A New Myth: The Monkey, the Dragon, and the Idiot

Chapter 4: Journey and Training Arc (Part 2)

I have returned with another chapter!


And, in the words of the holy, venerable, totally-doesn't-molest-kids mapo tofu priest:


Honestly, I dunno where this burst of motivation came from, but here's another chapter.

It's crazy! Owo

Y'know, I was just lying down on my bed maybe an hour ago, and then I was like, "hey, maybe I – as intelligent, smart, gorgeous, wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, and gorgeous as I am – should be gracious enough to hear the prayers of the masses and conceive another chapter".

And here it is! UMU

Honestly, I've just been bored with farming on FGO for hours on end; I think I'm slowly losing the will to do the Holy Grind T-T.

The Valentine's event in NA is just another lotto thing, so I've already used like 40 of my 42 gold apples T-T.

I'm so poor… And I only have 23 SQ for Draco… ToT






Anyways, moving on.

Enjoy the chapter, nerds!

Also, if you can, please leave a review if y'all have some time.

Not forcing you.

Totally not.

For sure.

Mh hm *nods*.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


The river was as black as ink, its surface eerily still beneath the pale light of the moon. Mist curled along the banks, coiling around jagged rocks and the remnants of old bones. Wukong landed lightly on a boulder, staff resting on his shoulder, eyes scanning the water with a knowing grin.

"So this is where the big, bad man-eating sand monk is hiding?" he mused, tail flicking behind him. "Gotta say, I expected something scarier. Maybe more skulls, more wailing spirits? It just smells like wet dog and moldy fish."

Beside him, Bajie grunted, folding his arms. "Don't say I didn't warn you. Wujing doesn't like visitors."

"Oh, I'm counting on that," Wukong said, smirking. He cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered into the night, voice carrying over the river like a drumbeat. "Oi! Water demon! You in there? Or did some hero already put you out of your misery?"

Silence. Then, with a deep, resonant splash, something massive stirred beneath the surface. The water churned, ripples distorting the reflection of the moon. Slowly, a dark shape emerged—a hulking figure, broad and draped in tattered monk's robes, his skin tinged the color of the riverbed. Beads clinked softly around his neck, and as he lifted his head, eyes glowed faintly beneath a furrowed brow.

Sha Wujing.

His voice rumbled like distant thunder. "Who dares disturb me?"

Wukong grinned. "Oh good, you are alive. I was worried you'd drowned yourself out of boredom."

Wujing's gaze drifted between Wukong and Bajie, then lingered on the pig. "Bajie… you brought a monkey?"

Bajie sighed. "Not by choice."

"Rude," Wukong said. He hopped off the boulder and strode forward, hands behind his head. "Name's Sun Wukong. The Handsome Monkey King, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, the—"

"The fool who got himself imprisoned under a mountain for five hundred years?" Wujing cut in, voice dry as sand.

Bajie burst into laughter. Wukong blinked, then whistled lowly. "Well, well. Not bad. You actually have a sense of humor. Maybe there's some hope for you yet."

Wujing's expression didn't change. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just figured I'd drop by, stretch my legs, invite you to join our little pilgrimage."

Wujing's eyes narrowed. "Pilgrimage?"

"Yeah. You know, the whole 'travel to the West, escort a holy monk, achieve enlightenment' thing." Wukong waved a hand. "Buddha's grand plan, karma, redemption, all that nonsense."

Wujing stared. Then, slowly, he exhaled through his nose. "Leave."

Bajie elbowed Wukong. "Told you. He's not the friendly type."

Wukong grinned wider. "Oh, I like a challenge."

He took a step closer, tail flicking. "C'mon, Wujing. You're already halfway to being a monk. Got the beads, the robes—sure, they're a bit moldy, but I'm sure Bajie can lend you a fresh pair."

"I'm not going."

"Why not? Got another important river to terrorize? Some more bones to collect?"

Wujing's eyes darkened. "I have no interest in redemption."

