A Fathers Wrath

Chapter 4: Story Time


*slich* *kulk*

“Pl-please… let… m-me… die…”

Honestly? Can't say how long this has gone on. Couple of hours? Maybe more? The brothel bunch watching in numb horror the entire time. Eyes glued to the gruesome show.

Elfy’s now laying on some rubble a few feet in front of them with me on the other side. Interrogating her with my handy assistant, Mister Knife.

“Let you die?” Lean over and whisper while getting a strong grip on her hair. “Oh no, hehe, not yet.”

Been alive long enough to know that the only true justice in this world? Is what you collect yourself. Well, I guess, that world now.

You tried to take my son. You did take me. What’s going to happen to my family now? Who’s going to protect them? Who’s going to support them? Without my income, how are the bills going to be paid? The car payments? The mortgage?

What will my wife do? Find another man? What if he’s scum? What if he’s a pedophile and…


*pant* *wheeze*

Look down and lock eyes with the pointy eared bitch again.

“Oh no, we are not done. All you fucks need to hurt. To break. To pay for what you’ve done.” Wave the knife around. “And what better place to take care of sins than a church!” A little unhinged giggle “Now, where were we…”

Question. Stab. Answer. Question. Answer. Slice. Heal. Question. Cut. Stab. Answer. Slice.

Repeat earlier questions with different wording to see how much the answers change. Also to make sure this translating stuff is working right.

At least I think I’m repeating questions and rewording them. It's not like I have a notepad to write on. Memory still seems kind of fuzzy at times. Like deja vu instead of remembering.

Feels really fucking weird.

Well, this is not my body so it's hardly surprising if there are, uh, glitches. My “software,” me, has never run on this “hardware” before. Am I still under warranty? Is there a support number to call?

Hello? Yes, my balls have turned green and restarting myself didn’t fix it. No, I didn’t wait five minutes. No, I’m not interested in giving my testicles a faster connection. Wife says I already “download” too quickly.

Yes, I’ll hold, Bob. Ha! Like that’s your real name with that accent.

Outside? Well the storm has finally passed and from the orange-ish colors coming through the holes in the roof, walls, and windows. Probably a gorgeous sunset outside.

But I'm inside, on this filthy slimy floor. Surrounded by ruin and death. Stewing in a stench I never wanted to smell again. With a kidnapper. A child stealer. Scum. Whore who targeted my son.

Going to take him away from everyone who loved him. And now I may never see him again. Hear his laugh. Roll my eyes at him stalling before chores. Yell for the fiftieth time to get his lazy ass out of bed and get ready for school.

May never see any of my family again. Watch my wife’s terrible shows. Tell the kids to get off their phones. Hear about their latest favorite games. Pester them about their grades.

All because of this bitch.

But? Is this okay? Hurting her? Torturing her?

Am I… a monster? No. I'm a father. One who will do whatever it takes to protect his family. This thing… is a criminal. She deserves no mercy. Can't give her mercy. Can’t afford mercy. Don't know anything about this world. Have to learn. Knowledge is power.


Shit! Cut myself. Dammit. Gripped the knife a bit too tight there. Ow. Blade ain’t exactly clean either. Do I need a tetanus shot? Hehe. That’d be rich. Survive demons just to get lockjaw.

Stop it. Come on, focus. Okay, recap, review.

Planet’s name is “Ipra.” There are several continents. This one is “Iagreth.” Northwestern part. Territory is the “Kingdom of Tourin” and place is “Saint Sanriel Cathedral.” Though from what I've seen it really should translate as “monastery.”

Yeah, a fucking kingdom. Got the whole feudal thing going on here.

Isekai world has “gods,” plural, who mostly communicate with their worshippers through “visions.” Though only a select few ever get one.

The “patron” deity of this kingdom is Metia. Others are also worshiped to one degree or another but she is the local favorite. A goddess of wisdom and war. So, like Athena maybe?

There are multiple “humanoid” races. Typical fantasy staples. Elves, dwarves, halflings, etc… There are also “monsters.”

