A Goblin’s Evolution

B2, Chapter 14: Depression

Min stood outside the marble mansion of Lord Aldon, looking at it. This was the first time she left the building in a month, and she was refreshed.

‘That was tough. I like humiliation and pain sex, but that was over the top. Don’t think I’ll miss it too much. And it’s nice to be wearing clothes again,’ Min thought, looking at the diminutive garments she was wearing.

This new outfit was a gift from Lord Aldon for a month of great service. In her hand, she held a small bag, containing the clothes she’d arrived in.

It was much finer than what she usually wore, but no less skimpy. The top part of the outfit was composed of a single silk strip, tied across her chest in an incline. On her left side, the strip went right above her nipples, while on the right side, it went up above her breast.

From the silk strip, hung another piece of silken cloth, loosely hanging down to just below her breasts. This, too, hung at an incline, making it so that it went slightly further down on her left side.

However, due to the nature of how this piece of silk was sewn on the first strip, it hung very loosely. A slightly strong wind would be able reveal Min’s right breast in its entirety. However, as one would expect, this was not a problem to Min. She would only find it funny if her breasts were exposed in public.

The lower garment was composed of a beautifully braided rope, tied around her waist. From the rope hung a silky white loincloth, both in front, and the back, hanging just above her crotch. The white loincloth went halfway down her thighs.

Additionally, the lower garment was decorated by several pearls, hanging from the rope. She wore no footwear, just like usual, however, two bracelets were tied around her ankles. They were braided in the same way as the rope around her waist.

Almost identical bracelets were tied to her arms, just below her shoulders. However, these two bracelets had a piece of silk cloth sewn on them, from one end, to the other. On this silk cloth, there were even more pearls hanging.

And finally, on her back, there was a slightly wider piece of silk sewn to the rope, covering her butt crack a bit better.

All in all, Min loved the outfit. It was much more beautiful, and definitely more expensive, than any other outfit she owned. Walking around in it made her feel like a noble. Although, one that dressed a bit of a slutty fashion

Min was excited to go back home and tell everyone the news. She was especially looking forward to tell her darling Ellie. Min was ecstatically excited that her second child and first grandchild would be growing up together.

But before she went home, there was another place she wanted to visit. It had been a month since she last saw her new friends, and she really wanted to see how Kemah was doing.

She had been gravely injured and had lost a lot of blood, so the injury would never be healed in a short amount of time. However, she had received healing from one of the best healers in the city, so she might be in tip-top shape already.

Thus, since Min knew where the three lived, she headed straight for the place. It was on the way to her own home, anyway.

A short while later, she stood outside an inconspicuous house. There was nothing that made it seem special. Anyone could be living here, whether it be a family, a group of people using it as an apartment, or it could even be the base of operations for an adventuring party. It was quite middle grade.

But Min knew that it was in fact the abode of three apprentices from one of the biggest assassin organizations in the empire.

A smile on her face, Min knocked on the door a few times, before entering. She was in pretty good terms with Kemah, Haemir, and Kor, so she wasn’t shy in entering their home.

After all, if things were slightly different, she’d be living there, too.

Soon after entering the house, she saw Haemir, who was rushing to the door to answer the knocks.

“Oh, it’s you, Min. It’s been a while. What brings you here?” He asked, his expression changing to match Min’s.

“I’ve been busy serving Lord Aldon the last month, so I haven’t had a chance to check on Kemah. So, since I was just on my way home, I decided to pass by,” Min said.

“I see. Well, Kemah is in her room. She hasn’t been out much, since the mission. Her injuries left several, rather big scars on her body, so I think she’s self conscious about herself. We’ve tried to get her out more, ever since she healed enough to train again, but our efforts have been fruitless. Right now, our plan is to wait for our supervisor to come. But you might be able to help. You’re a girl, too, after all,” Haemir said.

“Well, I can try. Where’s her room?” Min asked.

“I’ll show you,” Haemir responded, as he turned around. Haemir took Min towards a staircase, but just as they were about to go upstairs, Kor ran into them.

“Min’s come to visit? It’s been a while,” Kor said, as he gave Min a hug that might have been tighter than what’s proper.

