A Gorgeous White

Chapter 407: || || Guests

It was so quiet even a sound of a needle dropping on the floor could be heard throughout the room. Jagra, the person quick enough to realize the abnormality, rose from his seat and hurriedly dragged Ghana and Moulin towards the door under countless gazes. Ghana hurriedly grabbed a piece of bread when they passed a waiter, filling her mouth before waving.

"Put it on my tab!" She yelled before the door slamming drowned out her words.

They hurried back to the Three Towers and were welcomed with Pola's unimpressed gaze. Of course, she was more inclined to her dear young master. Unfortunately, for his two friends, the

y had to face her cold eyes, filled with undisguised disappointment.

In her arms, a particularly adorable snow-white fox barks with enthusiasm. Snow's beady eyes sparkled with joy at the sight of his master.

"Young master, His Excellency searches for you." The young woman said as she puts down Snow who immediately rushed to Moulin's feet.

With a nod, Moulin gestures for Snow as he left. When his figure was out of sight, Pola glares at Ghana and Jagra. The two under her piercing gaze looked away nervously. Ah, this woman's eyes looked too merciless for one to gaze upon them.


"I've been looking for you."

Hadrian's voice graced Moulin's ears the moment the youth stepped inside the room. The warm light caressed his slender figure as he approached the man. The lord didn't look up from the thick sheets of paper within his hand as he spoke. Moulin then realized that they were in the presence of a few people in the room.

A red red-haired man turned his head to the aphrodite entering the room. Aside from him, there were two more people within, awaiting the High Lord's orders. Moulin furrowed his brows. Was he interrupting a serious matter?

When Moulin didn't reply, Hadrian slowly raised his gaze. Golden irises glowed with oppressive power. Silently, he watched Moulin's concerned expression and told the lords, "Leave us..."

At those words, there was nothing more to be said. The men lowered their heads and carefully left the room. Varick, the last man to depart gave one last glance at the pair before leaving. The door shut closed and Moulin was left with the High Lord of Helios.

"Is everything alright?" Moulin asked as he approached. There was something off in the atmosphere between Hadrian and the men.

Hadrian dropped everything in his hands and stood up, reaching for the youth's hand. "Everything is fine. It is as it has always been."

The lord's deep eyes assessed the young man before him. "Where were you? You weren't in the places I thought you'd be. I was looking for you."

Moulin gave a faint smile, "I was outside. I've been curious about the districts and never had the chance to explore them."

"You should have told me then," Hadrian sighed. "It is an unwelcoming feeling to be left in the dark. It makes me very uneasy."

"How are you so worrisome, my Lord?" Moulin teased with a chuckle. "I wouldn't want to escape your eyes. Although a chase sounds intriguing, I prefer to be at your side."

"What a sweet mouth you have." A fingertip brushed Moulin's lips. The Golden Lord's eyes deepened. Warmth layered his tone as he spoke. Moulin could not resist falling to temptation and rewarded a kiss on the man's lips. It was gentle but it sparked a flame within the unsuspecting man Lord.

With a sigh, the Lord conceded. He wrapped an arm around the youth's waist and pulled him close to his body. With a whisper, he spoke. "You are free to go and do as you wish."


"But you must promise to tell me first what you wish to do and the places you desire to go."

Moulin paused. Ah, it feels like he's gone back in time when Hadrian was too protective of him. However, there was something obscured behind his deep golden gaze... as though lurking in secret.

No, perhaps, it was just his imagination urging him to paranoia. Moulin smothered the feelings inside him and nodded in agreement. At ease, Hadrian smiles, pulls away from him, and takes his hand to leave the room. For a moment Moulin is confused but basked in the comfortable security exuded from the man's broad back. Countless people turned to look at them in awe. However, neither Hadrian nor Moulin spared even a bit of attention to them. They were in their own silent world bound to each other.

They walked down the hallways leading to the room Moulin's slumbering parents occupied. The youth went to ask Colahn and Phaelona about his parent's conditions.

"They are well," Colahn said. Although there was a bit of helplessness in his voice. "Your mother's condition is quite good. She is healthy. Rest is what she currently needs. Perhaps, she'll wake up in a few days. For your father... I'm afraid we are still trying to determine the cause. However, Phaelona has sent for her people. They could help us find an explanation."

He sighed. "His Lordship must have sacrificed something to have successfully retrieved your mother's body and soul. However, it remains a mystery until he awakens."

"I see..." Moulin turned to gaze at his father's peaceful expression as he slept. "Thank you..."

Colahn revealed a pitiful smile, nodding to the young Lord before exiting the room.

"They will be fine..." Hadrian spoke in comfort. "Your father is strong..."

A shuddering breath escapes the youth's lungs and he nods, half convincing himself and agreeing to Hadrian's words. Yes, they will be okay. Perhaps, they would wake up sooner than he thought and they will reunite as a complete family once more. For now... let them recover in peace.


A few days passed and Moulin dutifully strives to fulfill his promise to Hadrian. If he wished to accompany Ghana to her favorite place in the city, he'd tell Hadrian first. If he wanted to sought to follow the mages to the White Forest, Hadrian was the first to know. It felt strange at first. It felt like he was asking permission from his parents before going out with his friends. However, the benefits from Hadrian's permission were boundless and he was like a mouse exploring even the tiniest crevice of the city.

