A Hundred Times For a New Day

Chapter 26

Chapter 24: Ling Root Recovery

Yun Ye stretched his body and danced like flowing water.

After a full six and a half years of repeated practice, Yun Ye was already familiar with the movements of Qi nourishing technique to the core.

The movements seem to be as smooth as dancing.

Yun Ye’s actions became more and more intense.

One after another white qi, transpiring from the whole body, the life energy in Yun Ye’s body, constantly circulating, pressing the legs a little bit, and pushing the air pressure into the soles of the feet.


As if the shackles were broken, Yun Ye spit out a mouthful of turbid breath, his eyes glowing brightly.

Great achievement in nourishing Qi!

The great achievement is that all the limbs and bones are connected to the inner qi.

Of course, excluding the head, that is the realm of perfection. It is as difficult as reaching the sky. It is ten or twenty times more difficult on paper, which is evident.

And this difficulty is not fixed for everyone, but for geniuses.

When you are a genius, it is possible to achieve perfection by putting in ten or twenty times of effort.

Like Yun Ye, once you step into Dacheng, it means you can’t go any further.

If you want to break the game, you can only have to eat a valuable elixir.

But elixir is extremely precious to practitioners, so how can it be wasted in the stage of raising Qi?

Yun Ye didn’t want to.

Hide it and wait until the next life’s talent is even better, can’t you use it?

The innate talent is too poor, and one of the protagonist’s life-changing elixir, ten plants are not enough here.

Physique, spiritual roots, and spiritual consciousness all correspond to the utilization rate of corresponding treasures.

My physique is poor, I eat everything thin and cannot absorb nutrients.

The spiritual root is poor, the elixir is too full, and it is very effective, and the nine points are lost.

The same is true of spiritual consciousness. The treasure that trains spiritual consciousness is not very effective when used on waste wood, unless it is a treasure that defies the sky and can even be tampered with talent.

“It’s really quite different to nourish one’s qi!”

Yun Ye waved his arms at will, arguing with vigor, and the sense of strength was about to come out.

After the qi penetrated the whole body, Yun Ye’s body was light, his strength was condensed, and his strength increased by half out of thin air.

At this moment, if he participates in the actual combat rankings, he can be fearless. Unless he revives the genius of Linggen, he can have a huge advantage in anyone, and even the worst can be dragged to a tie.

Eleven and half a year.

Yun Ye barely passed the four exams half a year ago. His sub-class was okay, but he couldn’t keep up with the second class.

If he hadn’t revealed some of his Qi-cultivation skills and added some points, he must have been downgraded.

In the fourth exam, the various benefits of the students have increased again, and the D-level excellent food for each meal has become a C-level.

However, these are of little significance to Yun Ye, who has developed the efficiency of his imagination method to more than 400% and eats B-level excellent food every day. He is destined to become a master at this time, and then…

Awaken the spirit root!

Yun Ye sat cross-legged on the ground, repeating what he had done in the past at least a hundred times.


Linggen awakens!

The life energy in the chest is like a vortex, pulling all the life energy in the whole body to the center.

And Yun Ye precisely controls the flow of all life energies, so that they lose as little as possible.

This process seems to be long, yet it seems to be fleeting.

As the life energy gathered a little and turned into a complete spherical shape, Yun Ye suddenly saw the color of his own life force.

It was light green, like the color of a nascent leaf bud, and Yun Ye could feel some kind of vitality contained in it.


The fire pattern on Yun Ye’s forehead spread, and the flame was born out of thin air, surrounding the body, reflecting the extraordinary heroism of the young man.

He placed his hands horizontally on his chest, with the palms facing each other, and a vision also appeared. A red air flowed between the two hands, as if there was a vortex, siphoning the air.

Yun Ye knew.

The birth of Ling Kong is a spiritual space that will extract the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and quickly fill the void.

It won’t stop until it’s full.

All he has to do is to keep his attention, let the aura extraction go smoothly, and avoid problems.

And at the same time that Yun Ye awakened his spiritual roots.

Wake up hall.

The digital spirit root awakener looked in the direction of Yun Ye.

“With this scale of aura extraction, is there another talented person who has successfully awakened the spiritual roots?”

“I didn’t expect some civilians to understand it, but it’s just a basic qi cultivation technique, and there is no way forward to become a soldier of the Black Armor Army…”

“Go and stare, the Qi raising technique has been completed, and the spiritual root recovery has been completed. This is enough to be the dog of my Zhu family.”

Yu Yu once mentioned that a great success in nourishing qi can enter the Heijia Army and become a reserve, with a promising future.

But Yu Yu’s vision is still too low, the Heijia Army is just a promising future in the eyes of ordinary people.

How can civilians grasp the real future?


“No wonder I forcibly awaken the spiritual root, the vitality will continue to be lost, and the destructive power of the spiritual energy to the body is extremely high. If there is no isolation from the spiritual space formed by the life energy, the more you use it, the faster you die.”

Yun Ye spread his hands, and a fire lotus appeared out of thin air. Although it was rough, in his eyes it was ten thousand times more beautiful than any artwork.

With just a thought, he was able to create flames out of thin air. How miraculous, how wonderful!

And according to his feeling, even if he only awakened his spiritual roots initially, he could burn down the whole house in an instant with all his strength.

This power, even a hundred Wang Yao, is a matter of one trick and a second, and it is a complete qualitative change.


Yun Ye raised the hand that held the ground~www.readwn.com~ The deep handprints pressed into the ground like this.

The floor of the Xianxuetang dormitory is not mud and wood, but is pressed down by neat floor tiles.

He just moved at will, and he even pressed a handprint directly. How terrifying is his current power?

“The recovery of the spiritual root is the beginning of the mortal entering the spirit. Once it enters the awakened state, the strength will increase tenfold in all directions. Regardless of the spiritual energy, physique or spirit, the price is… the burning of life!”

This is recorded in the book.

is also reality.

Originally, Yun Ye thought that he had overcome the flow of vitality, but he never expected that after he awakened his spiritual roots, he still needed to consume vitality. Although it was slower, it was indeed depleting.

On the life of his panel, there is a minus sign that appears and disappears!

Obviously he has restrained the spiritual energy with the spiritual space, why is the lifespan still consumed by the “transformation”?

After awakening the spiritual root, Yun Ye gained a more complete inner vision ability and began to conduct more in-depth observations.

As a result, he discovered the problem. Ling Kong is a sphere formed by life force. Although spiritual energy can be used to restrain spiritual energy, the vitality will still be wiped out by the spiritual energy, but the loss is greatly reduced compared to letting the spiritual energy run around.

After entering the state of spiritual root recovery, his strength has been improved in all aspects, and as a result, the spiritual energy has penetrated into the whole body.

Even if Ling Kong will spontaneously protect, it will inevitably lead to the loss of vitality that increases with the intensity of the battle…

In other words, even if the members of the spiritual team did not die from various dangers, they would die from loss of life force.

At this moment, Yun Ye finally understood why the death rate of the Spirit Magic Team remained high. It turned out that these ordinary people were just consumables, and the Xianxue Academy did not teach them the complete cultivation method at all!

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