A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 7: The Doctor Is In


Dressed and refreshed, I try to go inside but easy elf gets in my way.  Oh, yeah, the “guards.”  The toasters call out the priestesses who soon come out through the tent’s door flap thing.

From the looks shared it seems one of the clericettes knows miss complains-a-lot but she says nothing.  Like, no shit.  What would you say?

Hi bestie!  Heard you were gangbanged by demons and are now a slave to a monster from another world.  Yeah, so sad.  Look, I just got my nails done!

What a joke.  The holy handmaidens beat feet but I don't care.  Just want to sleep.

“What the fuck?!”

Any desire for sleep disappears like a fart in a tornado as soon as I see the three on the cots.  Forgot my eyes were still juiced from scanning the camp so I see right through their clothes and deep into their bodies.

“Butchers!  Kindergartners with scalpels!  Do they have any idea what they are doing?!”

Hear the toasters outside about jump out of their cans but they don’t even try to come inside.  Smart frying pans.  Would probably rip their heads off and tea bag their corpses for treating the brothel bunch like this.

Each girl's privates?  Are a fucking mess.  There is even demon seed left in all three.  I'm watching it pollute their bodies in realtime.  Its the freakiest fucking thing to see.

Like a sewer pipe flooding a once clean pond with sewage.  Their entire bodies are getting more and more tainted.  Fouled.

Each is pregnant and the eggs are mutating before my eyes.  Not sure what they would give birth to but it certainly won’t be human.

Fucking gross.

Had been too tired to ogle the girls during my “bath.”  So I focus on them now since they had been “treated” first.

God Dammit.  Same shit as the other three and I bet it's painful as fuck with all that scarring.  Hurting that much but still washing my nasty ass?

Okay, really starting to get pissed here.

Dreams of sleep vanish.  Yeah, hate these bitches but is this really it?  So what if they deserved it for fucking with my life.  Somebody should give a shit about them.  Huh?  What’s in those cups?

Look at easy elf while pointing at the new things.

“You, what is that?”

Next to each cot there is now a cup that wasn't there before.  Filled with a milky drink that doesn't smell like any dairy product I know to my [Super Senses] nose.

She hangs her head.  Refusing to meet my eyes.

“Master.  Once a woman has been cursed, the church is merciful and offers a painless release.  It is our choice.  Enter the temple and serve the goddess?  Or end our suffering and humiliation.  Quickly.  Painlessly.”

“These primitive fucks!  [Embrace of Hygieia]”

The milky fluid in all six cups turns clear, it's only water now.  The poison is gone but I'm not done yet.

More mana.

Next the water evaporates.

More mana.

Clay cups begin paling as every impurity is purged.

More mana.

Finally they crumble and disintegrate until not even dust remains.

Guessing [Embrace of Hygieia] is not supposed to be used to disintegrate things but fuck it.  Dare anyone to argue with me right now.


The girls on the cots don't move.  Don't even breathe.  Look completely terrified.  Maybe disintegrating shit isn’t common in these parts?

Turn around to see the other three kowtowing.  Heads rubbing into the grass and dirt while they tremble.  Elfy is begging again.

“Please master!  We would never seek to offend you.  In our ignorance we have sinned.  Please forgive us!”

Fuck, didn’t mean to scare them…  What the fuck am I saying?  Spent hours slicing the elf up.  Of course I’m a monster to them.

Sigh…  Fuck it.  Someone’s got to do something about this.

“Looks like it's still going to be a while before I can rest.”  Point first at pointy ears and then at an empty cot.  “You, lay down there.”

She wisely chooses not to ignore me this time and obediently lies down.

Time to really show off the first cheat power I stole, er, was granted from angel tits.

[Recovery Magic].

Figured I wasn’t being summoned because the isekai resort was short a canasta player.  So I had better be able to take care of any injury or illness I might get.  On my own.

So blondie stuffed a “grimoire” into my brain.  Full of spells for everything from paper cuts to amputation. Common cold to the black death.  With casting instructions and options for each.

Magic circles, runes, chants, and even how to just visualize the spell.  All in there.

Its a really big fucking book.

