A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1121

Vol 7 Chapter 35: Ah, The **** Of Death!

It rained all night,

There was an oil-paper fan floating in the air, and William and Hermione squeezed below, flipping through the alchemy book.

This Deathly Hallows, he did not want to bring the underworld.

In William’s opinion, it is too important, more important than any Deathly Hallows.

But Nicole insists that William and Hermione’s safety is more important.

After the two of them came to the underworld, with this book, it might be useful.

As for whether it will be lost… The three volumes of the entire book have been unlocked by William before Easter.

For 600 years, Nico has copied enough alchemy methods.

The refining of the Deathly Hallows was also recorded after Easter, and he was not very afraid of losing it.

What’s more, the Deathly Hallows is also an unknown thing from a certain point of view.

In the story of the three brothers, the eldest and the second were quickly taken away by the **** of death.

Even the third child, who had lived for a long time, finally embraced the embrace of the **** of death.

The North Sea monster was even sent by the God of Death to forcibly kill the “pet” of the owner of the Deathly Hallows.

There is countless evidence that Death is reaping the souls of powerful wizards.

No one can keep the Deathly Hallows forever, and if it is lost, Nico can accept it.

Of course, bringing the underworld did play a role, such as now…

After William had read all the Deathly Hallows lists, he asked Hermione to read it again.

Although he has a good memory, compared with Hermione, there is still a big gap.

She is a terrifying witch who memorized all the thick book “Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms” before she entered school.

It is more than enough to participate in the strongest brain.

William leaned forward and reached out to catch the rain that was pattering from the sky.

This heavy rain, after Vivian left, has not stopped, a posture that will not stop until the fish are drowned.

Instead of chasing Tom, Vivien went to find Morgan with the Holy Grail and a golden coffin.

It doesn’t matter whether Morgan is dead or not, William doesn’t care, the key is that the trident… must be obtained.

After Hermione quickly flipped through the alchemy book, she gently closed the book, narrowed her beautiful eyes, and thought carefully.

After a while, she raised her head and said in a very sure tone, “Three more Deathly Hallows.”

She pointed to the names of magic items that appeared in different sequences. The three items were:

Stand-in messengers, coffins of souls, and… the golden ark of the covenant.

A stand-in messenger, it can be used as a substitute for the dead to enter the resting place in exchange for the resurrection of the dead.

Soul Gathering Coffin, which can summon destroyed souls.

The Ark of the Golden Covenant, as long as the heart is placed in it, can be resurrected infinitely.

William couldn’t remember the names of all the Deathly Hallows, and couldn’t tell which ones were there before and which ones Tom got.

But he believed in Hermione’s memory very much, so he nodded and said:

“Tom seems to have used the Ark of the Golden Covenant to be able to resurrect immediately after being killed.”

It looks like Izanagi’s skill, but it’s still infinite resurrection… This is tricky.

But it is not impossible to solve.

William looked at the compass on the golden coffin.

This golden compass was found from the Pyramid Island and brought together with the golden coffin.

After this period of exploration, William found that it is not pointing the direction like a normal compass…

Instead, it points to the direction of the person holding the compass, where the most wanted thing is.

This is undoubtedly the other most valuable thing left by the Big Four.

With the golden compass, wherever Tom hid the golden ark, William could find it.

Is this also in Ravenclaw’s plan?

It’s terrifying.

Hermione obviously thought of this too, not very worried, she was more concerned about something else.

She stretched out her hand, and the rain hit her palm, splashing countless tiny water droplets, and then said softly:

“That coffin… Riddle probably wanted to revive the soul fragments.”

No wonder Tom has been agitating, William and Dumbledore, to kill Voldemort and destroy all the Horcruxes.

It turned out that he had already made plans.

As long as you find the **** of death, you will ask for a magic item to summon all the killed souls, including the souls in the Horcrux.

Once so, he is no longer a soul fragment, but a complete Tom.

Such Tom will not always stay at the age of sixteen.

Rather, talent, intelligence, and even the memories of these years all come back into one.

become a whole.

Tom without a split soul is the most terrifying, much stronger than Voldemort without a nose!

William looked at Hermione, whose face was extremely serious, and comforted:

“Don’t worry, we’ll kill him.”

Hermione nodded, resting her head on William’s lap, and he undid the tie and brushed her loose strands of hair.

The rain of the underworld… For a thousand years, how many people can enjoy it?

What’s more, it is still the same “boat” for men and women?

Hermione closed her eyes and said with peace of mind, “It’s so beautiful.”

Harry woke up abruptly, coughing a lot of water out of his mouth, gagging like a conditioned reflex before he could finally breathe in.

He looked around and found himself wrapped in a blanket with a soft bed under him.

Tom was gone, so were William and Hermione… only distant memories, echoing in his mind.

For a split second, Harry thought he had a long dream, waiting for Mad-Eye at his uncle’s house.

But he quickly came to his senses and looked up at the strange room.

Where is this place, was it saved by William?

He still can’t believe it, William and Hermione will appear in the… Underworld.

Harry, draped in the wool blanket, stood shaky, his body slowly regaining consciousness.

Throat and lungs were burning, and breathing was still difficult.

He walked out of the room and found a sign on the next door.

He walked over and found the room where Bobo Tea and the Kittens were written.

Going to the next door, the house number is “Annie’s Room”, and a cartoon head with a big head is drawn.

On the door on the right, it reads “William and Hermione’s Room”.

There is also Hermione’s handwriting on the door:

“Please knock on the door if you have anything, and you are not allowed to enter casually – ps is talking about you, Annie!”

Harry knew where this was… William’s house.

He didn’t have time to think about why William and Hermione would sleep in the same room… “adult problem”.

But the tears flowed out all of a sudden.

He was really saved, he didn’t die, he was saved by William and Hermione!

The two of them actually entered the underworld and rescued him along the way?

The luckiest thing in my life is probably getting to know them.

Harry wiped his tears and looked for the two of them.

He soon discovered that although the decoration on the first floor was exactly the same as that of William’s house, there were no windows and no yard.

It seems to be the space where the Traceless Stretch Charm was made in the safety watch.

Harry went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water faucet on the ceramic sink, looking at himself in the mirror.

Although the light was very dim, he could still see clearly… He was exhausted.

This experience really helped him grow a lot.

Harry clasped his hands together, washed his face with warm water, refreshed himself, and walked outside.

Pushing the door open and leaving the safety watch, Harry found himself standing on a… coffin.

The watch is in the middle of the coffin.

William was seated on the far right coffin, Hermione snuggled beside him, resting on his shoulder.

After seeing such a warm scene, Harry hesitated for a while, but still gave up the idea of disturbing the two.

He was about to go back, but William heard the movement, turned his head, and said with a smile:

“Harry, are you awake?”

“Um…” Harry scratched his hair awkwardly and asked, “William, where are we now?”

William took out a map, which was the “Book of Two Roads” copied from the golden coffin.

He pointed somewhere and said:

“We are very close to the residence of the **** of death~www.readwn.com~. Next, we have to return to the magical world from here.”

“Can you go back?” Harry was a little excited.

“Yes, there is a passage that can go directly to…”

Before William’s words were finished, he suddenly turned his head away.

Hermione also stood up and stood beside him, looking over there.

The fog gradually dissipated, and a small island appeared.

The wizard in black robe stood there, looking at the three of them from a distance.

William looked at him.

Ah, the **** of death…

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