"Ahhh, I get it." Wukong nodded sagely. "You like sulking, don't you? Just hanging around, scaring travelers, brooding like some tragic hero. Real dramatic."

"I said leave."

"Or what?" Wukong tilted his head. "You'll frown harder at me? Ooooh, terrifying."

Bajie groaned. "Would you stop poking the bear?"

"What? It's fun!"

Wujing had heard enough. With a low growl, he raised his staff—a massive monk's spade, the blade glinting under the moonlight—and swung. The air whistled as it cut through the mist, aimed straight at Wukong's head.

Wukong grinned. Finally.

He ducked at the last moment, the force of the swing splitting the boulder behind him clean in half. He whistled. "Nice swing. Bet you'd be real popular at a lumberyard."

Wujing didn't respond. He swung again, fast and precise, the river itself churning from the force of his strikes. But Wukong was faster. He danced around the attacks, hands behind his back, tail flicking, a wide grin never leaving his face.

"Y'know, for a guy who doesn't care, you sure seem eager to take my head off."

Wujing's patience snapped. With a roar, he slammed his staff down with enough force to crack the riverbed, water exploding outward.

When the mist cleared, Wukong was standing on the end of Wujing's own staff, balancing effortlessly. "You done yet? Or do you wanna keep making a fool of yourself?"

Wujing scowled, shaking him off. Wukong flipped midair, landing lightly on a rock. "Whew! That was a workout. You know, you'd make a great sparring partner."

Wujing's grip tightened on his staff. "Get. Out."

Wukong sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. But before I go, let me ask you one thing, big guy." He gestured around the empty river. "Are you really happy here? Just hiding out in this stinking swamp, smashing the occasional bandit, scaring off travelers? That's the great life of the exiled general Sha Wujing?"

Wujing stiffened.

Wukong's grin softened, just slightly. "I know what it's like to rot away, y'know. Stuck under a mountain for centuries? You start talking to yourself. Start thinking you'll never do anything else. But here's the thing…"

He spun his staff once before planting it in the dirt. "Buddha gave us a chance. A real one. We walk this path, we might just make something of ourselves. Or," he shrugged, "you can stay here. Stay forgotten. Your call."

Silence stretched between them. Even Bajie, for once, said nothing.

Then, slowly, Wujing exhaled. He looked down at his hands, at the river around him. Then, with something between a sigh and a low chuckle, he shook his head.

"You're insufferable."

"I try," Wukong said, beaming.

Another beat of silence. Then Wujing hefted his staff onto his shoulder and stepped out of the water. "Fine. I'll go. But only because I'm tired of listening to your voice."

"See? That's the spirit!" Wukong clapped him on the back—then winced. "Ow. Solid as a damn mountain."

Bajie shook his head. "This is going to be a long journey."

Wujing grunted. "It was peaceful before you showed up."

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" Wukong said, already leading the way, tail flicking. "C'mon, slowpokes! Time to meet the boss monk!"

And just like that, the three of them left the river behind, the night still echoing with Wukong's laughter.

The pilgrimage had just gained its final warrior.

And peace? It was now just a distant memory.


"I alone cannot change the world…

But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples"

Mother Teresa


Journey and Training Arc (Part 2)


"Mmmmhhhh…. Zzzzzzzz…."

Valerie was blissfully unconscious, cocooned in many layers of her blankets, drooling happily, when something soft but persistent prodded at her cheek. 

She twitched but didn't wake, her body still heavy with exhaustion from the previous day's training. The poking continued, a slow, rhythmic nuisance, like a tiny bird repeatedly pecking at her face.

"Oi. Wake up."


She grumbled something incoherent, face scrunching in annoyance as she instinctively swatted at the offending touch. The hand withdrew for a moment but returned with renewed enthusiasm.




Valerie let out a long groan, sinking deeper into her makeshift bedding in a futile attempt to escape the torment. "Five more minutes…" she mumbled, voice muffled against the fabric of her cloak.




