A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 147

Chapter 143: Alchemy

“Okay, everything is ready.” Tianya took out a ginseng that had just been dug up, without any movement, the mind power controlled the blood ginseng to stay in the air. A group of purple flames rose in front of Tianya, and then continued to burn the blood ginseng.

“Cuckoo” As Tianya’s flames continued to increase and burn, blood ginseng began to be refined. This was the alchemy technique that Tianya learned in the Nine Revolutions Inextinguishable Technique, and of course there were also refining tools. The blood ginseng began to melt under the calcination of the purple flame, and some black impurities were calcined, and the solid blood ginseng slowly melted into a liquid.

“Well, next is deer antler, deer blood and antlers.” Tianya was very satisfied with the liquid in front of him. Although it was the first time refining, he controlled the flame very skillfully. blood ginseng.

“Blood-replenishing pills need to use blood ginseng of more than 10,000 years, bone marrow and blood essence of spirit beast level. Tianya recalled some of the pills recorded in the alchemy formula of the nine-turn indestructible formula. So far Tianya has not been able to refine them. After all, Tianya’s current strength is only at the level of immortals. It is still possible to refine elixir, but not for more advanced elixir.

“I didn’t expect that refining a pot of elixir would cost me so much energy and mental power.” It took nearly a year, and it was also because the time flow rate in Tianya’s enchantment was 100 million times that of the outside world, which made Tianya here. It has been nearly a year, but the outside world is only less than a second.

“Buzzing” because there is no alchemy law here, so even if Tianya trains an elixir, it will not be baptized by the heavenly tribulation. That is, without the baptism of heavenly tribulation, the elixir will still contain some impurities of the mortal class, which Tianya cannot eliminate for the time being, but Tianya itself is a combination of immortals and mortals, although the level of the body has reached the first level of the immortal, but the body is not only the body Contains mortal impurities, that is, food energy is also full of low-level energy.

Twelve medicinal pills were refined in one pot of medicinal herbs, mainly because there were too many impurities removed, and the compression was too severe. These two reasons were the main reasons. Then there are still some losses, so in the end, even if Tianya used more than ten tons of materials, only twelve quail eggs were produced in the refining of blood pills.

“Gu~||Lu” Tianya picked up one of the blood supplement pills and threw it directly into his mouth.

“Ah… The blood-boosting pill directly turned into a liquid when it entered the mouth, and Tianya swallowed it in a flash, and it didn’t feel like it.

‘Boom’ After Tianya’s body took the medicine pill, a warm current in his stomach flowed directly to the lower dantian. But in just a moment, the warm current went directly to the middle dantian, directly into the Tanzhong point, and In less than a minute, the warm current rushed to Dantian again.

“Oops!!!” Feeling the changes in the body, Tianya felt a little bad, the lower dantian dominated the essence, the middle dantian dominated the qi, and the upper dantian dominated the spirit. The main purpose of nourishing blood pill is to replenish qi and blood. Tianya’s purpose is to strengthen the body by increasing qi and blood, so that the excess overflowing qi and blood can be used to practice the nine-turn immortality art. But now there is a situation. This qi and blood contains pure essence. If this blood nourishing pill flows to the upper Dantian, the consequences will be very serious. Although it will not be abolished, one’s own strength may be zero for a period of time. And in the future, he can only rely on the repairing ability of gourmet cells to repair the damaged brain and mental power.

“No way” Tianya used his mental power and food energy to suppress the qi and blood to keep them from rushing up, but the qi and blood were too huge, Tianya was already sweating on his forehead, but he was still forced back a little bit, and the army of qi and blood directly Stealing Tianya’s food energy and spiritual power.

“The Dao is Dao, it is very Dao. The name is famous, very famous…” Suddenly Tianya recalled the Tao Te Ching he had learned in his previous life, and at this time it appeared directly in his brain.

“The Dao is natural, the Dao is natural?” Tianya heard the scriptures of the Tao Te Ching, and immediately thought of something, and immediately gave up resistance. Let go of all the mind, and then indulge in the essentials of the nine-turn inextinguishable art.

“Boom boom boom” As Tianya gave up resisting Qi and blood into the upper dantian of the brain, Tianya could clearly feel the army of Qi and blood rushing into Tianya’s body, Tianya’s body began to emit colorful rays of light, and the power of the law erupted in Tianya’s body, enlightenment The phantoms of tea and the fairy dragon also appeared behind Tianya at this time.

“Buzzing” Tianya’s body began to change, energy bars appeared on Tianya’s body, and immediately smashed all the clothes outside Tianya’s body. Fortunately, it was inside the enchantment, otherwise it would be fine if someone discovered it.

Immediately afterwards, the qi and blood in Tianya’s body entrenched in the upper dantian, and then began to change from blood red to clear and transparent under the transformation of the Nine Revolutions Inextinguishable Art, and then transformed into a stream of liquid containing a trace of colorful streamers.

The liquid is constantly circulating in the dantian on Tianya, although it does not flow out of the dantian, it just keeps spinning inside. Tianya’s upper dantian began to expand continuously when the liquid was rotating, and the volume expanded round after round.

“Ah…” As the dantian expanded, Tianya was enduring tremendous pain every second, as terrifying as someone was holding a drill to drill a hole in his head.

“Cuckoo” When Tianya’s dantian stopped expanding, Tianya’s pain immediately stopped, and then all the liquid began to flow toward the center of the upper dantian under unknown traction. Under the influence of a huge gravitational force, the liquid began to turn into a huge sphere.


The “porphyrin” ball seemed to have life. After Tianya’s Dantian gathered, it began to shrink and expand regularly. It is beating every time, as if something is breathing, and if you look closely, you will find a phantom in the center of the liquid sphere, but you can’t see what it is, or someone looking for it.

“Huhuhu” With the changes in Tianya’s body, Tian (Manuo Zhao) Ya’s body is also changing, I saw that Tianya’s body began to keep coming out of black things, if Tianya saw it, he would definitely say that it was in the body of impurities. And these black impurities poured out with the pores in Tianya’s body, and there were traces of blood in it. Tianya’s body seemed to be stimulated, and all the muscles began to tighten and contract. At this time, Tianya was also miserable because he felt the changes in his body. At this time, his body is undergoing transformation, which is the transformation of the Nine Revolutions Inextinguishable Art.

“Ding, found the host in crisis, start the repair mode!!!

“Ding, patch mode failed, patch mode failed!!!

“Ding, the host lacks energy, Ding, the host lacks energy!!! Turn off the star shell to accelerate time!!! All energy is given priority to replenish the host.” As Tianya is constantly removing impurities, Tianya’s body needs too much energy, and has already put The food in his body was exhausted.


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