A Goblin’s Evolution

Chapter 2: Growing up… in 30 days

When Min woke up she could see the five male Goblins lying around her, huddled in the corner of the small cavern, within the cave system of their tribe. She was in the center, with all of them around her, as if protecting her or something. She removed the animal furs covering her, revealing her naked, slender frame.

“Hmph, you made Min go to sleep early ‘cus Min’s young and need more sleep, yet she’s up before you,” she muttered, still annoyed that she couldn’t stay up late. But she still made sure to be careful to not wake them up, as she snuck past them. And as she finally made her way out of the furs, another blue screen appeared before her.


Congratulations! You have gained a new skill – Stealth!

You have been awarded with 15 XP for learning this skill!


Congratulations! You have levelled up! You are now level 2!

As a low ranked Goblin, you are awarded with 3 attribute points to distribute.


“Ahh!” She squealed. She had not been ready for that, and the second screen only surprised her further. Hearing her scream, all five of the Goblin hunters woke up.

“What’s going on! Are we under attack!” They said, as they carefully looked around them, but all they could see was the naked Min.

“Ah, sorry! Min levelled up, and it surprised her,” she admitted.

“What? You levelled up? Now? Here? How?” Vraaz asked, clearly confused.

“Uh, Min didn’t want to wake you all up, so she sneaked out of bed. Doing that, gave her the Stealth Skill, which gave her, uuuh, many XP points. Enough to level up,” she said. She didn’t really know how to count past five, but she could tell that a one and a five was more than a one and a zero. As well as a two and a zero being more than the other two. As for how much that made, she wasn’t sure. However, if she saw a six, she would be confused.

She also couldn’t read, but the blue screens made it easy to understand their meaning, even without reading. She could understand what the words meant, however, if she then saw them again on paper, she would only be confused.

“Oh, that explains it. Well, since you’re a Goblin, you should now have 3 attribute points to distribute. Put one in Agility and two in Dexterity. Agility will make it easier to move around, and make you faster, while Dexterity will make you nimbler and give you greater control over your body. It will make it easier to use your dagger and bow,” Vraaz said. Min did as he said, and put the points in Agility and Dexterity.

Status Window


















2 days






Health Regen:




Mana Regen:




Stamina Regen:





















Abilities and Spells


She didn’t feel any different after putting in the points. At least not at first. However, after taking a few steps toward her fur clothes, she was quickly amazed. She felt as if she was walking with more ease than just before. Not by a great amount, but it certainly was noticeable.

“This is amazing! Min feel lighter when she walk,” she said, amazed.

“Indeed, putting points in Agility will do that. However, you’ll probably feel more of a change when you start using your dagger again. By the way, that dagger and bow is yours to keep. I’ll also give you a belt with a sheath for the dagger, and quiver with arrows,” Vraaz said, as he walked over to where they kept various things, and grabbed a belt and quiver.

When Vraaz had gotten the things, Min had already gotten dressed again. Vraaz gave her her new toys, causing another big smile to smear onto her face. Min really liked getting new stuff.

“Thanks, Vraaz!” She said, as she immediately put on the belt and quiver, then went to find her dagger and bow. She immediately put the dagger in the sheath, and fastened the bow to her back. She spun around and asked,

“How does Min look?” The other five laughed and Gobu gave her a smack on the back, which almost caused her to fall down to the floor.

“You look great!” Gobu said with a loud laugh.

“Like a real hunter!” He continued.

“You do indeed. Now, let’s go get breakfast, before we leave,” Vraaz said, as he led his five hunters out into the main cavern. As they arrived, Min immediately ran to find her siblings. She just had to go brag about her new stuff! Gibb and Mila were both very impressed at the bow and dagger combo their sister now wielded. Neither of them were allowed any kind of weaponry, so seeing their sister have two weapons was like coolest thing in the world.

Moments later, Mel arrived, who was also very proud of the hunter daughter. Thus, the family ate breakfast together. Yet, Garo was still nowhere to be found. He didn’t even know they existed yet, since Mel hadn’t found the time to tell him yet. But the three siblings were still very excited to meet their father. Mel said that they would get to see him at dinner.

