Chapter 47: 47 - Tarkin Gets an Assignment
For Now-Commodore Tarkin, the change in his title did not really change anything. He was still caught in the machine that was breaking apart at the seams, though only to arise in what form, he did not yet know.
His quarters on Coruscant were small, barely more than an office room and a bed chamber. As the night moved into day, he read reports, filed more and dismissed a multitude yet more. His squadron was being repaired, though he also knew that by the time dawn broke, it would no longer be his. He had made his mission clear, his objectives met, and from there, it would be hubris to claim it as his personal command.
His had been destroyed. Many good people lost. Many more will yet be.
There was a chime on his door, and he did not approve of the distraction. "It is open," he stated, fingering the holdout blaster under his table and pointed at the door. He was still cautious, even here.
"Admiral," he greeted the man who had overseen the all-but-disastrous meeting in the Senate building earlier. "What brings you here?"
"A word or three," the man said, entering. He didn't introduce himself, Tarkin noted wryly, when he and Flight Leader Skywalker made their reports. And even now, the Fleet Admiral didn't bother. They both knew each other. And his presence here bode ill for the newly-minted Commodore.
"I wish to apologize for the earlier inconvenience," the man said as he took a seat unbidden. Tarkin noted the shadows of guards outside his room, then put that thought away. Apologies were not expected. They were... unseemly of a man of his stature. "It seems as though a certain Rear Admiral got it into their head that the way they do things on their world - that simulators and wargames are the way to prove ones worth - would apply to the Republic at large."
Tarkin huffed, dispensing with honeyed words. He had no use for them. "So dismiss them."
"I have better uses for them that that," the Fleet Admiral replied, "No, it is not about them that I speak. I wanted to talk to you more directly, given that there was no way to do so before."
Tarkin finally stopped moving his pen across the dataslates. "Sir?"
"I find myself in a rough position. The Jedi were expected to lead, yet they turned down the positions. People who were expecting to take orders now find themselves in the position of giving them, and finding themselves adrift without a stabilizer to keep them in one direction."
Tarkin could see that. But that was something that should have been drilled out of officers when they were earning their first ranks, not something that happened at the top! He kept his silence though, as the Fleet Admiral was not yet finished speaking. "So tell me, Commodore. You went to the Jedi Temple to deliver your Flight Leader back to them. Why do you think the Jedi falter, now of all times?"
If this was a trap, it was not an obvious one, and his mind quickly dismissed other motives. In the end, he had to conclude that the question was legitimate, despite the unorthodox method of the asking. And he was thankful that he had been given an answer due to that same meeting in the Jedi Temple. "They are concerned," he stated firmly, not choosing to use the more accurate word of fear. "The scale of this conflict reminds them far too closely of the wars that led to the foundation of our current Republic a mere thousand years ago." Here, he was reaching, but his research was solid. The last time the Jedi led a proper war, the Galaxy burned.
It was admirable restraint that they placed on themselves, mitigating the possibility of them causing such a conflagration again, but he hoped that they would loosen up just enough to be of aid.
"Such as I had heard," the Fleet Admiral mused. "I have heard the name of Katarn being used in conjunction with this decision. He spoke to Senator Amidala, as well as the Chancellor to explain the Jedi's path, and yet something curious has come to my attention."
Tarkin, having met Master Katarn, and having formed a strong first impression of the man, paid more attention to this. "I have met him," he offered.
"It seems as though, once his name became known to us, Issard and Senate Intelligence went to pull up his file. As you may not know, as the Jedi keep records of all their members, so too does the Republic in case of fraud or impersonation." That was logical, and their numbers were few enough that it was well within the reach of the Republic to keep track of such things.
"Katarn is not a fraud," Tarkin pointed out. "I cannot conceive of a scenario in which he could fool the Chancellor, the Senator, and all the Jedi he has interacted with."
"Yet, he does not exist," the Fleet Admiral informed Tarkin. "Issard and his people have completely failed to provide any record of him being a Jedi. Yet, a Jedi he is. The reports from the ... a certain incident that Senate Intelligence had instigated prove that."
"I am aware of the operation on Garamost. What of it?" Tarkin said neutrally. "This is not something that involves me."
"You shouldn't have been," the Fleet Admiral grimaced. "But you would not do harm with that information, so no ill has falled on you for it. "No, but it seems that much of the rotation that the Jedi have undergone have him at the center." The Fleet Admiral gestured vaguely. "And given that you have met him, I wanted to know what you thought of him as well?"
Tarkin considered his meeting where he met Katarn. "Truth be told," he said as he thought, "at first I did not consider him much of anything at all. I went to that petition knowing the major players of the High Council, and when I saw Katarn there, I did not know what to think. He recognized me though, knew a bit of my history. He..." now that he thought about it, the man was not at ease with him at all. "He was wary of me, and only in hindsight do I realize the audacity of my actions could have brought harm to the Republic."
He had seen self-recrimination on the day before. Why should he be exempt?
"Very true." The Fleet Admiral agreed with only the slightest hint of recrimination. "But you dared. You won. Your actions, small as they have been have been recognized."
"A moment. Back to Katarn," Tarkin moved the conversation back a step. "Do you desire for me to act on behalf of the Navy, vis-a-vis Intelligence, in order to gain more information about him?"
