A Goblin’s Evolution

Chapter 5: Child of Darkness

Min towed Kazz with her to the main cavern. She was eager to present her new mate to her family. She hoped that her father would accept him and that his mother would like him. She hoped that her brother and sister would find him likable, and become friends with him. She knew that Mila was familiar with him already, but who knew about Gibb?

Gibb was her brother, so he might be a bit defensive about her. Not that he could do anything about it. He was a whole year younger than Kazz, and he was only a miner, while Kazz was a warrior.

Garo and Mel quickly noticed Min, as she came running towards them, and they naturally noticed the young Goblin she kept in tow. Garo arched an eyebrow, wondering why his daughter brought this youngster with him. But his wondering was quickly quenched, when Min arrived at the table.

“Min, who is this boy you bring to our table?” He asked. Kazz looked at him a bit nervously. Garo was well known in the tribe, since he was the Captain of the Warriors, the strongest warrior in the tribe, not counting the Chief himself, and a few others who could match him.

“This is Kazz, he is the son of Kizo. Min hears Kizo works for you, daddy. Min and Kazz became mates yesterday,” Min revealed, not a hint of neither embarrassment, nor hesitation in her voice. Although she had been worried a moment ago, she wasn’t one to dwell on such thoughts.

Garo, Mel and the others’ eyes widened at this revelation. Mila may have gone with some guy yesterday, and Gibb might have brought a girl home, but neither of them had gotten a mate!

“What?! You took him as a mate? Just like that?” Garo asked, a bit unwilling to believe it. But he wouldn’t force them apart though. He respected his daughter’s choice, and it was not Goblin custom to force apart a couple, no matter the circumstances.

“Yes, she did! Min liked Kazz a lot, so she said yes,” Min said, still no hesitation in her voice.

“But worry not, because Min won’t falter from her duties as a hunter, and will continue to live and train with the guys! At least until she has finished her training and gotten permission to live separately,” Min said, using some words she’d learned, but didn’t completely understand the meaning of. Garo laughed at her display.

“Haha, if you say so! Well then, Kazz, I welcome you into my family with open arms! May you treat my daughter well, and may you feel welcome in my family, and be at home.” Garo said, a bit ceremonially. Kazz went on one knee.

“Thank you, father! I swear loyalty to you and your house, and shall honour your name and your daughter,” he answered. This was a bit of a ritual when a man entered into a new family. It was usually only done between Hobgoblin families and not with lesser families. The families of lesser Goblins wouldn’t hold any power anyway, so there was no use for oaths and the like.

“Good! You are now officially my own son! May you stay happy with my daughter, and perhaps even grant her children of your own,” Garo continued, finishing the ceremony. Kazz stood back up, then took a seat with Min. As they ate, they talked and learned more about Kazz. Min, too, learned new things about him, since she had only known him for less than a day.

Gibb stared a bit warily at the newcomer of his family. Indeed, he had not been completely trusting of him. Sex may not be that important to the Goblin society, but becoming mates was a pact between two lovers and two families, so it was of much more importance. Thus, Gibb was a bit unwilling to see his sister taken away. Not that she was actually taken away; it was Kazz that had been taken. Since Garo’s family was more powerful, Kazz was now his son and would live in his home.

After eating, Min left to go hunting with her group, still naked, since she hadn’t had any time to make new clothes yet. However, after returning, it was her top priority.

Fifteen days passed. She spent these days as she always had, hunting with her friends, eating, training. The only difference was that she spent as much of her free time she could with Kazz; and most of that time was spent having sex… She also let the guys gangbang her every few days. They naturally used all her available holes, including her asshole. The first few times it had hurt quite a bit, but after a couple times, it didn’t hurt anymore. She even grew to like it, much like her mother had said before. She even had anal sex with Kazz, although, she still preferred being fucked in the pussy.

In these days, they hadn’t met any new Droxen. However, two hunting groups had gone out and never returned… Whether it was a Droxen that killed them, or something else entirely, no one knew. They could only speculate. However, what was known, was that beasts that shouldn’t be in the forest, were there, and the number of wolves and bears was much larger than it should be.

In the past, a hunting group might not meet a single wolf in a week, but now, every hunting group killed at least one wolf every day. It was completely abnormal.