Magic exists and is used through “spells” fueled by “mana.” Spells are categorized by the “school” they belong to and their complexity. Basic way of measuring is the “magic circle.”

The more “rings” its magic circle has? More complex and powerful the spell is. Also the harder it is to cast and the more fuel it needs.

In “modern” times the usual number of rings is one to five. Though a few exceptions exist.

In “ancient” times spells with a lot more rings existed. The rediscovered ritual used to kidnap me? Fifteen rings. And that was just the main one. Dozens of other circles were interconnected with it in an “array.”

That “magic nitro” I was feeling? Mana. There is a bunch of other stuff like your “astral form,” but that's over my head for now.

Okay, back to the situation.

Saint Sanriel Cathedral is in the northeastern “B.F.E.” part of the kingdom. Tourin is at war with the “Dominion of Drasritor” to the east. Tourin is mostly human.

Drasritor is mostly the classic “smart” monsters. Demons, goblins, orcs, etc... The “rapey” races. These two countries have been fighting off and on for like ever. Latest war started a few months ago and this time Tourin is losing. Badly.

Drasritor has several other hostile neighbors too.

Its biggest enemy is the “Empire of Aquecia” to the south. Another human dominated nation. Though apparently more “racist” than Tourin.

Aquecia regularly launches “crusades,” on Drasritor. Last one managed to kill Drasritor's “Demon King.”

His replacement united much of the nation around punishing Aquecia. Starting a brutal conflict that has lasted for years and seen a third of the southern state fall to demons.

Desperate, digging through myths and legends, Aquecia rediscovered and performed a hero summoning ritual. Four heroes came from another world and stopped Drasritor's advance. Even began pushing them back.

From elfy’s description I'm guessing these kids are the typical “isekai” japanese high schoolers. Better not assume they'll be friendly.

At the same time, Drasritor invades Tourin. Why? Easy elf doesn't know. Though fighting a war on two fronts seems pretty stupid to me.

Tourin appeals to the “heroes” for help, but they refuse. And after just a few months, a quarter of Tourin has fallen.

Believing their only chance was to get a hero of their own. Tourin steals the ritual and tries it themselves. However, they are nowhere near as big and rich as their southern neighbor.

The most the kingdom could afford was the “cheapest” version of it. Where just one “spirit” is brought over instead of multiple bodies.

Even then, elfy and friends got stuck at a critical stage that required large amounts of magical power. All the priests run dry. The rest tried to help but ran dry too.

And that’s when Drasritor attacked. With their magic users running on empty, the defenders were overwhelmed. Demons sacrifice and defile the survivors, using it somehow to complete the ritual.

Ha. Should I be thanking the demons? Is that why I was taken instead of waking up to a missing son?

Well summoning me cost this kingdom dearly. Besides the rare and expensive materials used? Pointy ears says many of the kingdom's finest were here.

In fact, the king's treasury is now empty and it's lost elites that will take years to replace. Probably decades.

Without me? Tourin is fucked. Creepily enough, even the body I'm in was a big sacrifice. Finest paladin candidate the church's orphanage schools had produced in generations. Sacrificed to provide a “vessel” for the summoned soul.

And not only is this body in amazing shape? It's also a hell of a lot younger than mine. Doesn’t have a single blemish on it either. No moles, no pimples, not even a skin tag.

But holy shit do I got muscles. Hell, my muscles got muscles.

Shame it doesn’t have as much hair as my real body though. Really going to miss my beard. And my fabulous fabio hairdo. Yep, totally wasn’t balding.

Don’t listen to my barber. She lies!

Oh, and elfy? She’s one of Metia’s priestesses. The one in charge of this fiasco even. Called an “oracle.” Gets visions from the goddess and shit. Oh, easy elf’s conscious again. What’s with that fearful look?

“W-why… Do you hate m-me?” she blubbers.

Another tidbit. This bitch is the key player in my nightmare. Was the one who determined the target after “dreaming” of my son. We had a stalker and didn't know it. A peeping tammy from another world.

Grip her chin tightly enough to bring new tears to her eyes and fresh blood out of her mouth.

