A New Hope Nier

Chapter 81

The Darkness Portal I made directly to the Nier world didn't have any issues as far as I could tell nor had I ever noticed any issues when I jumped between the two worlds.

Maybe if I were to wander again in the blind undulating darkness between worlds, I could come across something or someone that could become an issue, but my direct tunnels only took me moments of walking between the world Doors to enter the other.

Upon entering the world of Nier Automata I grimaced as I felt the Maso energy density in the air must have still been further increasing while I was gone. So, I knew this was to be one of my last trips here.

I took out my scroll and connected to YoRHa through it but as my scroll synched to it my face twitched as the scroll updated and I realized it was likely downloading some Machine Army personality within it.

"Jake you are back much later than we expected is everything alright?" Commander White's voice came through my scroll as its hologram setting took a moment to boot up and show the blond voluptuous form of the leader of YoRHa sitting in some kind of office.

"No there were complications with the magical indigenous monsters of the land, they wrecked the 3D printers, and the girls were only just able to fully restore them and have them begin the process of creating YoRHa bodies for the world of Remnant," I explained and White's eyebrows raised in thought as she considered the news.

Finally White spoke again after she did some mental gymnastics. "Then is your objective to retrieve more androids to help build YoRHa's power base?" Commander White spoke with a frown, and I wondered how they were actually doing here on the planet overran by monsters and Machine Army robots.

"No... I came to take the downloaded consciousness of you all. To then be transferred into the new YoRHa bodies back on Remnant. Just abandon the bodies you hold now as I simply cannot make the hundreds of trips it would take me to take the androids to Remnant but taking a couple of cases of Black Boxes won't be an issue." I said and Commander White brushed a hand over her face as she stared into the distance.

"After fighting for this Earth for so long... It feels like a weight is taken off of me to abandon it. But YoRHa has not failed its mission as you are of this Earth and so long as you live. The humanity of this world will remain." Commander White spoke, and I realized she was actually giving a speech as I heard Operator units in the background whispering in the background of the call.

After a couple more lines of impromptu speech Commander White sagged into her seat and then her eyes snapped to me as I was still on the call.

"Jake I will have YoRHa agents blow up their Black Boxes in the field and here are the coordinates for the servers on Earth that host the latest backed-up consciousnesses of YoRHa model androids. Just hurry up Jake I am very excited to hold you within my new body on Remnant... Actually, so are the rest of the Operators here Haha." White chuckled softly and I smiled as I heard the Operators giggling in the background.

"Alright, girls just hold tight. I will go grab the server boxes and the next thing you know. You will be on Remnant in no time." I said consolingly as I received the location of the server tower that hosted the ground-based YoRHa agents' consciousness.

I quickly flew over to the location and only had to deal with a couple flying Machine Army robots and as I arrived at YoRHa's main ground base I saw how the grounds surrounding it were scored with massive pits and I realized White had already had the YoRHa androids blow themselves up to clear the way of any monsters or Machine Army robots so I could get to the server bases.

Following White's directions, I easily took a small tunnel that bypassed the ridiculous defenses the base had to defend the servers and once I entered the main server room, I deadpanned seeing the work ahead of me.

"Well looks like there is two or three trips ahead of me," I muttered seeing the jumbo server towers I would need to lift carefully by uprooting the dense stone beneath it as I obviously couldn't use my magnetic magic stuff to move the server towers.

"Thank god White was smart enough to use stone blocks I could lift with my magic more like." I groaned as I began the arduous process of transporting the large server towers through the Darkness Portal to Remnant.

"Jake you are back already! Is Commander White in there?" 9S asked me excitedly as she jogged over and looked at the last server tower, I placed in the storage room Ozpin gave us.

But I made sure to put all the servers within Faraday Cages so the enviable Machine Army entities within couldn't infect any Remnant tech.

"Yeah, she should be... So should 2B and the rest as well. I miss her so don't worry." I said to 9S as I saw her sag a bit at the mention of her best friend that had been left behind temporarily in the Nier world to hold the line as we got set up here on Remnant.

"Alright send a message to Devola and Popola to begin promptly uploading the consciousness of Commander White, 2B, and 6E after clearing them for any Machine Army influence into their new bodies. It's best we don't leave them in the server banks for long." I muttered at the end as I hoped those three girls who weren't with me now would take the transfer all alright.

"Yes, Jake! Uhm Popola and Devola are on their way back from tending to your consort Weiss Schnee and Weiss said she wants you back if you are done with your work." 9S said with her head cutely angling to the side as she continued to mutter. "What in the world is a quickie?"

I just chuckled and patted my still adorably naive 9S on her head and wondered if I could convince Weiss to allow me to bring 9S into our bed so I could experience twins with how 9S was almost a copy of Weiss.



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