A Saiyan Owl

Chap 18- This Owl is back!

Chap 18- This Owl is back!:


( A/N: Small fix)


{Pov Mumei; Kro's home; Void}


So it's been another two weeks already.




Time sure flies, I have been occasionally fighting Kro, just for the fun and excitement from fighting someone as strong as yourself, but also pushing forward my techniques, after getting the [Owl Side] to 5%, I could utilize it without going totally nuts.




And after our plays we started watching whatever we had to watch or read, Kro most of the time was doing some stuff on her screens, probably programming and adjusting stuff.


Like her half assed version of {Owl Side}, She called it {System Power} Simple and direct to the point, her own just gives her a straight 2.5x Increase in power from what I felt, my own gives that amount as well, but it still on its beginnings, maybe at 50% I Increase it more?




"Muun *breathes*... are you just going to dodge everything!  We are trying to spar here, ya know?"- Kro is sweating right now, funny isn't? We can't get injured, but can get tired and stuff.



Kro punches trying to hit my head, over and over again, and I just dodge, how?


{Owl Instinct}, I am learning to trust my instincts fully, literally, and since Kro is around the same strength and speed as me, It works pretty damn well, but with those stronger I don't know, but it's pretty OP if you're around my level, it means I have a huge upper hand.


But that's not like the one trying to hit me didn't try to find a solution, she is working on a prevision program for herself, so she can make calculations to dodge and attack where's needed.


"Nah, I got this technique to a pretty good level, now I am just testing it out Kro."- She stops finally, her shoulders slumping down, and she starts to walk to the exit door, I follow close behind.


So far with her, it has been the most fun I had in this world, besides fighting others and eating, like having someone to just be chill around, is a good feeling of sorts.


"I am going to make something to eat, want some?*creeak*"- Opening the door, we enter.


"Ye, I am gonna sit on the dinner table meanwhile."- She looks a little confused by my choice of words, but chooses to ignore it, and walk to the kitchen and try to find something for us.


I just stare at her, it's funny, how she moves and stuff.


She goes around talking too high about herself and stuff, then you look at her now, she's like a little odd ball, maybe her personality is way more leaned to her OG then me? Could be that.


*cling*-" Hey Muun, Egg or chicken? It's what you had on your inventory, so choose."- She turns around to me with a box of eggs and a package of chicken, one in each hand.


"Chicken, fry it."- Talking while my head now rests on the table, makes my head go up and down while talking.


"Pfft, kay, but you should get more things to eat, I don't need to so in here, but after you forced me to... not going to say anything, but it's pretty delicious and also a good feeling.*shuffling**pop* Otoo, okay, I opened it, hmm, Muun do me a favor since you're not doing anything, and pick up the oil for me."- Getting up and walking around the balcony, to the cabinets.


*creeak* Nop


*creaak* Oh, found it on the second try, lucky.


Taking the oil and giving to Kro.


"Thanks."- *nods* Looking around, I walk to the balcony.


"Hmpy"- Jumping a little and sitting on top of it.-" Now who's the taller one!"-  Kro who's putting the oil on a pan, rotates her head a little, she peaks at me on the side of her eyes, I can see her smug smile...


''What? Me beeg now.''- What lies did I speak?


"Hai, hai, Muun, oh the beeg Owl pfft."- ... That feels like I am being mocked...


Ignoring this and just swinging my legs side to side lazily, I hear the sounds of the oil starting to heat up.


While it gets to the point Kro wants, she props herself to my side, with her back to the balcony.


She looks at me with a goofy smile.-" Hey girly, come here often?~"- I...I can't.....


"PFT AHAHAHHAHH!!"- Almost falling down from the balcony, but a certain someone holds my thighs, so I don't do a flip.


Finally, stopping laughing, I clean my eyes that had big tears on them.-" My god Kro... that was a nice way to break the awkwardness, but why did your voice have to be so sarcastic!"- I look at her face, she is just looking at me now with that damn smug face.