But, it's also a mess.  Table of contents?  Nope.  Glossary?  Nada.  Index?  Ha!  You wish.

Even the spells themselves seem fubar.


Well, while interrogating the tolkien tramp, she told me that “magic” in this world is broken up into six “schools.”  The four classic elements plus two.  Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Light, and Dark.  Each school has their own version of healing “spells” but there is no healing “school.”

And when I took a closer look at my [Recovery Magic]?  Found my spells seem to be mashed together combinations of schools.

One I can use on a broken bone?  It's a three ring combining the Earth, Fire, Water, and Light schools.  Each ring having multiple schools stitched together in some frankensteinian nightmare.

And the more complex it is?  The harder it is to cast and the more mana it “eats.”

Also, these names.  What the hell.  Think I recognize some from myths but the rest?  Was it too hard to just use “heal?”

And my grimoire is more dictionary than encyclopedia.  The definitions are there, but the explanation and exploration of those definitions isn't.

Not very safe because while I know a spell's “effects?”  I don't know its “side effects.”  Which work well together and which don't.  Like having the cheat sheet but missing the manual.

Sure I can heal that paper cut.  But what if I also heal baldness? … Yes, there is a spell for that too.  No, I was not looking for it.  Stumbled across it after randomly turning pages, for an hour.  Of course I’ve never suffered the soul wrenching pain of hair loss.  I was just thinking hypothetically.  Stop interrogating me!


What I mean is that I don’t know how different spells will interact.  Maybe the side effect will be elbow pain?  Flammable farts.  Your lung collapsing.  Heart ripping out of your chest!  Blood spurting out your eyeballs!  Spurt spurt… spurt.

Or nothing will happen.  They don’t interact.  And I’m just going insane due to stress and fatigue.  Hehe, I am monologuing to an imaginary audience after all.

Still have good man control, I think, and a huge reservoir so as long as I'm careful?  Gotta be able to do a lot more than those priestess pricks.

I hope.


Oops.  Elfy noticed I’m thinking to myself a lot more than a sane person should.  Probably more than an insane person should either but…

*smile*  *thumbs up*

Better speak confidently.

“It will be okay whatever your name is.  I’m just pondering a little before I start.”

Okay…  Focus…  You can do it!

“Start what, master?”

No time for questions now, easy elf.  Gotta mojo!

Use cheat two [Super Senses], and vary the amount of mana flowing into my eyes.  Can now see “through” slut princess.  Peel the layers off and on until I get a complete view of the damage.

Look mom, I'm a Cat-Scan!

“[Vision of Isis]”

Shows me what her insides used to look like.

“[Hygieia's Gaze]”

Focus the area of effect.  Start killing the demon seed like I've got a freaking laser beam attached to my head.  Cast it over and over again.  Mercilessly purging them and their filthy pollution.

“M-master?  I feel s-so strange.  And th-the words for y-your spells.  How many la-languages are you, nnng, using?”

Heard the priest chicks using something called [Purify] while I was outside but guess it doesn't work so well?  Maybe they can't see inside the patient so can't aim it?

Despite my phenomenal cosmic powers?  My brain is an itty bitty living space.  Don't know what I don't know.

“[Gift of Hepius]” [Chiron's Fingers]

After confirming the demon seed, including the mutating egg, is gone.  It's time to get serious.  Dual cast.  Chant one.  Visualize the other.  Ow.  Headache starts.  Can feel the mana drain.

My hands reach through her skin and “into” her waist.  Start literally molding her organs and flesh back into shape while healing the trauma.  Massaging away the scars those priestesses caused and reopening the circulation they clumsily cut off.

"Nnng… O-oh… M-master… Sto-p…”  Eh?  I turn to look at Avi's face and see she's…  Panting?  Blushing?

Oh god.

I'm such an idiot.

Rubbing “everything” down there, and letting fluids rush back into everywhere?  Probably feels amazing.  Like attaching a rotor to her g-spot.  Better be careful the next time I fap.  With these magic, not jazz, hands?  My dick might explode.


Sorry easy elf, got more to do.  You're just gonna have to bear it.

