A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 1] Chapter 19: Graveyard Fight? Like Putting Them Back to Their Graves

I entered the indoors graveyard, half-expecting zombies to pop up from the tombstones. 

They didn't. Tch. And here I was hoping to meet some of my potential siblings(?) if I had chosen the Lesser Zombie race...

In that case, is this the type where monsters pop up after you get the item? Or was I completely wrong about this all and the item is just for the taking?

I didn't change my plans though. I looked over the graveyard, which is as wide as it's long, and placed webs everywhere I could. It feels like ghosts are gonna pop up from anywhere, I fixed the webs with a little extra trick to trap them too. I also made snares attached to the withered trees, which were more flexible than I first expected. 

Oh, so I wish that Rogue was at Lv.40. [Trap Creation] would work wonders now. 

I kept on advancing towards the top of the hill as I laid my traps. Once I reached the top, I looked at the sole tombstone here.

The writing on it has faded over time, so I can't read it. From the looks of it, I would say that some war hero lies here? It's decorated with what appears to be military rewards... then again, this is a different world than on Earth. Not good to say how similar the worlds' cultures are.

Then there was the helmet. It's made of some metal that's completely rusted over who knows how long. The design is kinda draconic, especially the removable visor. 

Name: Remnant of Rebellion (Helmet)
Item Type: Armor (Helmet) Rarity: Ex Quality: G- Durability: ---
  • ******
  • Quest Item

A piece of armor owned by a certain rebel.

Yup, this is the one. And from the description, the other remnants are also armor? 

I'll find out when I find them. Gotta take this one first.

Quest Challenge!!

Main Quest: Seagsa Eevns Eth
Quest Description:

The Remnant of Rebellion is being targeted by the allies of the late rebel.

Voyager, defeat the Tactician of the Rebellion that tries to seize the Remnant from you.

Quest Content:
  1. Defeat the waves of enemies led by the Tactician of the Rebellion 0/10
  • Remnant of Rebellion (Helmet)
  • 1 Skill Scroll: [Leadership]

Oh? This came as a surprise. A Quest inside the Quest. And it comes with rewards to boot. One that I already have, but maybe Gust would want them? Or the big bro-mole that leads the others? Meaning the mole that pushed me to fish up Gust from the hole.

As I was thinking about the rewards before the Tactician was killed, something happened on the other side of the room. The door closed and locked itself while a magic circle appeared right in front of it.

Ugh, another Dread Spirit. Were they possible to be used for Quests... guess they aren't. This one's bound by black threads and looks quite unhappy over being here.

Oh, a change appeared to the guy. Some dark-colored threads struck it from the ceiling, which made the Spirit start changing into a different form. Who shot those threads? I can't see anything on the roof... except for some really small black spots. Are those the culprits? I thought it was grime.

Just as I was thinking of throwing an Impact Thread at the spots, the transformation of the Dread Spirit was finished. Now it looked like an old man in armor. A pale-white, ghastly old man, but still...

"So, you are the ungrateful scoundrel that dishonors my lord through stealing his beloved helmet? Be prepared to face the consequences, you knave!" - Ghost(?)

Okay... but I didn't steal anything. At least, from any lords. 

My silent rebuke went above the ghost's head as some barriers appeared in front of him. The thing's created by 10 black spheres... now I see. The old man's gonna call upon the waves of enemies, and for each wave, one of those spheres breaks. 

Name: Error
Race: Living Spirit   | Gender: Male
Level: Error
Karma Value: 107
Skills: 21
Skill List:
 Attack Skills:
[Sword Arts Lv.2]    
Active Skills:
[Energy Warfare Lv.2]    
Passive Skills:
[Swordsmanship Lv.10] [Armor Lv.7] [Concentration Lv.41]
[Prediction Lv.43] [Parallel Thinking Lv.19]  
Resistance Skills:
[Poison Resistance Lv.4] [Stun Resistance Lv.19] [Blind Resistance Lv.8]
Perception Skills:
[Night Vision Lv.2] [Enhanced Sight Lv.11] [Enhanced Smell Lv.14]
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.44] [Encouragement Lv.Max] [Directions Lv.Max]
[Tactics Lv.48]
[Party Lv.Max]
[Clan Lv.22]
[Cooperation Lv.36] [Tactician's Charisma Lv.Max]  

Weak! This old man's weak! And "Living Spirit"?