“Why? You have the gall to ask me that?” Huh. “That hero you're looking for?” Let the other shoe drop. “He's my son.” She goes completely pale. “You tried to take my son. Would I have ever known what happened? Would I spend the rest of my life blaming myself?” Bitch. Must. Pay. “He would just be… gone. All because some whore on another planet wanted a child soldier, for her WAR!

Spit on her face a bit while roaring at her.


Easy elf's eyes are as big as dinner plates and her mouth is moving, but no sound comes out. Can almost see her brain short circuiting. Someone else though is feeling chatty.


Could sense the succubus wake up a while ago but she’s been playing possum. Laying still against another pile of rubble. Pretty beat up with blood still seeping out of one horn. But her smile? Ecstatic.

“The revered half breed priestess summons a monster instead of a hero? Haha!” Facepalms and shakes her head. “Why did we even bother?!”

I'm wondering that too. The ritual was failing before you charged in and finished it. Making slutty demon an accomplice to the crime. I reply while gritting my teeth.

“They only went after my son because of you.”

Ah, that’s better. From thrilled to wary in zero seconds flat. Don't want the cows getting too uppity before the barbecue. Demon bitch breaks world speed records with how fast her kowtowing begins. Smacking her head against the floor.

“H-hear me mighty one. Demons respect strength and you are strong.” Horny babe starts her sales pitch. “This cannot be denied when you killed Lord Urnithun and his guard.” She shudders. “Come with me to Drasritor. There you can receive any reward you desire.”

Any? Yeah, she's giving me “that” look.

Shake my head.

“Sorry sleazy. You’re a bit confused.” Time for my best evil grin. “Ya see? Only way for me to make sure my son stays safe? Kill, everyone!” Gary Oldman moment. “None of you are getting out of here alive.”

Elf skank’s brain finally finishes its reboot. Head rising to look at me. With a calm expression, like the hours of rape and torture never happened, on her face. She painfully begins to kowtow too.

“I… understand *cough* now.” Yep, you dead, bitch. “We… I was so desperate. Never considered how much this would hurt the hero.” Nodding while her shoulders shake. “He ruled my dreams for months. His light gave me hope.” A sad smile. “I… was obsessed. Have… sinned.” Hands ball into fists. “Must atone. I, Avalina Faphyri Angelles, now bind myself to you. My fate is yours. Do whatever you will with it.”


A blue glowing spinning magic circle appears and swells on the floor beneath easy elf. Brightening before disappearing in a flash. Some remaining bits of it floating away like flower petals in a breeze.

The entire performance only lasted a few seconds.

I had stood and jumped back as soon as the light show began. Holding my knife at the ready. Squinting and prepared for an attack. While also cursing myself.


What do the books and games say? Never let the mage finish casting the spell! Sigh. At least it didn't seem to actually do anything.

The peanut gallery ain't happy though.

“Oracle!” “No!” “We're lost!” “Goddess save us!”

Date rape club is shocked and starts sobbing again. Slutty demon just stares at elfy warily.


Fuck, running on fumes. Better get this done before I pass out.

“Okay? Uh, thank you?”

Toss the knife into a puddle and pick up the fancy swords. Huh. Did one of them shrink? Tormentor seems smaller. Oh well. At least they aren't frying my hands anymore.

I've never killed a woman before. Hehe. No women, no kids. Right? Especially a cute big tittied one who just gave me permission to do anything I want to her.

Eh? Why is my hand itching? Am I getting twitchy over murder spree 2.0? PTSD? Shock? Whatever. Doesn’t matter. Gotta be done. Can't go after my family again if they're dead.

Seeing the swords. Seeing my resolve. Miss soon to be an ex elf, rises to her knees and says her last words.

“Please, show mercy and make our deaths quick." Whatever. "While we all took part in the ritual. I was the one who reached for your son. No one else knows his face. There is no need for them to…" Head tilts. "suffer…" Ears twitch. "more?”

Easy elf's head tilts the other way. I hear it now too. Is that thunder?


“Are those horses?” Never been in a stampede, but I've seen them in movies and this sounds similar.

Huh. Did the cavalry actually come to the rescue?

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