A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1130

Vol 7 Chapter 44: Voldemort’S Speech!

The army of Death Eaters had assembled and stood in a dense crowd in the square, ready to go to the Hebrides at any time.

Two months ago, they lost this Dragon Island and also lost air dominance.

The casualties were extremely heavy, and the vampire and troll legions were basically wiped out.

One summer time, the first day of September has just arrived, the Death Eaters have not yet recovered, and another battle is about to begin.

The goal is still the “Waterloo” place. It is impossible to say that it is not.

The morale of the Death Eater army fell to a low point, and no one was optimistic about this war.

A figure appeared, and Voldemort paced slowly, his snake-like eyes scanning the surroundings.

He raised his hideous face, opened his two slit-like nostrils and sniffed.

“Fear,” he said, “I smell fear in the air.”

No one spoke, no one dared to move, they all looked at the Dark Lord quietly.

Voldemort did not immediately issue an order, but looked at the group of dark forces in front of him that he spent fifty years and single-handedly forging.

Grindelwald had already gone to ambush Dumbledore; he told everyone on the surface that the battlefield would be in the Bridi Islands, but in fact he was going to attack Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic.

Secrecy is so well done, Voldemort has never been so confident.

The rise and fall of Death Eaters is here!

But the morale in front of him is not good, he must be stunned!

Voldemort, a master of speeches, decided to say something to boost morale and inspire everyone’s will to fight.

After all, there is a high probability that this will be the last battle in which the world will be settled!

After this war, Britain was in his hands, and he had to have a sense of ritual.

The Dark Lord looked down at everyone with red eyes:

“When I was a child, someone found me and told me for the first time that I was a wizard…”

The entire army fell silent, listening to Voldemort’s speech.

“He also used the burning wardrobe to frighten the young me, forcing me to apologize and atone for the weaker.”

There was a small commotion among the Death Eaters, and many people were secretly exchanging glances, guessing who this wizard was.

It’s really a cowardly dog, daring to bully the young Fu!

Don’t be stingy!

“Master, who is that man? Is he still alive! I’ll kill him for you!”

Death Eater Bot, even more so, in order to fight for his position, shouted with righteous indignation.

This won the applause of many people.

“He is our beloved Albus Dumbledore,” said Voldemort jokingly. “That hypocritical old man whose mouth was full of love.”

Well… it turned out to be Lao Deng, that’s all right.

Bullying is just bullying, anyway, it’s bullying now.

Botte kept his mouth shut even more, as if it wasn’t him who was about to take revenge just now.

“I’m very grateful to Dumbledore, he taught me one thing before I entered the wizarding world!”

Voldemort sneered:

“Power and discourse power are only in the hands of more powerful people!

As long as you are not strong enough, the stronger can make you surrender and bow to the weaker! ”

“So, I asked myself…” Old Demon’s mouth twitched into a cold smile.

“Wizards are so much stronger than Muggles, why don’t they have the right to speak and hide in the dark like a poor mouse?”

Everyone fell silent.

It seems, it seems… it has been like this for hundreds of years.

Voldemort seemed to know what the Death Eaters were thinking, he snapped:

“It’s always been like this, right?!”

“In fact, we ruled the land like a Muggle king.”

The Dark Lord’s voice was deep, like a viper in the abyss.

“Free use of magic, manors and castles, countless treasures, extravagant life, Muggle worship…

We have all of these! ”

Voldemort roared:

“However, it was lost again, and it was Muggles who enjoyed everything we once had!”

“If you comfort yourself, this is all a long time ago, anyway, we have been living in peace now, and the two sides do not interfere with each other…that would be a big mistake.

Because, our loss, at this very moment, is still going on and on and on on this land! ”

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the Dark Lord.

Voldemort’s voice was hoarse, and his eyes flashed eerily red.

“The despicable creatures such as domestic goblins have been our servants since they appeared.”

“At this time, someone proposed to let those house-elves free, pay them wages, and enjoy the same rights as wizards!

Have you ever heard that slaves and masters can sit on an equal footing and eat at the same table? ! ”



Many pure-blood wizards roared.

They are the group with the largest number of house-elves.

This is harming their interests! !

Voldemort looked at the dark army of Death Eaters and smiled:

“Who is responsible for our status quo?


Voldemort raised his right hand, three fingers bent, **** together and straight, resting on his forehead.

“Mudbloods were and are not welcome, they are not needed.

But they are everywhere now, like cockroaches, all around us! ”

Voldemort moved his fingers together and waved his arm:

“Magic only blooms in very few souls.

Then, these Mudbloods, whose parents are Muggles, have children born with magical talents? !

Because they stole the pure-blood wizard’s talent and plundered our wealth and living space.

They infiltrated us, colluded with Muggles, concocted the Statute of Secrecy, and drove us away.

Let’s look at the so-called Secrecy Act…”

Voldemort took out a book and read aloud:

“Any magical activity that may attract the attention of non-members of the magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense;

When dealing with Muggles, witches and wizards should dress according to Muggle standards;

Attacking Muggles with magic is illegal…”

Voldemort threw the book to the ground, and he said angrily:

“These are just a few of them. More unequal laws are written on it.

you say,


The strong, but bowing to the weak?

This is completely different from what Dumbledore showed me back then! ”

Voldemort raised his arms high and said in a very provocative tone:

“Muggles are trying to steal our magical powers by marrying pure blood and using so-called technology.

They colluded with pure-blooded traitors, wanting to use their dirty blood to defile our noble blood and subvert our rule! ”

Voldemort raised his right arm, fingers clasped forward, magic in his voice.

“We must drive this plague out of the magical world~www.readwn.com~ The most effective medicine is Avada Suomin!

This is the best way to cure this scum. ”

“We are going to destroy the old world and build a stronger, purer, new world dominated by pure blood!

You are all masters of this world! ! ”

“Kill them all!”

“Kill them all!!”

The Death Eaters shouted frantically, the low morale was swept away, and they became unprecedentedly united, with high fighting spirit.

Voldemort smiled contentedly.

“Friends, Death Eaters, wizards, those creatures that roam the darkness,

This is a war, a war that is about to break out tonight.

But victory is already within my grasp. Tonight, the blood of the mudbloods will dye the earth red! ”

Voldemort’s voice echoed in the square.

“Enter Hogwarts and kill them all…!!”

His voice fell, and the mighty army rushed towards the distance.




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