A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 1: Life of an Otherworldly Teenager

Tidbits of Information:

Level 1-999 (Common knowledge of the people: Only till lvl 500, the strongest demon king was lvl 750. It was only because of what was inside of him that when he was defeated she was given 12 lvl increase.)

Adventure rank

SSS : Lvl 550+

SS : Lvl 500+

S : Lvl 450+

AAA : Lvl 400+

AA : Lvl 350+

A : Lvl 300+

B : Lvl 250+

C : Lvl 200+

D : Lvl 150+

E : Lvl 100+

F : Lvl 50+

Everybody start their career from F rank(Though some special case may arise).In order to rank up you need to complete your adventure rank task 5 times. Then proceed with minimum level requirement and then do a mock battle with the person chosen by the guild and earn his/her approval. The person chosen by the guild must be from a neutral party

For a guild to be established, the rule is that there must be at least 1 A rank stationed there

Chapter 1

16 years later

It was a bight sunny day in Tokyo. Kimiko Hasegawa was just getting up from her sleep. She felt refreshed as she sat on her bed. It had been 16 years since she had again completed her journey in Vesperia and died to protect it. Now she was back in her own world with her new family. But as they say ‘Some scars never heal’, from then she had been stoic and expressed her emotions less. It was either that or she still had the same passive skill that masked her emotions back in Vesperia. It seemed that all of her skills had transferred to this world through some mean, making her the most powerful person on this world. But as there was no [Voice of the World] in Earth she couldn’t change her stats nor view them.

That meant she had to learn how to severely control her power lest she break someone’s hand by mistake while handshaking. But life was good as she was content. Moreover, she had retained her same look that she had in her past life. Secretly she searched for records of her previous life data last week (Not that anyone could do anything to her) and had found that she had gone missing 17 years ago. Meaning the time difference between this world and the next was by 10. Meaning 10 years on Vesperia was roughly 1 year on Earth.

But that was another matter. She took a bath and got ready for her 2nd year high school. She could hear her mother yelling out to her.

“Kimiko! Breakfast is ready. It’s nearly time for you to go to your school.”

Kimiko faintly smiled. She really loved her family.

She got down from her room which was, surprisingly, devoid of any girly things. She put on her school dress as well as readied her bag. She was wearing black sailor school dress with black frock as well as black knee socks. Complementing her black themed dress was her waist long black hair with her beautiful face made her look like a refined young lady. She was the only child of the Hasegawa family so she was given all the love she needed. Her mother seemed to look at her and sighed.

“Haah! Looking at you reminds me of my school days when I met your father…..”

Now it was Kimiko’s time to sigh because her mother could get so melodramatic. Besides she tells that to her every morning.

“Okaa-san, where is Otou-san?”

“Oh him? He is still sleeping. He had just returned at night from his business trip as well as some party his new friend gave him.”

Kimiko nodded. Her father was a bit on the eccentric side. His job took him to various parts of the world. Also he was surprisingly charming, which allowed him to make friends quite quickly. Therefore, he had connections to surprising amount of people in all places, high or low.


Kimiko really loved this life. She had her breakfast and started to clean the dishes when she heard a doorbell ring. Her mother said to her after looking at the clock.

“Oh! It’s already this late? Kimiko leave the remaining dishes to me and go to your school. And don’t forget to say ‘Good morning’ to him for me, will you?”

Her mother seemed to form a playful smirk at that as if already knowing who was at the front door. Kimiko sighed helplessly as she shook her head.

“For the last time, he is not my boyfriend! Honestly! Okaa-san! He is just the vice-president of the Student Council and just a childhood friend!” 

Only her mother could break her stoic expression sometimes with how much she fantasizes. Honestly, Kimiko thought that her mother should have been a novelist. But her mother didn’t seem to believe her at that comment. She replied as she was washing the dish plates.

“Oooookkkkkk, but he fulfills all the criteria in the romance manga for that post. A handsome childhood friend as well as the Vice-president of the council where YOU are the President of the council. Trying to break that stoic mask of the most prodigious girl in all of Japan. The forbidden love brewing in the student council! Kyaaaa!”

