A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1125

Vol 7 Chapter 39: We’Re Friends

Autry San Catchipole Village,

Not far from William’s house, a separate log cabin was built as a temporary wand making room.

Standing in a room full of discarded magic materials, William took three wands from a squat old man.

Before going to Egypt, he had asked Gregorovitch to make a few old wands.

Now that it was finished, he began to examine the counterfeits carefully.

As expected of the man who once held the Elder Wand and studied it for more than ten years – Gregorovich produced it, it must be a fine product.

At least, the power of these three wands used by William is much greater than that of ordinary wands.

Accordingly, the hand feel is not so silky.

This is the difference between Ollivander and Gregorovich, the two master stickmakers.

The former pursues the unity of the wizard and the wand; the latter pursues the ultimate power.

But for Voldemort, he is now in pursuit of ultimate power.

Therefore, he who has never touched the Elder Wand, when he gets a wand that is obviously more powerful than the yew wand… it will definitely be regarded as the real one.

You will even feel the excitement and excitement that you have never experienced before, just like the first time.

Unfortunately, the fake is fake and cannot replace the real.

William held a wand and released several Arvadas in a row to chew the big melon, and the inside of the wand began to crack.

This kind of feeling… It’s like the ultra-thin 001 that is said to be not worn, just put the gun on the horse, sprinted twice, and then dropped the helmet and unarmor…


At this time, you just want to scold:


Get your money back!

But William was very satisfied with this effect. He just wanted Voldemort to get what he wanted the most, but in the next second, he found out that it turned out that he was jumped by the fairy.

He looked at Gregorovich again and whispered:

“I also need you to make a wand. I provide materials and must follow my steps.”

He pulled out the elder vine and the hippo ivory wand.

Then, he handed over the steps for refining the Elder Wand.

Gregorovitch didn’t pay much attention to the elderberry, it looked unremarkable, no different from ordinary elderberry.

The eyes of the old man were attracted by the wand of hippo horns.

This wand was full of light, exuding a sharp breath of death, and with his eyesight for many years, he could see it at a glance.

He checked it carefully for a while, and said in shock:

“This wand is an ancient Egyptian craft. I have dug… ahem, I have collected a few antiques, but none of them can compare to it.

The wand also has the name of Ramses II written on it…

Hey, William, during this time, you didn’t go to Egypt to rob tombs, did you? ! ”

He still remembered reporting on the news that a lot of wizards had died at an alchemy convention in Egypt.

There are also many goblins missing in Gringotts, Egypt.

That’s right!

Sure enough… wherever William went, something happened.

You said that you are a little Egypt, so you can let William go…why are you messing with him? !

Gregorovitch groaned wildly in his heart.

“It wasn’t a tomb robbery, it was acquired unintentionally in Egypt.” William smiled.

This wand was the wand of Ramses II, and was finally stolen by Moses. When he came out of Egypt, he used a magic to separate the Red Sea.

Morgan didn’t know how to get it, and gave it to the goblin on purpose to lure William into the holy lake.

Now this wand, of course, belongs to William.

Its power is undeniable.

William was going to use it as the wand core, and Reaper’s elder for the wood…to make a new wand.

Still follow the steps of the Deathly Hallows, but not made by the **** of death.

It doesn’t matter if it is a skin, a cottage, or an imitation… At least the autonomy is in your own hands, not in the hands of death.

After hearing William’s request, Gregorovich’s face was ruthless.

“It’s art, it’s history, you just destroy it like that?”

“This is very important to me, Mr. Gregorovitch,” William said earnestly.

“Okay…” Gregorovitch sighed.

He was saved by William, and he owed the other party a life, and it was impossible to refuse.

After explaining a few more words, William left the wooden house and walked towards the yard.

Walking to the river, he saw Hermione and Annie fighting.

Hermione euphemistically called it: Tiao の teaches Annie’s fighting skills.

Anne claimed that she was experiencing domestic violence, which was the oppression of minors by adults, and wanted her brother to help her.

Well, it’s actually the sister-in-law who doesn’t like her sister-in-law, and the sister-in-law also wants to be a member of the family… They don’t agree with each other, so they start a fight.

Two little girls fight, and even the movements are picturesque… This is different from the aunt’s fight.

It would be even better if Annie could be replaced with Hibiscus.

William looked good, applauded next to him, and fanned the flames, with a posture of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

Then, the two of them joined forces and attacked him together.

Fortunately, William slipped fast and escaped the poisonous hands of the two.

He can only sigh with emotion, this family can’t stay, anyone can bully him.

Especially Hermione, she would only be lying in bed!

As he crossed the wooden bridge over the river, William saw Luna.

She was riding a juvenile unicorn around under the big oak tree.

She had bare white feet, two carrot-like earrings, and carried a ridiculous sunflower with a string of shell wind chimes hanging from it.

“William, good afternoon.” Luna greeted confusedly.

“Hello, Luna, long time no see.”

“Welcome home, I heard from Annie, you saved Harry from the underworld, how is it?”

“Everything is going well, Harry is at Hogwarts now,” William said.

Luna hesitated, and looked at William with her peculiar eyes:

“Is the underworld interesting? I mean, can you see the dead?”

“They are all under the Styx.” William looked at her and said, “Why, do you have someone you want to meet?”

“Yeah!” Luna whispered, “My mother, she likes experimenting quite a bit.

One day, one of her spells went horribly wrong, and… she died.