And on the fifteenth day, things got even worse. They found mithril. At first, the Goblins had been extremely excited, and rightfully so, however, the words of the High Elves turned their moods sour. Every fit Goblin was to work in the mines. The only Goblins who didn’t work in the mines were the ones that hunted, worked in the kitchens, as well the gardeners and alchemist.

Naturally, food was needed, hence the hunters and kitchen workers, and the High Elves didn’t want the gardens to die out, since it could still be used when the other elves came, so they kept the staff there.

Thus, a lot changed after fifteen days, but everything still remained relatively the same for Min. She kept hunting. However, the guys didn’t let her get almost all the kills anymore. Since she had reached a high enough level, they divided them equally. However, since there were so many beasts these days, you could still get up to 400 or 500 XP per week if you were lucky. Min herself had gotten 813 XP in fifteen days. She was already very close to level 12!

And after another fifteen days, she had already become level 12! And it was on this sixty-fifth day of Min’s life that the second great change of the Iron Cave Tribe came, and it came with the arrival of Eledor Reynorin and his hundred elven warriors! There was a giant ruckus, as he marched into the caves, leading his men straight into the main cavern.

The cavern was huge, and could easily house a thousand people of need be. Thus, the elven soldiers stood in the back of one end, three High Elves in front of them, and Eledor in the forefront. Facing these 104 elves, were the several hundred Goblins. In the forefront of the Goblins was their Chieftain, the Hobgoblin known as Strix.

Eledor faced the kneeling Goblins, before speaking in a loud voice,

“My name is Eledor Reynorin, son of House Reynorin, Great House of the Elven Kind, and Count of these lands! Hear me! You are no longer the mere Goblins of the Iron Cave Tribe; you are the Goblins of a cave holding the divine metal, Mithril; you are the Goblins under House Reynorin, the Goblins serving me, Count Eledor Reynorin! You serve my house, as you serve me! That is your purpose! To serve! Thus, I name you the Goblins of the Mithril Tribe!” His voice roared through the vast caverns, echoing even into the deep forests outside.

Even loader cheers sounded out, as the hundreds of Goblins cheered for their new master, feeling it impossible not to, under the heavy persuasion of his holy voice. He continued,

“You Goblins will mine the Mithril ore and hunt for food, and we’ll protect you from danger. The warriors of your tribe shall remain disbanded and continue to mine. It shall remain as it has been the last half month for the rest of your lives and the rest of the lives of your successors,” he spoke, suddenly making the Goblins a bit less cheery. Min grabbed the hand of her mate, Kazz. She knew that he didn’t like being in the mines, after spending his life in the leisurely manner of the warrior. He only gave her a smile. There was nothing to be done.

Thus, the Goblins dispersed. However, as Min was about to leave, one of the elven soldiers approached her.

“Lord Reynorin wishes to see you,” he said without emotion. Hearing his words, Min startled. She had completely forgotten about what Eledor had said; her becoming his servant and everything.

“Master Eledor wishes to see Min?” She asked. The elf nodded, then led her into the tunnels, leading Min to Eledor. They soon arrived in a small, remote cave room, where several soldiers were carrying things inside. Eledor noticed the Goblin girl and gave her a smile.

“Ah, Min, long time no see! I welcome you into my humble, temporary, abode,” he said, putting special emphasis in the word, ‘temporary’. However, Min didn’t know what that word meant, so the meaning was lost on her. Then, he walked over to her, grabbed her hand and led her into a smaller, side room.

“Ah, I see you have levelled up twice since our last meeting. Excellent! Now, Min my dear, I have a question for you. A proposition, actually,” Eledor said, then continued without waiting for Min to talk.

“I took a bit of a liking to you when we met, and I also noticed you had a certain talent I could have use of. Therefore, I would like you to serve me. Not in the way the other Goblins serve me, but as a personal ‘assistant’, if you will. In exchange for this, I will teach you. I will teach you skills and language, as well as how to use your talents,” he said. Min looked at him a bit puzzled.

“What talent does Min have?” She asked.

“Now, that’s the question, isn’t it? However, I will only tell you if you serve me,” he answered.

“Min already told Master that she would do as he says,” Min replied innocently.

“No, this goes beyond that. I don’t just need your word. I need you to do everything I ask of you, no matter what, and I want you to do it without hesitation. I want you to not even be able to refuse; I want you to sign a Magical Contract,” Eledor said with a smirk.

