A Hundred Times For a New Day

Chapter 33

Chapter 31: Underestimate The Enemy To Win

Wooden resistance is not a basic spiritual technique, and its power is not comparable to Yu Yi’s.

After all, the wood resistance has brought the characteristics of the wood zodiac to the extreme, forming a constantly growing body-protecting spiritual power. Any attack must pass through many obstacles before it can hurt the user’s body. It is a very powerful defensive spiritual method.

Moreover, this characteristic can even suppress the flame burning in turn, which has actually leveled the restraint relationship.

“It’s rough!”

Huang Xueying was worried about Yun Ye’s melee combat level. In order to let Yun Ye withstand the severe beatings of the society in advance, he directly reached out to grab Yun Ye’s fist, and was extremely accurate, pinching Yun Ye’s meridian, and with a little force, Enough to abolish Yun Ye’s right hand.

However, there was a slight deviation between the prediction and the reality.

He really grabbed Yun Ye’s wrist, and he could indeed abolish Yun Ye’s hand immediately, but before that, his hand was abolished.

At the moment of contact with the orange fire, the destruction of the wood block spiritual power layer was visible to the naked eye, and this destruction spread to the palm of the hand in an instant, which directly caused the yellow blood eagle to suffer severe pain in the brain, and the whole body trembled.

As a cultivator cultivated by an aristocratic family, reluctance to fight back is a very basic quality, so Huang Xueying not only did not retreat, but instead threw his left fist almost in a conditioned reflex, trying to gain an advantage in exchange for injury.

According to the basic concept, when there is enough spiritual power in one area, other areas will inevitably decrease.

Since the destructive power of Yun Ye’s right hand is so amazing, it must mean that the rest of the place is a pretentious one, and there is no defense at all. If he can hit it, it will be enough to restore the loss.

But obviously, Huang Xueying was wrong again. The ending of his left hand was the same as that of his right hand. It was scorched black. If he hadn’t had a lot of spiritual protection, it would have been a matter of course for him to melt directly.

Losing both fists was obviously a huge disadvantage. At this time, Huang Xueying wanted to awaken Linggen to regain the victory.

But just as the texture of his spiritual roots emerged, Yun Ye had already punched through the wooden block and landed on his chest.


The yellow blood eagle lost consciousness like this, flew out like a rag, and even rolled several times on the ground.

The whole place was silent.

The sound of breathing is gone.

As if a breath would let something slip away.

“Clap clap clap!”

Shen An broke the deadlock, as if seeing a very interesting scene, and kept applauding, “Yes, very good, take advantage of the opponent’s underestimation, and win with one blow, qualified spiritual practitioners should have this kind of consciousness!”

On the way of cultivation, there are countless opponents, the unknown is always more than the known, and underestimating the enemy means death.

When a spiritual practitioner fights, he must first awaken his spiritual roots, even if the opponent seems to be weak, otherwise it will be too late to regret it when he is dealt with silently.

Huang Xueying had been in a place like Awakening Hall for too long, and the contempt in his heart had penetrated deep into his bones.

Otherwise, Yun Ye really needs some effort to defeat the Yellow Blood Eagle.


Yun Ye clasped his fists and turned to leave.

Since the outcome is already divided, it is unnecessary to stay here, and one plus point can offset one minus point, and Yun Ye can fish for another two months.

Yun Ye just left, and then immediately.

The entire martial arts field was like a pot exploded, and it boiled instantly.

“You actually won like that?”

“This is too outrageous. This is a small spiritual method, and it is burned through directly like paper?”

“If I were Huang Yupeng, I would definitely vomit blood. Not only did I not suppress anyone, but I also made a big joke… I was instantly killed by a newcomer!”

In the crowd, Wang Yao’s hair was itchy, and he scratched his head: “This is too dramatic, isn’t it, grassroots counterattack?”

In fact, the impact of this event is far more than that.

Especially when Huang Yupeng heard about it, he was even more surprised: “With the strength of the blood eagle, even if it is careless, it is not something that a newcomer can easily break through… It seems that Yang Shi’s flames are no longer a general situation. ”

“Then young master, do you still need to continue?” a servant asked.

Huang Yupeng thought for a while, then shook his head: “It’s unnecessary, the time is almost up, at this time, one more spiritual root resuscitator can be somewhat useful, even the Ji family has expanded its training efforts, we are lingering behind, how much to be safe points.”

“Yes.” The servant disappeared into the darkness.


For the next four months, Yun Ye encountered no trouble.

However, Huang Yupeng and Yun Ye played against each other once, but it seemed that they were just trying to test their strength, and there was no problem.

At the end of the year, the annual dropout wave began again.

Every year, there are students who drop out of the awakening hall. Either they have reached the age of sixteen, or they have a three-year ineligibility record.

And among the dropouts this year, there was a face Yun Ye recognized, and that was his student at the same time.

The most important thing is that Yun Ye can read his panel.

Physique E, Divine Consciousness A, Spiritual Root C, Comprehension D.

Divine Consciousness, it turned out to be A Grade!

