A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 27: New targets

As Rudeus finished testing Shaw's limits quite literally, he was very happy that it had actually worked.

He had half expected Sebastian to actually be able to absorb the energy in which case his previous 'cool' words would have made him a fool infront of both Emma and Selene.

However that hadn't happened and he was able to maintain his cool godly attitude infront of them.

"Now, where was I? Oh yes, so Emma, I guess you have already made a decision right?" Rudeus asked while turning towards the blonde woman staring at him with surprised wide eyes.

"So what will it be?" He again asked her after seeing her not replying and just standing there looking like a dead fish.

"...I, I want to join you... master" Emma kneels on one knee while calling him master, most likely because she heard Selene calling him by the same name.

'Well, I guess I do prefer master than Rudeus at this point of time. I think I should hurry up and choose a better sounding godly name soon.' He sighed in his own mind.

"Good. I am glad that we can work together closely in the future." Rudeus gave her a divine smile.

He was already thinking of ways of profiting from this. He had gotten a lot of rewards today. As he was thinking of other ways of profiting further from this, Selene suddenly spoke up.

"Master, I think I found Sublime. I was going over Shaw's memories that we had extracted and it seems like he knew a certain someone named Dr. John Sublime." Selene gave a good news to Rudeus.

"Really, that's unexpected. Did he have any dealings with the doctor or something?" Rudeus was quite pleasantly surprised. This could save him a lot of time in trying to find the evil bacteria.

"Yes master. It seems that Shaw had been financing a project under Sublime to develop a drug that could increase the powers of metas. The project was mainly developed by Dr John Sublime with the help of another scientist named Nathaniel Essex." Selene informed him.

'Wait, what? Did she just say Nathaniel Essex because as much as I remember, Essex was actually Dr Sinister, the clone loving crazy scientist I was planning to kill earlier. Hmm, This is actually quite good news. Now I can kill two birds with one stone' He was pleased with this news.

"This super drug, what is it called?" Rudeus asked curiously.

In the comics there were multiple super drugs that were developed to increase powers of mutants. There was mgh which was made from the x gene of mutants, igh made from inhumans as well as some others. But all of them had devastatingly negative side effects.

"Its called kick, master. It is a super drug that can increase a metahuman's powers quite a lot after a single puff. But it is very addicting and is harmful to human bodies much like steroids. It can even easily kill metas when overdosed." Selene said with a grimace.

'So its kick huh. I remember that one. It was manufactured by Sublime using its own bacterial cells or fluid or whatever it is supposed to be. But the thing is that its dangerous for mutants. Now, I can't have a drug out there that is dangerous for my future army, can I'

"Have you found out the current location of Sublime and Essex? I want to end this as soon as I can. Delaying this will just give me a bigger headache?" Rudeus asked with a sigh.

"Yes we have. I can transfer the location of his current base to your mind" This time it was Emma to speak, trying to eagerly please Rudeus.

Rudeus didn't say anything and just stared at Emma. He was debating with himself whether to let Emma into his mind. He was wondering why Emma was so eager in pleasing him.

But then he remembered the nature of Emma. Although she acted cold most of the time, she however could and would use her charms and beauty to get close to people to try to get whatever she wanted.

She was probably thinking of Rudeus the same way. However what she didn't know was that if Rudeus were to become her sugar daddy, he would make sure to take more from her than what he would give her.

He would make sure to use the woman's body, her company, her connections and even her skills to the max.

With this sigma level of thinking, Rudeus gave her a charming smile and just replied "Sure."

Then he opened a little bit of his mental shields gained through his perk, enough only for Selene to transfer him the information.

Truthfully he had never allowed nor will ever allow anybody in his mind deep enough for them to read his memories or have a chance to mind control him.

He is never gonna tell the secret about his system to anybody ever. He also doesn't ever want to be mind-raped or mind-controlled.  He trusts the power of his perks but what he doesn't trust is bullshit comic book logic.

As Emma connected to his mind through the small window he created in his mental walls, he felt her transfer the information to him psionically. Fortunately for her own good, she didn't try to do anything to him.

As he got the information about Sublime's current hiding place, he decided to solve his little bacterial problem right now. He had a new move to try and the evil bacteria would be the best specimen for him to try this on.

"By the way, what about the other scientist, Nathaniel Essex. Did you find any information about him like the location of his current base?" Rudeus asked the girls.

He would love to end three threats in a single day, scoring a hat-trick. But sadly he had maxed out his good luck for today.

"No master, we didn't find anything about him. All Shaw knew about Essex was his name. He didn't know anything else about him. Nathaniel had introduced himself to Sebastian as an independent scientist who works privately on contracts."

Selene informed Rudeus. She was quite curious on why he was so interested in this Essex. However it was not her place to question him. She just made a mental note on trying to find everything about Nathaniel later for her master.

"Fine. Anyways you and Emma make preparations to absorb the entire Hellfire club into our own group. We will be taking everything in it for ourselves. Also get Emma acquainted with our own organization since she will be joining as a member." Rudeus ordered.

He then opened a boom tube through Zoya into one of their Meta Group's bases for them to leave the cruise.

Selene just bowed and walked towards the portal but Emma suddenly looked up at Rudeus and seductively spoke up "Come back soon master. I hope the next time we meet, I can do something more for you"

Rudeus looked at the hot blonde mutant trying to desperately seduce him. He was quite amused at this. He had never thought that she could ever act like this.

He loved it and infact looked forward to it. Who wouldn't? But he couldn't be a simp like one of those anime protagonists. He had to be the one to take charge.

He moved closer to Emma and took his lips close to her ears as he himself seductively said in a low voice "If I want something from you, I will simply take it. You belong to me now. You don't have to 'give' me anything."

Normally if Rudeus had said this to any woman, he would probably be declared a pervert. But he had his godly charms and his broken Golden Rule perk to help him.

Emma was quite turned on after hearing this. Never had she thought that she would be this much pleased after hearing such insulting words from someone but she was proved wrong.

She had goosebumps all over her body. It was at this time that she made her decision. She would make sure that this... god would belong to her, she would prove her capabilities to him and make sure that she becomes his greatest supporter. She would make him hers.

As both Selene and Emma left through the portal, Rudeus opened another boom tube.

'Time to wipe out a bacteria'

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