“Wass ‘dat?” Min asked, as if it was nothing at all.

“It’s a contract you sign your name on. Then you will be bound to me. If you try to refuse my orders you will feel the most horrible pain in the world, and I’ll even be able to kill you with a word. Basically, you will be my slave. So, are you still willing to do what I say?” He asked. Min stared at him for a bit, thinking.

“Can Min ask a favour first?” She asked.

“You may, however I won’t promise that I’ll grant it,” he answered.

“Well, Min has a mate that she like very much, and she want to spend more time with him, but he works in the mine. Can you bring Min’s mate here to work for you? Maybe like a door guard, or something?” She asked, hopeful.

“Oh, so you have a mate? Quite the quick one, aren’t you? Barely two months old, and already hitched. Fine, I could use someone to keep out unwanted visitors and someone to do odd jobs. You can have him come here later. Now I need you to sign the contract,” Eledor said, as he brought out a scroll, pen and an inkwell.

He brought it to a table which had been placed in the room already, and showed Min there. Min only stared at it.

“What is Min supposed to do?” She asked.

“You only need to sign your name here,” he said, as he pointed to where it needed to be signed. Min continued to stare at it.

“Min can’t write her name,” she finally said. Eledor almost face palmed.

“Right, you’re a Goblin. Goblins can’t write. My bad,” he said, then grabbed a clear sheet of paper.

“Let me show you how to write your name,” he said, as he dipped the pen in the ink. Then he wrote three, simple characters on the paper. They were not very pretty, but rather simple, yet Min still stared in astonishment.

“How is that possible! How can a stick put such perfect black drawing on that thing?!” She asked, completely flabbergasted at this amazing technology. Eledor laughed in amazement at her stupidity.

“This is a pen, and the black stuff is ink. It’s not that amazing. Just imagine dipping a stick into blood and writing with it,” he said.

“Oh, that does make sense,” she said, as if she just had a great enlightenment.

“It does. Now you try. Just write it like I did,” he said, as he dipped the pen again, and gave it to Min. She tried to mimic Eledor’s writing, but it turned out rather sloppy. However, after a few tries, she was able to do it pretty well, since she had pretty good Dexterity. Then, she finally signed the contract, and as she did, she felt a weird feeling in her chest. It was like she was compelled to please her new Master, and it was as if a certain reverence had been placed in her heart. However, it wasn’t omnipotent. She still felt like she could refuse him, if she truly wanted to.

“Fantastic! Now, let me tell you why I truly want you to work for me. It’s because I found that you have a very high affinity for Darkness. Darkness is an element greatly suited for subterfuge,” Eledor said, a great smile on his face.

“What is subterfoosh?” Min asked, confused.

“Oh, right. You’re still stupid. It basically means stealth and spying on people. That stuff. Well, before we continue, let’s invest those points of yours. You have fifteen points now. I want you to put ten into Intelligence and three into Wisdom,” he stated. Min looked at him a bit heart-stricken.

“But Master, I don’t need Intelligence,” she complained.

“Do as I say!” He yelled at her, badly startling her.

“Yes, Master!” She yelped, and then immediately did as he said.

“Good. The other two points you can put into Constitution and Endurance, just in case,” he said.

When she finished putting her points, she suddenly felt as if the world expanded! Thoughts started flowing through her head like a river and she saw it in a whole new light. She started remembering things she had long forgotten, like the pretty flowers she had gathered before, but quickly forgotten. Everything was simply so clear! And she realized how stupid she had truly been in the past two months, and she blushed, then crouched down and hid her face in her knees.

“Aaah, Min is so embarrassed! Why was I so stupid! I said such stupid things!” She screamed, still speaking in partly in third person. It had already become a habit, and habits would take time to break.

“Haha, that’s quite the reaction,” he said.

“Well, since that’s done, I should tell you a few things. You just asked me to bring your mate out of the mines, but you should know that there will be times you won’t see him for days or weeks, if not months and years. My purpose in raising you will be to create a spy, or assassin if need be. I will be sending you off to places, where you will often be posing as a servant. Goblins and Hobgoblins are common servants among us elves, so you’re very fit for that role. However, you will need to learn some things first. I will use special means to teach you a few languages, then I will teach you how to be stealthy, persuasion, acting, and general servant skills, and most importantly, how to seduce a man. You will be surprised what a man will reveal during sex, and it’s also when one is most vulnerable; perfect for murder,” he said, giving the girl a wink.