Wait, I remember Gust talking about this. That certain Quests recreates famous persons to act as trials. They're practically Dread Spirits with a mind of their own and access to skills. Still no stats, but these guys die just as easily as the Dread ones. 

Who would have thought it was possible to utilize the Dread ones to make a Living one? Too bad it's not perfect. They couldn't recreate the name of the guy, nor his levels. Maybe some of his skills are worse due to this, or they are straight out missing?

"Now men, come forth and punish that insolent spider!" - Old man

The first wave is coming. These are... Dread Spirits!? Don't you guys have some imagination?

Strange as it may be, the Spirits are following the old man's orders and headed to the top of the hill. Well, not that they'll reach.

"Wa-ha-ha-ha! Dread your misgivings, spider, and pray to your god when...WHAAAAT!?" - Old man


And there goes the first crystal as the final Spirit disappeared. The old man, still unsure of what happened, started to call upon more monsters... which was, unfortunately for him, more Dread Spirits.

Too bad they can never, ever, reach me. I had spun a single thread across the whole graveyard, covering the whole place from the floor to the roof, the entrance to my current position. The thread's still attached to me, so when I make use of [Heresy Manipulation], well, too bad for you, Dread Spirits.

Of course, there are some holes here and there in the "web", which is the sole reason why the Spirits were okay from the beginning. And the damn barrier's interfering with the threads around the old man. They're not broken, but any magical moves with them, such as [Thread Manipulation], are useless. And here I had made the perfect trap there...


Title [Dread Spirit Slaughterer] has advanced to [Dread Spirit Genocider]

Bonus EXP acquired.

Your level has increased. Reached Lv.20

The maximum level is reached. Evolution is now possible.

You have earned 2.0 Skill Points

Due to "Champion of Alvatria", an additional 2.0 Skill Points were earned.


Oh? A lot of stuff happened. The title, the evolution, and the second crystal that broke. Yahoo! I did it! But... there are 8 more waves after this! Come on, I wanna evolve...

"Grr... next platoon, charge!!" - Old man

Charge all you want~. That won't break my [Heresy Modification] barrier~. Seriously, even a Lesser Zombie would be more of a threat to me than these guys. 

This wave contained even more Spirits... and wave nr.1 already had a good hundred. Where do they find all these guys?

Some of the Spirits looked like they understood the trick with the threads and tried to slip through them, so I threw a Piercing Thread at them like a javelin. The only difference from the previous wave was how long it took for the Spirits to die out.


As for the fourth wave-


It was a single Dread Spirit that looked like it was halfway to becoming a King. He looked more solid, but at the end of the day, still a Dread Spirit. An Impact Thread was enough to bypass his defense.

And wave five... what? You just increased from one to 3 semi-Kings? Triple Impact Threads, coming up~.


As for the next...hm? The barrier turned more transparent. I wonder...

"AAAARGHH!! What's wrong with you!? How can you defeat Dread Spirits like they were soap bubbles! They are-!" - Old man

The old man started complaining about something, but I ignored him. The threads inside the barrier have become receivable to my skills. Is it because we're halfway into this thing? It's only [Thread Control] that seems to work. Now, this is gonna be interesting.

"-and one is supposed to guard the magici-*STAB*-ans...eh?" - Old man

Did he say something? No matter, my armor-puppet plan worked! 

When I was setting up my one-thread web at the other side of the graveyard, I also left behind one of the armors I had taken from the castle corridors. The inside of the armor was filled with threads connected to another leg than the one-thread web.

Since the barrier had turned meek enough for me to control my threads inside there again, I moved the armor and had it use its sword to impale the ghost old man right into the core that kept him together. Victory!

Thinking about it, I could just have strangled him with the threads instead...but he's a Living Spirit, so it's safer to go for the heart. Yup, I'll go with that excuse.

Quest Challenge cleared!!