But at the end of the day, Moulin returns to visit his parent's room. He sits down beside the bed and tells them everything about his day. And he feels that they were listening despite being asleep. The thought encourages Moulin to tell them more of the happenings around them like an enthusiastic child telling exaggerated stories born from his colorful imagination. When he is finished, he waits a bit. Then the dreadful feeling comes.

No matter how much he talked, or begged, they wouldn't wake up. Of course, his words were useless against the barrier of slumbering peace surrounding his parents. But he held unto this little spark of hope that they'd wake up and the first thing they'll see was him.

Moulin sighed. Maybe a few days more...


"What did you find?" Moulin asked the mage beside him as they tinkered with the little shard of Pure White crystal ice they had collected from the White Forest.

The mage flushed, faced with Moulin's serene and beauteous countenance, he couldn't resist glancing at him a few more times. The other mages around him within the room did the same, unable to extricate themselves from the youth's presence. Moulin has been visiting the mages in charge of examining and taking care of the White Forest for a while now. He wanted to know everything and thought, that as the source of the forest's creation, it was best to join them in their research.

The White Forest was a crucial part of the City's defenses against the malevolent elements of the outside world. Thus, it should be well taken care of.

The mage stuttered in reply while he strives to focus, "I-I... Um... Its entirety is composed of pure light energy. However, it c-carries faint evidence of your m-mana, M-My Lord. The v-veins inside are-"


A person abruptly burst through the doors, startling every single person within the room. The mage heaved as sweat layered his face. His eyes are wide with excitement. Moulin looked at him confused. Finally, catching his breath, the man broke the silence within the room.

"Grekellia... They're... here..." He panted between the words. Trembling, he pointed behind him.

A stream of murmurs erupted within the room and in the next second, everyone was cleaning up before leaving. What confused Moulin, even more, was they hurried to hide valuable items and lock them up in the next room.

Curious, Moulin turned to ask the young man beside him. "What is happening?"

The mage's eyes shone with delight at being spoken, "Ah! The people from Grekellia have arrived. It means we're going to be trading for new supplies and restocking our storage. The mages have been looking forward to acquiring a handful of Grekellia's technology for a while."

"I see... then what are they doing?" Moulin pointed to the giant safe being pushed down a trapdoor by a few mages. Afterwards, they placed a carpet and a barrier over the door, completely concealing it.

The mage beside him embarrassingly scratched the back of his head, "Well, you see, My Lord. Grekellian folks aren't actually honest and decent. During their previous visit, they left some of the mages' supplies empty. We found most of the things thrown in pools, stables, or buried under the courtyard. They are very annoying people."

"Ah... "

They sound like naughty children...

Moulin grimaced and followed the others to the hallways, curious about these guests. Currently, he could feel a large group penetrating the borders of the White forest.


Within the crystallized forest, a large group of people traveled unhurriedly. There was a single wagon in tow behind the group slowing down since they'd entered the forest. The purity of mana caressed their inner cores as the thick crystal trees surrounded them as they walked. Within the group, a tall man breathed in, exhaling loudly as he appreciated the cool air. Garbed in thick black clothes, and a long furry coat, he strode across the white ground admiring the glittering leaves of the tree too above him.

"Ah, are they welcoming us with this wondrous sight? They have certainly impressed me this time." His deep voice spoke in amusement. Eyes like glowing amethyst and long wavy hair as dark as night with wisps of white strands. The man, who looked old but carried the vitality of a young warrior, raised his gloved hands to brush a few delicate leaves. "Careful now, men. These things look like they cost your entire life."

The moment he said those words, the curious men, poking branches behind him, paused their actions and hurriedly turned away, coughing awkwardly. These men looked battle-hardened, scarred. At first sight, one would think barbarians have invaded their land and have come to take their lives. Their auras were frighteningly intimidating.

A ferocious roar noises throughout the forest. Dark claws scraped the pure-white ground as a mighty beast walked. A huge red tiger with white stripes growled viciously almost scaring the men walking near it. However, a scarred hand stroked its back, soothing its temper instantly.

"Now, now. Be calm, Dira." The voice belongs to a bulky man, taller than the height of two people combine. His arms looked as though they could crush rocks and His expression couldn't be determined as his face was hidden by a plain black round mask with two holes carved for his brown eyes to see. Although, he looked frightening. His voice was calm and soft. Especially, when he was stroking his beloved pet.

"Yes, shut your trap, Dira." The annoyed dark-haired man wriggled his pinky in his ear. His purple eyes gleamed in irritation. The man received a low roar in response. He scoffed, "There will be enough meat for you to eat when we arrive. If we're lucky, perhaps we can find you fox meat, your favorite. So in the meantime, keep quiet until we reach the city. Erik, keep your damn pet in check."

The masked man nodded and spoke in a calm soothing tone, "Certainly, Master Hyantor."

When the master's mood changes, the best action was to keep silent. The men sighed. One particular man at the end of the group gazed at the sparkling branches with an intense look.

The concentrated scent of purity was nauseating...

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