Min’s suddenly great intelligence allowed her to instantly understand everything he was saying.

“You’re going to make Min into a spy?” She asked, trying to confirm what she just heard.

“Indeed I am. Other than all the things I just mentioned, however, I’m also going to teach you Darkness magic. Darkness magic is quite rare, and perfectly suited for spies and assassins. It will allow you to turn invisible, for example. Hmm, you should also learn alchemy, in case you need to poison someone. You can’t really use purchased poison, since it’s easy to identify a poison, and then track down whoever sold it, not to mention the difficulty in finding someone willing to sell potent poison,” Eledor said.

“Basically, you have a lot to learn,” he continued. He then walked closer to her, then gave her a tight squeeze on the ass.

“However, right now, I’d much rather do something else, entirely,” he said with a smirk. Min giggled, then pulled down her skirt. Soon after, she was on her knees, sitting on top the table, and Eledor stood behind her, pounding her behind.

“Master, it’s so good! Ahh, aahh!” She moaned, as the cock continuously slid into her, rippling her soft ass. Moments later, a pure white liquid flowed out of her nether region.

“Damn, that was good! I haven’t had sex since last time in the forest,” Eledor said.

“Master, Min has a question. Can I ask?” She asked, sitting naked on the desk, dirtying it with the elf’s seed, still flowing out of her.

“You may,” Eledor permitted.

“When Min reached level 10, I got a message saying I can learn an innate ability, or something. How would Min do that?” She asked. Since her intelligence was much greater now, she had suddenly remembered that message while they were fucking.

“An Innate Ability? Are you sure?” He asked, unwilling to even believe her words.

“Yes, I am.” She stated.

“Well then, that’s quite rare. Abilities are normal and everyone can learn them, however, Innate Abilities are completely different. Only a few people can learn them, and all of them are rather special, in some way or another. From what I hear, they are directly granted by the world itself, and you only have to will it to select one. I also hear that they are all special to the person, so I can’t tell what kind of ability you might gain,” Eledor explained. Min’s eyes brightened by his words, and she got excited. Without further ado, she willed it, willed her ability into existence. A blue box appeared in her vision.


[Congratulations! You are blessed by the moon in the night sky and the shadows of the depths.

You may choose an Innate Ability.

Child of Darkness]


She stared at the screen for what seemed like minutes, completely flabbergasted. ‘Child of Darkness' What the hell was that supposed to mean?! Min thought herself to be quite a nice girl, if she does say so herself! However, it was the only ability available, so she had to swallow her own thoughts, and chose it. Another prompt appeared.


[You have gained the Innate Ability [Child of Darkness]

As a Child of Darkness, you are blessed by the Dark Moon, and everything under the sphere of Darkness.

You gain significantly increased affinity for Darkness.

You gain significantly increased immunity to Darkness.

You gain the ability to see in the dark as if it was day.

Your future Evolutions might be altered by the element of Darkness.]


Her world changed. Suddenly, the murk room became as lit as if it was under the midday sky. She could feel a certain presence too; it was everywhere. She could almost see it floating through the air, like a dark, black gas, yet it didn’t impede her vision in the slightest. She could even smell it. It didn’t smell bad, nor good, nor weird, but it was different than before, so she could smell it. But it just felt so natural. She couldn’t help to gaze at everything around in amazed wonder.

Eledor stared at her, a bit impatient. He wanted to know what ability she had gained.

“Well? What did you get?” He asked. Min was startled awake from her sense of wonder, and immediately gave Eledor his due attention.

“It says Min became a Child of Darkness. Min now has better affinity for Darkness and even some immunity! I can even sense the Darkness everywhere and smell it! And I can see as clearly as if it was day!” She reported, more excited than she had ever been, and more than eager to report her luck to her Master.

“A Child of Darkness?!” Eledor exclaimed, now staring at Min in his own sense of wonder.

“Amazing! There hasn’t been an Elemental Child in millennia! At least I haven’t heard of one in my centuries of life. This is remarkable. Truly remarkable. This serves my purpose perfectly, too. Gahh, I could kiss you!” He said, as he grabbed the short girl and lifted her up in the air. Then he had an air of realization around him.

