A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #1: The Wardens

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“I feel like we’re opening up a can of worms here…”
Rognak’s quiet words draw a strange look from Shandris and he flushes a little bit as he realizes that that’s very much an anachronism from his previous life. Still, it’s not too hard for Shandris to figure out the meaning behind it and once she does, she lets out a little laugh and shakes her head.
“You say the strangest things sometimes, Rognak. Still… I should hope this doesn’t feel like a ‘can of worms’ or even much of a chore for one such as you. And I promise… we aren’t going to make THAT much of a habit of this. Really.”
Rognak narrows his eyes at his Night Elf lover, who suddenly looks very innocent indeed. It’s been about a month since he, Shandris, and Tyrande had gotten together and done their best to inseminate Shandris. And while the Sentinel General wasn’t quite showing yet, both Rognak and Tyrande had been able to confirm that that night of fun had been a complete success. Shandris was pregnant with Rognak’s child, just as Jaina was.
… Which led them to today, with Rognak standing beside Shandris while the two watched Tyrande Whisperwind perform the same Blessing of Elune she’d performed on her adoptive daughter… on the Watcher Warden known as Naisha. Next to her, Warden Maiev Shadowsong holds her mate’s hand tightly, even as she watches the faint white glow of Tyrande’s fertility magic flow all across Naisha’s body.
And then it’s done and Tyrande pulls away, a soft smile on her face as she nods to the two of them and then to Shandris and Rognak as well.
“She’s ready.”
With that, Shandris smacks Rognak in the back and gives him a wolfish grin.
“Go get her, stud.”
Rognak gives Shandris a look at that, one that prompts the General’s wolfish grin to turn a little… sheepish.
“Bit too on the nose?”
Snorting derisively, the orc druid just nods.
“Yeah. A bit.”
Sighing, Shandris turns to face him properly and takes him by the shoulders.
“Look… you have my blessing. You have Jaina’s blessing. But if you don’t want to do this, just say the word. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Rognak.”
Rognak appreciates the solemn, serious tone Shandris has taken in this moment. He believes her, that she’d step in and call the whole thing off if he asked her to. But at the same time, glancing over Shandris’ shoulder to where Naisha and Maiev await him… he sighs.
“No… I’m good.”
Shandris’ grin comes back in full force and she leans in to kiss him on the corner of his mouth, right on the tusk.
“I knew you would be~”
And then she and Tyrande leave and Rognak finds himself alone… facing down a pair of deadly femme fatales in the form of the Watcher Organization’s most capable Wardens. Maiev and Naisha both stare back at him, with Maiev still dressed in her full armor while Naisha is dressed down a fair bit, her pretty somewhat stereotypical Night Elven features on display as she gives him a slightly nervous smile.
“I must admit… I’ve been interested in you for this role ever since you saved my life. Maiev and I have long considered raising a child, but until more recently, it just didn’t seem particularly viable. However, with Kalimdor entering a time of unprecedented peace… well, if not now than when?”
Rognak tilts his head to the side but in the end just mutely nods. Privately, he suspected that the real reason Naisha had been able to convince Maiev that now was the best time for her to get knocked up had to do with a couple of things. One, Naisha’s near brush with death and survival in this timeline had given Maiev a wake-up call of what she had to lose. Two… Illidan was no longer around for the Warden to be overly obsessed with at every waking moment.
“Maiev! Why are you still wearing your armor?”
“Wha-? Naisha, we did not discuss me partaking. I’m j-just here to watch, I-!”
“Oh no… you’re going to help me handle this big lug. Look at him. Do you think a creature of that size has a cock I can handle all by myself?”
“I… I…!”
Rognak watches, both amused and bemused as Naisha browbeats her mate into submission, physically beginning to strip Maiev down until the latter starts to reluctantly go along with it. Soon enough, Maiev Shadowsong has removed her armor in front of him for the first time. Once they’re at around the same level of clothing, Naisha pulls Maiev’s hands over to her own body, and they start stripping each other the rest of the way to a state of nakedness.
However… Rognak admittedly finds himself staring at Maiev Shadowsong after a certain point. He’s never seen her without her armor, at least in this world. And given the sheer amount of tiny details stuffed into his mind from his previous life of playing this world as a video game, he couldn’t possibly be expected to remember every single little thing.