She could feel a vein twitch in her forehead. Even half-asleep, her patience was running dangerously thin.


Tic mark.


She grit her teeth, another tic mark forming.


The last one did it.

With an irritated roar, Valerie's eyes snapped open, her hand lashing out in a wild attempt to smack the nuisance away. "I swear to the gods, if you don't stop that right now, I'm going to—"

Sun Wukong grinned at her, still squatting next to her bedroll with his staff resting lazily across his shoulders. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty."

Valerie's eye twitched as she sat up, still groggy but now thoroughly irritated. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she snapped, rubbing the spot on her cheek where he had been poking her. "You've got a death wish or something?"

"Nah," Wukong said cheerfully, hopping to his feet with an easy grace. "Just making sure my cute little disciple doesn't sleep the day away. Training waits for no one, y'know."

Valerie scowled, still not fully awake. "I hate you."

"You wound me, kid." He clutched his chest as if she had struck him, though the smirk on his face betrayed any sincerity. Then, before she could muster up another retort, he spun on his heel and took off. "Better get moving, princess! Training starts now!"

He disappeared into the trees before she could throw something at him.

Valerie groaned, running a hand through her hair before grumbling under her breath. "Stupid monkey. Annoying sensei."

Still, she forced herself to her feet, testing her balance as she put weight on her previously broken leg. It wasn't fully healed yet, but it was close enough that she could move without too much trouble. The dull ache lingered, a reminder of her previous battle, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle.

Muttering under her breath, she limped after Wukong, already dreading whatever torment he had in store for her today.


By the time she caught up to him, Wukong was perched on a rock, twirling his staff between his fingers, looking far too pleased with himself. "Took you long enough."

Valerie huffed, crossing her arms. "I'd have been here sooner if someone didn't insist on waking me up in the most obnoxious way possible."

"Hey, gotta keep things interesting." He grinned. He clapped his hands together. "Alright, today's lesson is all about dodging."

Valerie narrowed her eyes. "That sounds suspiciously like you're going to be hitting me."

"Wow, you catch on quick."

Before she could protest, Wukong was already in motion. He didn't even move from his spot—he just flicked his wrist, and his staff extended like a bullet.

Valerie barely had time to react before she twisted to the side, the wind from the staff's movement brushing against her cheek. "Are you serious?!"

"Dodge," Wukong said simply, twirling his staff and sending another strike her way.

She cursed and threw herself backward, narrowly avoiding the hit. "My leg is still healing, you psychopath!"

"That just means you gotta work harder to compensate," he said with a shrug, adjusting his stance before launching another attack. "C'mon, kid, you're not gonna get any stronger standing around complaining."

Valerie gritted her teeth, her irritation fueling her movements as she ducked and rolled out of the way. The staff kept coming, swift and unrelenting, forcing her to move, to anticipate, to react faster. Wukong wasn't going easy on her, but at least he wasn't aiming to actually break anything this time.

Time blurred as they continued, Valerie dodging by the skin of her teeth as Wukong tested her limits. The pain in her leg flared up more than once, but she bit down on it, refusing to let it slow her down too much.

After what felt like an eternity, Wukong finally stopped, resting his staff on his shoulder as he eyed her with something between approval and amusement. "Not bad. You might actually survive a real fight one of these days."

Valerie scowled at him, panting. "Glad to know I have your confidence, Sensei."

He just laughed, walking over and ruffling her hair before she could slap his hand away. "You did good, kid. But we're just getting started."

Valerie groaned. She really, really hated training days.


Valerie barely had time to catch her breath before Wukong grinned and spun his staff again, the golden rod whistling through the air with deadly precision. "Alright, round two."

"Are you kidding me?" she snapped, staggering back. "You just tried to turn me into a pancake for ten minutes straight!"

"And?" He shifted his weight, rolling his shoulders like he was warming up. "You think a real opponent is gonna give you a break because you're tired?" He tapped the end of his staff against the ground, his grin widening. "If you're standing, you're fighting. So—"

He moved before she could react, the staff lashing out like a striking snake.