“In fact, I might as well!” He continued, then gave her a wet kiss on the mouth. He didn’t use tongue, but just gave her a simple kiss on the mouth.

“Hahaha!” He laughed, then set her down and gave her a smack on the butt.

“Now go get that boy of yours. Today you can spend your time with him and your family, but tomorrow your training starts. Then, you might not have that much time to spend, since we have many things to achieve. For example, I’d like to make you into a Hobgoblin as soon as possible. I find them much more attractive. By the way, you can’t tell anyone about my purpose in educating you, or the fact that you are a Child of Darkness. And that’s an order. If you as much as try to tell anyone, you will start choking until you give up the thought, understand?” he said. Min nodded.

“Min understands, Master. I will obey.”

“Also, bring the boy back here tonight. I have a little room here that you can stay in. It’ll even have a real bed, although I guess it will be a bit small for two people. I didn’t expect you to have a, erm, mate, so I only brought a normal bed for you. Ah, but you Goblins are very small anyways, and that bed was made for elves. You’ll manage,” Master Eledor said. Min’s eyes beamed at his words.

“Master, you brought a bed for Min?! Thank you very much!” Min said, giving him a bow. Min had never slept in a real bed, but she had heard of them in conversations. Both Vraaz and her father had been out in the world, and they’d slept in beds before. Min was getting excited.

Then, Min left and went straight to the home of her family. In the past, she had spent very little time there, but after mating with Kazz, she had been there practically every day, since the tribe laws required that Kazz lived there, since he was part of the family now.

The cave rooms that made up the Garo residence were a great deal larger than that of Kazz’s old home. After all, he was the Captain of the Warriors; not just some common lieutenant. Min spotted all her family members there. They all seemed a bit downtrodden. Practically all males had to go work in the mines, and this included Garo, Gibb and Kazz. Mila and Mel were a bit better off, though. Most females didn’t go work in the mines, since they had other jobs that had to be maintained. However, there would still be a great deal of girls working in the mines after this day.

When they noticed Min entering their faces brightened a little bit. They were also somewhat startled. She looked different, somehow.

“Min, you came. Where did you disappear off to?” Garo asked. He had been a bit worried when her daughter disappeared with an elf, however, he had his suspicions on what was going on.

“Min went to see Master. He took Min on as an oathbound servant and he’s going to start training me tomorrow,” Min announced. All of their faces showed greatly startled expressions at her revelation. Her sentence had revealed two revelations to them, greater than anything they could ever expect in their lifetimes. One! She had become the personal, Oathbound servant of a High Elf Count of the Elven Kind! She was even going to receive personal training from him! This would not only benefit her greatly, but her family as well. If Master Eledor was to ever leave the caves and go back home, he would most likely take Min with him, and perhaps her family too.

And two! The most shocking thing! The most unexpected thing! The most wanted thing…

“Min, you just spoke in first person!” They all exclaimed! Min, for her entire 65 days of life, had spoken completely in third person. This might be cute, but after a while, it got a bit obnoxious.

“Hmph, don’t you know? Min, uh, I, Min, have as many as twelve points in intelligence, yes, I can say twelve now, and four points in Wisdom! I truly am wise and smart beyond compare now,” she bragged haughtily. Sure, she might be smarter now, but she was still a bragger beyond compare.

As she said this, Mila looked at her, a light in her eyes, then said without hesitation,

“I have seventeen points in Intelligence and nine in Wisdom. You were saying?” Mila was very intelligent and had already reached level 10 in Alchemy, giving her another 1000 XP, allowing her to level up to level 8. She already had three skills at or above level 10, while Min had none. However, to her credit, it would take most Goblins a few months to reach level 10 in any skill. Min had already been hovering around level 9 in Archery for more than a month, but going from level 9 to 10 meant an increase in rank, so it usually took a while. In addition, the skills she used most, being Archery and Small Blades, all took longer to level than normal skills, like Cooking or Tailoring.

Levelling skills wasn’t like levelling up normally. You didn’t get experience. It was directly based on your actual skill with the weapon, or your knowledge in other cases, like Herblore. Thus, you would level up in Archery by using your bow a lot, increasing your skill with the bow, and you would level up in Herblore by using it and reading about the flowers. When you memorized the names and appearances of enough flowers, you would level up.

