A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1132

Vol 7 Chapter 46: I’M Fast, Please Bear With Me

The door keys made by the students through wine glasses appeared in an unfamiliar hall.

A few little wizards who had been here soon recognized that this was the hall of the Merlin Memorial Hall.

The Merlin Medals are awarded here over the years.

In the room, there were also several professors and members of the Order of the Phoenix who had followed him.

They will take care of the students here.

It is not only to ensure everyone’s safety, but also to temporarily restrict freedom to prevent information from leaking.

“Everyone stay where they are and don’t walk around!” Professor Sprout said loudly:

“The prefects of each college immediately determine the number of students.

Then, I will take you to the restaurant for dinner, and I will stay here tonight. ”

Tonight, the little wizards experienced the emergence of the Dark Lord, surrounded by the army of Death Eaters, and came to the Merlin Memorial Hall…

Many people are still in shock and haven’t recovered.

So, instead of following Sprout’s orders, they stayed where they were, and instead looked for a familiar partner in a panic.

“Harry, I feel like I’ve just been dreaming…” Ron also murmured.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him.

He turned his head in confusion and was surprised, because Harry, who was still standing beside him, suddenly disappeared.

“Harry, Harry?!”

Ron was trying to find it, and he suddenly saw a familiar figure walking through the crowd towards the door of the room.

He shouted, “Harry, where are you going, wait for me…”

Harry paused for a moment, but instead of turning around to look back, he sped away, as if fleeing.

Ron’s eyes widened as he saw Harry walk to the door, where Malfoy was already waiting.

Ron thought the two would fight, rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush over to help, but Harry raised his hand.

In his hand is a door key made by Garen.

But Ron didn’t see the portkey, he only saw his best friend Harry, holding hands with Malfoy.

Malfoy also looked back, in Ron’s eyes, it was a provocative ugly face!

A feeling of lost sadness spread in Ron’s heart instantly.

That feeling was like Harry telling him, “Stop calling me, I’m afraid Draco will misunderstand.”

“Don’t say goodbye to that guy?” Draco asked.

“No, if we can meet again, there’s no need to say goodbye, if we never see each other again…” Harry said calmly. “It’s no use saying goodbye.”

Draco looked at him, sighed suddenly, and said, “Potter, I have something that I have held in my heart for a long time. I wanted to ask you many years ago…”

Harry looked at Malfoy, his veritable nemesis for many years.

If it was before, he wouldn’t speak to the other party at all, but now he nodded calmly and said, “What’s the matter?”

Draco hesitated for a moment and asked:

“If that year, at Mrs. Malkin’s in Diagon Alley, I didn’t speak ill of Hagrid, but warmly introduced you to the magical world…would we become friends?”

Harry’s mouth was wide open, he never thought that Malfoy would ask such a question.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Harry was about to say “no” when he suddenly remembered his mother and Professor Snape.

Finally, he said softly, “Maybe so.”

Malfoy was relieved, and the two disappeared at the same time.

Their target is Malfoy Manor, and the target they want to see is… Voldemort.




Inside the Ancient Rune Office.

Hermione was naked, standing on the soft bed, and William handed her a close-fitting, light lady’s soft armour.

This is the armor he made the fairies recreate.

It feels like a tights, it is extremely soft, but it has a strong defensive ability and will not hinder the flexibility of the body.

William is still on the soft armor, and has arranged countless protective magics, which can withstand many fatal blows.

After Hermione put on the soft armor, she moved her body and felt it fit well, and then changed into a clean robe.

The two of them were alone in the room for a long time. They checked their equipment. William opened the door and walked out together.

They were both leaving Hogwarts soon, but with completely different destinations.

William was going to kill Voldemort, and Hermione was going to lead the team to Gringotts to destroy the Horcrux in advance.

When parting, Hermione suddenly hugged William tightly.

He felt that his chest was squeezed by a plump mass, like persimmons approaching autumn.

Although it wasn’t completely bulging and ripe, it was heavy enough.

The two of them hugged like this, their lips pressed together.

