A Light Within Darkness.

A Light Within Darkness Chapter XII

"For the Emperor!" I cried out as I dove into the melee pile of church zealots that were engaging likewise in 'honorable' melee combat with the Genestealers.

To say the least, my appearance definitely ruffled some feathers as the church's agents bristled at my arcing sword beams and golden flames burning the foes of humanity as I flagrantly used 'the powers of the warp' without being one of their pet pyskers.

But my cultivation-enhanced voice that literally acted as weak sonic weak and blew out the eardrums and otherwise disoriented the Genestealers stopped them from doing something stupid.

'Maybe they thought I was some kind of Perpetual or spirit summoned to aid in their battle' I thought as I spun in a circle sending a weak spiral of sword qi around me that bisected the crowd of Genestealers that attempted to dogpile me.

"In the holy light of the all-father burn!" I yelled pulling at my single star within me and my surrounding for a brief moment my sight went completely blue as the air surrounding me  became plasma making another wave of Genestealers into ash before I coated my sword in my sun's flames and strongly stabbed in the direction of the other half of the hanger sending a ray of light as though a solar flare was born there melting all fornications, tanks and Genestealers.

Yet even with me flashily destroying the Genestealers, I began to realize a very pressing fact about 40k battles.

"There's no fucking end to these bastards!" I cursed after another five minutes of fighting and having to run my flames outside my body to melt any explosives and bullets launched at me. All those actions had contributed to my Qi beginning to run dry, so I began to look for a way out of the battle in order to recover a bit.

Seeing the big bad Sisters of Battle were still in the thick of the battle I decided to go where the church operatives had created a bulwark in the massive hanger as the guardsmen side of the battle was a constant meatgrinder with no sight from beginning to end as they sought to drown the Genestealers in a deluge of Las fire and bodies.

"Halt who are you!" A man asked and I simply collapsed against a crate of ammo or something in response.

"Just a good Samaritan fighting the good fight," I said tiredly but I was still being alert in order to watch out for any of the church agents to attempt to blow my brains out.

"What is your Hive ID you are obviously an unregistered Pysker? You need training lest you fall to the predations of darkness!" A woman walked out of the shadows of the tunnel the church and Sisters of Battle pushed out of.

'Fuck it's another sister... And she looks to be at a much higher rank.' I thought seeing the grizzled white-haired woman fully clad in highly decorated power armor.

"I needed a moment to rest from using my abilities and I am very clear as to what kind of horrors can be attracted and.." Before I could continue, she swiped her hand and cut me off.

"I order you to tell me your Hive ID civilian or I will shoot you where you sit for refusing to answer a military order!"

The church agents who were setting up turrets and other fortifications to shoot deeper into the massive hanger all whirled onto me with their bolter pistols aimed at me and I sighed.

"Lady... This is the Underhive no one gave a shit about my birth, nor will they care for my death. I have no identification and neither does the vast majority of people down here. Now let's put down the guns lest I panic and panicking psykers are no good for anyone." I said as closing my eyes and beginning to meditate to recover my Qi, but I still had my divine senses out, and they could sense the motions of all the people around me so I wasn't in any danger that having my eyes open couldn't solve.

After a couple moments I felt through my Divine Sense, the Sister of Battle holster her bolter and clap her hands sending all the other soldiers back to their work as the woman approached me.

Seeing her hand approaching my hood I couldn't help but grumble. "Can you just let me meditate or you my mother or something." As the woman flipped back my hood and took in my appearance.

The woman's face only twitched at my chiding tone, but she kneeled down to inspect my features without actually touching me and finally, she stood up with a sigh. "You are clear of mutations... For a pysker let alone having grown up here in Underhive it's simply a miracle of the emperor's will that you are so pure of deformities."

I couldn't help but snort at her words and open my eyes to look at her in disdain as I spoke. "I have absolutely zero interest in cybernetics that will mar my pure body with cold machinery and as for Warp mutations... I will sooner kill myself than run around with a third eye and one of my arms turned into a crab claw or something equally monstrous."

The Sister of Battle's face scrunched up at my words before she sighed and gave me a tired smile. "If only all the pyskers of Humanity had a such firm will then they would be our greatest ally rather than a constant threat we need to suppress." Having said that she grabbed what I believed to be a massive Bolter rifle that an acolyte brought her and with a hum she loaded it up.

"I can see you have a decent grasp of your powers as you walk somewhere along in the middle of all the pysker paths will you be rejoining the battle or is your will power too low to continue?" She asked and I knew she wasn't simply asking if I was being a pussy and just opting out of fighting.

She was asking if my willpower was still suitable to battle off the Warps influence in the midst of battle.

"I am still more than combat capable." I said as I had recovered about a solid half of my Qi by now and stood up to meet the gaze of the scarred face of the white-haired Sister.

"Heh if anything I bet, I killed more of those Xeno scum than all you girls!" I said challenging making the surroundings girls jeer at me and throw a dirty look.

"Hoho. Well, I haven't fought directly side by side with another pysker so I may be rusty... But put your money where your mouth is little boy. Let's see who kills more with our Servitor Skulls recording the battle." She said pointing as at the semi hidden skulls flying around the roof of the hanger was recording and sending data about the battle, I guess.

For a moment I considered just blustering like a young master, but I shook the arrogant desire away as my sword flashed back into my hand. "Rather than total kills, whoever kills the Patriarch wins the bet and it has to be between me and you not one of your other sisters hitting it with some miniature blackhole missile or something."

The woman laughed and nodded patting me on the shoulder as she stood by my side as we strode past the fortifications. "In that case I have good news. We have used seismic scanning of these tunnels and found the main atrium where the modifications of humans into Genestealers takes place. The Patriarch obviously will be there and will meet his end there in the Emperor's name!"

"Sisters of Battle! We the daughters of the Emperor will purge this world of its Xeno filth and bring order! To battle!" She cried as she ran forward into the thicket of combat shooting the massive bolter using her power armor to mitigate its massive recoil and as a large crowd of Sisters of Battle attempted to pass by me, I ran forward outstripping the sister's leader and became a whirlwind of death as I sent powerful arcs of Sword Qi ahead to destroy fortifications and enemies.

"Don't get left behind then hag!" I yelled proudly as I ducked into the tunnel sister in which the patriarch was supposedly in.

How could I let a bunch of non-cultivators even if they were in power armor out battle me?



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