A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 107. Flora The Siscon

Taking out her flute, Mana soon looked at the forest before taking a deep, heavy breath as she placed the flute on her lips before a soothing melody echoed throughout the forest. The melody created a sense of warmth around us that was as if enticing but it wasn’t enticing enough for me to rush over. It was like hypnosis to be exact, a lower level.


I was confused over what kind of spell she had cast, even with my knowledge of the game, I had little idea about the Saint of Melodies… the only person who truly knows about the title the most is Kaori since she was the one who created it.


After some time, the melody stopped as Mana placed her flute down before smiling at us, turning her attention towards Kaori as the two could be seen firing sparks at each other.


“What did you do?” I asked. I was utterly confused over what she did.


“You might have to prepare around eight arrows, Ayumi,” Mana smiled at me which made me even more confused.


“What do you mean?” I questioned before she simply looked at the calm forest with a smile.


“It’s target practice for you, Ayu-chi,” Kaori suddenly whispered into my ear which confused me even more as the calm forest suddenly started trembling. The trembling was visible from far away which made me even more confused.


All of a sudden, eight lines of trees fell one after another as eight different boars came rushing towards us with frenzy eyes. It was as if they had seen a prey for dinner which stunned me as I summoned my bow in a panic, pulling the bowstring as fast as I could while filling the entire bow with mana as the boars rushed towards us at high speed.


Amidst my panic, eight different swords suddenly flew out from our direction, striking all eight boars’ legs at the same time which took me by surprise as I looked at Kaori who was smiling, “You were too slow, at that rate of speed, you might have been killed by the boars already.”


I was a bit taken aback by her words, but it was true… though it did hit my ego hard, especially after realizing that what she said was absolutely true. The bow was consuming around 200 MP per second which was the limit I could release per second, even though the bow could consume around a thousand per second.


And at that rate, it would take around four seconds for an arrow to solidify which wasn’t enough time to handle eight different boars rushing towards your direction at the same time… logically speaking, I was indeed slow at that speed… but in my opinion, it was my fastest.


“Err… yeah, I was a bit slow… yeah… but what did Mana just do?” I inquired, shrugging off my damaged ego as Kaori and Mana giggled a bit causing Flora who was awake to be confused.


“It was one of the new abilities I had learned, according to that window, it is called Targeted Taunting Melody…” Mana explained before a window popped up in front of me, revealing all the details of the melody.



Targeted Taunting Melody


Targeted Taunting Melody is a spell unique to the chosen one which allows him/her to sing a melody that would turn a targeted object, entity, or specie frenzy for a minute to ten minutes depending on the abilities of the caster.


“That sounds weird… can you taunt human beings?” I looked at Mana surprised before she nodded. I had forgotten that she was also able to control and see the window which is why I always thought she knew less or equal to me with her title.


“How many melodies can you play?” Kaori looked at Mana with a smile.


Mana looked at her hand and started counting up to ten before replying, “I can play up to ten melodies and can combine any of them to create a unique combination melody, why?”


“I see… it seems like you have understood the Saint of Melodies a lot, how long have you been practicing?” Kaori responded before Mana tilted her head in confusion meanwhile I was here frozen from what she had said.


Ten melodies may not be much but if she can combine any of them and be able to create a unique melody that could be used to combine with another melody to create a further unique melody… then isn’t it safe to say that it is one of the most overpowered classes in the entire game.


Wait… how did Kaori even manage to commit a patch like that behind my back?! I definitely wouldn’t merge a patch like that to the stable version if I had known! That’s way too game-breaking, like if you can master the art of melody combination then you’d practically be the top ranker in an instant.


As if knowing my thoughts, Kaori looked at me and winked before Mana replied, “Around a week or two now… why are you asking me all of this?” with a confused look on her face. A week or two to be able to master ten melodies, that’s a pretty fast rate.


“Have you asked Leisha to teach you?” I asked before she looked at me frozen, her eyes went wide as if she had seen a ghost.


“Right… Leisha… she is an idol; she should be able to teach me a lot… how come I never thought about it…” she mumbled before replying, “I could ask her once she comes back from her trip… it should take two days for her to return right?”


“Well, the trip may actually last two more weeks since I was told from one of the people I assigned to guard her via a mana pigeon that their place had apparently encountered a troubling situation where the food situation of the city had drastically plummeted,” Kaori answered which surprised all of us.


There were too many surprises in one day that my mind had completely flopped, but all of the surprises were inevitable especially the part about Mana’s abilities which if the system here for her class hasn’t changed would be the most overpowered thing I’ll hear.


