Champion of Life itself now… and he suspected not even the Life-Binder fully understood the ramifications of what she’d done to him. Anyone else and Alexstrasza’s Blessing would have merely made them stronger, tougher, and a bit more draconic. But Rognak? Rognak was already an amalgamation of all the shards of power the Outsider had managed to pull from who knew how many fucking Wild Gods, Loa, Ancient Guardians, and other Nature-adjacent deities.
Alexstrasza hadn’t just added on top of that… no, she’d gone a step further than that. Rognak hadn’t fucking exploded yet, but he couldn’t say for sure that he wouldn’t sooner rather than later. No mortal being was made to have this much power…
He was-
“FINALLY! There you are, Rognak! Ugh, I’ve been looking everywhen for you!”
Wait, what? Rognak blinks, pulled out of his inner thoughts by a high-pitched squeaky voice coming from… his ankles? Slowly, the orc lowers his gaze. And then lowers it some more. Honestly, if she hadn’t spoken up, he would have literally squished the golden-haired gnome that’s standing at his feet with adorable, tiny fists balled up and pressed into her hips.
Of course, looks could be deceiving. If they weren’t in this corridor made for mortals and dragons in mortal guises, then Rognak imagines he might not be looking down at this gnome… but up at her true form, that of a bronze dragon he remembered showing up quite often in the video game his past self had played.
Smirking, the hair-bun wearing ‘gnome’ bobs her head up and down in easy agreement.
“That’s right! Chronormu of the Bronze Dragonflight, at your service. But as you already said, you can also call me Chromie!”
Rognak’s eyes narrow and he grits his teeth. It’s funny… he’d always known this day would come. However, he would have thought it would have come sometime in the past twenty-two years. Not now after… everything that had happened. And certainly not now when he was at his strongest. Clenching his hands into fists at his sides, the Orc Archdruid feels his new draconic features and powers bubbling just beneath the surface. A little bit of a growl echoes from his voice as he glares Chromie down.
“I suppose you’re here to correct the timeline at long last, aren’t you? Well… maybe if you’d tried earlier I would have let you. But I’ve worked too hard for the life I’ve managed to build for myself, Chromie. I won’t go without a fight.”
He readies himself for a battle, only to stop dead in his tracks when Chromie gives him a weird look, wrinkling her cute little gnomish button nose in his direction.
“What are you even talking about, Rognak?”
“… You’re not here because I’ve disrupted the timeline or something?”
Baffled, Chromie shakes her head.
“What?! No! How would you have even done that?! You’ve had zero contact with time travel before this moment… trust me, I checked!”
Well… okay, so that was true. He was technically not a time traveler. Rather, he was… a dimensional traveler? Rognak didn’t know how to describe it exactly. But by all rights… he HAD been born on this world, technically. Therefore he was a concrete part of the timeline and not an anomaly after all.
“… Huh.”
Chromie continues to look at him weirdly as Rognak processes this revelation… and then promptly blanches and points an accusatory finger at her.
“Wait! If you’re not here about that… this isn’t a sex thing, is it? Look, I’m flattered Chromie, I really am… but I’m not into gnomes. And your dragon form is a bit too… well, big. So unless you have another mortal guise that you prefer to take, I just don’t think it’ll work out between us, I’m sorry to say.”
“S-Sex thing?! What are you even talking about?! I don’t want to have sex with you! Stop guessing why I’m here, darn it!”
Stomping her foot cutely, Chromie puffs out her little gnomish cheeks, even as she crosses her arms over her chest and glowers at him. Rognak can’t help but feel a little sheepish. For a second there he’d been convinced… but no, he believed her. Though that did beg the question…
“Okay but then… why are you here?”
“I’ve been TRYING to tell you, but you keep interrupting me! Look, I need your help! In fact, it’s the exact opposite of a sex thing, see? Because what I need is your help in saving some gals from BEING fucked… and enslaved.”
Rognak blinks at that.
“… Elaborate.”
“Right, okay. So, from what I understand you know who the Windrunner Sisters are right? Even though you shouldn’t have even met them at this point in the timeline. You still have a pretty good idea of who Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa Windrunner all are. Somehow.”