Thus, she had reached level 9 in four skills already, those being the ones she used most. Her skills menu looked like this, now:




Skill Name

Skinning: lvl 9

Tailoring: lvl 9

Archery: lvl 9

Short Blades: lvl 9

Stealth: lvl 7

Tracking: lvl 5

Herblore: lvl 6]


She felt like she would level up in Archery very soon, and Short Blades would follow soon after. Skinning and Tailoring were drawing close too. Skinning was that high, because she skinned animals every day, and Tailoring had become a bit of a hobby to her. She found that she really enjoyed making clothes. It also might have something to do with her clothes being ruined a whole lot more, after Gobu became an Orcish Hobgoblin. He was a lot rougher during sex these days…

Looking back at Mila, Min responded,

“Hmph, that’s only because you cheated and put all your points in Intelligence and Wisdom! I dare say that all my other attributes are higher than yours! Or what?” This time, it was Mila’s turn to be flustered. Indeed, it was true. Mila was only greater in Intelligence and Wisdom. All her other stats were lower than Min’s.

“Hmph, I thought so,” Min continued, as haughty as ever. However, then she grinned, and gave her sister a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t worry though! You’ll always be the smartest of us! Hell, I still struggle to speak in first person. I wish you guys had killed that habit while it was young,” Min said, a bit annoyed. Now that she was more intelligent, she realized how odd she was. She was literally the only person in the entire tribe who spoke like that.

“Oh, right, I almost forgot! Kazz, dearie, I asked Master to take you as a door guard, slash errand boy! You won’t have to work in the mines anymore!” Min said, as she grabbed Kazz’s hands.

“We even get our own room, with a bed!” She continued, as she waved her hand, picturing the scene. Then, however, she looked at her family, and suddenly got a bit guilty.

“Oh, I’m sorry guys… I forgot to ask Master to help you,” Min said, guilty. Garo and Gibb only laughed.

“Haha, I’ve always worked in the mines, and I quite like it! It suites me,” Gibb said.

“Hahaha, you don’t have to worry about your dear old father. Working in the mines isn’t all bad. I have a lot less responsibility, since I don’t have to train raggards like that mate of yours anymore, hahaha!” Garo said, giving a loud laugh. Indeed, working in the mines was like some sort of vacation for him. He was one of the highest levelled members of the tribe, and he was a classed Warrior. Both his Strength and Endurance stats were extremely high. He wouldn’t get tired, even after working twelve hours in the Mines.

However, if Vraaz was to work in the mines, he’d be much worse off, since he did not specialise in those areas. Luckily, he was a hunter, and one of the best in the tribe, as well. If not the best.

Thinking about this, Min got a bit sad, since she wouldn’t get to spend time with Vraaz and the others. Those guys were her best friends that she had spent almost every moment of her life with. She would definitely miss them…

Min spent her time with her family well, chatting with them, playing some Goblin games and all sorts of stuff, including sex. At the end of the evening, they’d all had a small orgy together. That night, Min had sex with her father for the first time. She’d felt the joy of having her father’s cock in her pussy, her mate’s cock in her ass, and her brother’s cock in her mouth.

This was a common way to say farewell to a daughter, when she went away. All male family members would gangbang her, and then they’d indulge in a familial orgy. Although, she wasn’t actually going away, but she had no way of knowing what her Master had planned. She might still not see them for a while. He had said to enjoy her time with them, after all.

When they were finished, she gave them all a kiss, then left with Kazz in tow. She led him directly to the little cave rooms that would become their new home. Inside, Eledor was sitting behind a desk, facing the entrance, writing something on paper. When they entered, he looked up.

“Ah, Min, you have returned. Quite late, too. I do hope you had some fun times with your family. Anyways, come on in,” he said, before standing up.

“I was just writing a schedule for you. Well then, I suppose this must be your mate. He looks tough enough. Hmm, he seems to have Hobgoblin blood too, quite good affinity for Earth as well. I see why you chose him. Anyways, I babble. Do introduce yourself,” Eledor said, glancing at the boy. Well, in his eyes he was a boy.

“M-my name is Kazz. Uh, what do I address you as?” He asked. He knew that Min called him Master, but others called him My Lord, or Count.

“You can call me Lord Eledor. No need to be too formal and use my House name. My Lord is fine too,” Eledor instructed.