Valerie barely twisted out of the way, the tip of the weapon grazing past her ribs. She stumbled but caught herself, gritting her teeth as she tried to focus. Her muscles ached, her lungs burned, and her injured leg throbbed like hell, but Wukong was relentless. There was no hesitation, no mercy—only movement, only attack after attack, forcing her to move or get crushed.

She dodged another swipe, but the next came too fast. The staff slammed into her forearm, knocking her off balance, and before she could recover, Wukong was already on her. He flicked his wrist, and the staff extended again, sweeping toward her legs.

She jumped—or tried to. Pain shot through her injured leg, and she barely got high enough before the staff clipped her ankle. The world tilted as she hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of her.

"Tch." Wukong planted the staff into the dirt, leaning on it as he watched her. "You got sloppy."

Valerie groaned, rolling onto her side. "Yeah, well, I don't have magic monkey stamina."

He snorted. "Excuses, excuses. Get up."

"Gimme a second to not die."

"Get. Up."

There was no real anger in his tone, but the weight behind his words left no room for argument. Valerie gritted her teeth and forced herself to her feet, swaying slightly. Her arms trembled, her leg protested every movement, but she planted her feet and glared at him.

"Better." He twirled the staff one last time before resting it across his shoulders. "Now, tell me—what went wrong?"

"Aside from you trying to kill me?" She wiped sweat from her brow. "I got tired."

"Nope." He tapped the end of the staff against her forehead, making her scowl. "You hesitated. You saw the attack coming, and instead of reacting, you hesitated."

She frowned. "I didn't—"

"You did." His expression was serious now, the teasing gone. "You doubted yourself for a split second. You thought about the pain in your leg instead of just moving. That hesitation? That's what gets people killed."

Valerie swallowed. She wanted to argue, wanted to say that of course she hesitated—her body hurt, she was exhausted, she wasn't built like him—but she knew he was right. The moment she second-guessed herself, she lost.

Wukong studied her, then sighed. "Listen, kid, you're strong. But strength isn't just about how hard you hit or how fast you move. It's about trust. Trust in yourself, in your instincts. The second you start doubting, you're already dead."

Valerie let out a slow breath, nodding. "So what do I do?"

Wukong grinned, all mischief returning. "Easy. We keep training until you stop hesitating."

Her stomach dropped. "Oh no."

There was a glint in Wukong's eyes as he began to chuckle menacingly, taking slow, heavy steps.

"Oh yes." He smirked, flipping the staff in his hands. "You're getting better, but we're not done yet. So, are you ready?"

Everything in her body screamed no, but she clenched her fists and set her stance. "Bring it, monkey king."

Wukong laughed, then lunged. And the fight began again.



"Good job, brat! You didn't do too bad."

"I… *pant*... hate you, bastard sensei."

Valerie lay face down on the ground, groaning, her muscles all but spent.

Wukong chuckled, ruffling her hair, before standing up and walking off.

"Well, not too bad… for a friendless loner."

Valerie's head whipped up off the ground, and her eyes pierced Wukong's back as he walked away laughing.


He chuckled.

"Kidding, just kidding. T'was just a jest, milady~… Of course, you wouldn't get a joke, seeing as how you have no friends to share them with.~"


Wukong threw his head back and laughed loudly, walking off into the camp as Valerie swore vengeance behind him, cussing enough to make a drunk sailor blush.

"Oh yeah, I'll be making something for breakfast. You want anything, brat?"

Suddenly, all that swearing stopped, and it was like everything went silent. Valerie's face went deathly pale– paler then normal–, her eyes shrinking back, and her mouth open. She began to sweat.


In a certain game universe…

Her head moved up to the sky.

"I feel a disturbance in eternity…"

She stood up, and brought out a knife.

"Hm… Maybe I should cook something for the Traveler and Yae...