In the environment where everyone is generally C-level talent, an A-level talent suddenly popped up, which really surprised Yun Ye.

It’s just that this person was able to drop out of school after being unqualified for three consecutive years, which also shows that the talent of divine consciousness has no effect, at least it is impossible to have a natural divine law.

Yun Ye now understands that the evaluation criteria for the Book of Reincarnation are actually regional, and the evaluation is divided into the upper and lower limits of this region.

However, the evaluation system of Baishi Town is a common evaluation system for the entire barren state, so naturally it does not match.

The A-level talent is probably “good”, and it belongs to the middle of the good, and it is still 108,000 miles away from the natural magic.

“It’s a bit of talent after all, so let’s take it and observe it.”

Yun Ye is now rich and has a big mansion, so it is not a problem to cultivate a few henchmen.

And this young man named “Ning Xiao” is only to wake up the “waste wood” that Tang doesn’t want, and will not attract attention.


“Safe travels!”


The time to join the Heijia Army has come, Yun Ye and Wang Yao high five to say goodbye.

Wake up the back hall.

It was about ten o’clock, and the cloudy night arrived as scheduled.

“The people from the Black Armored Army haven’t come yet, just wait.”

Shen An was still the same, sitting behind the stage not knowing what was being recorded.


After Yun Ye clasped his fists and saluted, he glanced curiously, but he found out that he had made a mistake, Shen An was not recording things at all, but making magic talismans.

The spirit pen turned in Shen An’s hand, leaving ink marks, and the spirit power was poured into the spirit talisman silently.

Yun Ye can feel the abundant water spirit power in it, and the patterns also make Yun Ye feel familiar.

Amulet of expelling disease…

The most outstanding spirituality of water is its flow. If you grasp the essentials of this flow of spirituality, you can remove toxins and other negative substances from the body. It belongs to the healing method of the immortal world.

Moreover, unlike the pure slaughtering price of Youshi, the magic talisman must be made by cultivators, and the time cost is very high. Although it will not cost thousands of mysterious coppers, it is definitely worth a few hundred mysterious coppers.

(I didn’t expect that the instructors of the Xianxue Academy would actually make magic talismans to make money, and they were the most basic healing talismans. Isn’t this a talisman only sold to commoners and small businessmen?)

Yun Ye was amazed.

Although he knew very little about the magic talisman, it was not a secret that the widely circulated magic talisman was in the awakening hall.

This is the most basic magic talisman, and it belongs to the kind that is not classified. As long as it is a seal master of the Water zodiac, the initial practice is basically a healing magic talisman.

This kind of magic talisman is notoriously easy to make, and the requirements for both materials and practitioners are extremely low.

In other words, the output of the healing amulet is very high, and it cannot be sold for a price.

But small profits but quick turnover obviously does not hold true here in the government.

The government not only wants to make more money, but also does not want to spend more manpower.

Therefore, in order to sell the magic talisman at a high price, it is directly sold in limited quantities.

In case of a pandemic and there are not enough magic symbols to sell, they will also choose a price increase strategy instead of stepping up production.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to explain that a spiritual instructor with a high status actually made a healing magic charm to make money.

Shen An easily made a few talismans, and Shen An raised his head: “Why, are you interested in making talismans?”

You can make money. Yun Ye didn’t hide it, after all, the children of the commoners all wanted another way to make money.

“Spiritual talismans do make money, but I’m afraid it’s not as profitable as you think~www.readwn.com~ Unless you become a master, all the types and quantities of magic talismans you make must obey the government’s instructions.”

Shen An turned the spirit pen, “The healing spell I’m making now is the task given to me by the above. There are four hundred mysterious copper amulets sold outside. If I make one, I can get forty mysterious copper, and the materials are provided by the government. , but the success rate is also limited, if it exceeds, you will have to pay for it yourself.”

“…” Yun Ye was silent, he did not expect that the government would be so cruel to the talisman masters.

In fact, when he saw that there was only one magic store in Baishi Town, he should have known the current situation.

Absolute monopoly often leads to absolute exploitation.

Spiritual root resuscitators, no matter in battle or logistics, can’t jump out of the box of Baishi Town, and naturally they can only be slaughtered by others.

Those aristocratic families seem to be strong, but in fact they don’t dare to confront the government head-on. Otherwise, why not open a magic store and compete with the government for business?

After all, you can make money, can you learn how to make magic talismans in the Heijia Army? Yun Ye asked.

The answer is yes.

Shen An said, “I mastered the making of magic charms in the Black Armored Army. You can naturally learn it, but magic symbol making is a very precious technique. Whether you can qualify or not is unknown.”

What qualifications? Yun Ye’s eyes glowed, and the opportunity was the greatest good news for him!

“Of course, the qualification is whether you have money, whether you have contributed, and whether you have an identity. Don’t you think that the Black Armored Forces don’t have three, six, nine, etc., civilians?”

A familiar female voice suddenly interjected.

Wen Sheng looked over, three figures in black robes stepped into the inner hall, and it was Zhu Zhaohong who was standing at the front who spoke.

Zhu Zhaohong came with the two of them, full of aura.

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