“Yes, My Lord,” Kazz said, then knelt. Min looked at him, then Eledor, then Kazz, then she knelt too, not quite sure what see was supposed to do.

“Haha, no need for you to kneel, Min. Hmm, actually, let this be your first lesson. When we’re in private, I don’t care if you kneel or bow. You can just stand as you normally do. This goes for both of you, by the way,” he said, glancing at Kazz, who immediately stood up again.

“However, in public, you should only bow, Min, while Kazz should kneel. Kazz is a serf of the Elven Kind now, which is the lowest status anyone can have, except actual slaves. You, however, are my personal servant and assistant. An Oathbound one at that. Which means that it is enough of you bow to me. However, remember this; you must never kneel to any other count either, since that would be showing them more respect than you are for me, which is punishable by death, for an Oathbound servant. However, you should always bend your knee for someone above the rank of Count, like a Duke. If you don’t, you could be susceptible to a whipping or jail time. Or both. Do you understand?” He explained. Min thought on his words for a bit.

“I think so,” she finally answered. The subject of court etiquette was foreign to her, so she struggled a bit.

“No matter. We will practice on this further later. We’ll coincide it with your acting training, I think,” he said. Then he looked at Kazz.

“And remember, Kazz; all this is only for Min. It’s a lot simpler for you. You kneel to all nobles, even those ranked lower than a Count. Anyways, go to bed. Your room is inside there,” he said, pointing to a cave room on the opposite side to his own room.

Min and Kazz walked into there, and were pleasantly pleased. In one corner was a plain bed, however, it was more than twice as long as their bodies and wide enough to fit both of them. Next to the bed, was a desk, joined with a chair. In the end of the room, there was a small book shelf with a couple of books in them.

The entire setup marvelled the two goblins. Kazz immediately ran over to the table and inspected the feather, inkwell and paper on it. Min ran to the bookshelf and started looking through as many books as she could, even though she couldn’t read a single one of them. Eledor walked into the room, to see the two amazed creatures.

“Didn’t I tell you to sleep? Stop being so amazed at simple things and go to bed. Sigh, you can’t even read, Min… there’s no use in sifting through all those books,” Eledor said, shaking his head. Then he walked out.

Min and Kazz obeyed their new Lord, and went to bed. However, they weren’t quite ready to sleep yet. As soon as they had gotten naked and under the blankets, which were soft like silk, they started making out. Their tongues caressed each other, while Kazz placed one hand on her nether region. He guided one finger to her entrance, easily sliding into her wet hole.

Min followed his example, while swallowing his saliva, and placed her hand around his rod, letting it move up and down. As if a competition, Kazz let another finger enter inside her, and started massaging her insides even more, while placing another hand on her exposed breast.

Min started moaning silently into his mouth, as he pleased her. Unwilling to wait any more, Kazz lifted her leg up, spreading her legs. Then he let her guide his hard cock to her wet pussy. With one swift motion, he entered deeply inside her, immediately slamming against her cervix. Without hesitation, he started moving while still kissing her. Min moaned loudly, as she felt his hard cock fill her insides. It didn’t take long, until she felt her walls tighten uncontrollably, and a shock of electricity shot through her body! She arched her back as she came to his hard member.

Kazz, however, gave her no respite. He kept slamming against her as hard as ever, hitting the edge of her womb every time, until he gave one final, hard slam to her hips, giving a resounding slap! His white liquid spurted out of him, entering straight into the girl’s womb.

Finally finished, the two fell limp into each other’s arms, and quickly drifted to sleep. However, before she fell asleep, she had a quick look at her status screen, marvelled by her new intelligence. She could finally truly know what her level was and how high her stats truly were!


[Status Window

Name: Min

Alignment: Neutral

Level: 12

Class: None

XP: 446/1600

Profession: None

Race: Goblin

Gender: Female

Age: 65 days

Titles: None


Health: 40

Health Regen: 1/min

Mana: 120

Mana Regen: 4/min

Stamina: 45

Stamina Regen: 1.5/min

Attribute points: 0


Strength: 4

Agility: 11

Constitution: 4

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 4

Dexterity: 16

Luck: 4



Abilities and Spells]



Skill Name

Skinning: lvl 9

Tailoring: lvl 9

Archery: lvl 9

Short Blades: lvl 9

Stealth: lvl 7

Tracking: lvl 5

Herblore: lvl 6]

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