……sometimes her mother acted as someone who was even younger than her. Really it was all due to her skills that she was able to be a prodigy. She competed in kendo, archery, fencing as well as academic career only to become 1st in all of them, dubbing her to ‘The most prodigious girl of Japan’. Sometimes she wished she hadn’t shown her ability but back then she really couldn’t control her skills. Despite severely limiting her original skill, she seemed to bull-doze through her opponents….. She sighed.

“Haah…..I am going to school, Okaa-san”

“Well do go on. Don’t mind me.”

Kimiko opened the door to see a handsome young black haired boy. He had the face truly befitting of a ikeman who looked as if he had the moral compass of a hero. And true he had that strong sense of justice as well. He was smart (came 2nd place while she was 1st), enthusiastic, courageous as well as had that serious self to him. Just like the kind that would be summoned in another world. She felt a chill down her spine when she thought about that, as if she had just jinxed herself very badly. But he was her childhood friend as well. They had been friend since kindergarten.

“Good morning Kaichou-san”

“Good morning Ryuu.”

And his name was Ryuu, what are the odds! After all, Ryuu means dragon. She nodded as she walked ahead.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes Kaichou-san.”

He nodded calmly as he started walking alongside her to school.

At School

They reached Miyabi Gakuen High school in 15 minutes. It was one of the prestigious as well as well-facilitated school that was founded by top businessmen of the world as an experiment. The fees could even be afforded by middle class people and they promised results as well. They had the highest topper percentage as well as those who graduated were given job at prominent companies. Therefore, it was a school where excellence and ability, rather than money, was required to pass. Hundreds of hopeful Academics would try to pass the exam to join but only a handful would be selected. When they arrived at the school entrance, they were the talk of the surrounding students.

“Ahhh! Look it’s the council-president and vice-president.”

“I wish I was behind the president. I’d fulfill her every demands….”

Some of the boys were….unique in their thinking.

“I wish I was followed by Vice-president-sama.”

“They look so dreamy together….”

All the girls seemed be in ‘kya kya’ mode which was really getting ridiculous but Kimiko didn’t comment but instead walked towards their club room. The school buildings were built in the Neo-Renaissance style of a French château. It was mostly a castle by itself with various rooms where classes were conducted. It was built by businessmen in the honor of their budding friendship with the Japanese Government as well as a flair from their own country. She gazed at the castle themed school which had all the facilities.

‘The thoughts of these rich people truly eludes me even though I have millions of gold stored in my dimensional storage.’

Kimiko and Ryuu walked inside the school. There they kept their shoe inside the locker and put on the shoe provided by the school. Suffice to say there were many letters inside the locker. Letters of love, letters of undying loyalty even letters of threat were there. It had become a habit to store it in a separate pocket of their school bag. Then, they walked along the stairs; with her at the front and Ryuu just a step behind.

As they walked, they passed through some students who had their shirts untucked, were wearing piercings as well as had their hairs dyed in various color. The more apt description would be that they were ‘delinquents’. Sadly, for such a prestigious school, it still had its rotten side. Even so, as they were admitted to this school, it meant that they had some abilities. These kids were the sons of the board of directors and they treated the school as their background.

They even almost successfully harassed a female student if it were not for the fact that she and Ryuu came in time to stop them. Though it usually involved Ryuu beating the thugs those spoilt kids had hired while she usually performed aikido where she used their own momentum against them. If not, then a punch from her would reduce them to bloody pulps. They had saved the girl and Ryuu slapped those all punks so hard that she had heard that they were stayed in the bed for two days straight.

Usually, a villain should learn from his mistake and try to reform themselves if it were the manga but sadly these kids were all spoilt rotten. They have bone-deep hatred for both of them while the student council had the admiration of most of the school. Because of this reason they could not convince their ‘daddy-dearest’ to suspend them. Even after suspension they did not learn their lesson but had the audacity to transfer to their class to cause more trouble.

“If it isn’t the bitch and her guard-dog?”

One of those three students called out to them. Ryuu was not annoyed as it had become a common thing. They just ignored them and kept on walking. The students gave them all a wide berth as they had become accustomed to avoid their fight. The one who called them, Hiro, was annoyed.

“Oy! I am talking to you!”

Before Kimiko could respond, Ryuu beat her to it.


He acted as if he was surprised,

“I am not sorry that I didn’t notice you there. After all you don’t notice every bad trashes out there. Even if you did you’d avoid them as they smell very very terrible.”