  • Remnant of Rebellion (Helmet)
  • 1 Skill Scroll: [Leadership]
Bonus Achievement Rewards:
  • Solo-Clear:
    • 1 Steel Armor
  • Quick Finish:
    • 10 Steel Swords
  • Special Victory Conditions:
    • 1 Skill Scroll: [Tactics]

Oh, so you clear the whole thing just by crushing the old man. 

I picked up the steel-thing and Skill Scrolls that appeared in front of me and placed them all in the Storage. You mustn't forget the helmet either. Now then, today's trip has been fruitful enough. Let's get back to the base. 


Name: Garami
Race: Reha Zera   | Gender: Female
Level: 20 | Evolution is possible
Karma Value: -156
Main Class: Rogue Lv.36
Skills: 84
Skill Points: 9.8
HP: 145/145 MP: 99/150 SP: 121/153
STR: 149 VIT: 128 MAG: 100
RES: 169 SPD: 190 DEX: 205
INT: 120 LUC: 150
Skill List:
Ability Skills:
[Health Increase (Small) Lv.Max]  [HP Auto-Recovery Lv.16] UP2 [Mana Increase Lv.4] EVOLVED
[Reduced Mana Consumption Lv.18] UP6 [MP Auto-Recovery Lv.23] UP3 [Stamina Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Reduced Stamina Consumption Lv.44] UP3 [Strength Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Vitality Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
[Magic Increase (Small) Lv.7] UP2 [Resistance Increase (Small) Lv.Max] [Speed Increase (Small) Lv.Max]  
[Dexterity Increase (Small) Lv.Max] 
 Attack Skills:
[Guard Lv.42] UP1 [Parry Lv.40] UP2 [Bite Lv.22]
Magic Skills:
[Darkness Magic Lv.5] UP1    
Crafting Skills:
[Mixing Lv.1]    
Active Skills:
[Aura of Darkness Lv.13] UP1 [Heresy Modification Lv.18] UP11 [Sadistic Constitution Lv.Max] UP9
[Stealth Lv.28] [Silence Lv.25] UP1 [Odorless Lv.24] UP1
[Camouflage Lv.28]  [Intimidation Lv.42] [Lightwalk Lv.Max] UP4
[Thread Control Lv.31] UP13 [Cutting Thread Lv.17] UP8 [Piercing Thread Lv.14] UP9
[Impact Thread Lv.13] UP11 [Spatial Storage Lv.5]  
Passive Skills:
[Whipsmanship Lv.22] UP15 [Threadsmanship Lv.37] UP12 [Close Quarters Combat Lv.Max]
[Magic Power Operation Lv.8] UP1 [Throwing Lv.Max] [Aiming Lv.Max] UP3
[Evasion Lv.Max] UP6 [Jump Lv.48] UP9 [Parkour Lv.Max]
[Climbing Lv.25] [Pilfer Lv.3] UP2 [Ambush Lv.11]
[Battle Continuation Lv.Max] [Darkness Reinforcement Lv.18] [Debuff Reinforcement Lv.11]
[Gathering Lv.Max] [Riding Lv.36] [Footwork Lv.Max]
[Lockpicking Lv.2] UP1 [Vital Point Knowledge Lv.19] [Thought Acceleration Lv.8] EVOLVED
[Parallel Thinking Lv.Max] [Auto-Mapping Lv.11] UP1 [Language Adaption]
Resistance Skills:
[Water Resistance Lv.28] [Darkness Resistance Lv.6] [Poison Resistance Lv.24]
[Heretic Resistance Lv.20] UP11 [Heretic Immunity Lv.6] UP4 [Paralyze Resistance Lv.14]
[Sleep Resistance Lv.42] UP1 [Confusion Resistance Lv.12] [Fear Resistance Lv.Max] UP42
[Pain Resistance Lv.Max]      
Perception Skills:
[Night Vision Lv.Max] [Intuition Lv.2] EVOLVED [Identification Lv.31] UP1
[Discern Lv.23] UP2 [Discover Lv.9] UP3 [Magic Sight Lv.45] UP6
Leadership Skills:
[Leadership Lv.31] [Tactics Lv.22] [Tame Lv.1] 
[Darkness Element Lv.18]     
Monster Skills:
[Poison Bite Lv.25] [Paralyze Bite Lv.12] [Sleep Bite Lv.14]
[Confusion Bite Lv.10] [Spider Thread Lv.45] UP15 [Golden Ratio Lv.1] 
[Grudge Evil Eye Lv.3]     

Gue-he-he-he. I'm able to evolve!! Again. What are the evolution options this time? I'm too excited, so I'll look at them on my way home.