After they had finished eating, Min ran back to her group, and the six left quickly after. In the forest, they followed the same routine as the day before. As soon as they found any tracks, they followed them, no matter how small or big. In this forest, there shouldn’t be many monsters the six couldn’t handle, anyway.

After a while, they find some tracks that Min couldn’t recognise, but Vraaz told her they belonged to something called a wolf. She had heard a bit about it, and knew that it was a beast of some sort, but she had no idea about its appearance.

As they finally neared it, they started sneaking very, very carefully. Finally, it came into sight. Vraaz signalled for Min to come to the front, then signalled for her to kill it. Min looked surprised, and a bit scared, but Vraaz gave a firm look. Min gulped, and nodded her head, before nocking an arrow on the bow.

She took aim, held her breath, then slowly pulled the arrow back. When it finally got as far back as it would go, it slipped of her hand, and she had to rebalance it. Then, she let go. A twang sounded out, as the arrow whooshed through the air and lodged itself into the wolfs neck, causing a spray of blood.

“Another one!” Vraaz shouted, while nocking his own arrow, just in case. Min immediately nocked another arrow and shot it, the arrow piercing into the side of the wolf! The wolf, however, still hadn’t fallen, and had now locked its eyes onto the girl.

Min quickly nocked another arrow, pulled back as fast as she could, and let go! This time it fiercely pierced straight into the wolfs head, causing a splatter of blood to spray out, dirtying the animal’s fur! Thump, the wolf finally fell to the ground, dead.

“That wolf was quite tough,” Vraaz said, “but you did great!” he continued. Min blushed at his words. Without waiting for orders, Gobu walked over and grabbed the wolf, flinging it over his shoulder.

“Hah, wolf meat is very tasty, just you wait,” Gobu said, as he walked back. He also took out the arrows, and gave them back to Min, who thanked him.

“That was your first real kill Min. How much XP did you get,” Vraaz asked. Min finally looked at the screen that had appeared.


Congratulations! You have received 68 XP for killing a Lvl 3 Wolf!


“Uh, it says Min got, uh, six and eight XP for killing a level 3 wolf… Is that much? Is it, is it?” Min asked. She still had no way to grasp large numbers like these. In fact, every time she looked at the amount she needed to reach a new level, she was flabbergasted. There were two zeroes there! TWO! What could it mean? The only reason why she could distinguish the six and eight, was because Vraaz had taught her to count with her fingers, and showed he the symbol for all numbers up to nine.

“That’s sixty-eight. It’s more than half of what you needed to reach level 2. However, to reach level 3, you need twice as much as you needed to reach level 2. However, if you can kill a few more of those, then you’ll reach level 3 in no time at all!” Vraaz explained.

“That much?! That’s amazing!” Min said, jumping in excitement. This little green girl was very easily excited, no doubt about that. Since that was all over with, they once more started looking for some prey. They didn’t find any more wolves, however they did find several rabbits, which they had Min shoot for practise. She only actually hit two out of eight though. However, they still managed to catch most that she didn’t hit, thanks to the quick Hobgoblin. In the end, Min killed six rabbits, giving her a further thirty XP!

Killing rabbits really was quite an easy way to level, if you had an excellent tracker like Vraaz. Towards the end of the day, they even found another deer, which Min managed to kill with one shot, rewarding her with another two prompts.


Congratulations! Your skill [Archery] has levelled up to level 2!


Congratulations! You have received 10 XP for killing a deer!

After killing the deer, Gobu got another animal to fling over his shoulder, and then they returned home, as the sun was starting to set. Back in the cave entrance, the other five Goblins got started on skinning the wolf and deer, as they chatted with the other hunters. Meanwhile, Min skinned the six rabbits, giving her another level in skinning. When she was finished with the skinning, she immediately skipped over to Vraaz, gleeful as ever.

“Hey, hey Vraaz! Can Min take three rabbit skins for my brother and sister? Huh, can she, can she?” She asked. She wanted to get some clothes for her siblings, since if she didn’t, it might take days until they managed to get any. What she didn’t think about, was that their father was a Hobgoblin and could probably easily get some for them.