(Said traveler and fox suddenly felt a shiver run down their spine)


"H-hey, sen-sensei… Why d-don't you just wait f-for me to c-cook something? I'll be r-right there, sodon'tmoveatallokayand-"

"Don't worry Valerie. Just leave breakfast to your handsome, reliable, and amazing sensei!" He cut her off cheerfully, clapping his hands as he rummaged through a box of supplies.


In a certain animeverse…


"C'mon, why not?"

A sudden bout of inspiration had hit Yukihira Soma, and he was suddenly in the mood to… 'experiment'...

(His friends attempted to flee, but were suddenly bound in ropes, screaming as the experiments drew ever closer to their open mouths…)


With his eyes closed he brought a bunch of ingredients onto a log, and, to Valerie's utter horror, began to stretch. He cracked his neck, before rubbing his hands together, eyes closed in an upturned smile.

She began to sweat harder, and fought to stand up as much as she could.


From the beginning to the end.

From cosmos to cosmos.

Across space and time, every bad cook that has yet to exist, is existing, and has ceased to exist.

Whether they were human or god, man or woman, oni's or spirits, fallen or demons, heck, even Nigela Lawson and Jamie Oliver (Haiyah…)

Each and every one of them began to cook no-good, horrible, absolutely fucking terrible, mind-numbingly [REDACTED] food.

Truly, throughout all of the Heavens and every single damned Earth, they as a whole are the ones who simply CANNOT cook.

No. Seriously. I'm actually begging y'all, do NOT let them cook, please.


"WAIT! No, STOP! Just wait, I'll be right there –stupid muscles, move!– DON'T EVEN MOVE AN INCH! I'LL HELP YOU COOK, so WAIT RIGHT THERE!!"

"Don't worry, oh student of mine. Just let me cook, okay~?"


(Disclaimer for all viewers: Let it be known, just like all the other famous 'bad cooks' of the multiverse, Sun Wukong has never cooked anything good in his life, and simply CANNOT cook. 

The last time he cooked something… well, there's a reason Atlantis sank... 

The moral of this lesson: Do NOT let bro cook. Seriously. Don't. Death is more preferable.)



"You worry too much, foolish disciple of mine. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?



For the safety of the viewers, please enjoy the scenic views below:

A beautiful, lush forest, alive with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant songs of birds. Sunlight slips through the branches, warming the earth where wildflowers bloom and ferns stretch lazily. A deer lifts its head from a patch of clover, ears twitching at the sound of a squirrel darting up a tree. Everything feels calm, yet full of quiet life, like the forest itself is breathing.

The scene shifts, and we come upon an open ocean calm, its surface smooth like glass, reflecting the sky's soft blue. Waves roll in with a quiet rhythm, their foam dissolving gently into the sand. Now and then, fish leap from the water, their silver scales flashing before they disappear again. The salty breeze carries the scent of the sea, and the whole world feels peaceful, as if time has slowed down.

Above, the sky stretches endlessly, painted with wispy clouds drifting in the breeze. A flock of birds soars high above, their wings catching the light as they glide together, dipping and turning like dancers in the air. The wind carries their calls across the open space, a reminder of freedom and the simple joy of flight.

The sun sinks behind the mountains, turning the sky into a masterpiece of gold, pink, and purple. The peaks glow in the fading light, their rugged edges softened by the colors of the evening. As the last light lingers, a hush falls over the land, and everything feels still—like the world is holding its breath, savoring the last moments of the day.

You have reached the end of the commercial. Thank you for watching. We will now be returning to our daily scheduled program :)



"C'mon, my food wasn't that bad, right?... Right?"

Valerie leaned against a try puking her guts out, rainbows leaving with every heave.

Wukong stood off to the side, laughing nervously.

"Hey, are you ok–"

"DO I LOOK OKAY! *Barfs*–I said to WAIT for me–*Barfs more*–you stupid ape. *Barfs even more*–Like, I know you're missing a few chromosomes, so you're more retarded than most, but next time… FUCKING WAIT AND LISTEN!!!"

