A Hero turned Succubus Tale

Chapter 3: Growing up

Chapter 3: Peaceful Daily Life

Hello everyone Lily here!

Now, you all will be curious about what I did as a succubus to survive in an orphanage taken care of by the church preaching for the demon’s destruction right?

Well… reality is often disappointing.

I didn’t do anything!

I may have been born to a very superior race as greater succubus but I’m still an infant! What did you expect?! Throw magic around and demolish the church to the ground? Charm everyone and turn them into my sex slaves?!

…If you did, you need help. See a doctor.

My life in the orphanage has been pretty peaceful.

I did freak out when I was about to be baptized with holy water though. But I’m immune and I think I still have a talent for holy magic.

I was successful in charming the sister who picked me up, Margaret. Now she loves me like her own daughter.

Apparently as a sister she is not supposed to favor a single child more than others but her past miscarriage before joining the church won her some sympathy, and of course after seeing my cuteness nobody could blame her.

Cuteness is justice.

Also she started secreting breast milk. Maybe a side effect of my pheromones.

It is very powerful skill. I repeat, it is a very powerful skill. I messed up the amount a bit and Margaret, now called ‘mom’ is obsessed with me.

It’s a good thing and all; but the face she makes during breastfeeding time scares me a bit. It was like she was going to swallow me whole!

Still being the spoiled daughter of the head sister came with its perks.

I am currently 5 years old now. And my current status looks like this.




Greater Succubus







Current  Status:



Reincarnated Individual

Former Hero




Physical Stats:

























Appraise Lv Max

Deception Lv Max

Mana manipulation Lv 5

Sprint Lv 3

Sneak Lv 3


Meditation Lv 3

Throwing Lv 2


Hide Lv 2

Herbology  Lv 1

Unarmed fighting Lv 1


Climbing Lv 1





Special skills:

Greater Disguise Lv Max

Sexual Experience Lv  Max

Pheromones Lv Max




Magic resistance Lv 5






Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Intelligence

Enhanced Wisdom

Greater Charisma


My level increase came from intimate acts with mom, maybe.

Now on my skills.

I’m sure you all must be wondering why my highest skill is deception right, and how despite being a former hero I was able to have great skill in deceiving others.

Well the answer is precisely because I was the hero.

If you think my past life I was a perfect human, leading the forces of good and fighting against the evil for the world; then I have only two words for you.


Wars are never fought between good and evil. They are fought between a lesser evil and greater evil. Even the labels depend on the perspective of observers.

We were a strike force made to take out the head of the demon army as fighting the war on the larger battlefield almost always led to defeat.

Had I lost against the Demon King in the final battle, it would have been the humans labeled as the evil beings.

Considering the atrocities committed during that time, it wouldn’t have been wrong.

Now those atrocities are lauded as heroic acts and monsters revered as heroes.

History is written by the winners. As long as you win, the methods employed are insignificant.

All is fair in love and war.

Being the central figure at that time, how many lies do you think I had to spew? How many people I had to deceive? How many fake motivational speeches I had to give, saying they would be saved, while knowing they probably won’t survive the week?

There was a reason I rushed the party to the demon kings castle. But I could never escape the guilt. My brave companions were not forced by fate like me and they all had selfish goals in defeating the demon king. They even believed in the lies I was spewing. Deluding themselves into being heroes.

There was never good nor bad, only different shades of grey.

The weak die while strong prospers.

It’s all natural. They died because they were weak.

For the god watching from up there, all the things that happened were merely parts of the next step the world made.

…This is depressing, onto better matters.

My traits increased. Greater Charisma gives me 2 charisma points per level. It’s stupidly overpowered.

The four enhanced traits were transferred over from my past life.

Only 1 in 1000 is lucky to be born with a trait. 2 traits are even rarer, 1 in 100000; people with 3 traits are consider geniuses of the generations, while only beings recorded to have 4 traits are the Hero and Demon King.

Every normal person without traits receives 4 attribute points when they level up. This can be increased via achievements but those are near impossible feats.

That means disregarding skill levels, a hero at level 10 is as strong as a normal warrior at level 20. That’s a fucking huge difference.

But me, I receive a total for 10 stat point increase per level.

Freaking awesome right!?

“Lily, this one is ripe, catch!”

This person who interrupted my inner monologue is an elf child named Reina. She is 1 year older and an elder sister character. She has enhanced agility and enhanced Dexterity traits.

I easily catch the falling fruit and say.

“Sister Rei, you are too high up, itz dangerous if you slip and fall.”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Climbing trees is natural as walking on ground for us elves.”

She says with a smug smile.

She is the person I’m closest to after Margaret.

While my cuteness attracted attention of everyone in the village, talking to everyone is tiring. So I have decided to play the pure and shy little girl character to keep others away. The fact that it increases my charm is an unexpected boon.

“Come on Lily, If you are late, the head sister is going to chew my ear off again.”

This foolishly smiling elf showing off to her cute little sister is my future adventurer party member.

We walk back to the orphanage while chewing on the sweet mango fruits.

There is another person with two traits in this village.

Coincidence? No.

You can call me delusional but most coincidences are merely parts on the scheme of some grand being.

In this case God is just giving me leg up as part of my reward.

As if.

I don’t believe in kindness, free meals don’t exist.

He still wants something from me.

And there is nothing I can do about it. So I’m just gonna do what I wanna do. Fuck you!

“Are you nervous, Lily? about tomorrow?”

Every child between 5 and 10 are forced to do a complete appraisal every 5 years to find and record their talents. It is a day which can literally decide the future. So of course anyone would be nervous, well except me.

“I’m not, no matter what happenz, Lily will be Lily. You don’t hav to be scared sister Rei, Lily knows for zure sister Rei has a dexterity trait. Sister Rei will become the best ranger in the world. I believe in you!”

I say with a slight lisp in my voice before finishing her off with my angelic smile.

“When you say it like that I kinda believe it, you know”

She says before turning around with a red face.

Ufufufu, you are cute too Reina.

“I love you Lily”


I hold her hand tightly with my smaller hands before saying.

“Lily loves you too, Sister Rei. Ehehehe”








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