A Magical Hogwarts

Chapter 1106

Vol 7 Chapter 20: Invisible Academy

The famous magic historian, Bathilda Bagshot, recorded this passage in her unpublished manuscript:

“I have to admit that in the long history of wizards, there is irrefutable evidence that there was a mysterious school in early Egypt, and secret wisdom was passed down from generation to generation.

It has a mysterious nickname called the ‘Invisible Academy’.

Only a few worthy geniuses can enter this disappearing ‘academy’.

Peverell in the story of the Three Brothers; Andros, the wizard who can summon the giant-sized patron saint by casting spells without a staff;

Mopsos, a famous divination master in ancient Greece; Merlin in England; the Big Four at Hogwarts…

These great minds have all made major breakthroughs in the field of human magic.

Some wizards believe that:

These advances and breakthroughs have a lot to do with their contact with the prehistoric mysteries hidden in the “Invisible Academy”…”

In Venice that year, Bagshot felt that his time was running out, so he gave Hermione the manuscript he had written over the years.

William and Hermione are the existences with the most Deathly Hallows at present, and they are very familiar with these secrets.

Bagshot hopes that the two will one day help organize the manuscript before publishing it.

William also flipped through the content.

The other wizards are not clear, but the Big Four are definitely from the Egyptian Mystery Academy.

It’s a pity that this invisible college has long since disappeared in the long history.

Otherwise, Dumbledore and Grindelwald would not want to resurrect Cleopatra, the last pharaoh, to seek the inheritance of knowledge.

As for why it’s gone?

Few wizards even knew about the academy, and its destruction was even harder to know.

But history still has scales and half claws for later readers to read.

for example…

Once the largest library in the world, the Library of Alexandria, has been burned twice.

The first catastrophe occurred in 48 BC.

Roman commander Caesar, victorious at the Battle of Phassaro, pursued Pompey into Egypt.

She was then seduced by Cleopatra and intervened in her and her younger brother’s battle for the Pharaoh throne.

During the conflict, the fire spread, causing the library of Alexandria to suffer, and more than half of the thousand-year-old books were destroyed.

Even eighteen years later, the ancient Egyptian civilization was destroyed, and this land was designated as a province of Rome.

The second catastrophe will be four hundred years later.

Theodosius I became emperor of Rome.

He issued an edict establishing Christianity as the state religion and ordered the demolition of all pagan churches and temples in Alexandria, including the Library of Alexandria.

Under the leadership of Archbishop St. Theophilus, the fanatical believers burned all the documents with a fire.

Regardless of whether this magical inheritance was cut off by man-made destruction…

But one thing is certain:

The invisible academy has indeed disappeared in the long river of history, and now there are only ruins left.

But the ruins of this magic academy still exist, and it is the destination of this trip – the Temple of Amon.

As a sacrificial temple and a magic academy, there are still many magic and curse protections left in this building.

Think about it as well, there are so many protections in the pyramid, not to mention such an important place.

After a hundred years of research, the fairies have not been able to fully open up, so they pinned their hopes on the wizard.

Every once in a while, they hold the International Alchemy Congress.

On the surface, it is a recognition for wizards who have made outstanding contributions in the field of alchemy.

In fact, they are invited to come and help solve the magic.

At that time, Dumbledore, who was carefully taught by Niko, was invited to attend the meeting.

He also received the Gold Medal for Pioneering Contributions at the Cairo International Alchemy Congress.

At that time, Dumbledore was only seventeen years old and had not graduated from Hogwarts.

It was this experience, the summer of a year later, when he met Grindelwald, who inspired the two to go to Egypt to study the mysteries of prehistory.

In the end, Dumbledore didn’t go, and Grindelwald followed the plan of the two and followed the steps to resurrect Cleopatra’s soul.

Decades later, Rozier, who kept this piece of soul, put it into Arya’s body at his own discretion.

After the Paris nuclear crisis, Arya had to come to Egypt in order to save her life and solve this piece of soul.

A few years later, William and Hermione were also forced to come to Egypt because Tom captured Harry.

It can only be said that everything in the world is not an isolated point, but is interconnected and affects each other.

After studying the structure of the temple, a team of removing the curse, taking advantage of the darkness, set off towards the temple.

Most are goblins, with a few wizards.

Karnak Temple, located 4 kilometers north of Luxor town.

As a place to worship the sun **** Amon, many people only regard the temple of Amon as the whole of Karnak.

In fact, Karnak Temple has three parts:

Temple of Amun dedicated to the sun **** Amun;

The temple dedicated to Amun’s wife, the goddess of war, Mut, and the temple of Mengxiu.

The group soon came to the corridor full of sphinxes, which was the only way to enter the temple.

After passing the avenue, there is a magnificent city gate with an eight-meter-high stone sculpture of Ramses II standing in front of the gate.

Between his legs, a statue of the queen is engraved.

One big and one small, integrated.

Ramses II is arguably the most famous pharaoh of ancient Egypt.

He reigned for about 67 years, with 8 queens and more than 100 children.

As a predecessor of the early human race in the finals, he lived to be in his nineties and died of twelve sons who had the legal right of inheritance.

Ramses II also liked to carve himself and his experiences on buildings.

The large statues excavated in Egypt today are basically his personal model shows.

But the huge expenditure also accelerated the decline of ancient Egypt. After his death, the dynasty quickly went downhill.

All I can say is… Your Majesty, the spectacle is wrong for the country!

From this point of view, it is quite a bit like a Shiquan old man – a dry junior.

I don’t know if Qianlong meant to pay tribute to the seniors.

If his father Ramses I was resurrected, he would probably have to learn from Yongzheng and scolded:

“You are my number one in Egypt… Aqina!”

Standing at the door, William saw an obelisk in the distance.

Finally saw the genuine building, no longer the copycat version of Washington.

Egypt, as a country where obelisks are made, actually only has five left in the country.

In the past 100 years, it has been looted by other countries, and it is also called cultural relic protection.

The obelisk in front of you is the tallest one in Egypt, with a body of 29 meters.

Its historical status is very high. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was established by the first female pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Queen Hatshepsut.

After admiring the pattern for a while, William passed through the tower gate and entered the multi-column hall.

The eyes are full of lotus columns.

They are 22 meters long, and there are as many as 134, supporting the stone pillar hall.

The walls are also engraved with exquisite reliefs and bright paintings.

“Please come this way, it’s the altar,” said a goblin.

He pointed to the east-west axis, and at the end he could reach the altar.

It was an ancient place where only priests and pharaohs could enter.

It is also the most dangerous area in the entire temple.

A place that fairies have never been able to crack.

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