Well, she clearly knew he knew somehow. So all Rognak can really do is nod his head sheepishly.
“… Yeah, I know who they all are.”
“Great! We’re on the same page so far then! What you probably DIDN’T know about them was that in their younger years… like over a hundred years ago… they all liked to take part in this thing called ‘Troll Baiting’.”
Rognak nods along until that last part and then furrows his brow in confusion.
“Troll Baiting?”
“Yeah. Favored past time of some of the more adventurous Thalassian youngin’s back in the day. Basically, they’d run through the forests of Eversong late at night near the known Troll Settlements, naked as you please. Effectively playing chicken with the patrols as they streaked here and there.”
They did WHAT?! That definitely wasn’t something Rognak had ever heard of. Though now he finds himself imagining it and… man, that’s honestly kind of hot. The three Windrunner Sisters, risking it all for the thrill of the chase… fucking hell, he could picture them all naked too. Or at least, their video game selves anyways.
“Oi! Rognak! Focus up buddy!”
“Err, right. Sorry. Continue.”
“Right! Okay, so the Windrunner Sisters did a lot of Troll Baiting in their earlier years… but they were never, ever caught. Or rather, they were never SUPPOSED to be caught. Unfortunately, the Infinite Dragonflight, who I know you somehow know about too, decided to prod things in a different direction, resulting in an anomaly in the timeline where the Windrunner Sisters DO get caught, tied up, and fucked senseless all night long until their minds are broken and they all turn into troll fuck toys for the rest of their days. Instead of all the important things they’re SUPPOSED to go on and do.”
Blinking again, Rognak considers that… and blanches. Okay, yeah. There was a lot that one might not want Sylvanas Windrunner to survive for, but at the same time she was still an integral part of the timeline. So were Vereesa and Alleria. And if the Infinite Dragonflight thought it was worth fucking with time to turn them all into sex slaves to trolls… then yeah, it probably meant the world ending somewhere down the line, didn’t it?
“That’s bad. That’s very bad.”
Understatement of the century my big green buddy! Still, I’m glad you agree with me. I assume this means you’re ready to be sent back in time to that fateful night so you can reverse course and make sure things turn out the way they’re SUPPOSED to turn out.”
Rognak freezes at Chromie’s words.
“Wait, what?!”
But the golden-haired gnome isn’t having it.
“You heard me! Or are you really going to just let the Infinite Dragonflight win?! Huh?! I don’t think so! You’re a Hero with a capital H, Rognak! One of Azeroth’s biggest and best in fact! There’s no way you’ll turn down the job!”
Okay… one, Chromie’s enthusiastic way of talking was starting to grate on him. Two, he almost wanted to say no just to spite her for sounding so damn confident. The only problem was… she was right and he knew it. There was no way he’d let the Windrunner Sisters suffer such a fate when he could apparently do something about it. Hell, Chromie had sought him out specifically for this mission. Which meant… he was SUPPOSED to go back in time and do something about it?!
“… You’ll bring me back when I’m done, right? No muss, no fuss?”
That gets a scoff from the Bronze Dragon.
“Of course! What do you take me for, a hack?! If I let you back in that time period, it’d mess the whole timeline up even worse than the Windrunners getting caught… because we BOTH know you wouldn’t be able to just hang back and let shit happen. Oh no, you’d get involved and then it’d all be screwy! No… you can rest assured I’ll bring you back as soon as your part in this matter is over and done. Alright?”
He only really hesitates for a moment longer before finally nodding.
“… Alright.”
“Great! Good luck!”
“Wait, at least let me-!”
Before he can even say ‘prepare myself’, Chromie has already thrown a golden glowing time-piece spell at him, one that slams him in the chest and throws him back through a swirling time portal that definitely hadn’t been behind him mere moments before.
Rognak yelps as he’s tossed around a fair bit, and before he knows it all of his carefully suppressed draconic features aren’t so suppressed anymore. The horns, the claws, the tail, and the scales all come back out as some sort of panic reflex, to try and protect him as he’s literally hurled through time itself.
