Chapter 48: A Nexus Devil ( Chapter 48:Harry waved him off.)
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Sharemost accepting of that kind of thing. His entire family is pretty much pagan and all." Harry joked.
"Well, that really sucks," Jake said. "Is he just going to ignore me from now on?"
Both of them explained to Jake how this wasn't the first time Ron had proven to be very unaccepting of those he deemed 'dark'.
"He pretty much hated every single Slytherin student from day one, and yeah, some of them are dicks," Harry explained, "but most of them are pretty alright. Like Greengrass, she happens to be alright in all the right plac- ow, Hermione, I was kidding!
" Hermione smacked Harry upside the head before he could finish.
"But you two don't have any problem with me being half-devil, do you?" Jake asked.
Harry waved him off. "Hermione and I were both raised as atheists, so no." Hermione nodded in agreement.
Jake gave them a smile. "Well, thanks for sticking by me, you two. I appreciate that! So, what was the reason that Ron was avoiding you guys also?"
Hermione let out a sad sigh. "Apparently, Ron has been harboring a secret crush on me for the past year. And he was actually going around and telling the other Gryffindor boys, and I quote, "back off!
Cause she's mine!"" Hermione scoffed as she did quotes with her fingers.
To Jake's surprise, Harry reached over and took Hermione's hand in his own as they both blushed. "Yeah, so he didn't take it too well when he found out that Hermione and I were going to the Yule Ball together."
Jake smirked. "Good for you guys, and if he can't accept it, then fuck him."
"Yeah," Harry said, "we've been sort of drifting apart for a bit now. That little adventure with Luna was actually the first time we'd hung out together in a while, and he wanted to bail halfway through that."
Jake smirked, "Didn't Hermione try to bail too?" he teased.
"Not important!" Hermione snapped back.
"Well, I'm happy for you guys," Jake said. "I'll be going to the ball with Luna, not romantically, obviously. She's like 13, after all. She's a third year and she wanted to go, but she apparently can't unless her date is a fourth year or up.
Plus, as a champion, I need a date, so this is a win-win for both of us." Jake explained.
"With all the orange hair drama out of the way," Hermione spoke, "you need to tell us what happened that made you show up to dinner looking like you just got run over!"
Jake then took the next few minutes explaining to them what had happened, starting from his encounter with the giant spiders, to his short battle against the three hitmen and finally to his clash with the rampaging Fiendfyre spell.
"Wow!" they both exclaimed. "Your life is honestly kinda crazy sometimes, Jake," Hermione said. "And I thought Harry was supposed to be the trouble magnet."
"Honestly, other than my name coming out of the Goblet, it's been pretty tame for me so far," Harry explained. "Last year at this point in time, I'd almost had my soul sucked out by dementors... twice." The conversation petered off, and they called it a night.
The next few days leading up to the ball were relatively tame for Jake. He spent some more time with Luna, Harry, and Hermione. He also took the time to practice tamer types of magic.
Jake even decided to sit in on a few classes, figuring he might as well since he was technically a student. He even attended one of Snape's Potions classes... but that's a story for another time.
"That gown looks absolutely lovely on you, Luna," Jake complemented his "date" as he escorted her down the stairs.
"Thank you, Jake," Luna said happily. "And you too look quite handsome in that suit."
"Yep," Jake said with a smirk. "I look good in everything."
Jake and Luna eventually joined Harry and the other champions, along with their dates, outside the ballroom doors. When it was time for the ball to start, McGonagall approached them.
"As you all know," she said, "it's tradition for the champions to open the ball with a dance with their partners.
" Fleur, Victor, and their dates, some random students no one cared about, nodded their heads. Meanwhile, Jake, Hermione, and Harry were shocked.
"What?" Hermione exclaimed. "No one told us we had to open the ball and dance in front of all those people!"
"What's the matter, guys?" Jake said. "Don't know how to dance?"
"No, I don't know how to dance," Harry said. "And do you even know how to dance, Jake?"
Jake just laughed confidently. "Nope," he said. "What about you, Luna? Do you know how to dance?" Luna shook her head in the negative as well.
She had spent the majority of her life roaming the countryside with her father, searching for mythical creatures that most wizards didn't believe existed. Where would she have had the time to learn how to dance?
McGonagall's face turned ugly upon realizing she'd forgotten to inform them that they had to open the ball in all the chaos of having to reorganize the second task.
Now she was afraid that both of her school's champions were going to open the ball and they were going to put on an embarrassing performance for Hogwarts!
Harry and Hermione looked mortified at the fact that they were about to publicly embarrass themselves. Meanwhile, Jake gave Harry a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it, man. This is a ball full of teenagers after all.
It'll take a half hour tops before someone spikes the punch and once everyone's hammered, no one will care about this absolute travesty we're about to put on." He said with a thumbs up. Harry just gave a small smile in solidarity.
At least they'd go down in embarrassing infamy together. Luna had a contemplative look on her face…
Music started playing on the other side of the doors, and McGonagall told them they might as well go in there and start dancing their best…
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