A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #12: The End (Epilogue

A/N: This is the end, everyone! Thank you so much for reading along with me, I hope everyone has enjoyed!

Also if you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“… And I guess that’s how I became King Consort of the Naga Empire.”
As he says this, Rognak twirls an incredibly ornate crown around one of his large fingers. Both Shandris and Jaina stare at him, the two women having been uncharacteristically mute the entire time he was explaining what had happened to him ever since he left for Lordaeron.
Finally, Jaina is the first to break the silence.
“… But wait. How did Azshara know about all of the parts that she wasn’t there for?”
Stabbing a finger in her direction with his free hand, Rognak grins triumphantly.
“That’s what I said!”
Shandris, meanwhile, shakes her head.
“Is that really what the two of you want to focus on at a time like this?!”
The Sentinel General’s voice is a little shrill as she begins to pace the length of the room. The three of them stand in the shared master bedroom of a little home built for their burgeoning family on the outskirts of Astranaar. When trying to figure out where they should raise their kids, it had been a little difficult… and in the end, there still wasn’t a proper solution even after all this time. They basically had a house in every major city, but this one in Astranaar was privately Rognak’s favorite… and when he’d finally made it back to Kalimdor, it was where he’d gone immediately, even before Orgrimmar.
It was also where he’d found Jaina and Shandris waiting for him, the two of them consoling one another in the wake of his supposed loss. Luckily, he wasn’t actually dead.
However, of the two of them, Shandris obviously knew who Azshara was a fair bit better than Jaina. After all, Shandris had literally fought in a war against the Night Elf Queen’s insanity and vanity. So Rognak isn’t overly surprised at how panicked she was rapidly becoming.
“Do I need to marshal our forces? Are the armies of the Naga Empire right on your heels? I’m glad you came to us first Rognak, but if Queen Azshara REALLY named you her King Consort-!”
“She did.”
“-then I can’t imagine she just let you go! We need to… we need to get everyone!”
Jaina tilts her head to the side and furrows her brow.
“Everyone? I mean, the Naga have always been a nuisance, but surely it’s not that bad, is it?”
Shandris whirls on the human mage… or rather, now a human Archmage. Jaina had been promoted from abroad by Dalaran while Rognak was away. However, before she can blow up at her, Rognak steps in with a raised hand.
“Hold. It’s okay, Shandris. You don’t have to worry. And Jaina… yes, it is that bad. The Naga Empire might be one of the most powerful nations on Azeroth. Obviously they do not control ALL of Azeroth’s oceans or there would be no room for an island nation of humans like Kul Tiras, or any other ship travel… but it’s safe to say they lurk in the depth in such significant numbers that them coming to retrieve me would be very bad for all of Kalimdor. But… it’s fine.”
Now both Shandris and Jaina are looking at him rather incredulously, given he had just described how dangerous Azshara’s armies were in one breath and then declared it ‘fine’ in the next. But Rognak just grins.
“I’m serious, ladies. I cleared my… departure with the Queen ahead of time. Told her I needed to step out for a moment and even let her give me a little magical hand mirror so she could contact me whenever she needed me. I figure for someone like Azshara who’s lived for thousands and thousands of years, I can ‘step out’ for a few years at least and she won’t even notice I’m gone.”
Jaina blinks and furrows her brow at that, crossing her arms over her chest and pursing her lips together in consternation.
“… You really think that will work? Can we risk it, Rognak?”
But much to the Archmage’s surprise, Shandris comes to his defense, shaking her head.
“No… actually, he’s probably right. It’s very easy for us longer-lived races to lose track of time. Even Tyrande and I have been struggling to adjust to living in the moment, rather than in time spans as long as years. For someone as vain and self-centered as Azshara, she won’t be able to ever break free of that longer view of time, mostly because it would require her to actually care about someone else more than she cares about herself.”
Both Jaina and Rognak give Shandris fond looks at that, acknowledging nonverbally that the Sentinel General has just made it clear how much she cares for the two of them. Though after a moment Rognak does set down his new crown and smack a fist into a palm.