Usually Ryuu was gentle. But after their assault on their female colleague, every sense of respect for them were thrown out of the window. One of the three boy, Kiba, snarled.

“Huh hotshot, you’d give us the attention if we screwed that bitch of yours!”

He had only said that much before he was grabbed by the collar and shoved his face to the wall while his hands were twisted back on hold. It seemed that Ryuu was enraged but he did not show it in his face. Instead, his face was cold as ice.

“I’d keep that dirty mouth of yours in the gutter where they belong. Otherwise, I’d be forced to shut them for two days straight like the last time.”

The boy gritted his teeth and spoke in defiance.

“Make me!”

But before Ryuu could punch him, his shoulder was grabbed by someone. He looked back to see that it was Kimiko. Her blue eyes stared at him before she shook her head.

“It’s not worth it, we still have certain duties to complete before we go to the class. Beside he wants you to punch him so you will be the offender, not him.”

Those delinquents seemed to sigh in disappointment as their plan was foiled. Ryuu then freed him before dusting off his clothes and joining Kimiko on her way to the Council room. Kimiko looked at her side at him.

“Thank you for standing up for me. “

He simply nodded at that. They got to the Council room. There were two tables; one big table where every post holders of the council like Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, Vice-president, etc worked while there was another table where the President worked. She retrieved her folders and kept the letters they had gotten from their locker inside the drawer which was almost full of them. It seemed the other members of the council had already arrived and left before them. After completing the necessary works both of them returned to their classes before the bell rang.

At the classroom

There was still some time left. All the students including those problem kids had arrived and were talking to their own little groups. They were the elite section A after all, even if the problem kids had transferred, it didn’t change their average grade. Like she said, problem child or not, only those with abilities passed the test. As usual Kimiko and Ryuu were the popular one. They were even placed right next to each other. Girls were all around them as few boys seemed to be close to Ryuu.

“Kaichou! What do you use to make your hair so soft and smooth?”

Kimiko replied with a small smile.

“Well I use XXX-brand before you wash your hair, leave them for 5 minutes and then use Xero-brand while cleaning your hair. It seems they complement each other so to get the best result you can use them. If you don’t have these brand then I recommend Heizen and Yakumo brand with each other.”

“Thank you kaichou! You are so knowledgeable!”

Well, she tried out every new thing she had missed during her time at Vesperia, so she did experiment quite a bit with the product and compare them. It honestly surprised her quite a bit when she acted like a little kid. She thought she had lost all those moments in that world. Another girl asked.

“Kaichou where can I buy those cute hair clip?”

“Oh these? You can buy them at Meizon.”

Tidbits of information were shared. Despite looking calm and cold with an aura that conveyed ‘don’t approach me’, Kimiko seemed to have information that helped the students in one way or another. She shared them without hesitation or holding back. Want to know where the food with cheap price is? Ask the President. Want to know favourite dating spot? Ask the President. Want to know where the shop is? Ask the President. That was also one of the reason why she was popular in the first place. She did not discriminate anyone but only those who were truly loathsome like those ‘delinquents’. While she was an advocate of Peace, she knew some were too rotten to be saved. Of those three delinquents, only one of them was truly rotten to the core. The last of the trio delinquent, Shin, seemed to sneer at them.

“Look at her, the calm Kaichou! I wonder if she will be able to be calm when I ‘do’ her in bed!”

This time not only Ryuu snarled as it was enough but also the entire group of people surrounding Kimiko was angered. A good friend of Ryuu, Ren, quickly grabbed onto Ryuu’s shoulder to calm him. Ryuu looked at him and Ren just pointed out to the whole room as several cries of rage could be heard. One of the boy, Hotaru, said.

“Dude, just what the flying fuck is your problem?”

Another girl, Sarada, added.

“Don’t badmouth the Kaichou. She is helpful and the most helpful you could be is to stop coming to the school at all.”

And another boy too added.

“You are not the only one with ‘Daddy-dearest’ you punk! I wonder how long that father of yours can bear to protect a retarded failure such as yourself.”

As the elite class, most of them too had prestigious background with real abilities. They too disdained people like the trio for simply existing because of how they flaunt their authority at the students. The truth of their deeds of harassment further deteriorated their standing. And to transfer to the elite side just too pester the hardworking people made them loathe the trio. Shin seemed to grow pale and then red in embarrassment as well as in rage. Really she hated his kind that seemed to corrupt the others.