Then, as soon as it started it comes to an abrupt end, with Rognak landing on a soft forest floor late at night not-so-softly. The impact is jarring and knocks the air out of his lungs regardless of how pleasant the grass of Eversong Woods turns out to be… but Rognak barely has the chance to groan before he hears them.
“Keep up, Vereesa! They’re right behind us!”
“I’m trying Sylvie, I promise I am! I-It’s just… hard!”
“The both of you need to stop shouting! Not only are you alerting them to our presence, but you’re also wasting precious oxygen. Keep. Running.”
And further away, Rognak hears the distinctive shouting of trolls in what he assumes can only be Amani as they rampage through the woods, chasing down the three Windrunner Sisters. Said sisters actually come into view a moment later, running right into the clearing Rognak landed in as naked as the day they were born.
Clad in nothing but their birthday suits, the trio of High Elves all skid to a halt and freeze in place as Rognak pushes himself to his feet and meets their glowing blue eyes. To her credit, the eldest among them, Alleria Windrunner, hurriedly pushes the other two behind her… though that doesn’t stop what can only be Sylvanas and Vereesa Windrunner from both pushing out from behind their older sister to stare at him in awe.
Rognak, meanwhile, quickly takes stock of the situation. From how dirty the three Windrunners are, he quickly realizes that whatever the Infinite Dragonflight did… it already happened. The trio are covered in sweat and dirt and have clearly been full-out running from their troll pursuers for quite some time. This definitely doesn’t look like a fun bout of ‘Troll Baiting’, but more like the harrowing experience of being hunted and chased by a fully-fledged Troll Warband.
That means… the Infinite Dragonflight is already gone. So Rognak doesn’t have to fight anyone if he doesn’t want to. And seeing how he doesn’t want to…
In an instant, the Orc Archdruid reaches out and the ground falls away beneath all four of their feet. Glowing eyes widen as the three Windrunner Sisters all scream, suddenly falling into a gaping abyss below them. Or at least, that’s what it feels like to them. In reality, Rognak is in complete control as he drags the four of them, himself included all below the ground with rapidly churning roots, quickly excavating an entire spacious cave and even rebuilding the ground above their heads with reinforced roots so no one will know to follow.
This is all the work of a handful of seconds at best, and just in time too because Rognak feels overhead as the Troll Warband that was chasing the Windrunners comes charging into the clearing as well, shouting and shrieking in their guttural language, howling as they go rampaging past.
They’re loud enough and numerous enough that Alleria, Sylvanas, and Vereesa all feel the ground shake above them and hear the warband passing overhead, their wide eyes making it clear they know just how close they came to… well, being captured with everything that entailed given their shared gender and nude state.
Of the three sisters, Vereesa is the first to collapse onto her ass, panting heavily as she leans back and just… tries to catch her breath. Sylvanas, meanwhile, sinks to her knees and lowers her head, sounding like she’s praying under her breath. Only Alleria remains standing, staring at him with wide eyes as if she’s trying to figure out what the fuck his deal is.
Rognak smiles and gives the eldest Windrunner Sister a two-finger salute.
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
Then, because he can… he raises his other hand and off to the side goes about creating an underground hot spring in mere minutes, figuring that the trio could use a nice, warm bath after the harrowing experience they had. He also figured Chromie was liable to pull him out any moment now, so he makes sure to create a way out of the spacious cave, a tunnel that will lead to the surface and come out just under a tree.
They’ll have to dig about a foot of dirt to properly open up the exit, but that way they can wait here until morning and then make their way back home safely.
Rognak is just about to open his mouth to tell the sisters this when Alleria finally speaks.
“You… what are you? You look almost like a troll, but not. And yet… despite your monstrous appearance, you speak our tongue so well.”
Hm, he hadn’t considered the fact that they could understand each other. Probably a Chromie thing. Or, failing that, it was a Blessing of Life thing. Rognak didn’t know, nor did he care. He’s about to tell Alleria ‘No Comment’, but before he can Vereesa suddenly pipes up, the youngest Windrunner hopping to her feet.