“Yeah go ahead. It’s a good chance to train your tailoring too,” Vraaz said. Satisfied, she immediately grabbed three skins, and made two of them into skirts and one into a top like the one she herself wore. After she finished, she received a prompt, and suddenly felt like she could make them even better if she wanted to.


Congratulations! Your skill [Tailoring] has levelled up to level 2!


Happy with her results she immediately left skipping towards the main cavern, where everyone was bound to be gathering for dinner. She didn’t care in the slightest to help the others carry all the meat. She had much more important stuff to take care of!

In the main cavern, she quickly found three familiar faces, together with one new one. All of them were smiling brightly, and Min immediately knew who this male stranger had to be. Excited, she ran over in a sprint. The male Hobgoblin saw this girl come running over, three bundles of fur in her hands, causing him to smile.

“So, this must be my little hunter girl, right?” He asked, as she arrived at the table.

“It is, it is!” She said, jumping up and down as had become a habit when she was excited.

“Then come, sit! I am your father, Garo!” He announced with great fervour, putting extra emphasis on his name. As soon as she sat down, she basically ignored him, and looked straight to her siblings.

“Gibb, Mila, look what I made! I made clothes!” She said, throwing the three bundles of fur at the two, before looking back to her father. She was struck for words, as she looked at him. She wasn’t quite sure what to say. Instead, Garo broke the silence.

“So, Min, my daughter, I have already heard a lot about your sister and brother. Now tell me about your day,” he said, an incomparably warm smile on his face. Garo was exceedingly happy today, perhaps happier than he had ever been. He had already lived for more than twenty years, which was close to half his total lifespan. Although it wasn’t too much for a Hobgoblin, it was still very old in Goblin standards, yet until two days ago, he had never had child, even though he wanted it so dearly. Throughout the years, he had had sex with hundreds, if not thousands of female Goblins, and even many Hobgoblins, yet only now did one get pregnant.

When he heard this, he had immediately taken on Mel as his official mate; his first and only mate, ever! Mel, too, was extremely happy.

“Uuh, uuh, Min went hunting today! Just like yesterday! Yesterday Min only killed a few rabbits, but today she killed a wolf! Oh, and a deer thingy, and six rabbits! Oh, and she reached level two this morning, she now have, uh… more than five in Agility and Dexterity! Isn’t it cool?! Isn’t it?!” Min said in one breath, speaking almost so quickly that the others couldn’t follow, but Garo only laughed at his energetic daughter. She had momentary forgotten the words fur numbers above five. She was still learning, and would definitely need many reminders!

“Haha, that is very good! As expected of my daughter, to reach level 2 in one day, and to even kill a wolf. Also, after five comes six. Then seven, eight, nine and ten,” Garo said, trying to teach some more numbers to his children. Mila nodded with closed eyes, as if it was the simplest thing, while Min and Gibb looked in confusion.

“Five, six, uh, se-seighten?” She asked, causing her parents to deadpan.

“Well, you’re not the smartest, but that’s alright. Most Goblins aren’t,” he said, immediately giving up on teaching his two, not so smart, children more numbers. Counting to six should be enough, anyway.

Thus, the new family of five ate dinner together. Min learned that Garo, Mel, Gibb and Mila would all move into Garo’s residence, which caused her to cry, since she had to live with the other five hunters. All groups of hunters had to live together, so they could get familiar with each other, and build good teamwork, train together and so on. However, Mel still managed to calm her down, saying that she would still get to be with them every day at breakfast and dinner.

Min also learned that her father was one of the strongest warriors in the entire tribe. He was even stronger than Vraaz, in one on one combat, as well as a leader. Vraaz was a Ranger after all, and specialized in stealth and long-range attacks.

After an hour or so, Min kissed her parents goodbye, and went back to her quarters, where the others had already arrived. As soon as she arrived, Vraaz immediately started mercilessly training her for three hours, both in the dagger, as well as bow. This was enough to level both the skills to level 3.


Congratulations! Your skill [Archery] has levelled up to level 3!


