A New Hope Nier

Chapter 130

Samus was... An extremely greedy lover. She hogged everything, she didn't like other women getting my attention, and even worse, she didn't like to share the blankets.

But maybe it was the avian DNA within her, but instead of sharing blankets and such, Samus instead rolled me up with her into a blanket burrito. Normally that would be a recipe for overheating and becoming a sweaty mess. But with a weighted temperature-controlled blanket that kept us rather cool, we were able to snuggle together in the roll of blankets for several hours.

And we spent those hours together talking softly to one another, sharing memories of our lives, and of course with us snuggled together in the blanket burrito I fucked her every time I got hard and her face became the expression of Ahegao and took it. With her only mentally recovering after I finished, Only then we would continue talking about everything from the fighting style's to our favorite types of food, to even the worlds we had been to.

I literally had a dozen plus climaxes with Samus and if it wasn't for how she clearly was open to impregnation as she wasn't worried about it due to her highly adaptive body, I may have felt bad as I had a sinking feeling I may have done something crazy like giving her some quintuplets or something.

But the sex marathon had to come to an end as we both were covered in the fluids of hours of fucking so we got a shower to clean up and had to resume our goals here on the planet. As YoRHa and Samus with our help had collected all of the Chozo keys for Samus.

"This would have likely taken me weeks if not months of traveling across the planet, killing all the Space Pirates and corrupted wildlife to get these. Thank you," Samus said truly thankful as we had undoubtedly done a more thorough job than herself in genociding the Space Pirates that covered the planet with orbital lasers and YoRHa shock troops.

I nodded and then clapped my hands as I took a breath and spoke. "Now, as we well know the seal is not far away from here. But in order to make sure there aren't any issues like the condensed Phazon escaping, YoRHa's many orbital laser satellites will be aiming for the site." I said before my face twitched and I continued before anyone else could. "Now the Space Pirate leader Ridley, still hasn't been found as of yet. But I have a strong feeling... That he will make a dramatic entrance as we open the seal." I finished and Samus and Commander White shared a look.

And White said with a slight drawl. "Just because it's dramatic and thematically makes sense Jake... We have been keeping a close eye of the area around the seal and Ridley hasn't been sighted once in the time we made planetfall.

I just shook my head with a wry smile before I simply stated. "It's fine, just be ready for me to say. I told you so." I finished and White's face twitched as Samus snickered slightly while I idly spied 2B muttering about bringing out the anti-air minigun.

"Alright lets get going." I said clapping my hands and Samus and I took her ship while 2B, A2, and other YoRHa battle androids including D units for defense purposes came out in the new mega-sized tanks that used gravity dust to float off the ground to make them workable with their two cannons which one shot various levels of laser weaponry and the other was just a good old canon shooting depleted Uranium and other heavy metal shells.

The best thing about Androids in war was how they didn't need to worry about their war crime weapons being passively deadly to them, like radioactive munitions, and of course chemical warfare.

Within twenty minutes we made our way to the great Chozo seal that sealed the meteor carrying the original Phazon that landed on the planet, and as we did so I took in the very large circular platform built atop a perfectly preserved temp built atop cliff with the seal being open to the air with great Chozo statues glowing with blue eldritch energy besides the seal.

In other words. A perfect fucking boss arena... Literally, as we landed, I couldn't help but note some boxes that Space Pirates make and I pointed them out loudly. "So Samus, when you run into boxes stacked up like that containing the energy you used to help your suit recover its ammo and energy... Don't you think it's weird how they are here?"

Seriously if I needed to beat game logic in how there were always health kits next to a boss fight I was going to scream. My inner screaming horror knowledge built upon itself as Samus shot a charged shot into the boxes and with a clatter, balls filled with yellow energy fell out and she blinked. "It's just a standard energy ball, they are used across the galaxy for everything from power tools to heating MREs, to being used in military applications. They are literally everywhere." She said evenly without much care and my eye twitched as she went toward the seal and I picked up my wrist as I spoke into the mic clearly.

"Prepare for imminent Kaiju attack. Calling in a Code Murphy now!" I ordered and then cut off my mic so White wouldn't question me, only follow orders.

While I went and activated all of YoRHa's orbital weaponry including and not limited to nuclear missiles, laser batteries, plasma launchers, and of course the orbital railgun launchers. Samus reverently walked over to her people's site and she stuck her arm canon into a slot that perfectly fit it and acted as a sort of key as the mountain we were upon shook.

Then the central ornament of the temple seal spun with great light coming from it and then with a loud gonging noise of holy intent, the central seal sent up a massive blue laser that pierced the thick clouds above us.

Samus looked up at the light silently as she probably was thinking about her people, but then we all shook as the mountain shuddered far greater than usual as White yelled through my coms system. "Contact! Ridley was hiding in a cafe under the temple in the mountain!" She said completely unnecessarily as the mechanical draconic monster roared with fury as he flew into the air on wings of plasma. As he strafed through the air he began shooting missiles and lasers at the temple but I quickly blocked them with a thick wall of sand that absorbed the lasers and missiles.

Even as Samus began shooting at 'Meta' Ridley, I couldn't help the little "I told you so." Slipping out and making Samus's arm cannon go wide in her spray of orange beams of power at the flying form of Ridley.

Then White's voice came through the comms again as 2B and A2 used the anti-air mini-guns they prepared at my behest to harry the extremely agile foe in the air. "Fire support incoming, anti-air tanks and other munitions online." And with a scream of the air being torn apart, thousands of high-intensity lasers tore through the air as the many heavy weapons platforms I had brought to deal with the source of the Phazon, blasted at Ridley.

Many shots were missed due to the acrobatic dive Ridley did. But not all were missed, and those titanic beams of destruction bore through the metallic hide of the Meta Ridley without issue bringing Ridley down to the ground as his wings were shattered. And as the monster landed on the ground and exploded. I said into the coms. "Keep blasting it, use the orbital plasma casters in the scorched earth formation, and then shoot a tungsten rod into the site," I said blandly Samus looked at me in confusion but I said dryly. "You already killed him once, let's not do it again."



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