“Alleria! Can’t you see? He’s a dragon, obviously! He’s just taken a mortal disguise, like all the stories say!”
Oh? Did the High Elves have that kind of knowledge? But then how had someone like Krasus got away with his bullshit for so long over in Dalaran? Sylvanas, the consummate middle child, scoffs as she crosses her arms over her chest.
“Don’t be ridiculous Vee. Those are just stories. Dragons taking on mortal disguises aren’t real.”
“But Sylvie! How else do you explain the horns, scales, claws, and tail?!”
As Vereesa Windrunner eagerly lists every single draconic feature Rognak is currently sporting, he grimaces and once again goes through the effort of suppressing those parts of himself, transforming back into a normal orc. Not that any of them know what one of those is anyways… but it makes HIM feel better at least.
Before Sylvanas or Vereesa can comment on this sudden transformation, Alleria suddenly speaks up, her tone brooking no argument.
“Enough. Both of you go wash up. Now.”
It’s funny… Rognak knows them all, even if this is his first time meeting them. He knows that while Alleria is the eldest sister, she is also a free spirited and independent young woman who wants nothing to do with taking her mother’s place as Ranger-General. She likely chafed under that expectation even now if Rognak had to guess. One day, she would eventually seek to supplant herself with her own sister in fact, having Sylvanas take her place as heir to the Windrunner legacy so that at long last, Alleria could be free of the burden.
Sylvanas, meanwhile, was indeed fated to one day become Ranger-General of Silvermoon… and so much more beyond that. The middle child of the Windrunner Family was fated to suffer so very greatly at the hands of Arthas, and then go on to spread her misery and pain to as many of the Living as she possibly could. Of course he wasn’t looking at the Banshee Queen right now. He wasn’t even looking at Silvermoon’s Ranger-General yet.
Finally there was Vereesa Windrunner. The youngest of the sisters, she would still go on to one day become the Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant, a group of High Elves who refuted their people’s transformation into Blood Elves and ultimately set themselves apart. She would also marry the Archmage Rhonin and have two half-elven, half-human sons with the leader of the Kirin Tor. But that also wasn’t this Vereesa just yet.
No… all three Windrunner Sisters were still young. So very, very young. Young enough that Alleria was still their undisputed leader. Young enough that they still engaged in such flights of fancy as Troll Baiting, a dangerous past time that had very nearly gotten them all turned into troll sex slaves.
As Sylvanas and Vereesa move over to the pool he made for them and begin washing up, Rognak keeps waiting for Chromie to pull him back to his own time. He was obviously done here… right?
Except that doesn’t happen, not even as Alleria approaches him, her eyes sliding over his now bare chest, not a hint of dragon scale in sight. Rognak tenses as her hands come up and run over her body, her glowing eyes moving up to his face.
“You saved us.”
“… Yes.”
“… Because you needed saving.”

And frankly, that was all there was to it. Maybe Chromie was right. Maybe he was a big damn Hero with a capital H. It wasn’t something Rognak wanted to admit though… mostly because heroes never got to live forever. They always went out in a blaze of glory, or one final sacrifice play. Rognak… Rognak wasn’t a coward, and he’d done his fair share of those ‘sacrifice plays’ in the past… but he WAS a father now. And that changed things a fair bit…
As he’s caught up in his own internal turmoil, Alleria comes to a conclusion and nods. Then, she takes him by the hand and gently tugs him over to the hot spring. Not really knowing what else to do, Rognak allows her to do so… only to find himself surrounded by three very grateful, very sexy young High Elves the moment he slips into the water.
“Thank you for saving us, sir!”
“Do you have a name we can call you by?”
As Vereesa and Sylvanas push into either side, pressing their soft breasts into his arms, Alleria slides into his lap, reaching down under the water and grasping hold of his cock with both hands.
“So big…”
Grimacing a bit, Rognak nods to Sylvanas and answers her question.
“You can call me… Rognak.”
Look, if Chromie didn’t want him giving out his name to these three, she should have pulled him out by now! Seriously, where even was she?! If she didn’t act soon, then-!