"No," the reply was quick and sharp. "Your negotiation to put in a Naval advisor to help adjust the Jedi and the Navy to each other was unprecedented, and motions have already been made to utilize that to our fullest. You will have a small selection of people to approve of for the posting before the end of the next day."
Tarkin saw his plans taken from him and used to fuller effect than he had anticipated. It galled him, but at the same time he recognized the needs of it. It would be a poor Admiral who could not take advantage of the maneuvers of their subordinates. He would be better in the future, of that he was sure. "Then, moving on?"
"Yes. For starters, your reports have been forwarded to the Kuat Drive Yards, and other facilities producing our ships. Within three months, those ships that can still be refitted will be upgraded with superior point defenses, though as I read between the lines, they will simply be bolting more turrets to the outside of the ship, and it is too late to do so on the ships almost to completion, hence the delay."
Tarkin knew about the efforts involved in repairs and refits. His own ships more precisely. "Good."
"Following that, though the Jedi are loathe to take to combat directly, they have sent out expeditions to several sectors under threat. They have alerted the Senate, and through them, the Navy and Intelligence, that they are planning on reinforcing and marshaling local defensive garrisons, making sure that the words under threat are capable of defending their populations from the Confederacy."
Tarkin was not aware of that, and the actions fit in with what he knew of the Jedi's actions. "What does this have to do with me?"
"Two things. First, once your squadron is repaired, your position as overall commander of your squadron will be formally recognized. You will be given command of the Zenith, a Dreadnaught class ship that will act as your Flag."
"Sir!" Tarkin thanked the Fleet Admiral. This was more than what he had expected! But he also tempered his elation with pessimism. He was not being granted this boon without due consideration and consequence.
"A Captain by the name of Gilad Pellaeon will be the ship's captain while you have control of the squadron," the Fleet Admiral clarified. "He was going to be assigned to a different ship, but your actions have caused this change."
Tarkin nodded, making a note to review the man's file in more detail later.
"Secondly, your new Squadron will be tasked with assisting these developing militias. Delivering defenses to these worlds as well as running attacker/defender exercises to make sure all parties, ground and space are aware of what needs to be done.
Tarkin immediately grasped the nature of the assignment. Training and preparation. To make sure the crews knew how to defend Republic worlds and to attack Confederate worlds. Yes, this was good. And he already saw how he could pull the Jedi into this. Tasking them with defense can be played into their strengths, and putting them into intense situations like this can help determine who among them can better control their power.
"I thank you for this opportunity," Tarkin said with complete honesty.
"Excellent. You will have your orders by noon," the Fleet Admiral stood. "I suggest you prepare yourself accordingly." He made his way to the door. "Is there anything you want to add?"
"No sir," Tarkin replied. "I will read your orders carefully, and will uphold them."
"I expect nothing less." The Fleet Admiral was gone.
Tarkin thought for a moment, and decided his next action needed to be a more personal one. One that would pay a multitude of dividends in the future both near and far.
"Flight Leader Skywalker," he dictated into the recorder. "Forgive me, for it seems that my duties call to me once more. By the time you receive this, I will already be on my way to my next assignment. And that time will be after you have discovered the nature of your punishment for helping me.
"Let it be said that I find your help to have been more valuable than you realize, and for that, I am thankful. I would certainly enjoy working with you again, as we are both improved for it. I can only hope that those of your fellows to take to the battlefield as you have learn those same things that you teach to them.
"As such, when I have the chance, I will be forwarding some details to you about my assignment so that you can choose how best to present these options to your fellows, to lead them properly rather than leaving them to flounder in the dark. You have proven to me to be most capable, and I know that those you give your blessing to will be up to your standards.
I hope to speak with you soon regarding your successes, as well as mine. With regards, Tarkin."
He closed the file, addressed it properly and sent it on its way. He knew that it would be examined by Senate Intelligence, which is why he chose the words he did. By appearing such as he did to young Skywalker, the resulting relationship could prove to be very influential.
So he went back to work.
The Jedi Temple
Anakin stood before Master Windu to receive his punishment. Master before Padawan. He knew this position well, though usually it was Obi-Wan across from him.
"I am not your Master," Master Windu said, "so I will not waste our time with the same sort of things Master Kenobi would speak to you about. I will not take that away from him." He smiled slightly, reminding Anakin again that he was still in trouble. "So after some review, the Council has found that normal punishments would do more harm than good."
Anakin didn't relax. He knew a trap when one was being laid out in front of him like this.
"Instead, the Council has decided that with Master Kenobi's own duties taking him away from you, you need some more responsibility in your training. To that end, you are being assigned to assist the extra-Temple Jedi while they reside here, working under Knight-Errant Katarn when he is present, and reporting to the Council when he is not. Am I understood?"
On one hand, Anakin was elated! On the other hand, he knew that he didn't see everything that was going on. "Yes, Master." He bowed. "I understand."
"Good," Master Windu didn't buy his act for a minute. "Learn from them Anakin. But do not forget where you come from. In the days ahead you will encounter many people who think differently from us, and you will be called upon to trust your own judgment. Learn how to do so here and we may trust you outside the Temple."
"Of course, Master."
He would introduce himself to the other Jedi, he decided. He knew where the Green and the Iron Jedi were located, and from there, who knew?