Evolution Options:
Select your evolution target:
  • Reha Phraga
    • Requirements:
      • Race: Reha Zera
      • 3 or more different ailment-inflicting Skills at a total level of 50 or more.
  • Reha Aridna
    • Requirements:
      • Race: Reha Zera
      • Thread Skills with a total level of 70 or more.
  • Night Gaunt 
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon
      • Negative Karma Value of 50 or more
      • STR, VIT, and RES at 100 or more.
      • Darkness attribute skills with a total level of 30 or higher.
      • Heretic attribute skills with a total level of 30 or higher.
  • Ushi-Oni 
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon, Arachnid
      • HP, SP, STR, and VIT at 100 or more.
  • Jorou-Gumo 
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon, Arachnid
      • Negative Karma Value of 100 or more
      • DEX at 100 or more.
      • Thread Skills with a total level of 50 or more.
  • Maneko (Ex Race)
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon
      • LUK at 150 or more.
  • Darkness Globe (Ex Race)
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon
      • MP and RES at 150 or more.
      • Any Darkness attribute skills of a total level of 100 or more.
      • Owns the "Darkness Technique User" title.
  • Rasetsu Ogre (Ex Race)
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon
      • Negative Karma Value of 100 or more
      • Darkness attribute skills at a total level of 50 or higher.
      • Owns the "Darkness Technique User" title.
      • Owns the "Dread Spirit Slayer" title.
  • Rasetsu Ogre Lord (Ex Race)
    • Requirements:
      • Trait: Low Demon
      • Negative Karma Value of 150 or more
      • Darkness attribute skills at a total level of 75 or higher.
      • Owns the "Darkness Technique User" title.
      • Owns the "Dread Spirit Genocider" title.

...? Wait, there must be something wrong with [Identification]. Let's turn it off, then... nope. Still so many evolution options. 

From the looks of it, most of them require higher-than-average stats. Except for the DEX-related ones, I wouldn't have obtained these evolutions without the cheat-trained Ability Skills. 

To think that the total amount of skill levels also had something to say. The thread skills got seriously boosted thanks to me using them in collaboration with [Heresy Manipulation]. Wonder if some creatures can't evolve due to them skipping out on training their skills?

The first two are from the Reha Zera line, with the Phraga being an ailment specialist and Aridna the same with threads. The Phraga gains the Poison attribute alongside Darkness and from what [Identification] tells me, it's a living plague. Aridna is still solely of the Darkness attribute, but it looks like one heck of a weaver.

Night Gaunts are... ah yes. Just as I thought. Right out from a Lovecraft novel. That one seems fun, and it also has the Heretic attribute. Still, having to shift to a defense style for it is like taking one step forward and two back. 

The next two aren't even demons, but yokai? Ah, yokai's are a sub-species of demons. The Ushi-Oni is a musclehead and an Earth attribute, so pass. A Jorou-Gumo sounds better... but it shifts from Darkness attribute to sole Heretic attribute. Decisions, decisions...

The Maneko is a strange one. Almost expected it to be a yokai... but a creature that has only luck and no battle abilities is unfortunately not what I had in mind. It's even a Light attribute to boot...

Then there's these "Rasetsu"-guys. Rasetsu, Rasetsu... I know I've heard that name before, but not where. The Ogre part is obvious, but there are two of them. And one of them even got a "Lord" in its name, as if the clear upgrade from the other guy wasn't obvious enough.

Alright, [Disce-, and I've reached the "backdoor". Times sure fly when you're got your head full of stuff. Plus I got the map now.

Better have Gust tell me more about these guys. I bet his jaw's gonna hit the floor when he sees this list~.


"You WHAT!?!" - Gust


Forget about his jaw, his whole body fell to the floor from sheer surprise. 

"No, I should have expected this when you showed me your Skill List. But to think you even obtained a Lord..." - Gust

Ah, he picked himself up. A little dusty in the feathers, but still a-okay.