Congratulations! Your skill [Short Blades] has levelled up to level 3!


This time, as Vraaz ordered her to bed, she didn’t complain, as she was genuinely tired. Even though it would only take thirty minutes to recover her stamina, she was still mentally tired, which wasn’t as easy to recover from. Thus, she immediately stripped naked, and huddled under some furs, and fell asleep.

The next morning when she woke up, she found that she wasn’t the first to wake up this time, despite being the first to go to bed. Instead she was the last! Everyone was already up and about, as she groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes.

“Morning sleepy head. Get dressed and go out to eat,” Gnez said, before leaving with the others. Min sleepily got up. She was quite a bit sleepier this morning than yesterday, but she still managed to get dressed and get out. By the time she arrived in the main cavern, she was already a bit more energetic.

In the cavern, she sat next to her sister and had a jolly time as she ate breakfast with her family. She greatly enjoyed hearing her father tell stories of how he had fought with both goblin and human alike! She got especially scared, hearing her father tell the tale of how he was captured by elves once, and almost lost his life escaping. It had only been a small tribe of elves that had escaped from distant lands due to some calamity, so in the end they had all been captured by the Goblin tribe and enslaved. Apparently, many of them were still alive, working in the mines and other places. Elves were apparently very long lived, so they’d be here for a long while. However, they were never allowed in the main cavern, so Min had never seen them. However, both Gibb and Mila had, and only described them as extremely tall and beautiful creatures.

Of course, most humanoids would be described as very tall to them, since normal Goblins were at most four feet tall, or about 120cm. Min herself was only about a meter tall. She decided that she couldn’t wait to see them and ask them all kind of questions. Her father had said that elves were extremely long lived, even more so than humans, so they must have seen a lot! Min decided that she had to see them soon! Very soon!

However, seeing her hunting friends wave her over reminded her that now was the time for hunting. The elves would have to wait.

“Hey, hey Vraaz! Min wanna see the elves! Take her to see the elves soon, okay?” She asked tugging on Vraaz’s arm, begging and begging.

“The elves? Not now, but I’ll take you to see them when we have time, I guess. Man, I haven’t had an elf in ages,” Vraaz said.

“Had? What do you mean?” Min asked.

“As in had sex with one. You’ll understand when you’re older,” Vraaz said with a wink, only managing to confuse the innocent Goblin.

Outside, in the forest, things went similarly, as before, however, they didn’t find any wolves this time. Only two deer, which Min got the honour to kill once more, as well as nine rabbits, quite a big catch. Naturally, Min got to kill them all. These five old Goblins doted dearly on the girl. In fact, all their dispositions had already become friendly, not that Min had checked. Killing all these creatures, gave Min a total of 65 Xp! Although it wasn’t enough to level up, she now needed less than 30 Xp. If she was lucky, she would level up tomorrow. That would make Min very happy; after all, her own mother was only level 4, not that her mother was very old. In fact, 2 years was still young in Goblin terms. It was still only a tenth of a Goblins life span.

Goblins aged very weirdly. Going from infant to child on one day. Child to adult in one month. And in one year, you would be the equivalent of a twenty-year-old human. But after that, aging slowed down drastically, aging at only about twice the rate of a human.

So, these Goblins would let Min enjoy her childhood, since it would be so very, very short. In only a month, she would be able to bear children. Most Goblins would become pregnant within the year. People like Mel, Min’s mother, were very rare. She hadn’t become pregnant until she was almost two years old. It really was a miracle that she was the one to bear Garo’s children.

After returning, Min skinned all nine rabbits and gained another level in skinning. Since skinning a rabbit was very quick, she was then tasked into making clothes, which would be given out. She made three of them into tops and six into skirts, which could then cloth three males and three females. However, there had been several dozen Goblins in her group of new-borns, so it would take time to give them all clothes. At least, if it was only Min was making them clothes.

Of course, they could use the deer skins or wolf skins to make clothes for them, but the tribe wasn’t willing to use these furs on children. Only warriors would be allowed wear something like a wolf skin.

