A Hero turned Succubus Tale

Chapter 1: Rebirth

That was not expected. I wonder whats going to happen to me.

[Task: Soul collection complete]

[Initiating randomized creation of new vessel according to parameters]

[Error: Vessel's statistics not specified]

[Notification: Interference from Administrator detected]

…huh? Administrator?

[Initiating creation of new vessel created as per input from Administrator]

[Soul parameters match vessel parameters]

[Creation of new vessel complete]

[Initiating transfer of soul to new vessel]

[Soul transfer complete]

[Teleporting newborn to location chosen by Administrator]

[Notification: Message received. Do you wish to read message now?]

What? Message?... Yes?

[Message: You did well my hero. With the death of Demon King Rathos the world will safely enter its next cycle. Since both of you had contributed for the advancement of the world, your souls should have been rewarded with a life filled with better prospects, a so called ‘blessed life’ if you will.

In your last attack you ripped open a tear in the shell keeping your soul safely connected to mortal body, consequently getting struck with the soul attack from the demon king sent your soul to the demon's cycle of reincarnation, although half-assed, a genius move for a last stand attack.

You have been destined to be living a harder life filled with more suffering than the life I had prepared for you, but I can’t really allow that now can I? I may be not perfect, but I’m still a god you know. And so the reason for my interference in your rebirth, I will let you keep your memories and transfer your soul into a body more suited to your character. Of course it will be personally made by me; you would still be a demon though.

While your understanding of the world may be higher than most mortals currently living in Nova, it is still only the tip of the ice berg. I’m excited to see how you will spend life, will you live a life for the protection of poor and innocent as a Guardian, or will you climb to stand on top of everyone with your superior skills and life experiences as a Ruler or will you hide your skills and powers to experience a mundane life of a Commoner or will you engage in debauchery and seeking pleasures as degenerate? Follow your desires, child for this time there will be no chains attached to you. Do as you will, for where there is a will there is a way.

I gave you cloaking skill as part of your beginner’s package. Better put it before anyone sees you. It will make your life easier.

Off you go now my little Mad Hero]

Who are you calling Mad!?

Wow! The fuckin HELL!? God really exists and he or she just messaged me!? Does that count as a real fucking divine message?

From the way it talked it doesn’t seem to fit the Goddess of Light Aaris nor the God of Darkness Drakath, so a different god or are the two gods merely the different faces of the same god as he/she seemed to acknowledge both the hero and demon king?

Also what was with the last question? If you already know what I will do then don’t ask!

Hmm, the teleportation magic circle seems to be activating. You made sure I won’t be sent to anywhere dangerous right?

A flash of bright light later. I landed in a jungle filled with huge trees…

DON’T PANIC, DON’T PANIC!!! Yeah! Deep breaths… in and out, in and out.

Good, now, surely god wouldn’t throw me out to the wolves since he spent the effort to personally create my body…right? Also the trees aren’t huge, I’m just small. After all right now I’m just little baby with squishy soft hands and legs, probably a delicacy to any monsters out there… hmm? What’s this on my back?

Bat wings? Pointy tail? Yep, confirmed it, I’m a demon now.

Also he said something about cloaking skill, what was that?






Greater Succubus







Current Status:



Reincarnated Individual

Former Hero


Physical Stats:






















Appraise Lv Max


Special skills:

Greater Disguise Lv Max

Sexual Experience Lv Max

Pheromones Lv Max



Magic resistance Lv 5



Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Agility

Enhanced Intelligence

Enhanced Wisdom

Greater Charisma



Hmm… This is new.

So I’m a greater succubus now… Never heard of it.

Greater succubus is new race specially created by administrator to reward the former hero Raymond. The new race possesses superior skills compared to normal succubi while not having any weaknesses normal succubi suffer from.


Okay, that explains a lot.

What about the weird new special skills?

Greater Disguise: Cloak or alter ones physical appearance and Status Page from all senses magical or otherwise. Max level reduces the mana cost of maintaining disguised state to zero and offers protection from normal Dispel magics.


Good one, that means I can pass for a human.

Sexual Experience: Gain experience by engaging in acts which are considered sexual/intimate with others. The experience gained is dependent on both the act performed and the individual the act is performed with. The greater the level greater the experience gained.


Not the strangest skill I’ve seen, but it gives experience without risking your life in combat. A normal succubus skill… WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE! I’m a SUCCUBUS NOW!!! Doesn’t that mean I’m not a man anymore?! My tools are gone!!! There is nothing between my legs!? It's GONEE!!!

...Did God know I’m a bisexual?! I thought I hid it really well. As expected of a god.

I heard that women experience more pleasure during orgasms. So its not bad I guess, still a bit conflicted about this.


Pheromones: Release a pleasant scent into the air. Those affected by pheromones display favorable reaction to the possessor of the skill. Beware, as the pheromones strokes the lust and mating instinct in living beings both with or without intelligence. This skill cannot be turned off, only the strength of released pheromones can be adjusted.


Setting off pheromones into the air in the jungle is a bad idea. I’m definitely too young to mate.

Got some titles too.

Reincarnated Individual: Those born possessing memories of their past life. Gaining skills they possessed in past life will be easier and faster. As consequence, experience gained from combat will be halved


Experience gained will be halved. Ones level is directly proportional to their physical stats, this will affect my rise in combat power, especially in a world where the weak are merely meat for the strong to eat, it will prove fatal. Will have to make do with Sexual Experience...hehe...

I’m definitely not happy about this!

Former Hero: The individual who once possessed the blessing of light. Grants the possessor of the title Appraisal Lv Max and better proficiency in light based magic.


Similar to the Hero title though a few other perks are missing now.

“Head sister Margaret, do we really need to go ourselves to pick those herbs? Isn’t it better to send the kids?”

Voices!? They are getting nearer! They are my ticket out of here, can’t miss them. But first! My disguise.

Activating Greater Disguise my wings and tail seem to disappear, they didn’t just vanish from sight, I can’t feel anything there anymore. Perfect.

Now my Status Page.

Change race, hide titles, hide skills.

Good, now I’m a perfectly normal human baby alone in a dangerous forest.

...Pretty suspicious.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

“Of course not Milly, it is still a forest. Its too dangerous to let a child inside.”a second voice firmly replied

“Ehhhh… But I don’t wanna…”

“Move your lazy bum or you will be going without desert today. Mr. Raizer came back from the Royal capital and has offered to make a new type of sweet desert called ice cream for the children today.”

Only two prey detected.

Okay, they are near enough, its time to attack!

How you ask, obviously the only way babies can attack is… Crying!

“Waaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaa!”

“!! You hear that? Is that a baby crying?!”

“In the Forest? How? Its coming from that way!”

Hehe *evil grin* Mission Success.

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