“Aywumi-mwa! Help!” Flora suddenly shouted over at the distance, causing all of us to panic as we ran towards her direction before the sight of the fluff ball sitting on the floor with her dress completely dirtied with mud and boar blood came into sight.


Her breathing showed that she was completely exhausted as she laid on the floor before turning towards Kaori’s direction as her face paled which confused us as we looked in Kaori’s direction where Crystal could be seen wide-awake looking at Flora with utter shock.


“It seems like your elder sister is a mess, don’t you think, Crystal?” Kaori suddenly said before the black-haired girl looked at Flora frozen.


“Mhm…” Crystal nodded which caused Flora’s face to turn blue almost like she was slapped in the face, her head limply rested on the mud as if she had died emotionally, and to finish it off, Crystal suddenly added, “I don’t like mud…” which finished the boar-loving fluff ball off.


All of a sudden, a loud laugh sounded from Mana as she looked at Crystal’s and Flora’s interaction before looking at Kaori as she smiled, “As much as I don’t like you as a rival, it doesn’t mean I reject Crystal alright?”


“Crystal probably doesn’t even need your consent to enter,” Kaori showed a smug as the two threw sparks at one another once more before laughing together which confused the three of us who were watching at the sidelines.


The two looked like enemies but at the same time, the two looked like best friends. It was so confusing that my brain couldn’t even be bothered to comprehend their relationship now. For all I care, as long as the two get together well then that’s fine.


“Cwystal… hates… me…” Flora who was still on the mud started mumbling taking Mana’s and Kaori’s attention once more as the two walked towards the fluff ball who was devoid of life. It was as if her spirit was taken away.


“You can use a water attribute spell right?” Kaori looked at me.


“I don’t think I can…” I said before she facepalmed.


“You are more oblivious to your bow’s abilities than I thought, from what I can tell on the first arrow you shot, the bow is capable of shooting seven different elements simultaneously which means you can use it to cast a simple spell of one element,” she said which stunned me.


“Are you sure?” I looked at her confused before she nodded.


“Try it out first, imagine firing a water ball while pulling your bowstring and it should turn into a water ball instead of a genuine harmful arrow,” she explained which made me hesitate a bit but nodded as I summoned my bow for the third time.


Rising the bow up in the air, I started imagining a gigantic water ball up in the skies straight down towards Flora’s direction. I felt my hand hesitate a bit, after all, if the situation isn’t as she said then the arrow would definitely hit Flora.


“Don’t worry, if it turns into an arrow, my swords will slice it down in an instant,” Kaori reassured while flaunting the swords that were floating around her, spinning like a wheel which basically worked as I nodded before focusing all my attention to the bow.


I stared at the MP bar at the upper left corner of my eye, waiting as the bar soon reached the exact middle before releasing the bowstring as a white streak flew up in the air, causing my heart to stop as I looked at the arrow before it vanished followed by a giant blue ball appearing on where it vanished.


“Explode!” Kaori’s soft mumble echoed as all ten swords flew up in the air, slashing the ball as the gigantic water ball splashed down towards the direction of Flora who was still devoid of life, standing as she looked down with a sad look as if sensing a threat, her face paled as she looked at the drops of water falling down towards her.


In an instant, a bucket worth of water soon splashed straight down on her, wiping all the mud on her as her hair draped down as she looked at me with shock, “Aywumi-mwa…” before looking at Mana who had a towel ready… where she got that towel is none of my concern though.


After looking at Mana, she soon ran towards her before being dried off as a soft voice managed to enter into my ear coming from the direction of Kaori who was being whispered by Crystal with kinds of stuff before the two looked at each other and nodded as Kaori lowered her before the black-haired girl ran towards Flora who still had a sad look on her face.


“Eld…er…sister!” Crystal suddenly opened her arms wide, calling out to Flora in a shy voice as the gluttonous little girl looked at her frozen which caused Crystal to misunderstand as the girl tilted her head while asking, “No hugs?”


“Yes, hugs!” Flora rebuked in an instant, pouncing onto Crystal like always as the two fell on the wet dirt once more but this time, it wasn’t just the gluttonous fluff ball who was dirty. All of us could only watch with a sigh as Flora started snuggling onto Crystal like a big fat siscon.


Crystal didn’t mind though as she patted Flora’s head almost like she was the elder sister, the scene was incredibly adorable. The warmth radiated from their interactions was addictive causing the three of us to hesitate on disturbing them as we watched the two hug each other.

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