A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 8. Older Sister, Princely Knight and a Sleepy Head!

“And so, since you were up in the air, do you perhaps know what caused the monster horde? After all, it is close to impossible for one to appear on a medium-level zone unless an anomaly appeared,” the black-haired lady Seele asked as the orange-haired girl stood up, twirled once before winking with her tongue out as she shouted, “Nope!”


“What a pain… also, did you come here alone?” the black-haired lady inquired as the orange-haired girl smiled before flicking her fingers up in the air before the sight of dozens of people riding in flying brooms appeared over the distance, slowly making their way towards us. “I brought my students here as well!”


Not long after, the group soon arrived above us, descending one by one; some jumped off from high above, breaking their fall with their weapons whilst some hopped the normal way after lowering down their booms. All of which were beautiful and handsome people.


“Ara, who is this adorable kitten?” a creepy voice spoke from behind as shivers ran over my spine, turning around before two superior-grade chests filled my sight, surprising me no ends as I backed off before her full crystal smooth face and silky blue-hair became clear, “Eeeh… there’s no need to be afraid!”


“I think she is more afraid of those two bouncy chests of yours, Kayla…” another voice responded from behind as I looked around before a normal-chested person with long violet hair stood there, wielding a majestic great sword on her hand that didn’t seem to fit her physique.


“How rude!” the older sister like person shouted as laughs reverberated throughout the area. I felt confused over the sudden of events, it was like a cliché, but the issue is it’s also reality… out of the blue, a hand wrapped around my neck like a snake making me tremble as I turned my head to my shoulders before a sleepy golden-haired beauty’s face rested there, “You smell nice… what shampoo?”


It was as if hell had descended all of a sudden; an older sister type of girl, a sleepy-looking beauty who has something for shampoos, and an elegant warrior kind of girl surrounded me. Not to mention, the three of them were ridiculously beautiful like royalty.


As if the saving grace, several loud claps echoed from the center as we looked towards the utmost center of the group where the orange-haired girl stood, shrouded in a thick blue aura as her voice echoed throughout the area, “Enough playing around, our purpose here today is to escort the lower grades back to the school.”


“I want all of you to be cautious of your surroundings as a monster horde had occurred earlier which could only mean there is a far stronger anomaly lurking around this area. Always keep your guards up and make sure your weapons are all within a second’s reach, never take off your eyes from your surroundings! DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND?!”


The feel around her had changed entirely. It was a commander standing at the center of a battlefield, handing out orders to her troops, a marginal difference from my first impression of her which was that of a childish girl that didn’t feel fit of a vice headmaster.


“It always surprises me when she suddenly turns serious…” the older sister lady mumbled before she turned her attention to me, whispering into my ear with a bright smile on her face, “Hey… what’s your name?” as if picking on me.


“Ayumi…” I responded nervously before she responded with more shine, “Ayumi, what a cute name! How old are you?” before out of the blue a giant light sliced in between us as a loud shout came from the center.


“Kayla, behave!” the orange-haired girl scolded as the older sister looked down disappointed, sitting down on the grass bed whilst looking at Mana who was sleeping peacefully with a truly older sister feel… I kind of forgot what caused her to faint… or so I thought… well… remembering it… kind of feels ticklish…?


“For some other announcements, the training program has been disbanded for emergency reasons. All students are required to head back to the school within this week, according to the headmaster as such, we will be rushing our way to the school as fast as possible.”


“To do so, we will only take two hours breaks every twenty-two hours and within those two hours of break, our meals and sleep has to be done within that period. Any other activities that have to be done must be completed within the timespan otherwise excuse them!” she declared before every single person nodded.


I want to escape… isn’t this practically military training in the real world?! Two hours to sleep and eat, what is that…?! How can someone survive with one hour of sleep… or rather how can someone eat and cook in a single hour?! This is insane!!!! I want to complain so badly but couldn’t…


“Ara! Are you perhaps thinking about how this is hell?” the older sister lady asked as I nodded frantically before she chuckled, “Every one of us used to say the same thing back then, no one in their right minds would think two hours would be enough to do everything after all.”


“But every single one of us soon got used to it, for sleep, we would usually close off our eyes while walking towards the destination and simply listen to the sounds and use our other senses whilst for the food situation, we always bring dozens of canned goods in case some forgot,” she explained.


“How does that even work?!” I asked frozen before she pinched my cheeks, squeaking with a blushed face, “Aren’t you too adorable? Can I please take you home…? I have plenty of money and food, even clothes!” before a blade smacked her the face.


“You and your tendency to find little sisters is creeping everyone out…” the violet-haired girl said as she looked at me and smiled elegantly before asking, “Are you not by chance a student at the school?”


“Errr… I am not…” I said before her hand rubbed against the threads of my hairs as she said with a bright shine all around her, “Then do you perhaps want to join me in school? I can help you with many things and with a single word of my name, everyone wouldn’t dare touch you. How about it?” before out of the blue a loud cry echoed from behind the lady.




Looking behind her, the supposedly sleeping pink-haired lady, Mana stood there with a plentiful of glares as the older-sister lady and the sleepy golden-haired lady both mumbled at the same time, “Ara… ara…”


Achievement Unlocked. [SILENT MODE]
Dense Troublemaker.
Earned by attracting several other girls
without knowing about it.

You earned the following as a reward.
- Increased Charm.
- 200 Yuri Experience Points.


You leveled up by one level.





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