Wukong stopped laughing, sweat dripping off his forehead, and he began to tip toe away, attempting to leave during her rant. However…

"And WHERE do you think you're going?"

Sweat dripped down his face.

"Um… Nowhere?"

A tic mark formed on her forehead.

"No, you are going to be going somewhere… GO STAND OVER THERE AND REFLECT, MONKEY!"

She pointed to the edge of the forest, and, unable to work up the nerve to retort and say no, his shoulders drooped, and he trudged off to stand at the corner of the camp.

She watched him go, and huffed. "Stupid monkey…"... before promptly remembering her stomach was sick, and returned to puking her guts out.


"So. What have you learned?"

Wukong kneeled in seiza position, a glowing bump on his forehead as Valerie stood in front of him, hands on her hips.

"Um… Not to cook without your permission…?"

"Hmph. Good. Never touch my kitchen again and never cook again, you got that!"


With his head drooped, he vowed to never cook again. (Thank the Author… wait. 0w0)

As she watched his pitiful form, she sighed, and turned away, walking towards her tent. "... Okay, now that I'm done lecturing you, let's get to talking about other things, okay, sensei?"

He perked up. "Oh yeah! That reminds me… Valerie."

The sudden shift in demeanor made her stop.

"I found a lead as to where Gasper could be."

She turned around and shot forward swiftly, grabbed his shoulders, and began to shake. "WHERE!! WHERE IS HE!!"

"Oi, stop shaking me, brat! Also, you stink, and your breath reeks! Go take a bath in the river, then we'll talk!"

"How dare you say that to a lady! I DON'T STINK–... hm, I do smell a bit…– I guess I'll bathe first. Still, that's quite rude to say, especially to a woman. Hmph."

Wukong scoffed.

"Woman? I don't see a woman. Heh, all I see is a brat that thinks she's matured enough…" He grinned mischievously. "You're also a bit lacking in development… especially in regards to your chest– Gack!" Spittle left his mouth as he was kicked away and crashed into the trees a good hundred meters away, Valerie's leg extended in his previous position.

She sniffed imperiously, turning her head up and walking away. 

"... Stupid monkey."


The crackling of the campfire filled the otherwise silent clearing, its glow casting flickering shadows against the darkened treeline. Valerie sat cross-legged near the fire, the lingering warmth of her bath still clinging to her skin. She had changed into a fresh set of clothes—simple, practical, and far more comfortable than the sweat-drenched rags she had been training in all day. Her damp silver hair hung loosely over her shoulders, the faint scent of river water still clinging to her.

Wukong lay sprawled against a fallen log, one arm tucked lazily behind his head while the other held a long stick, several marshmallows–one of the only things he actually could make– stabbed onto it, and slowly turning golden brown over the fire. His tail flicked idly behind him as he turned one of the skewers with practiced ease.

"You look less like a dying animal now," he commented, not even glancing her way.

Valerie scoffed, running a hand through her still-drying hair. "And you still look like a monkey roasting sweets instead of actually explaining what you found."

Wukong grinned, flashing a sharp canine as he turned his head toward her. "Patience, kid. Not everything in life is about rushing in. Sometimes, you gotta let things cook just right." He plucked one of the marshmallows off the stick and popped it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "But I guess you're right. We need to talk."

Valerie straightened at that, her eyes sharpening as she watched him shift to a more upright position. The playful air around him thinned just enough to let her know he was about to get serious.

"Got my hands on something interesting back at the cartel boss's office," he began, resting his elbow on his knee. "A few files, some ledgers—boring stuff, mostly. But then there was a newspaper clipping."

Valerie's brow furrowed. "A newspaper?"

"More like a printout of something internal," he corrected. "Someone in the Khaos Brigade must've been passing messages along. This one? It was about troop movements. Looks like they're sending more people into Japan."

A chill ran down Valerie's spine. "Japan? Why?"

