A Saiyan Owl

Chap 5- Goku vs Mumei

Chap 5- Goku vs Mumei:


{ A/N: Fixed, and Rewritten on some parts,( 5/43 ), let's goo!!}


{ PoV Mumei; Close to Goku house}


Connecting a right-handed punch to Goku's face creates a pretty funny effect, his face goes and then his flesh follows soon after, in a grimace of sorts, I punched him everything I got so it must have hurt like a bitch.




Sliding back with his feet down on the ground making crevices and stopping after a second of going backward by firmly forcing both legs down and creating small spiderweb cracks around his feet, stopping any further acceleration.


His head that was still to the side moves back to its normal location, as a string of blood goes down his nose.


'Ehehe, now this is something that will be good!'- Not being able to hide my excitement, I start jumping in place to warm up as he passes his right hand beneath his nose, cleaning it and looking after smiling and closing it in a fist.


"Wow! Wow Mumei! Now that's what I call a punch! Earlier you said that you didn't have much experience in martial arts right? But the way you punched me, you already know how to correctly attack with basics it seems, then let's do this the old way, only using our bodies as weapons!"


Getting back to his stance, the ground beneath his feet cracks for a second.




And as he dashes forward,  I get back into my stance and push my right leg back, and bending my knee too.




Kicking forward and raising various debris behind where I was together with dust.


Getting to the meeting point of both our previous locations, he already comes ready with his whole torso bending to his right side, reading a punch and screaming as springs it forward, aiming for my face.


"HAAAH!!!"-  As the fist gets right in front of my face, for a second I see everything in slow motion as I look at his incoming fist, and take this opportunity.


*BAMG!!*- "GUOOOH!!!?"


To dig my knee into his stomach, with the sudden improvement of my perception and bending my right knee and sidestep to his right side, and as his eyes widened I launched my already bended knee right in the middle of his abdomen.


Smirking widely for being the first one to connect two attacks, and to my surprise, he too smiles and holds my knee in its place before I could even understand what he was doing.


*BAM!!*-" OUCH!!"- He throws his head back and headbutts me in the middle of my forehead, forcing me to take some steps back with my left hand in a place he had hit me.


'Fucking hell.... I am forgetting I am fighting a guy that is a freestyle fighter in a way...*smile* Well, might as well enjoy my first battle and go all out!!'- And after deciding that... I feel something wet running right between my eyes to my nose, and then my mouth.....blood..... it really tastes like iron...


Rubbing my forehead to clean it a bit, I bend down a moment later.




Rushing forward I met with the legend again, and he was already in punching motion too!


Taking the chance, I follow him, trying to copy the way he attacks because his punches carried more experience than mine, so learning from the best it is!








Colliding fists one time, then two, and finally when it was going to be the third time he ducked under my fist making me very surprised and trying very hard to bring one of my legs to kick him, but he was faster.




"UUUGH!!!"- And connects a heavy right elbow strike right in the center of my stomach...




"Puah....OOOFF!!!"- Not being done, Goku jumps to my right side with that goofy ass smile of his and turns his whole body together with a straight punch to my face.




Sending me flying back a little.... but....


Even with me being stronger he still appears to be above me..... and to top it, I can't use my full strength...-' Kro?'


[{ You're utilizing about 65% of your power, for an individual who trained 5 days on Ki, that should a miracle already, but again, Vegeta did it in a few hours on Namek... strange world...}]


Well, that's the Dragon Ballverse for you!




Ducking a punch from the orange-clothed man, I fire my elbow aiming for his midsection but he sees this coming and kicks his body to the side, and proceeds to bring the other leg to kick my beautiful fa-" WAUGHHH!!!!"




....Just got sent through a tree.... and snapped it in half, normal.... happens every fucking day! Ugh...my back...


While I drag my body to one of the parts of the fallen tree to use it as support to get up, I hear some steps getting closer and speed up my crawling.


"Ehehe oh man, you're not half bad Mumei, but I can feel it, that in each punch you throw,*smiles*, you're not using your full power, so come on! Get serious already!"- Heh.... oooh I wish I could Goku...




