A Murder Wizards Adventure

14 Jutsu! Finally!

It's been a few days since my talk with Swallow, I have spent most of this time doing physical conditioning and getting beat up by Vulture, and whoever else also happened to be there, which has led to me getting very well acquainted with Hound, who was apparently in the batch before me.

Which makes me 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 happy that after my morning beating Swallow showed up to take me to someone who will teach me some jutsu.

And that leads to now, me and Fox sitting together in a small training room.

"i am fox, and i will be teaching you about elemental transformation as well as genjutsu as that is my speciality, if you want to learn any actual elemental jutsu after this then find owl for some scrolls.-

He doesn't really seem that happy to teach me so he's probably not going to let me ask any questions, oh well, Swallow answered enough.

"-first off, elemental transformation. swallow tells me you've never been taught how to do it, despite it being in the academy curriculum, so you best pay more attention to me that you did your last instructors.

"to control the elements you must understand them, the easiest way to do this is to sense how chakra changes, sense the chakra in the air to learn how to control wind jutsu, light a fire and sense how the chakra changes for fire and so on and so forth, if you can't do that much then you might as well hand your mask in and go home.-

Jeez, who pissed in this guy's drink, why is he so mad at me? I don't think I've done anything to piss anyone off yet... well, except for Swallow. I really should apologise for that.

"-now, genjutsu, apparently you already have something of a resistance to genjutsu, lets test that shall we?"

As he says that I feel foreign chakra start to enter my system and at first it's like that examiner at the academy again, the chakra getting sucked into my current, however gradually I can feel the foreign chakra pushing through, and towards my core.

The sensation gives me an idea, but I don't want to test it yet, plus I want to see what it's like to be inside a genjutsu.

Eventually I feel his chakra make its way past my river and towards my whirlpool, where it seems to infect my chakra and as I focus back in on my surroundings, I see lights slowly darkening and Fox slowly cracks, blood leaking from the gaps and falls apart in a mess of blood and organs.

Thats not the end however as bugs start emerging from cracks in the ground, first only a few spiders, but then flies and cockroaches and centipedes, start crawling out en mass, thousands, tens of thousands of them, and as they slowly crawl on top of each other to make a vaguely humanoid figure.

The figure looks at me with two dark voids and a wide smile made up of centipedes, and as I sit with my mouth agape, I respond in the only natural way when facing such horror.

"SOOO COOOL!!!" I squeal like a fangirl because 'OhmygoditsJustlikeTaylor!!!'

This is the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life, just looking at it is making my body revolt in instinctual fear and the feeling is. Just. So. ~𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙭𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜~.

The moment is over however as the world shatters and I'm back where I was, alone with boring old Fox. No fair. Just as I was starting to enjoy myself too.

Determinedly not sulking I look towards Fox, waiting for him to continue his lecture, because there are things I want to do goddamnit. I have plans that I cannot share with you right now.

Fox however is looking at me like I just told him I have a foot fetish and doesn't look like he's going to break the silence.

Hais~ I have to do everything.

"Ahem, you were saying?"

That seems to jolt him out of his daze, what? Did my chakra seduce you?

Obviously, I didn't say that out loud.

"ahem, ahem, right, yes, genjutsu. now that you know how it feels to be hit with a genjutsu we will now work on how you can cast them, and if your chakra control is as good as I've heard then you should be a natural at this.

"first theory, as you no doubt just felt, genjutsu works by infecting someone else's chakra, like a drug, and changing what its 'saying' for lack of a better word, similar to how you can send artificial electrical impulses to manipulate muscles, genjutsu works by tricking your opponent's chakra into thinking something is present when it is not, this is known as an illusion, or hallucination.

"also, it is worth noting that you don't need to use a lot of chakra to infect someone, so don't be wasteful,

"now I want you to send your chakra into me and try to mess with my senses, as for actual illusions you can learn them from scrolls as well."

This guys really stingy, still this 𝘩𝘢𝘴 been productive.

Gathering my chakra, I send a string of it towards Fox and after some of my chakra is in his system, I try to replicate what he did to me from memory, I have no idea if its working or not, I can't even guess from his face since were wearing masks.

Eventually though I feel my chakra get expelled by a brief movement of his own,

"so? how'd I do?"