"I don't know what you're talking about, I just made a question? *crack* Oh my oil is getting on point, Muun go put some plates for us."


"Why~?"- I ask in the most lazy way possible.


She turns around... with a 'sweet' smile.-" My house, my rules, now go put us some plates."- *shakes*

"Yes, Ma'am!"- *thud* quickly getting down from the balcony and picking up the plates and utensils.


Walking to the table again.


*cling* I arrange them for us.


Pushing my chair, again, and sit down, again.


I am going up and down a lot today huh...


Resting my back, I think about some things.


'Funny how much Kro got used to me... when I got here she was so embarrassed about everything, and even asking me for stuff... now look at her, almost a housewife...*sighs*'



{Pov Kro}


These past few weeks, have been the most eventful of my life, even if it's a short one.


All because of an Owl that doesn't have any fear to show how she feels, she insults, curses, and do some random things here and there, and be lazy.


But that makes her such an unexpected person, I know she's like this, but after being fused with her new body, it amplified.


She started to curse less, probably because of me, she started to see how I disagreed with how much she did... But I can say that, put her on a fight, she's going back 1000% full capacity *smiles*.


Not much I can do, she's good as she is.


We have been training right? She got pretty ahead with her Skills and techniques.


I myself too, got to develop some techniques and perfect even more the power the system had copied from Muun.


She even helped me with some things.


But after a loooong while talking, hanging around the crazy Owl, discussing, even if we both are super awkward to start conversations.


I started noticing her, in a strange way, the 'her' from before, was one.


But this one version of her, one I don't know much, and even if I know, are only some traits of personality here and there.


Still be, a completely different person, this Muun can go from completely awkward to making a joke she thought about, so the surrounding atmosphere doesn't be so heavy, such a little thing, makes her even more cute... cute? When did I start calling her that?*thinking*


Hmm... now that I said that, I just suddenly started out of nowhere?


Strange...guess I am changing too, for good, I hope.


Where was I again? Oh, Muun!


The way she acts like a total clown at times, but still be attentively listening to others, It's funny, and I think it's the vibe she's going for.


"*Smiles* And it's working..."




I look down... Oh god, it's going to be a crunchy chicken eheheh...


"I am smelling burn... don't tell me?...."- I can feel her disbelief face from here...


"I am going to fry another one a-okay?"- I will just act like nothing happened, It's just the fire that was too hot, not that I didn't have attention.


"Umu*nods*"- I nod and put more chicken pieces after throwing the burn ones in the trash.




"Hmm?"- I look for the sound, but Muun beats me to it, appearing on my side.




I look at the screen in Muun's hand.


[[Alarm was set to 1 year! One year has passed!]]




Because her body wasn't there... and here...


Time was passing differently because we didn't have anything anchoring us to a certain time passing, so it being the void...


Crap, times passes faster here...


"GWWWAAK!! SORRY Muun!! I-I will send you right now!!wait a second!!*clicking noises*"- I click like crazy on my console.


Trying to initiate the teleporting program again.


'Come on, come on!!!'- Finally starting the final piece.


[[Teleporting Muun; 00%]]


"DONE!"- I look at the program loading bar.


And a second later turn to Muun, her face sporting a big goofy smile.


She shakes her head, and walks towards me slowly.


'W-What?!'- *Fuush* "GWAK!?"


... She... hugs me, huh?


"Thanks for everything Kro, I hope we can have some time like this again, in the normal world, here we don't have much to do at all ehehehe!"- Ouh...


"Don't worry Muun, I was the one who should be thankful, these past weeks were ones to make me realize, who I really am.*smile*"- I hug her back.


"Ahahaha, Obviously! You're my hyper cool system! Wow, what a.... weird feeling...."- She starts to vanish, and I hug a little tighter.


"Cya.....K..ro*VUSHH!!*"- She vanishes with blue particles into my blue console.