A wanton moan cuts Rognak’s thoughts off as Alleria Windrunner suddenly impales herself on his cock, slamming herself down onto his length and using the water as lubrication to get more than halfway on the very first thrust. The High Elf still chokes on her own spit though of course, taking what probably feels like a punch to the gut as Rognak’s massive orc dick pushes out her taut abdomen.
Both Sylvanas and Vereesa go uncharacteristically quiet as they watch this take place, their mouths agape and their eyes fixed on their sister’s bulging belly. Alleria, meanwhile, falls forward, forced to plant her hands on his chest as she shudders and quakes and slowly recovers. Eventually though… she begins to ride him, moaning all the while.
At the same time, she looks to her two younger sisters, panting… and lecturing them?
“Without… without Sir Rognak’s assistance, we would all be impaled upon troll c-cock right now. They would not be nearly as kind to us as he has been. They would not be gentle with us. We would be lucky to survive as their toys. More than likely, we would, nngh, have wound up spitted over their fires w-within the week…”
Well shit. Talk about a mental image. Fortunately with Alleria’s tight cunt wrapped around his dick, he’s not going soft any time soon. Still, both Sylvanas and Vereesa shiver at the idea of what almost befell them both.
“T-Thank him, both of you. D-Do so properly now…”
Before he even knows what’s happening, Sylvanas and Vereesa have taken their elder sister’s words and ran with them. They’d already been clutching at his arms but now they grab his wrists and effectively impale themselves on his fingers. Two of his thick orcish digits wind up inside of each of their cunts as the Windrunner Sisters moan in unison and rock back and forth on his fingers.
“T-Thank you, Sir Rognak… thank you for saving us~”
“You, nnngh, have our eternal gratitude…”
Seeing as that last line comes from Sylvanas herself, Rognak is almost tempted to ask if that ‘eternal gratitude’ carries over into death. But… no, he’s smart enough not to voice THAT particular thought out loud. Instead he just grunts, watching the three of them all hump different parts of him in unison.
“Heh… anytime, I suppose.”
Moaning wantonly, Alleria leads her sisters in… properly ‘thanking’ Rognak for his assistance. The eldest Windrunner Sister rides him to completion, hers specifically. However, it’s clear that bouncing up and down on his big fat cock takes a lot out of her, because after that one mind-numbing orgasm, she can’t stay atop him anymore. She slides off of his throbbing mast and off to the side, her beautiful naked breasts heaving from the exertion as she tries to catch her breath.
“My turn! Me next!”
Vereesa quickly takes her place however, and with Alleria unable to tell her off, the youngest Windrunner gets into position and wiggles her way onto Rognak’s cock before anyone can stop her.
That doesn’t stop Sylvanas from barking at her little sister, pouting mightily in the face of Vereesa’s actions. But her cry falls on deaf ears as the youngest Windrunner groans, her eyes fluttering as she sinks down Rognak’s cock a few inches.
“Ooooh b-by the Sunwell… he’s so BIG~”
Scoffing, Sylvanas continues humping Rognak’s fingers, scowling at her younger sister.
“N-No shit he’s big… honestly Vee, you’re such a pest sometimes…”
“Don’t be a sore loser, S-Sylvie. Nnngh~”
He can hardly believe this is happening. And yet here they are. Vereesa rides him just as Alleria did, moaning all the while. Meanwhile, Alleria soon shifts over to his side and inserts the fingers that had once been in her youngest sister into her own cunt, moaning wantonly as she humps away at his hand.
Eventually, Vereesa is overcome in the same way Alleria was. One explosive orgasm is all it takes to bring the young High Elf to the point where she has to get off of him, panting noisily and staring at his twitching, throbbing cock like it’s some challenge she’ll never be able to overcome. Of course…
“Hmph. Let me show you how it’s done…”
And there she is. Sylvanas Windrunner pulls herself off of his digits and clamors into his lap. The future Ranger-General of Silvermoon grabs hold of his shoulders for support as she pushes herself up and then plops herself down, the massive bulbous green head of his cock pressing against her slit. Under the water of the underground hot spring, Sylvanas wiggles her hips back and forth and then slowly starts to slide her nubile young elvish body down his cock.