"Dunno the full scope, but it wasn't just some offhand report. It mentioned a group within the Brigade—the 'Hero Faction.' They've been busy recruiting mages, Sacred Gear wielders, Fallen, Strays, anyone they think can be useful." He let the words settle before adding, "And they're planning something big. Something in Kuoh."

Valerie sat up straighter. She had heard of Kuoh before—a small, unassuming town in Japan, but one that was rumored to be home to powerful forces, both known and unknown. If the Khaos Brigade was gathering there, it wasn't for something small.

"They're targeting someone specific," Wukong continued, eyes flickering with something unreadable. "A Sacred Gear wielder. The report called them 'the one who holds Forbidden Balor View.'"

Valerie's breath hitched, fingers tightening around her knee. "...Forbidden Balor View?"

Wukong nodded, his expression unusually solemn. "Yeah. And here's the kicker—there are only two Forbidden Balor Views in existence." He held up two fingers. "One's still unaccounted for. The other is the one in this report. A fifty-fifty. That means there's a damn good chance it belongs to Gasper."

Silence settled between them, the only sound the soft crackling of fire and the distant chirping of night insects. Valerie's heart pounded in her chest, a mixture of hope and dread clawing at her insides.


The name echoed in her mind, stirring up years of memories she had tried so hard to bury. If the Khaos Brigade was after him, if they had any idea where he was—

"He's alive," she whispered, almost afraid to say it out loud.

Wukong exhaled through his nose, watching her carefully. "Seems like it."

Valerie swallowed, forcing her emotions down. This wasn't the time for blind hope. "If the Brigade and this 'Hero Faction' are both interested in him, it means they think he's a threat."

"Or an asset," Wukong said, throwing another marshmallow into his mouth. "Either way, they want him. Badly. They may have a need for his Gear specifically."

Her hands clenched into fists. "Then we have to get to him first."

Wukong chuckled, shaking his head. "Easy there, kid. I figured you'd say that. And I agree. But we can't just charge in blind. Other than the fact that Kuoh is deep in Shinto territory, we need to know which other factions are there, what kind of forces are moving, and how deep the Brigade's influence runs there." He leaned forward, his golden eyes gleaming in the firelight. "If we screw this up, we could be walking into a bloodbath."

Valerie bit her lip. She hated the idea of waiting. She hated the thought of Gasper being in danger while they sat around making plans. But Wukong was right. Rushing in without knowing the full picture would get them both killed—and worse, it could get Gasper captured before they even had a chance to reach him.

She exhaled slowly, trying to steady herself. "So what's the plan?"

Wukong grinned, pleased she wasn't arguing. "We head to Japan. Get eyes on Kuoh. Figure out who's pulling the strings and how tight their grip is. Then, and only then, we head into Kuoh and make our move."

Valerie nodded, determination setting in her gaze. "Then we leave at first light to gather information."

Wukong smirked, stretching his arms over his head. "That's my student." He popped one last marshmallow into his mouth and leaned back against the log, eyes closing. "Now get some sleep. We've got a long journey ahead."

Valerie didn't respond right away. She stared into the fire, watching the embers dance, the weight of the revelation settling deep in her bones.

Gasper was alive. And soon, in one way or another, she would find him

That was a promise.


Longer chapter than usual, eh? ^w^

Though they're pretty obvious, can you nerds guess where the two 'other universe' characters are?

Don't worry, there'll be little to no crossovers with other 'verses', but I thought of trying something different for this chapter.

Like, how funny would it be to be such a bad cook, you distort space-time so much that you catch the attention of another few bad cooks literal UNIVERSES apart.

Not too bad for my first time, right~? UMU

I think I managed to put it in juuust right~

That was phrased wrong. owO… I'm not dirty minded, you guys are.

But yeah, how was the chapter?

I think it was okay, but I'm probably wrong. I was really sleep deprived–still am, but when I wrote this, it was even worse. I think I was up for… 38 hours?

I should really cut back on the coffee…


Hope y'all enjoyed it, and see y'all nerds in the next chapter!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.