“Oh, right. That’s another thing. I’m pretty sure between the Blessing of Life and the connection to the Sunwell, I’m going to be a lot longer-lived now. Hopefully you both don’t mind me transferring some of that energy to you as well so we can all live as long as we want together. I really don’t want to wind up as old as some of the Dragon Aspects are now, with you two tens of thousands of years behind me, you know?”
This time it’s Shandris and Jaina who give Rognak both fond AND exasperated looks. Neither of them offer agreement in the moment, but Rognak isn’t too worried about it. He’s got plenty of time still to talk them both around to it. After a beat of companionable silence though, Jaina does let out a sudden startled laugh.
“Oh! This actually explains the ‘anonymous’ arcane missive I received a while back now.”
With a flick of her fingers, the Archmage summons a letter from some hammer space and holds it up for them to see. There’s a pitying smile on her face as she looks at it, shaking her head.
“It had Kael’s magical fingerprints all over it… I don’t know if he was just being sloppy or if he secretly wanted me to know it was from him. Either way, it talked a lot about how you were cheating on me, Rognak. How you were being… unfaithful.”
Jaina snorts in dry amusement as she flicks her fingers again and a flash of flame sends the letter up in smoke, burning it to ash in moments. She sighs as she shakes her head again.
“I was sorely tempted to send a response… but I think it best if I just leave it be. The Prince should hopefully have more than enough on his plate going forward. Fingers crossed that he sees no further need to… meddle in affairs outside of his purview.”
Rognak tilts his head to the side at that.
“And if he does?”
Shrugging, Jaina just smirks.
“Then I’ll tell his mother.”
That… is a bit of a surprise for Rognak. As far as he knew, Kael’thas didn’t have a mother. Except he would have had to, wouldn’t he have? She was just never mentioned, never named. And yet… this world wasn’t a video game. It wasn’t entertainment for the unwashed masses. This was a real, living, breathing world filled with real, living, breathing people.
Before he can ask Jaina for more information on what Kael’thas’ mother was like, Shandris cuts in, suddenly stepping up and reaching down to disrobe him and grab hold of his cock, all in a few swift motions.
“Never mind all of that. Deal with the prissy Prince on your own time. Now that you’re back, Rognak… I’ve come to a decision. You’re not leaving Kalimdor again any time soon because every time you do, you wind up waylaid for MONTHS beyond your original plans.”
Rognak winces but can’t exactly disagree with Shandris’ words. Jaina, meanwhile, doesn’t just not disagree… she fully supports the Night Elf woman.
“Agreed. Honestly Rognak… is there no end to the trouble you get into?”
As the Archmage begins to strip down herself, Shandris gives her a glance and a smirk.
“I’m glad you agree, Jaina. I’m sure you’ll also agree that the only way to keep Rognak in one place is by having him impregnate one of us again. I volunteer, of course.”
Rognak blinks, even as Jaina jolts at that. Abruptly, the Archmage blinks forward, the short-range teleport bringing her across the room and allowing her to quickly slap a hand down upon Rognak’s cock right above Shandris’ own.
“… It only makes sense to double up on the incentive he has to stick around. We should both be bred again. However, since you were the last to be impregnated with Rognak’s seed, it should be my turn first, don’t you think?”
Shandris’ lips thin out and her eyes narrow at that.
“Oh? On the contrary, since you got to go first the last time around, it seems only right that it should be MY turn first, actually.”
“I’m quite sure I don’t follow your logic, General.”
“Then allow me to explain myself further, Archmage.”
As the two women both sink to their knees before him, continuing their bickering and ‘negotiations’ while taking turns sucking and licking at his big fat green cock, Rognak just smiles fondly down at his lovers.
In the end, he reflects… Azeroth wasn’t so bad after all. Sure, it was a Death World. Sure, it had its problems. But so long as they had each other… and the power of his apparently magical dick, maybe those problems could be solved. One at a time.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter who Rognak creampies first in the raunchy raucous threesome that follows. In light of his return, the three of them fuck the night away, with Jaina bound in rope at one point, Shandris bound in arcane shackles at another… and by the end of the night, both of them absolutely stuffed to the brim with orcish jizz filled to the brim with Life and Nature energy.
All in all, Rognak was just glad to say that he’d brought something Good to Azeroth. Something as positive and healing as it was savage in nature. And could he really ask for anything more than that?


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