“Not as easy as it looks, is it Sylvie? Sir Rognak is no slouch~”
“S-Shut it… I can… I can h-handle it…”
“There’s no shame in admitting defeat, Sylvanas. It is entirely possible Sir Rognak is beyond all three of us.”
Alleria’s more measured, calm response just makes the middle Windrunner Sister scowl harder. She grits her teeth, showing a degree of competitiveness that makes it clear why she was eventually chosen to be Ranger-General after their mother. Sure, Alleria had been the one to put Sylvanas forward as her replacement… but she’d only gotten away with doing so because Sylvanas was such an over-achiever that she was actually BETTER than Alleria by that time.
In the end, she gets further onto Rognak’s cock than the other two did. She bounces up and down his dick for longer as well. And she doesn’t give up after just one explosive orgasm either. No, instead it’s on her third climax that Sylvanas temporarily passes out on them all, her eyes rolling back in her head as she pushes herself too far and begins to fall back into the water.
Rognak catches her of course, gently pulling her unconscious body off of his dick and standing from the hot spring.
“… I think we’ve had enough bath time now, ladies.”
“But you haven’t cum yet, Sir Rognak!”
“… My little sister is right. We are meant to be rewarding you and showing our gratitude… and all we’ve done so far is take our pleasure from you.”
And so Rognak finds himself growing a chair of roots out of the ground at the Windrunner Sisters’ urging. Even Sylvanas gets in on it once she regains consciousness a few short moments later. And together, the trio of cute young High Elves all kneel before him, betwixt his musclebound orcish thighs, and grasp hold of his massive green cock with all six of their hands.
Attacking his cockhead with their three mouths and tongues, the Windrunner Sisters work together. Sylvanas on the right, Vereesa on the left, and Alleria in the middle. And between the three of them… Rognak finally reaches climax as they go to town on his dick, eagerly sucking at his cock and fondling his balls and stroking his shaft.
With a loud, wanton groan, Rognak proceeds to cum at long last. His seed explodes from his massive cock and the trio coos as they all end up covered in what has to be the mightiest, largest load of his life. It’s immediately obvious that Alexstrasza’s Blessing of Life was very literal in some ways because Rognak gets the impression that if he HAD cum in any of the Windrunner Sisters, it wouldn’t have mattered if they didn’t have Tyrande’s fertility blessing on them… he WOULD have gotten them pregnant.
As it is, all of that hyper-virile seed winds up coating them from their hair to their belly buttons instead, covering their faces and chests in his hot, white spunk.
As they moan and rub his seed into their own breasts, quivering in abject arousal, Rognak watches the trio turn on one another and begin kissing, licking, and touching each other eagerly. He watches this… only to feel a pull that he instinctively knows means he’s returning to his own timeline at long last. A grunt alerts the Windrunner Sisters to this, and they all quickly turn to him as he begins to disappear.
“Sir Rognak!”
“Don’t fret… I must leave now. Follow the tunnel and dig your way out when morning comes. You will be alright from here.”
Cum-covered and wide-eyed, they all watch him disappear completely, even as Rognak finds himself sucked back through time. This go around, he at least manages to keep his draconic features repressed until he lands back in the present, and also even manages to land on his feet with a grunt as Chromie claps her hands together cheerfully right in front of him.
“You did it, Rognak! Well done!”
With a growl, the Orc Archdruid points a finger at the golden-haired ‘gnome’, making her freeze in place as he glares at her pointedly.
“You lied to me. It WAS a sex thing all along.”
Chromie blanches and then laughs sheepishly as she rubs the back of her head.
“A-Aha! Anyways, good job! Gotta go! Fixing the time ways waits for no dragon, haha!”
And with that, Chromie disappears in a swirl of golden time energy vanishing without a trace like she was never even there. But she definitely was. Rognak had fresh memories of a foursome with three nubile High Elves that proved it.
Tch… ah well. All was well that ended well, right?


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