After finishing her task, she had also gained a level in tailoring. Now she had four skills at level three and one still at level 1, that being Stealth. She was a bit disappointed that her archery hadn’t reached level 4 yet, but there was nothing she could do. Levelling would become harder as you progressed.

Like this, two more days passed where she would hunt, eat with her family, train and sleep. In these two days, she levelled up to level three, increasing her Agility and Dexterity once more. She also levelled her Archery, Skinning and Tailoring to level 4, while Short Blades remained at level 3. After all, she used her bow much more. However, Stealth had increased to level 2, from all the sneaking in the forest. She could now almost be considered an average worker Goblin in terms of level. The benefits of being a hunter.

The group of six hunters were in the forest, doing their job, following some tracks of broken branches, dishevelled leaves and so on, making their way through the clustered trees. These tracks showed that it was quite a large animal, and perhaps a small group, but they weren’t quite sure of the species, since there was no soft ground, like mud that would show their foot prints.

However, when they finally caught up, everyone was shocked and delighted. There was a small group of three humanoids walking in the forest, about twice as tall as Min herself. They had pale skin, of a colour that Min had never seen before, and wore clothes much more sophisticated than she had ever laid eyes upon. However, they were clearly not warriors, and looked quite frantic. Only one of them had a bow, while the other had only a short sword and the third a dagger.

It wasn’t weird that they had found them, considering how they were moving. They were just trying to get away as fast as possible, leaving countless tracks in their trail. Vraaz moved closed to Min, right next to her ears.

“Those are humans. We’re going to kill them. I want you to aim at the one with the dagger. If you do good, I’ll even let you keep the dagger,” he said, patting her on the head. Hearing his words, Min got excited. In her five days of life, she had heard several times how tasty humans were, but she still hadn’t tasted them. Humans were quite rare around here, after all.

Vraaz moved to the others and gave them their orders. Soon, Min and Crots aimed at the dagger wielding human, while the others aimed at their own target. As Vraaz gave the order, six arrows released and lodged themselves into the three humans. Two of them immediately fell, but the one wielding the short sword actually survived.

For the first time, Min got to see the might of Vraaz, as he charged in, wielding two daggers. The tall man looked shocked and in pain, as he saw the short green humanoid charge him. Before he knew it, two daggers had been lodged into the his throat, and he fell to the ground, like a lump of meat. Finally, the blue screens appeared in the visions of the six.


Congratulations! You have received 270 XP for killing a Lvl 8 Human!


Since you were not alone in defeating your foe, the XP has been shared equally!


Seeing the prompt, Min decided to look at her Status Window, to see how much Xp she had now.


Status Window


















5 days






Health Regen:




Mana Regen:




Stamina Regen:





















Abilities and Spells


“Uwaa, Min wonders how much that is, Min bets it’s a lot!” Min thought, still unable to comprehend large numbers. Then, she happily skipped over to the three corpses, and pried the dagger from the human and examined it carefully. It definitely looked a lot prettier than her old one, which was pretty much all she cared about. She didn’t even test its sharpness. With desire in her eyes she looked at Vraaz.

“Can she keep it, can she keep it?! Can she?” She asked repeatedly.

“Sure, you can keep it. But don’t throw the other one away,” he said, as he started examining the bodies. When he found some bottles with weird liquids in him, his eyes brightened, but Min was only confused. Why did he get so happy over some weird liquids?

“Min, do you know what this is?” He asked. Min shook her head.

“No idea,” she said.

“These are potions. The red ones can restore your health, and the blue ones can restore mana. They’re very useful,” Vraaz explained. As she heard this, Min’s eyes widened. She had never heard of such amazing items before! The only potions she knew of, could help against pain or sickness.

“That’s amazing!” Min said, as she ran over to look at the strange items. Vraaz continued to search their bodies, finding several interesting items, however, when he found some papers with strange writing on them, his vision darkened. Min got curious and looked the papers, but she couldn’t make any sense of the strange writings. She couldn’t even read Goblin language, so there was no way she could read human language.

“What is that?” She asked.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter… let’s go back for now,” Vraaz said. Thus, they quickly gathered the corpses, Gobu carrying two of them with ease, and two others struggling to carry the last one. However, they still managed to get back to the cave quickly enough, just as the sun was setting.