Just then a familiar feeling rose inside of Kimiko. A feeling both foreign and familiar to her. A feeling where a huge spatial transportation was evoked. She looked at the ground only to see it suddenly shining with complex runic arrays that used [Divine Language] as its base. Before when she was first summoned she didn’t know what it was. Now looking closely, there was a whole circle full of complex structure. It was grander than any Space magic used by her late friend the Grand Magic King. But she was sure that he could make something similar if not grander if he was given the time.

But now was not the time to dwell. Just 0.47 seconds had passed since the Summoning Magic was evoked. Last time it took only 1 second to do so. She had plenty of- WHAT!?

The summoning took only half a second before she was whisked away and the feeling of vertigo hit her in the stomach. She panicked.


She was aghast and thinking of being a pawn for the Gods made her want to puke! No she will not let this happen! She will not be a pawn anymore! She was just given the chance of being free. If she even was to go, then she wanted herself to be not in the place where there were the eyes of Gods looming on her.


She thought, forming hundreds of different ideas on her mind using the passive skill, [Parallel Thought Processing].

‘There has to be something I can use!’

Then she heard a familiar voice as her eyes widened.

[Soul Equipment detected! Equip? Y/N]

Kimiko smiled at the familiar warmth in her soul. She did not say but she was glad at the familiar piece of equipment.

“Equip ‘Ultimate Sword Regalia: Ea, the Sword of Providence’”

She then made a grabbing motion with her left hand and as she made the motion of grabbing something, a hilt appeared and then the rest of the sword appeared from a hole in reality. A black hilt with cylindrical grey pommel that had inscription written in unknown language. Grey colored cross-guard with an unknown blue jewel was embedded on it. It had a long blade which was almost 5 ft long with a pointed tip. It too had inscription written at the center of the blade in an unknown language like the pommel. Altogether it was 6 ft long blade. It was overwhelming yet simple. No extravagant design on it but it had pure oppressive power. It was forged by her using her soul along with the help from her friends. It was the blade that spent the most time with her and grew alongside her. Such were the properties of Soul equipment. It always stayed inside her soul if she was not using it though while naming it she thought of legends of her home world. She too gave name to other Soul equipment of her friends.

Now that she had her weapon she hacked into the circle. She was already in the world of Vesperia as she could feel the abundance of Mana in the world. As she hacked the part at the edge where she was staying, she broke off from the rest of the students. She then used [Mana Concealment Ultra ++ skill lvl 9] to conceal her overflowing mana as well as [Hide Divine Detection ++ skill lvl 9] to their max. As the vertigo finished she stepped out from wherever she was standing.

First the sunrays hit her eyes as the world was blurry. It was greenish but as her eye focused a bit, the surrounding area became clear. She found herself to be in a forest. She could hear the chirping of birds as well as the rustling of the evergreen forest. She knew she was in the forest of Alant, near to a small settlement during her time. However, what it is called now, she did not know. She watched her clothes and thinking them to be conspicuous she changed them by a useful Active Skill [Auto Dress Change].

Now that she had her dimensional storage, she selected a normal white shirt and black pant and it got instantly put on by the skill. However, her chest area did feel tight for some reason. Then she took out the small leather armor and vambraces and put them on. Despite being low level equipment she had enchanted to the max making them even stronger than normal steel armor.


She heard a scream not far from where she was. She looked at the direction of the scream and muttered.

“Active skill [Farsight]”

Her range of view instantly located a young girl wearing a robe with a basket being attacked by a large brown horned bear 200m to her left. She dashed, leaving an after-image and reached to the bear in one second. She wasn’t even trying. As the bear raised his paw in order to kill the village girl, the village girl flinched and closed her eyes for the inevitable end. Kimiko narrowed her eyes as she took out a simple sword from her [Storage Box] which was different from [Dimensional Box].



When nothing happened to the girl she slowly opened eyes only to see that the bear had crashed down. At the back of its head a sword was seen to have impaled it. Then a calm vice rang out in the silent forest.

“Are you ok?”

Edited: 13 Nov 2020. Improved grammar, corrected Adventure Rank, all done by the Author because in need of a proof reader

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