She fires off a few more orgasms, passes out a couple of times, pees several times, poops a bit, and completely soaks her clothes and the cot.

Think we’re gonna need another bath.

“[Caress of Dharti]”

Everything's engorged now.  Have to get the swelling down to see if everything looks right.

Good, her garden is back to looking like Poland before the Blitzkrieg.  Hmm...  You know?  It may actually look better.  Huh.  Wonder if this world has plastic surgeons?

I recall a vet isekai story.  Is there a plastic surgeon isekai?  That could be a new career for me.  Chicks only of course.  Should I sign my work?


Her ovaries.  All the eggs are…  Even the tubes…  Elfy…  I'm so sorry.

No, dammit.  There's got to be something in here somewhere.  Crap.  Of course there's no spell.  I'm a dude.  I don't have eggs or ovaries?  So I wouldn't need a spell to restore them.

Able to find spells for everything else.  Wait, here’s something.  Impregnation?  Damn.  No, just jump starts ovulation and supercharges my semen.  Christ, there’s even one for erectile dysfunction, but nothing to make new eggs.


Don't know enough about magic to make a spell either.  And there may be other things I'm missing too.  Will a placenta even develop?

Need to learn more about magic and mana.  Understand things.  Once I have that?  Maybe she can have kids again.

Okay.  Uh.  Not sure how to feel about this.


Quickly cooling things “down there” triggers her biggest one yet.  Her whole body flexes upward.  Looks like a bridge.  Every muscle, clenched, rippling.  And…  She's out for the count!

Elfy’s body collapses onto the cot.  Yep, she’s unconscious.  And peeing again.


“[Airmed's Hands]”

Now to handle the rest of her body.  So much bruising and tearing.  Even the breasts are ruptured.  And where…  I was stabbing her.

Why am I feeling bad?  Bitch deserved it.  Did she?  Dammit!  I'm too tired for ethical dilemmas right now.

“[Embrace of Hygieia]”

For, uh, “Avi” and the cot to clean and disinfect.

“[Kiss of Grannus]”

Soothe her emotions.  Suppress anxiety and fear.  Encourage confidence and hope.  It's all going to be okay.  Chicken soup for her soul.

You know, cleaned, healed, even with the scars?  You can see how hot she-  Stop thinking that!

Wow, how long did that take?  An hour?  More?  Wipe the sweat off my face with my sleeve, which is probably dirtier, and turn around.

Uh… Hi?

All five of the other girls are staring at me.  Hard.  Even the two catatonic ones are aware again with their eyes locked on to my every move.


“Uh... Next?”

And that's how the next few hours go.  Lots of spells used and massive amounts of mana burned.  Try different things but always end up sterilizing them.

Some were moaners like easy elf.  Some were screamers.  No criers though.  However they handle getting off?  All of them end up like, uh, Avi.  Passed the fuck out.

If I wasn't considered scum by the knights before?  After hearing this?  Bet I am now.  Must think I'm a molester and a rapist.  Sigh.  Well, fuck 'em.

Save the catgirl for last in case her anatomy is different enough to cause issues.

It isn’t.

Finally, barely, stumble, to my own cot.  Really don’t want to end up sleeping on the floor.

Used so much mana and I'm, well, kind of depressed that I wasn't enough to fix everything.  Must admit though, it felt pretty good to heal them.

These girls are going to need, like, superhero level therapists to deal with all that mental trauma.

Finally, sleep.  “I need to understand my magic.”  So dizzy.  “Learn magic… create spell… so they…”  Am I speaking coherently?  “Can have babies… ha… shitty… world.”

Is the last I manage before the darkness finally claims me and my eyes close-


When did Avi wake up?  Why is she looking at me?  Did she hear me?



Did I say that?

Angelles, Avalina Faphyri (female, elf-human, tourinese)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon
  • "You"

Lucretia, Viridia (female, human, aquecian)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon

Mudarmour, Darabym (female, dwarf, thuriborn)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon

Olete (female, human, turinese)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon

Seylia (female, beastkin, barbarian)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon

Trarendore, Chyal Elir Siora (female, elf, granyan)

  • Lifted Curse
    • Demon

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