However, as soon as they arrived, Vraaz immediately left into some tunnel, disappearing in a flash. Since they couldn’t follow him, the Goblins could only carry the humans to be prepared for dinner. Only a few Goblins would get to eat the Humans, but since they were the ones to kill them, they would naturally each get a piece.

“Haha, to think that my daughter would actually kill a human today! Our table is blessed with shares of human meat!” Garo said. Since Garo had a high status he naturally received his share of human meat, and since Min had been the one to catch the human, she received her share too. The table of five would be able to feast on human tonight!

Mel immediately grabbed a long, sausage like piece of meat and cut it off, before giving it to Min.

“This is the penis, Min. No male will eat this, but that’s their loss, since it’s the tastiest part! Since we can only eat this because of you and your hunting group, you should have it,” Mel said. Min immediately took the piece meat into her hand, and stuffed the end into her mouth. When she bit into it, Garo visible cringed, while Min had a look of ecstasy on her face, as she chewed the meat.

“It’s so tender, so juicy,” she said, after finally swallowing. Mila looked at her sister, her mouth salivating. Min, seeing this, immediately shoved the rest into her mouth and chewed it greedily, before giving a sheepish smile to her sister. Mila only pouted in return, while their parents laughed.

On the sixth day since her birth, Min reached level 4. Her Archery, Short Blades and Stealth had also all increased one level. And on the seventh day, before going to bed, she had also noticed a change in her body. Her chest was starting to grow, and she now had two small lumps on her chest. Although they were still so small that one wouldn’t notice them through the rabbit skin, they were noticeable in the nude.

Vraaz also seemed somewhat different. He wasn’t his usual, calm self, but seemed constantly worried. Min could only wonder what was wrong, since he wouldn’t say anything. But as day after day passed, nothing seemed to happen, other than the constant change in Min’s body as her breasts grew larger, and her butt grew plumper.

Day after day passed, as they kept hunting, and Min kept training and growing. On day 30, Min had already grown a nice pair of breasts and a plump ass. You could already see a good bit of cleavage when she wore her rabbit fur top, and the skirt seemed shorter, as it had to cover her larger ass.

They weren’t huge in any way, but they still looked seductively soft and desirable. And on this very day, she had also reached level 7, and her skills had progressed nicely as well. In fact, her archery had already reached level 9! However, she had still continued to put all her points in Agility and Dexterity, which she had been reprimanded for, by Vraaz. He told her to occasionally put points into Constitution and Endurance, so that she could last longer in a fight. But she had actually forgotten to do that again this time. Vraaz often commented how she was exceptionally stupid, even for a Goblin. Her Status Window looked like this, now:


Status Window


















30 days






Health Regen:




Mana Regen:




Stamina Regen:





















Abilities and Spells




Skill Name

Skill Lvl:







Short Blades





That evening, as she walked into their quarters after dinner, everyone suddenly stared at her with rather creepy smirks.

“Uh, why are you staring at Min like that?” Min asked, a bit worried.

“You’re thirty days old today, right Min? That means you’re an adult now, and we can finally, finally fuck you!” Gobu said, excitedly.

“Uh, fuck Min?” She asked back, not quite familiar with the term. She had heard it before, but she couldn’t quite understand what it meant.

“It means we can have sex with you,” Vraaz said.

“Oh,” Min said, blushing. She knew somewhat what sex was. All she knew was that it was supposed to feel really good, and it was how babies were made.

Finally knowing what was about to happen, Min walked over to the men.

“So, uh, how do we do this?” Min asked.

“Don’t worry, we’ll guide you,” Vraaz said, as he put a hand on her shoulder, then with the other hand took off the green girl’s top, revealing her breasts. Vraaz looked at them, lustfully, even though he saw them every morning and evening. However, ever since they had grown to a good size the men would often have grown hard from seeing them, which often caused Min to laugh, since it looked funny.

