A Pathway to Pokémon Adventure

Chapter 7: Preparing for the Journey

The morning light streamed through the window, gently waking me from a restful sleep. I stretched and sat up, glancing at Staryu, which was still floating peacefully beside me. Today was the day I’d start preparing for my journey to Fortree City, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose.

After a quick wash-up, I headed down to the common area of the Pokémon Center. The aroma of breakfast wafted through the air, and I joined a small group of trainers at the breakfast table. I nibbled on a piece of toast while listening to their chatter about battles and strategies.

Once I finished my meal, I decided it was time to shop for supplies. I needed Poké Balls, healing items, and maybe some food for Staryu. After thanking Nurse Joy for the hospitality, I set off toward the town's marketplace, eager to see what was available.

The market was bustling with activity. Vendors called out, showcasing their wares, from colorful berries to shiny Poké Balls. I browsed through the stalls, making mental notes of what I might need.

“Excuse me, how much for a Poké Ball?” I asked a vendor who had a bright red and white display.

“Five hundred Poké Dollars each,” he replied, his tone cheerful.

I hesitated, remembering my limited funds. After catching Staryu and buying some basic supplies, I didn’t have much left. “Could I buy just one for now?” I asked, trying to sound hopeful.

“Sure thing!” he said, handing me a Poké Ball. I felt a pang of disappointment knowing I couldn't get more.

Next, I found a stall selling berries and healing items. “I’d like a couple of Oran Berries,” I said, but my heart sank when I saw the price. I could only afford one.

“Anything else?” the vendor asked.

“That’s it for now,” I replied, taking the berry and tucking it away. My supplies were minimal, but I was determined to make them last.

As I continued browsing, I spotted a stand selling Pokémon guides. The glossy cover caught my eye, showcasing various Pokémon. “How much for the guide?” I asked the vendor.

“Fifteen hundred Poké Dollars,” he replied.

I felt a rush of excitement at the thought of having a comprehensive resource. “I’ll take it!” I said, knowing it would be invaluable on my journey.

After completing my shopping, I made my way back to the Pokémon Center. As I entered, I noticed Nurse Joy organizing some paperwork at the front desk.

“Welcome back! How did the shopping go?” she asked, looking up with a smile.

“I managed to get a Poké Ball, a berry, and this Pokémon guide!” I replied, holding it up proudly.

“Great choices!” she said. “That guide will be very useful. It’s an encyclopedia of Pokémon, detailing their types, habitats, and evolutions.”

“I’m looking forward to learning more about Pokémon!” I said, feeling even more prepared.

Nurse Joy nodded sympathetically. “It can be tough starting out. If you’re looking to earn some money for more supplies, you might consider battling other trainers. You can also check the bulletin board for missions that people in town need help with.”

“Bulletin board?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yes! It’s over there,” she said, pointing to a wall where various notes were pinned. “People post requests for help, like retrieving lost items or assisting with Pokémon issues. Completing those can earn you rewards, and it’s a great way to gain experience.”

I felt a surge of excitement. Battling other trainers would not only help me earn some money, but it would also allow Staryu and me to gain valuable experience. “Thanks for the suggestion, Nurse Joy! I’ll check it out.”

After a quick nod from Nurse Joy, I headed over to the bulletin board. The notes varied in their requests, and I felt a sense of determination build within me as I scanned them.

One note caught my eye: “Help needed to find a missing Poké Ball near the river. Reward: 300 Poké Dollars.” Another mentioned a trainer looking for a partner to battle with.

I took a deep breath, realizing that this was my chance to get involved. I could help others while building my own skills.

Feeling motivated, I turned back to Nurse Joy. “I think I’ll take on a mission from the board. It seems like a great way to get started.”

“Absolutely! Just remember to be cautious and trust your instincts,” she advised. “And don’t hesitate to return if you need anything.”

I felt a sense of excitement wash over me. There was a world waiting for me to explore, and I was eager to see what lay ahead. With Staryu by my side and my new guide in hand, I was ready to embrace the 

challenges and adventures waiting for me on this journey.

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