Everything, goes back to the silence it once was, even if the Owl is a lazy one, just her being around gives such a loud vibe around...


*Creak* I push a chair a sit down.


Looking at the ceiling.-" Everything is going back to how it was huh... The same boring routine as always."


I stay there just staring at a corner on the ceiling.


"Why..... I already miss your bad jokes...Muun..."




*crek* I get up again, need to get to go to my control room, in some seconds Muun will get there.


"Good luck Muun."


Saying so I go to the room.



{Mount Paozu}


It was a normal day on the mountain.


Animals were going around, the wind was an easy-going one.


Plants waving to its light breeze.


A pretty Chill atmosphe- *BOOOOM!!!*


A shockwave made everything shook, all the calmness that there was once, was no more.


"HAAAA!!!"- *BOOM!* A shout followed by a blue explosion of energy, that sent bullets of explosive wind everywhere.


"GRRRR AHHHHH!!"- A yellow explosion is fired back in retaliation.




They clash, blasting even more tremors all around the perimeter.


When the energies finally dissipates, a humongous crater can be seen, on where Mumei and Goku last trained.


On each side of the big hole were two men, standing and breathing heavily.


The first one on the right side was a black haired man with orange clothes, that were pretty teared apart.


His hair messy, seemed to be even more wild because of the explosion that just happened.


"Ehehe *breathes heavy* Piccolo I may have to say, you really got strong this past months, it's crazy the lengths we got!"- *Bam!* He bumps his knuckles on his other hands.


At the other side of this fighter, another one, also panting.


He has a green skin color with some pink parts, and two antennas on his head, his clothes being of purple color also pretty roughed up.


"Aha,*breathes* Can't say you're wrong Son, maybe now we can take that Owl of a student of yours!"- He looks at his fist closing it tightly.


"Ehehe, knowing her, she must have been training her techniques, she really doesn't like training without an objective, outside fighting for the fun of me like us."- Goku sitting down to rest a little is followed by Piccolo, who looks at the orange clothed one.


"Say Son, how did you think someone as strong as her stayed hidden for so long? Or did she come from out-planet?"- Piccolo asks, he got to hear about what Muun told Goku about their race.


Shaking his head while scratching his chin, Goku looks at the sky.-" I don't think so, she said a lot of things, but the way she said didn't look like she was from outside earth, but could be me, and how did she manage to stay hidden? Well I remember helping someone just like her on our fight.

She was pretty injured, so that must have given her a power up, or as she calls it Zenkai, like I said that one time, we get stronger after each fight or get an injury, so that must have been it."- He continues talking with his face turned upwards.


"So she simply got stronger by using her powers smartly? Heh, seems like her, and as you said, she'll be probably finding people or things to fight her, bettering her techniques and style... I want to see, how strong she gets.*smiles*"


The wind goes by the giant crater, making a little *fuuuu* noise.


But everything around them freeze for a second.


"What" - "Whaat?!"- They both jump up a looking to all sides.


'What is this energy? Such an Incredible power! Who could it be?!'- Piccolo turns to all sides, spinning and trying to pinpoint where the energy is coming from.


'It's strong! But who could it be? It doesn't feel evil, but that doesn't change the fact that's super strong!'- Goku does the same, but from the looks of the situation, this one fighter is right above both of them.


"Dan~ dan~ dan~ tu~ turu~ tu~ turu~"- They both turn their head like bullets towards the new voice.


There she was floating, with her hands on her hips, her chest high, and both legs open, doing the -'Watashiga Kita!'- pose.


She points a finger to them, still maintaining the rest of the pose.-" Me, the great Mumei the Owl, has returned to kick some ass!!"


Both deadpan her, with a little smile together.-- ' ' She doesn't change, does she? ' '--











A yo, what the Owl doing?




And bonus points to the one who knows what she sang when she appeared >:D.


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