Then, you know what this "Rasetsu"-the guy is?

"Do you know about Rakshasa?" - Gust

Those are those man-eaters, right?

I think I heard about them when I looked up Hinduism once. 

"Yeah, the Rasetsu Ogres are the 'demi-human'-versions of the Rakshasas." - Gust

What!? Rasetsu Ogres are man-eaters!?

Oh man, did I unlock some forbidden race here?

"You do know about them. And no. While they have some common points, the Rasetsu Ogre is more of a 'wild' demon species rather than the Rakshasa's that are simply wild, demonic animals." - Gust

Then, the difference is like with Goblins and Vile Goblins?

"Precisely. Rakshasas simply follow their instincts in eating anything they come over, while Rasetsu Ogres are demons that have obtained great powers through the act of ridding the world of evil spirits. More precisely, Dread ones." - Gust

In other words, a more "legal" version of the man-eaters. Phew, guess it's only a hidden character than a banned one.

"And you even obtained a Lord variant... do you know how a Vile Goblin can become a Vile Gobling King?" - Gust

Not a clue~. And "Evil" Goblins?

"Regular Goblins are Demi-humans while Vile Goblins are Demi-monsters." - Gust

Oh, I see. Continue.

I didn't get it at all, but the "Lord"'s more important.

"The Vile Goblins' natural evolution is to become a Vile Hobgoblin, but there are some individuals that can evolve into a Vile Goblin King or Queen." - Gust

So, a Lord's a type of Ex race evolution?

"That's right, but that's not my point. The King is rank C, and its stats far surpasses that of the Hobgoblin of the same rank, despite Goblins being the same as lesser Hobgoblins. " - Gust

Meaning that being a Lord is better than just being of a rare race.

"Pretty much. But Lords are rare in themselves, and it's not like all species have a Lord in their evolution line. Be glad you found that... well, it was easy enough for you." - Gust

Sure was~.

"Still, the Night Gaunt and the Darkness Globe could give you better chances-" - Gust

Of getting Kur Kigal? Nope. The Night Gaunt would probably lock me into the Outer One line due to it being a Lower Demon despite being rank E-. And the Globe-

"Yeah, good point. Forget I said anything." - Gust

Gust shrugged and went back to inspect the items I had brought back. I made another look at all the evolution-options' entries in the Kigal-Note... yup. Her majesty is the only one for me.

I went back into the bedroom that the moles had prepared for me. Then...


Extra Race - Rasetsu Ogre Lord has been selected.

During evolution, you will not be able to move.

Do you wish to start the evolution into Extra Race - Rasetsu Ogre Lord?


You bet! 


Commencing evolution to Extra Race - Rasetsu Ogre Lord

Well, good night. ZZZZZZZZZ...

Kigal-Note/Demons: Rasetsu Ogre Lord

Name: Rasetsu Ogre Lord
Rank: S (E+)
Type: Demon
Lifespan: 150~250 Years
Attribute: Darkness
Traits: Demon, Royal Monster


The Rasetsu Ogre Lord is a Royal Monster of the already rare Rasetsu Ogre race. They are supposed to have a higher degree of expertise in the Darkness attribute than their  "subjects", but not much is known about this species.


From the little information that is possible to salvage, it is known that the Rasetsu Ogre Lord has a similar appearance to the Ogre species with black-and-purple horns sticking up from their heads. Their bodies, however, are supposed to be much slimmer than the Ogre species.


Average HP: E Average MP: D- Average SP: E-
Average STR: E Average VIT: F+ Average MAG: E+
Average RES: E+ Average SPD: E+ Average DEX: D-
Average INT: C+ Rarity: B+ Danger Rank: E+~C-

The Rasetsu Ogre Lord is supposed to be more Darkness attribute specialized than the Rasetsu Ogre. Due to this, researchers believe it has lost some of its powers from when it was a Rasetsu Ogre, but nothing is certain.

Due to them being a Royal Monster, the Rasetsu Ogre Lord is capable of leading a horde of monsters under its command. As with other Demon Royal Monsters, this ability extends to other creatures than its "subject"-species.

Garami's comment: Winner! A bonafide best-of-the-best!!

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