And yet, as he stares at Maiev’s bright pink skin, he belatedly remembers that yes, this is what she looks like under that menacing armor of hers. She looks… so damn girly it’s not even funny.
“What? What are you staring at, orc?”
Maiev’s self-conscious voice tears Rognak out of his inner musings and he flushes as he finds the two Wardens, now naked, striding closer to him. Swallowing thickly, Rognak shrugs as Maiev glares at him heatedly. In the end he decides to go with the honest truth.
“… I didn’t expect you to be so… girly without the armor I guess.”
Maiev’s nose wiggles at that and even Naisha’s brow furrows. For a second, he thinks he’s offended them both… but then they tilt their heads to the side in confusion.
“Girly? What is this word? You mean… feminine? Why would I not wish to be feminine? I do not understand.”
“Hm, I confess I am confused as well. My mate is incredibly feminine… a proud warrior with great strength and a focused will. She prides herself on her femininity.”
Rognak opens his mouth at that… and then closes it. There’s honestly no way for him to answer that won’t get him in trouble. Of course a female-forward society like the Night Elves would have no concept of ‘girly’. Nor would they consider being ‘feminine’ a bad thing either. Hell, for all he knew, bright pink skin like Maiev’s was taken as a sign of dangerous and strong, perhaps solely off of her own reputation from the last ten thousand years.
Shaking his head, the orc druid just chuckles.
“Forget I said anything. Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.”
Maiev snorts at that, while Naisha just smiles. Then, they arrive in front of him… and Maiev yelps as Naisha yanks her mate down to her knees so they’re side by side. Rognak can only watch, a little wide-eyed as the two beautiful and naked Wardens reach out in unison and extract his cock from the confines of his druidic robes. Maiev lets out a particularly undignified squeak when his full, green length unfurls and nearly slaps them both in the face and Naisha audibly gulps.
“… Yes, I see your point now.”
“Good! Then help me!”
Without hesitation, Naisha leans in and puts her mouth to use on his cock, sliding her lips and tongue up and down one side of his throbbing, growing member as she holds him aloft with both hands on the underside of his shaft. For a moment, Maiev just stares at her mate’s lewd behavior with her mouth agape. But when Naisha nudges her with her hip, the Warden flushes… and leans in as well to do the same on the other side of his dick.
If someone had told Rognak at any point in the past several months that he would be staring down into the eyes of Maiev Shadowsong and her mate of ten thousand years as the two incredibly capable, incredibly dangerous Wardens both sucked different parts of his big fat orcish cock… he probably would have laughed in their faces. And then maybe gone ahead and killed that person, just to make sure their idiotic words didn’t make it back to Maiev herself and result in Rognak’s death as collateral damage. Because if someone had told Maiev Shadowsong that she was going to wind up on her knees sucking off an orc before today, Rognak is confident the woman would have been on the warpath and no one would have been safe from her wrath.
And yet… in love, all things are possible. Maiev certainly doesn’t love HIM, but she definitely loves Naisha, which is why at her mate’s direction, she’s slobbering inexpertly and inexperiencedly up and down his cock with her lips and tongue. As Naisha uses her hands to hold his shaft aloft, Maiev has her own hands gripping tightly at her knees, the bright pink Night Elf leaned forward and inadvertently framing her tits in the process as she pants heavily over his twitching, pulsating mast.
It's not long before Rognak is fully erect and his cock is covered in spit and saliva from the two Night Elves. In fact, he’s getting pretty close to feeling like he should warn them both that too much longer of this and he might not cum in the right place. But no, before that can happen Naisha pulls back and nods to herself.
“… We’re ready.”
Maiev pulls back as well, face flushed and eyes slightly glazed over as she glances in her mate’s direction.
Biting her lower lip, Naisha hesitates… but nods again.
“Yes. As ready as we’ll ever be.”
And that’s how Rognak finds himself kneeling behind Naisha a few moments later, the naked Night Elf Warden having chosen her hands and knees so that she could look into her lover’s eyes as he fucked her. Rognak has never felt more like a piece of meat before now, which given some of his encounters… is saying something. Still, they all had their role to play, didn’t they?