Vraaz moved one hand to touch Min’s breasts, while the other moved to remove the skirt. A moment later, Min stood naked, while Vraaz was playing with her boobs and ass, causing her to moan slightly. Then Vraaz guided her down on all fours, as he himself placed himself behind her. He finally got his own member out, and placed the tip touching Min’s vagina.

“Don’t worry. I’ve heard that it hurts the first time for humans, but we Goblins have no such problems. It’s only pure pleasure,” Vraaz said, before finally pushing all the way inside her, causing the tip of his cock to touch the walls of her womb.

“Aaah!” She moaned loudly, echoing into the tunnels. As Vraaz repeatedly pounded her from behind, Gobu moved to stand in front of her, his cock strutting out.

“You can also use your mouth to please me, although it won’t make you pregnant or anything,” Gobu said.

“Aah, how do Min, aah, do that!” Min said, trying not to moan, but failing miserably.

“Just put it in your mouth and suck on it or lick it. Stuff like that,” Gobu said.

“Aaah, ah! Ah, alright, ah ah!” Min said, this time not caring to hold back her moans. She hadn’t expected it to feel this good, being pounded from behind. She could feel her soft ass ripple, each time Vraaz’s hips pounded against it.

Without further hesitation, she guided Gobu’s cock into her mouth with one hand, and started sucking on it, while the other four could only look. They could only wait their turn. After sucking on Gobu for a few minutes, he suddenly started shaking and then she felt a warm liquid enter her mouth, and as it entered her mouth, she suddenly felt ecstatic, as shocks of pleasure were coursing through her wet pussy. She started screaming gurgled screams as large amount of liquid entered her mouth, until Gobu finally pulled out, releasing a final spurt unto her face.

She tried to speak, but found it too hard with all the liquid in her mouth. Instead she gave Gobu a confused look, as Vraaz continued to pound her, causing her to continuedly release gurgled moans.

“Haha, you actually came, as I came into your mouth. That liquid is called semen and is released when we males reach orgasm. Also, orgasm is what I referred to when I say we came. That pleasure you just felt was an orgasm. Also, you can swallow the semen if you want to, it’s not dangerous. In fact, it would please me greatly if you did, haha!” Gobu said. Min just looked at him, then raised her head and swallowed a few times.

“Ah, ah, that was so, aah, bitter!” Min said, as she continued to moan. However, only a short moment after she said it, she felt another spurt of liquid enter her womb, continually. Vraaz was shooting so much that it even leaked out, and eventually he pulled out, shooting even more on her ass and back. Min was now covered with semen on both her face as well as back and ass. But she didn’t mind, it felt rather nice and warm.

“Aaah,” both of them sighed in pleasure as Vraaz finally pulled out.

“That felt so,” Min sighed in pleasure again, “good!” She continued.

Three hours passed. Everyone fucked her over and over again, and they all came inside her several times, be it in her mouth or vagina. When it was all over Min was covered in male cum!

“Aah, that felt so amazing! Min hopes we can do this every day!” Min exclaimed. She was flabbergasted that such an amazing thing was even possible! Every time one of the men’s cock moved inside her, she would feel a surge of pleasure.

“Indeed, it was quite good. But we can’t do this every day for several hours. We only did it this much since it was your first time, and we all had some pent-up desires. Usually, we’ll only do it when we feel the need, and maybe for an hour or so before bed,” Vraaz said. Indeed, they couldn’t spend hours every day having sex, or their society would fall apart.

“An hour a day? Sounds good to Min!” Min said with a cheerful smile, some sperm still leaking down from her mouth.

Seeing her semen covered body, all five of the Goblin men started laughing.

“Haha, go wash yourself girl, and then get some well-earned sleep. We’ll take care of the floor,” Vraaz said, as he looked down to the floor. Naturally, some semen had touched the floor, so it, too, was quite dirty.

With a cheerful laugh, Min ran out the room, going to the cavern that had a river running through it. It was quite convenient to have such a river, since otherwise they would have to go outside to wash themselves, which could be dangerous if alone.

In the river cavern, she noticed several girls from her generation that were in a similar state as her. They seemed to have quite a lot of fun, playing together in the water, and some were even licking cum off each other’s bodies, so Min immediately joined them.

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