Getting my hand on the fallen trunk and supporting my body up slowly with some rough breaths, my vision is a little strange... distorted even, but the next second it goes away, and I can see normally again.


Seems I will be testing one of these in a real battle for the first time... the time in the hospital was pretty boring so I trained it to a level that at the very least would make me able to activate it...










'What.... She started breathing like that all of a sudden... is it some type of advanced technique? No... she said she never trained in such... so just calming herself down?'- After I got up and started breathing profoundly, Goku seems to be smart about any moves I make...


And you should boi.... Be proud! Because you'll be the first to test my instincts! My Owltra Instincts! Pff!*bites lips*.


Closing my eyes and continuing breathing in a very noticeable pattern, which is needed to raise my concentration to its maximum.


This technique was such an ass to use, because of how you can't think about much stuff besides the battle, now think about me, being on a mattress in the hospital training it by concentrating on some birds that passed by.... ye, not the best way to unlock something cool...


Breathing out and following by opening my eyes together with it, just to see the other Saiyan with a bit of fear, ya better be scared, homeboy.


'What- Her eyes! They turned completely yellow with just those two black slits for eyes! Scary... Hmm!?'




Appearing right in front of him looking straight into his eyes, and descending my right arm in an overhead swing going dor his nose,-*PAW!!*- Raising both arms for defense he blocks my attack but is sent back slightly.


Nodding my head and seeing it's working I kick the ground and once more repeated the same move of appearing right in front of Goku, but this time with a straight right punch incoming for his cheek.-*POM!*- Followed by left but it misses as he moves his out of the way, but not being done I bring my right arm back and leap forward with a jab as he tries to regain his ground.




Seeing him sliding back, I take a step back and dig my right-legged boot inside the dirt.




And dart ahead and spinning to my right side I try something I saw a guy do in a movie once, and now with my flexibility is pretty easy to accomplish, a full-speed right-legged hook kick.




"UUUGHH!!!"- Connecting with his right arm that he raised in the last moment, but still receiving the full impact and being sent back sliding with a trembling arm.


'Huff....huff.....that was dangerous... she is really strong! I better take this more seriously too...'


[{ Interesting.... on this mode Muun is operating at 80% of her original power... perhaps if she gets a proficiency of all the 100% it could operate as a buff state?}]


'Wow.... so like a full power state if I need it? Heh, already liking it!'- Pushing forward once more with my right hand all the way back.


He puts down his trembling hand to see if I was coming, and when he looks up, I connect a superfast straight punch to his cheek.


Goku lowers the hand he used to block my attack before to have a better idea of where I stood, and when he fully dropped it, the first thing he witnesses is me with a straight right-handed punch reaching for his face.




A cloud of brown dust is raised as he is sent flying to the side of the river, the place I git him pretty messed up, as rocks got sent flying everywhere with the strong winds the shock created when I had hit his face.








Hitting the water pretty hard, his body creates huge waves when it makes contact with the water that hit the edges of where it transitions to dirt.


Sending even a bit of water close to my feet to show how big the explosion of water was in all directions.


Smiling as I notice the winning chance I had.... but...-"My throat....*COUGH!"


Falling to my knees on the ground and head too, I move my hands to my throat as it starts to burn to breathe...




'Damn it.....Ughhh!!!! I....*Cough*... Can't hold it for long.....Kro....*cough!*'


[{ 25 seconds, your state of concentration has improved by a lot Muun! Thanks to my exercise! I told you! I am the best!}]


Not truly listening to what my talking system was speaking since it's likely just some of her narcissistic attacks, I just stare at the water that I sent the Saiyan flying to.... Don't even feel a slight movement coming from it....


"Uuh... Did I overdo a bit?"- Being quite taken back if just that would take Goku out... Like he's super strong, so for him to not be able to tank an attack like that is.... strange at least.




Oh!.... Talking about the boi, there he is!


Again, water is sent everywhere,  even making me take some steps back to not wet myself, don't want water inside my boots.