This time around, Rognak focuses on not overcharging himself, even as he calls upon his connection with Nature and gives the load of seed brewing in his hefty ball sack a nice large boost in the virility region. Then, without further ado, he grabs Naisha by her hips and thrusts into her from behind. The Warden squeaks as his cock stretches out her cunt and punches halfway into her in one go. Only halfway though before Rognak has to pull back and thrust in again.
Maiev slides her hands into Naisha’s and interlocks their fingers together, pressing their palms against one another as she slowly pushes Naisha up into a kneeling position. Looking down at his massive mast pushing in and out of her mate, the Warden lets out a shuddering breath.
“By the Light of Elune… are you alright, Naisha? Do you need to stop?”
“N-No… no, I can take it. It doesn’t h-hurt. The High Priestess has prepared me for this… I’m f-fine…”
Maiev just nods, still staring down at his cock as it pushes deeper and deeper into her lover. That is, until Rognak thrusts particularly deep into Naisha from behind and the Night Elf uses that as an opportunity to lunge forward. Pressing her tits into Maiev’s tits and spreading their interlocked hands out to the sides, Naisha slams her lips against her mate’s mouth, claiming it for her own.
Letting out a muffled squeak of surprise, Maiev’s eyes flutter… and then she moans into Naisha’s mouth, the two Night Elf women kissing deeply and passionately with plenty of tongue as Rognak fucks one of them from behind. Naisha’s cunt quivers as it flexes and clenches around his cock and he’s pretty sure the makeout session she’s now engaged in with her mate is only enhancing the experience for her.
He knows it is when she squeals into Maiev’s mouth a few moments later and her inner walls spasm along his pistoning shaft in the tell-tale signs of an orgasm. Rognak, for his part, just grunts and keeps on fucking her, pushing inch after inch of his massive orcish cock into her quivering quim until he at long last reaches her cervix.
This is his mission after all. This is his purpose. He’s here to be a stud, to impregnate a blessed Naisha with his super virile seed and give her and Maiev a baby to raise together. Of course, he’d made sure ahead of time that he would have a place in said baby’s life. He never would have agreed to this if the parenting situation wasn’t going to be two moms and one dad. He wouldn’t allow himself to be reduced to just a sperm donor, no matter what.
That said, Naisha had no problem with him having a part in her child’s life, so that hadn’t been an issue. After all, the baby would be at least half-orc, meaning that it would probably need him to help raise it, depending on just how the crossbreeding between their two species turned out.
Regardless… Rognak fucks Naisha through climax after climax, enjoying the way she cries out into Maiev’s lips as the two women hold each other tightly, their naked, toned bodies pressed against one another. Until finally, at long last, he holds himself back no longer and finally unleashes inside of Naisha’s womb. Filling her with his seed, he cums and cums for what feels like an eternity, making damn sure that every last drop of his super-charged jizz winds up right where it needs to be.
So far, his and Tyrande’s little tag-team combo of Elune’s Blessing and Rognak’s Nature Magic had a one hundred percent success rate. But then, they’d also only done this with Shandris before now… so they’d see if that held up or not.
Still, the act is done and as Rognak pulls out, Maiev collapses backwards onto the bed, taking her mate with her. The two Night Elf Wardens cuddle with one another for a moment and Rognak’s cock twitches at the sight. He wonders if he should leave… after all, they’ve gotten what they want from him now, haven’t they?
But before he can decide one way or another, Naisha’s eyes flutter open and though exhausted, she gives him a smile and his cock a fond look.
“Mm… that was wonderful, Rognak. Thank you so much for your… contribution~”
Rognak snorts in amusement at that.
“You’re quite welcome.”
Smile growing, Naisha glances to Maiev who has been surreptitiously sneaking glances at Rognak’s dick herself.
“Perhaps once the first babe has a few years to grow… we can consider whether you might want a child of your own at some point, beloved.”
Maiev’s eyes widen as they snap to Naisha, and the Warden blushes deeply.
“W-What? Of course not… I am NOT made for motherhood Naisha. At least… not the pregnant and barefoot kind. That’s not…”
And yet, even as she denies it, Maiev’s eyes drift back to Rognak’s cock, twitching its way back to life at the sight of the two beautiful naked Night Elves before it. And though she shakes her head in further denial, she also bites her lower lip subconsciously, making Rognak think that just maybe… Naisha had a better chance of convincing her mate of the idea then Maiev thought.


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