“Yeah, you know what deal I had to do to get Kemah healed. I’ve been getting fucked almost non-stop since then,” Min said, a bit of saliva leaking out of her mouth, as she thought about the last month. Even though it had been a cruel and painful experience, she still loved sex.

“I’m a bit envious of that Lord Aldon, getting to fuck a beauty like you. Speaking of which, weren’t we going to have a foursome, before the mission went to hell? Kemah might not be up for it anymore, but I don’t mind sharing you with Haemir,” Kor said.

“I’m sorry, but I’m in a bit of a hurry. I’ll just go speak with Kemah for a bit, then I’ll head home. I just found out I’m pregnant, you see. I can’t wait to tell my family,” Min admitted, causing both Kor, and Haemir to become greatly shocked!

“What? You’re pregnant? That’s a bit of a shock. Although, I guess you’re already a mother, so it’s not too strange that you’d have another child,” Kor said.

“Congratulations. Or condolences? I assume it was a planned pregnancy, since you told me you can brew contraceptives on your own,” Haemir added.

“Yeah, it was planned. I’ve been trying to get pregnant ever since my boyfriend got back home from the sea. My daughter is also pregnant, so we decided that we wanted to have children at roughly the same time. But since my boyfriend was at sea at the time, it took a bit longer for me. While I’ll have sex with almost anyone, there aren’t many people I’ll let impregnate me. There’s Dralu, my boyfriend, and then there’s my Master,” Min explained.

“I see, I see. It’s a bit of a strange thing though. Not many mothers and daughters are as friendly as you two. But you’re pretty much the same age, so I guess it’s not too weird for you to be so friendly,” Kor said. Min and Ellie’s relationship was creepy to some, and fascinating to others. Those who Min befriended tended to be on the fascinating side of the spectrum.

“Yeah, we’re besties. But it’s pretty much because of the unique way we have aged. I got pregnant before I was one year old, but by then, I was pretty much in my late teens, comparatively speaking. And since I had evolved into a Dark Hobgoblin when I got pregnant, my aging slowed down several times. I had a much longer lifespan than ordinary Hobgoblins, you see. Then, when my daughter was born, much like goblins, she grew up pretty rapidly. But as she grew older, her aging slowed down. And now, while she’s a year younger than me, we are pretty much the same, mentally. Anyway, I need to speak with Kemah. Haemir, show me to her room, please. We can have sex the next time I visit. And I’ll try to get Kemah to join us,” Min asked, showing Haemir a cute smile as she made her request

“Of course. Let’s go,” Haemir said, as he gave Min a hand. Min happily grabbed it, and followed him up the stairs. She kind of enjoyed holding hands with someone of the opposite gender.

Dralu didn’t like holding hands when they went out together. It went against his macho ways. However, when Min went out with Ellie, she’d always hold her hand tightly.

“She’s in there. I’ll see you later, Min. Oh, and try to get Kemah to agree to the foursome. It might be strange, but I think it’d be good for her to be validated in that way. Especially right now,” Haemir said, before turning back.

“I’ll try my best,” Min replied, before walking closer to the door. She knocked lightly on the door, and waited for a reply. It took a few seconds, but eventually, a weak,

“Hello?” responded back.

“It’s Min. Can I come in?” Min asked, as she waited patiently.

“Okay,” Kemah responded soon after. Min opened the door, and walked in. It was obvious that Kemah had been in bed until now, but at Min’s arrival, she had at least found the energy to sit up.

But what Min saw when she entered made her stop for a moment. Obviously, not even Aldon’s healing had been able to remove the scars. And now that she wasn’t covered in blood, the scars had become all the more noticeable.

On her belly, two thick scars had appeared. They had come from the two sword that had stabbed into her. On her right thigh, Min could see the edge of a small scar, no doubt from the crossbow bolt that had pierced into her leg.

There were also several burns on her body, a result from Min’s Dark Missile. But they weren’t too big. Although, a bit of skin had been burned off her left cheek.

However, the most noticeable scar was without doubt the large scar that cut across her chest, between her breasts.