I was nine years old that year. ”

William was silent for a moment: “I’m sorry, I…”

“Oh, no need to apologize,” Luna said slowly, “I still feel sad about it sometimes.

But either way, that doesn’t mean I can never see my mom again, does it? ”

She said in a chant voice:

“What we’ve lost will come back in a certain way, even if it’s not the way you expected.”

William stared at Luna, at this young girl who, although acting strangely, was actually very attractive.

“I’m very interested in the underworld. Can you tell me about your adventure with Hermione?” Luna’s eyes were gentle, and she whispered, “I can write a story for you.”

“You can still write books?” William couldn’t help laughing.

“Of course, every time Dad gets drunk and doesn’t have time to rush the draft, I help him write it.” Luna raised her head.

“Every time the response has been overwhelming, especially the patients at St Mungo’s Hospital for Witchcraft and Wizardry.”


Those who like it emotionally are all wizards with mental problems.

William didn’t agree or refuse, just smiled:

“Wait until this war is over.”

“Okay, we made an agreement.” Luna continued to lie on the back of the unicorn again, leaning over to pick up something.

“What are you doing?” William asked curiously.

“Pick up acorns, I’m going to plant them under my window.” Luna opened her pocket and saw a bag full of acorns.

“One day it will grow up and I will be able to sit in the armchair under the tree and read about you.”

William moved on.

Luna looked at his back, hesitated for a moment, and wrapped the string of shell wind chimes he gave back to her head, and tied a wreath to herself.

William left his house and came to the place where the Death Eaters “reworked by labor”.

It is surrounded by labyrinths, and there are countless magical creatures and traps.

It’s all for the Death Eaters.

It is a pity that after the Battle of Christmas last year, Voldemort lost too many servants and dared not attack again.

William couldn’t catch any fish either.

But enough Death Eaters were caught, enough for him to set up the Magic World version of “Kong Delin”.

This group of Death Eaters are good at doing bad things, and they are unequivocal in their work.

In order to commute the sentence, I worked hard to perform, and desperately introverted.

Breeding magical beasts, raising magical plants, blaming one another for crimes against one another, exposing those hidden Death Eaters…there’s nothing they can’t do.

At this point, Draco Malfoy left the room and walked towards the hillside.

He walked over in a daze and stood beside William.

William sat at the stone table, waved his wand, conjured two wine glasses, raised one, took a sip, and looked at the towering mountains.

“Draco, as a pact, I let you meet your father.

So, what’s your answer? ”

Last year, Draco succeeded Malfoy as the Death Eater, before receiving orders from Voldemort to kill William and Dumbledore.

William took the opportunity to win over Draco, let him betray Voldemort, fall to the Order of the Phoenix, and become a new spy.

But Draco had been hesitant, looking ahead.

William got up and patted him on the shoulder.

“We can hide your mother in absolute safety, safer than you can imagine.

Your father won’t be in danger here…Stay on the right track, Draco…you’ve never been a murderer…”

Malfoy looked at William dumbly, trembling all over.

He didn’t know how to decide.

He doesn’t like the Dark Lord.

Witnessed what the Dark Lord did to his mother that evening;

Witnessing the mother put down all her pride, knelt on the ground, humbled to the core, and begged the Dark Lord to let him go.

Malfoy has hated the Dark Lord ever since.

But if he wanted to betray him and be loyal to William, although he did not resist, he was also extremely fearful.

In particular, William still has a task to give him, let him deceive the Dark Lord and lead him into a trap…

But Draco knew he was the only man in the Malfoys who could make a decision.

He must kill the cowardly, pampered boy in his heart and take on the responsibility of a man.

“But that’s the Dark Lord.” Draco lowered his head, his eyes blurred, his lips trembling, and he choked softly, sobbing hard.

“He can’t be killed…”

“No one can’t kill,” William said.

“Power resides in the human heart. It’s like floating shadows on the wall. Even weak people, under certain circumstances, can cast huge shadows and defeat terrifying enemies.”

William took his hawthorn wand from Draco’s pocket.

“Made of hawthorn wood and unicorn hair, ten inches, with good elasticity.” William twirled his wand with five fingers in his left hand.

Draco looked at William in confusion, how could he know the material and size of his wand.

William explained softly:

“When I went to Mr. Ollivander to buy a wand, he let me try this wand.”

“The hawthorn wand is a wand full of contradictions, like the tree itself that gave birth to this contradictory quality, its leaves and flowers are healing, and the smell of its branches is deadly…”

“Olivander also told me that this wand would be a good choice for wizards who are going through a period of their own confusion.”

“So, I hope you can find your true self, not next year, not tomorrow, but now.”

William stared at Draco:

“Keep being Voldemort’s servants, and the Malfoys will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear.”

“Come to me, you will be reunited as a family, and you will continue to live a good life.

Draco, you want to kill Voldemort too, go back to school and Slytherin after this summer? ”

Draco wept for a long time~www.readwn.com~ and finally knelt down at William’s feet like he was kneeling to Voldemort, wanting to kiss his shoes.

“I…I, the Malfoy family, are willing to swear allegiance to you!”

William stretched out his hand to put Draco’s shoulder, let him sit on the chair, then raised the glass, and said with a smile:

“What allegiance, we’re friends, Draco, aren’t we?

It was already when we first met that summer. ”


Draco repeated this somewhat warm word. He seemed to cry instead of crying, laugh but not laugh. He raised his head and raised his glass, and murmured it all into his stomach.

“Yeah, we’re friends!”

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