Landing about ten meters from me, he just moves his body around getting some water off his clothes,  and then finally when he deems it enough he turns to my side... smiling.


"That was a good attack Mumei, I am surprised you could achieve something like that!"


"Heh.... it's a trait, one that needs waaay more training, since right now my limit is 25 seconds, but maybe one day I can use it all the time *smirks *"


Why should I tell him this? Well, he's going to be my new teacher, so he could help me to get a better grasp of my techniques, and while we train it'll also help him develop even stronger!


And all this while even helping myself to get even higher! All for the sake of being lazy later! I just need to get to Super, then it's the Goku and Vegeta show, and  I don't need to do anything after... maybe even using the Dragon balls and seeing if I can travel to other worlds*smile*.



"Ooh, now that's interesting, if trained properly, it could be a tremendous weapon!  But now, it's my turn!"


After those words, he appears right in front of me! Fuck! Did I lose that much stamina already?!


[{No, it's a Ki movement, it boosts the user speed by numerous times, so don't be so sad Muun.}]




"HAH!"- Seeing him coming for me at high speeds I do my best, to block that is.




Successfully defending the first one with my arms up, to my bliss he flings another jab with his free hand striving for my face again, -*PAM!!*- and on the last second, I divert it by somehow slapping it to the side.


Dodging the third and then going in to attack too, I'm starting to get the hang of this!


Evading and attacking we go back to back for a few beats,  that is until he eventually connects a punch, -* * PAM * *-  right on the side of my face but I do too bitch! Each of us jumps to a side, taking some distance.


'Incredible! She's super learning fast! This is getting even more exciting than I thought it would be!'


Dude.... gimme some ice cream... I like fighting and all, but this guy... I know how much of a genius Goku is, but he's going par-to-par with a hybrid....... I fucking love you!


Dashing forward with the little stamina that I still have and raising my left leg to go for a sidekick to his sides....but....






"WAAAHHHHHH!"- He starts spinning and spinning while holding my leg.




Letting go of my leg...
















<< A large number of fallen trees later >>






''UGHHHH....HHHHHH''- I...... don't know...... how many trees I got across......


The only thing I know....is that.....


It was a lot...






All I know is that my face is buried in a rock on the ground right now...


[{ Your stamina was lost nearly entirely by performing the technique earlier, currently, you should just give up Muun... }]


Yeah... I got what I wanted already...


Getting up, and sitting down, I look at where I had come from...




There are about one hundred meters of just fallen trees down in a straight line from where I was launched.


And at the start of all this devastation, a smiling black-haired guy that is waving at me...


Sighing... I move both my hands up in a surrendering manner.


' Just you wait until I get control of my Ki! '


[{ Didn't you already discover the aura Ki protection just this morning? That by itself sets you above a tank in durability...}]


Yeah, but that guy there is a Nuke!


Fuck tanks!


Hearing steps coming from the trail of destruction that I created with my body hitting every tree in its way.


" Ahahah, that was great! You have a lot of talent Mumei! So like was said, I will train you up!"- His face goes into serious mode after saying that.


"And can you truly tell me about our race?"


Opening my mouth about to say something.


* *GROLWW~* *


Both our stomachs roar together.


I look up at him, and he looks down at me, both with blank faces.


" "PFFT AHAHAHAHAH!" "- We burst laughing.


"Okay, okay*wipes tear* After eating then! Chi-Chi must have already done dinner!"


"I ain't gonna say no to food!"-  He stretches his hand to me and smiles.


"So, let us go then? You have a lot to learn going forward!"- I look at it for a second.


'Kro, let's have a big adventure before our retirement, shall we!'


[{*giggles* Sure Muun, let us have a fabulous time shall we?}]


Stretching my hand and picking his own he helps me up.










'This will be a loooong pain in the ass of fun.'











What did you think of the fight? DB world has a lot of back and fort stuff, so I will start putting more actual movement in it, besides the ''ATATATATATA" and ''ORAORAOARA'' fights.



A/N: Another one is fixed up.


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