In the end, Hermione let go of her arms, and she didn’t say anything to encourage each other.

And just like his wife for many years, with a graceful smile, he helped him arrange his clothes carefully and sent them to the stairs.

The girl stood there alone, and without waiting for him to turn around, she hurriedly turned around and ran towards the window in the corridor.

William quickly walked out of the castle gate and walked along the empty road towards the Forbidden Forest.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at a certain window as if he had a good heart.

this time,

She smiled.

also satisfied.



Standing on the edge of the forbidden forest,

With a gloomy face, Voldemort looked at Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

The general attack had already begun, and they had also played for twenty minutes, but made no progress.

More precisely, the ancient defense magic of the castle, like a glass cover, protects the school.

The army of Death Eaters was blocked, and they all held up their wands, constantly releasing spells and smashing on the defensive shield.

The golden light of the magic shield is more like a dazzling undefeated golden body.

It was too thick, as thick as a tortoise shell, and it was simply not something that these wizards could shake.

Voldemort folded his arms across his chest, looked at the splendid scene impatiently, and asked casually:

“Oakland, how long do you think it will take them to break this magic?”

On the side of Oakland, although he thought it might never be broken, he observed his words and knew that the Dark Lord was in a bad mood, so he carefully flattered:

“Maybe… your army can break through in half an hour, and let you step on the land of Hogwarts, Master.”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Voldemort glanced at him and said coldly with dissatisfaction:

“It’s too slow. With this time, Stark may have transferred all the students out.”

After that, he had to deal with the endgame between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Time does not wait for me, a situation as good as tonight is a rare occurrence.

How could he just wait for half an hour to barely enter the gates of Hogwarts?

His wand, already hungry and thirsty, couldn’t wait to break into Hogwarts.

This castle, like a beautiful woman, has lost the protection of the strong at this time, and is about to lay out her jade body.

He was wearing more and thicker clothes, but he was unwilling to untie it patiently, he just wanted to tear it apart violently.

“Have you seen my strength at the peak?!”

Voldemort’s voice echoed in the ears of the army of Death Eaters, they all stopped attacking and turned their heads to look.

I saw the Dark Lord standing high, wearing a large black robe, and he raised his wand high.

The tip of the staff suddenly rose, and the light was shining everywhere. The splendor was even better than the brilliance of the magic shield.

It also set off Voldemort’s bald head…like a fifteen or sixty-watt light bulb.

A ray of light as thick as a big tree fell on the magic shield, and its power was even stronger than that of hundreds of people, instantly smashing a huge round pit that was hollowed out.

After one blow, Voldemort paused for a moment, and another curse, as thick as a mountain peak.

The black mist that turned into a spear~www.readwn.com~ The tip of the spear slammed into the shield hovering in the air, making a sonorous sound, like a sudden morning bell, melodious and loud.

All Death Eaters get out of the way.

Voldemort walked forward with bare feet, without rushing or slowing down, repeating the boring magic, without stopping, eighteen strokes in an instant.

He walked straight ahead, and in the end, he even raised his hand stingy, and there was a constant popping sound from the shield.

When he reached the edge of Hogwarts, the ultimate defense used by the castle to maintain security was forcibly torn in half, and then exploded with a splendid splendor.

“Hohoho, did you see it?” Voldemort laughed loudly. He hoarsely said sarcastically, “These fireworks are so beautiful!”

The Death Eaters all cheered and charged frantically towards Hogwarts.

Voldemort stepped into the land of Hogwarts, but instead of entering, he suddenly stopped.

He suddenly felt the call of the Death Eaters.

The Dark Mark on each Death Eater’s arm was planted by him:

Can sense the opponent’s location, call the Dark Lord, and send simple information.

And this frequency is…

Someone caught Potter!

Voldemort looked at the army of Death Eaters swarming in, and he decided that the overall situation here was settled, and it was okay to leave for a while.

Voldemort decided to solve the evil root of Potter first, and then conquer Hogwarts.

He turned into a cloud of black mist and flew towards the sky.

Potter, are you ready?

I’ll be fast, please bear with me!

wait for me!



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