A New Hope Nier

Chapter 94

Ruby wasn't dumb and although she wasn't the most socially savvy person, she could see when someone looked awkward as hell, so seeing my expression she went quiet.

Realizing this was a very sensitive topic I decided to open up a bit about my semblance and magic in general, so I coughed to get my team's attention. "Guys remember how I told you I am from other worlds? Well in one of those worlds is a lady called Yukari Yakumo, she has the same semblance except in that world that has great amounts of magic it is the core of her being and she is able to freely use it to a level that defies comprehension at times." I began as I imagined just how much power and skill it would take for her to create the dimensional plane of Gensokyo.

"She could do just what Ruby suggested and close the 'Gap' between life and death allowing trapped souls in a place to go free as they temporarily became alive but as for truly bringing someone back to life directly with the ability, I am unaware if she has done that, as it's against the natural order for a reason," I explained with Ruby grimacing, but I shook my head. "Ruby from what you told me your mother has long since passed for practically a decade, I cannot bring her back as her soul has long been at rest, I am sorry," I said firmly as not only was she dead for too damn long, but I had another fear.

Those damned petulant Brother Gods of Remnant had long since fucked off for thousands of years. Granted they hadn't been around for a small forever and a half, but who knows if they had systems in place that regulated people's souls, and ripping a soul out of said system would get their attention. Especially when they partially shattered the moon of this world in a childish rage at how Salem played them to get her husband brought back to life.

Thus, with my denial, Ruby went quiet for the rest of the ride back. And so, with her normally upbeat attitude dead in the water it was a kind of awkward ride back home aside for Weiss subtly taking my hand into her own.

"Jake I am sorry if I made you depressed or anything... My mom was my hero as she was what inspired me to become a huntress. But you are right. She has long since died and is relaxing with her long-passed relatives as well." Ruby eventually said quietly as we stepped out of the Flight Unit and in response to her maturity, I gave her a side hug to comfort her. That and Weiss was still holding my other arm so I couldn't give her a more thorough hug.

I was going to say that what was very mature of her but then that would make it look like she wasn't mature to begin with, so I just said. "Good thinking Ruby," I said with affection clear in my tone as I squeezed the arm that was still around her before my face twitched seeing who was strolling down the bullhead landing bay while the android who flew us here probably quicker than it should have flown off with the modified bullhead back towards Vale.

"Miss Goodwitch how may we help you," I asked wryly as I let go of Ruby but before I could let go of Weiss her grip tightened in my hands and I felt her trimmed fingernails push into the back of my hand in warning not to let go of her.

"Mr. Barriss, I have been made aware that you haven't had a conference with the staff yet, as the leader of your team. So, with myself being in the area doing an inspection I decided to pick you up immediately that way once the conference is over you can rest for the rest of the weekend." Glynda Goodwitch said primly, and I couldn't argue with what she said so I just shrugged.

"Alright girls I guess you can just head back to the dorms, make sure you girls start taking showers so I can get one by the time this conference is supposed to be done," I added seeing how Jeanne clearly wanted to just take a nap after the day's events and the overuse of her aura due to our combined semblance.

"Alright, Yes, Have fun, Jake!" They all said in unison as they shamelessly abandoned me to the scary Glynda Goodwitch who snapped her riding crop into her hands.

"Well, Jake you are in my hands now. Let us retreat to my office, we will be having words." She said ominously as she spun on her high heels and walked ahead of me towards, her office and I couldn't help but look down and yup as she walked ahead of me in high heels.

The disciplinary queen of Beacon of course for whatever reason wore a tight-fitting dress shirt as her top that merged into her lower skirt that was all but painted onto her body and there was an obvious sway to her walking that took a conscious effort to move my eyes from as she was a different type of beauty from my androids and Weiss except for Commander White...

"So have you spoken to my Commander White before?" I asked wryly and Miss Goodwitch paused to throw me an honest smile behind her as she nodded.

"Oh yes me and her regularly share afternoon tea after our work slows down. But yes we get along quite well as we share a great number of similar character traits as well as our personality matching one another." She admitted frankly.

Honestly, I was more leaning towards how they had a dummy mommy vibe with them both loving to wave around riding crops for no damned reason. But I didn't say that, as much as putting Goodwitch off her balance would be funny but, that would have been too weird.



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