It had been the last injury she received from the bandits, but also the biggest. Without a word, Min rushed up to her, and took into a tight hug. Tears were flowing down Min’s cheeks.

“I’m sorry! Those burns are all because of me! And I should have protected you better! I should have been able to warn you when that fat fuck shot you,” Min said. She couldn’t control herself, as the tears flowed, as she sobbed.

She felt guilty for letting this happen. Kemah had been such a cute and beautiful girl. But now, all these scars stained her body. Many men would scorn her just because of this, even if she was still pretty. Even her face had been tainted.

“Don’t cry. It’s not your fault. If you didn’t give me these burns, I would have instead lost my life. Of all the scars on my body, I don’t regret the ones you gave me. It’s just… the others. I’m ruined now,” Kemah said, her eyes downcast, as the gazed down into the wooden floor.

“Don’t say that, it’s not true! You may have a few scars now, but you’re just as pretty. And besides, most of the scars can be covered by clothing,” Min said, as she settled down next to Kemah.

“But what about when the clothes go off? Who would want me then? We were going to have sex, the four of us. I was finally going to lose my virginity. To people I love, even. But now, not even Kor and Haemir would want me,” Kemah replied, two pearly tears trailing down her rosy cheeks.

“Actually, that’s not true at all. I talked with them, and they still want to do it with you. All four of us together. They even asked me to convince you. So we’ll definitely have that foursome, if you want to,” Min said.

“Then, should we do it now? I kinda want to,” Kemah admitted, drawing a bit of surprise out of Min. She had expected Kemah to resist quite a bit more. But then again, she had been excited to lose her virginity for a while now.

“I hate to do this, but now, I can’t right now. But I actually have some great news along with the bad ones. I’m pregnant! I need to go back home to tell my family. But when I come visit again, we’ll definitely have sex! And maybe, if we’re lucky, you’ll also get pregnant! Then, you, me, and Ellie can have play dates and stuff,” Min said, the excitement growing ever larger on her expression. She loved this kind of stuff.

“That might actually be kind of nice. I wouldn’t mind raising a little baby. And if I get pregnant, I’ll also get a brake for a few months or weeks. But we’ll see what happens. I won’t force it,” Kemah said.

“That’s great! Then I’ll be back in a few days, and then we’ll all have sex together. But after that, you need to make sure to have regular sex with Haemir and Kor. I bet the organization would be happy if one of them impregnated you. After all, you’re all high level apprentices. A child between you would make a good assassin, I bet,” Min said, managing to make Kemah show a rare smile.

“If I like sex, I’ll do it with them lots. But if I don’t like, I won’t force it. Although, I do know that the first few times might not feel as good, as I’ll give it a few tries,” Kemah said.

“Great! Then are you feeling better now? Will you go out of your room? You know, if you want to, you can come with me to my place,” Min said, suddenly getting the idea.

“Go to your place? Sure. I’ve heard a bunch about your family, but I still haven’t met them. If she look anything like her mother, I bet Ellie will be real cutie. And since she’s very pregnant, it would be like getting a preview on what you’ll look like in a few months,” Kemah said, suddenly also getting a bit of excitement.

Even though she’d only known Min for a little bit, she already considered her a good friend. Especially since Min had saved her life. Without Min’s magic, Kemah would have died from the bandits’ onslaught.

“Let’s go, then,” Min said, as she stood up from Kemah’s bed. Kemah also stood up from the bed, and followed Min out.

“You’re not going to put on some clothes that’ll cover your scars? Are you sure you’ll be alright with them out in the open?” Min asked, worried for her friend.

“Well, I’m much like you. I don’t really wear clothes that cover anything more than my breasts and hips. I don’t even own any clothes that hide my belly. Well, I do, but I only use those for missions where I need to be extra stealthy. I won’t wear them in public. But don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” Kemah said.

“Alright then. Let’s go. I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone,” Min said, before grabbing Kemah’s hand, and dragging her off.

If you like my story, consider visiting my Patreon page. There, you can find more books by me that I haven't released yet, lots of art from my story. Both art of the characters, and them having sex. There's also a hentai comic of Min and Dralu having sex.

You can find my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/LucyLynn

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