"humph, you did good enough, the illusion itself was terrible but you at least managed to trap me in it, that's the first step, consult with some genjutsu scrolls if you ever want to be able to actually trick someone."

That was almost a compliment you old tsundere.

Obviously, I didn't say that out loud.

"now get lost, you've wasted enough of my time"

Yeah yeah you old coot, I don't bother responding, opting to just give a nod and leave instead.

Now, I was supposed to report to Vulture after my lesson, but I don't wanna, I've got important stuff to test. So instead I head to my room.

When I arrive the first thing I do is jump on my bed.

'Hmmm, so fluffy'

The second thing I do however is meditate on my chakra.

'Test number one: 'silencing' my chakra'

Focusing inwards I try to listen, to understand, my chakra is very active, vibrant, and if I were to hide it the normal way, I would have to calm it down. I spend a few moments trying to make my chakra quieter, before realising that Sparrow just explained how she saw it, that doesn't mean I will see it the same, perception is unique after all.

As I said, my chakra is 𝘷𝘪𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵, so my version of silencing it? I suppose would be greyscale.

I need to lower my chakras contrast, and honestly its easier than I thought it would be, maybe because I've got some experience with contrast, from photos and stuff, that its easier for me to visualise?

That said now, the important part.

I try to greyscale my whirlpool whilst keeping my river bright.

This however is a lot harder. I don't doubt I will be able to get it in time, but for now I need more practice.

'Test number two: sensing chakra the non-lethal way'

Once again, I meditate on my chakra, this time focusing on the similarities between my spiritual and physical chakra, since the similarities are more likely to be what other chakras feel like I suppose.

Next, I send small tendrils of my chakra out, like feelers, or whiskers (maybe that's why Naruto had whiskers? to sense the chakra of negative emotions, since he could do that? eh who cares).

I focus on what my tendrils feel, on the chakra surrounding them, the chakra tainted by the air and chakra tainted by the earth being most prominent, and I try to commit them to memory.

Then I bring all (most) of my chakra back inside and focus on the feeling, only without sending chakra out. feeling the air on my skin, and the chakra in the air.

It works a little bit, like if were to pick something up whilst wearing three oven mitts, you can feel the general shape, but not any detail.

So, with my amazing new chakra sense I can now tell you with confidence that I am in a room, and the room might have stuff inside of it.

Truly my genius knows no bounds.

Anyways, next test.

'Test number three: gotta go fast'

Focusing, again, this time on my river specifically I start to speed up the current.

See I had a thought, in fact I have many thoughts but only one is relevant to right now.

If the reason that genjutsu hardly works on me is because of the river, and non-sensors can't sense my whirlpool for the same reason, then surely if I were to simply speed it up then it would be even more effective?

So that's what I do, I speed up the rotation of my whirlpool first, even though it was already far faster than my river, since it was hidden, I had no problem speeding it up to the max, but I actually kinda forgot to keep increasing the speed.

Once again, I speed my whirlpool up as fast as I can go, only this time, I speed my river up along with it.

This is it.

I have truly become.

B e y b l a d e.

I have no way to tell if this works by myself, but I'll make sure to ask Swallow when I next see her.

With all of my tests complete I believe I deserve a nap. Which is of course why it is then that someone starts banging on my door, followed by a slightly muffled voice that just has laughter in Its tone.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

"oi six, Vulture says that if you're not in front of him in thirty seconds that you will spend the rest of the week sparring with him personally."


Moving faster than I ever have in my life I slam the door open to see Hound looking down on me (because I'm so short), but I don't spare him a glance as I sprint down the infuriatingly complex tunnels until I make it to training room four.

I see Vulture standing off by himself and immediately run over to him,

"you won't believe this sir, but fox kept putting me in a genjutsu for two hours every time I broke out of it, he'd put me in another one and then-"

"enough, brat, I've already talked with fox-"

"everything he told you is a lie, you should trust me, aren't I adorable? cute little kids like me can't lie. it's a fact."





'What? Wrong genre'



And thus, another day ends with child abuse. Truly ANBU. heh.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

For those who dont get the joke at the end, if you search ANBU, at least in the uk, the first link is The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) cuz they use ANBU as 'Abuse Never Becomes Us'

Truly the best jokes are the ones you have to explain.

I will probably skip the rest of the training since it will just be him practicing and repeating stuffs.

Also please R&R

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