A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 183

Chapter 180 Gambling With Memory

“Hehehe, Tianya-kun is joking, I just want to invite you in to have a rest, and let me as the boss do the landlord’s friendship!!” Lebbeyala had to bow her head.

“Oh, that’s fine.” Tianya nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “You bring them in first! I’ll sign their autographs here! In addition, all those chips are replaced by ingredients for me, and each ingredient cannot be lower than five tons.

“Okay.” Although it was 150 trillion yuan, Lebbeyala felt a little blood in her heart, but she had to face Tianya with a smile and told her good men to take Tianya, while she was with the Four Heavenly Kings and Komatsu. Go to the VIP room.

“Come, come, take your time.” Tianya started his first autograph as a celebrity.

“Mr. Tianya, how many ingredients do you need? There is another one, do you have any requirements for the ingredients you need to exchange, and you need to wait for a while, because the casino does not have much ready-made inventory of ingredients, so it needs to be transported at the port terminal Come here, please forgive me!!” The owner of the house respects Tianya so much, how dare they offend Tianya when they are small.

“Well, time can wait, anyway, it will take a long time for your boss and Toriko and the others to decide the winner.” Tianya but it doesn’t matter: “As for the type, there is no requirement, as long as it is not poisonous, 533 of course you have to I don’t mind if you send me some poisonous ingredients that are not yet in circulation on the market. In addition, it doesn’t matter how many types, as long as the amount is large, and Coco just gave me all three of them and replaced them with ingredients. The few of us are probably Three hundred trillion yuan, no cash is accepted.

“The quantity and variety are not limited to you. You can also come with more advanced ingredients, but there is a requirement that the ingredients below level 70 cannot be less than half, and the advanced ingredients can make up for your price and quantity?” Tianya continued: “That’s it. .”

“Okay, okay!!!” The person in charge directly blew his forehead, and was almost not scared to death by Tianya’s request. Fortunately, Tianya’s last words saved him. After all, if he could make up for it with medium and low-level ingredients, he could still meet three hundred dollars today. After all, this is a black market with a daily throughput of one trillion yuan, and the gourmet casino stores more than one hundred trillion ingredients, of course, most of them are high-end ingredients.

“Mr. Tianya!!” Tianya followed the person in charge into the VIP room, saw the four heavenly kings sitting together, and Komatsu saw Tianya come in. Immediately greeted happily.

“Waiting for me?” Tianya smiled, and then the person in charge led Tianya to the seat on the side, and the table (ciej) was filled with ingredients, fruits and drinks.

“Ah, why is there such a big difference!” Toriko saw this was not equal.

Lebbeyala looked at the Toriko people in front of him and asked, “Then let’s play a gamble with food memory as a bet!”

“Betting on memory?!” Coco asked in surprise, “Is it?”

“That’s right, it’s what you think!” Lebbeyala said: “I remember you came here once a few months ago, it should be for the news of a certain ingredient?!!”

Coco was a little surprised, but he recovered immediately, nodded and admitted: “It’s surprising to know that I’ve been here before. And also know the purpose of my coming here? Acacia’s life menu ingredients and beverages news.

“Oh wow, is it really a surprising ingredient?!!” Lebbeyala was also stunned, not to mention Toriko and the others, only Chen Xing thoughtfully thought of the one that was sprayed into space and then slowly Slow down and remove the toxins in it, it’s Acacia’s drink dish.

“However, I can tell you that I do have news about this ingredient here.” Lebbeyala said with a smile. Then he looked at Tianya out of the corner of his eye, and saw that he had no interest at all, I don’t know why I was a little disappointed, but then I thought of the food calendar of the Four Heavenly Kings and Komatsu, what a wonderful thing!

When they heard Lebbeyala’s words, everyone present looked at him in surprise, and at the same time, they saw Tianya’s disgusting look, and continued to eat the food in front of him. But it was observed by Lebbeyala and the Four Heavenly Kings. And the reason why Tianya doesn’t care is because Tianya knows what atom is all about, and the Blue Nitros themselves told Tianya what the prototype of Acacia’s life menu ingredients is, so Tianya is just seeing if he has time to go to the food industry Catch the ingredients, instead of having no news at all like the Four Heavenly Kings.

But it’s not right to say that Tianya is not interested, but Tianya is not interested in this memory, but the source of this memory, how did the person who put the memory here know the information of the atom? To know where the atom is The Third Continent, the location of the Bird King Emperor Crow, is also the bird Tianya met last time. However, to go to the Third Continent, the common path for ordinary people is to go through the Santu Road, avoid the tens of thousands of ingredients ranging from hundreds to thousands of levels on the Santu Road, and then enter the Third Continent.

And to be able to pass the dangerous place of Santulu and enter the food industry, that person’s strength is definitely not low, so the problem comes, Tianya looked at Lebu Beyala in confusion, he is only ninety, and his level is not equal. Is it not high? How to beat that person? Could it be that person is prone to gambling and used his food history as a mortgage?

“Huh?” Tianya’s expression fell in the eyes of the Four Heavenly Kings and Lebu Beyala, but they didn’t say anything, but thought to see if they could ask something in the future.

“Then why are you here today?” Lebbeyala said.

“Wow, that’s disgusting!!” Seeing Lebbeyala’s expression, Sunny vomited directly in front of others as if he had eaten shit.

“…” Lebbeyala wanted to ask Sunny, are you so polite?

“Mr. Sunny is still like this.” Komatsu was helpless when he saw Sunny like this.

“Meteorite Garlic!” Toriko said the goal of the day very directly.

“Oh, so it is.” Lebbeyala looked like he had eaten shit, because he thought that because of one ingredient, his gourmet casino would lose hundreds of trillions of dollars, and just after his subordinates reported it through the radio headset, Tianya said it directly As long as the ingredients, this will undoubtedly have a great impact on his gourmet casino and black market.

“I can also tell you that I do have the memory of Meteorite Garlic here.”

“Oh?!!” Coco, Toriko, and Komatsu were happy, but Zebra wasn’t interested.

“I quit, this person is too disgusting.” Before the three of them said anything, Sunny said directly and walked over to Tianya and sat down.

“What about you? It was not someone else who spoke, but Tianya, Tianya looked at Zebra and said.

“It doesn’t matter!” Zebra doesn’t care about this kind of thing at all, anyway, today’s task has been completed, so it doesn’t matter if he participates or not, not to mention he is very confident in his own strength, Lebbeyala is not difficult for him entangled opponent.

“Okay, then you guys can go!” Tianya has nothing to worry about. The strength of the Four Heavenly Kings and Komatsu has become stronger under his intervention. Although he has not learned to eat righteousness, he can also use more Strong powers, especially Sunny and Toriko.

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