A Fathers Wrath

Branch 6: Futterel


Baron Ives Futterel has had a terrible morning.  The demon's retreat was an opportunity to get some payback and collect a few demonettes.  Harder to break than capital maidens, but a lot prettier than the local peasantry.

Instead?  A hard ride with the Marquis to some remote monastery.  Only finding out, on the way, that there had been a hero summoning.  That failed and brought a “beast” to this world.

Ives agreed that the title certainly suited the man who disrupted their morning conference. No matter how young he looked?  There was the air of a predator around him.  Of a monster that might go on a rampage at any moment.

An even bigger surprise was when “she” walked in behind him.  Ex-princess, and now ex-oracle, Avalina Angelles.  Only maiden to ever best him and the cause behind his exile to the eastern frontier.

Baron Futterel had once lived a charmed life.  As “court” nobles, House Futterel had no lands to call their own.  Just a mansion in the kingdom's first city with most of its family members serving in the royal government or royal army.

Ives himself found success as an educator.  Tutoring various subjects, especially court etiquette, to children of the wealthy.  Something the rougher landed nobles were often in desperate need of.

Achieving so much success that he had no problem taking over the house and becoming a “Viscount.”

However, with power came responsibility.  Something this lord was severely lacking.  And with so much power over his charges?  It wasn't long before the Baron started going “too far.”

While boys would only experience how strict he could be?  Girls might suffer much darker fates.  If they were from lower ranking families and attractive?  They would be maneuvered, manipulated, isolated, and finally, drugged.  Robbed of their dignity, and chastity.

Sadly, this was not the end of their suffering.  Just the beginning of a fall into ever greater abuse and depravity.  Senses stimulated and minds broken to the point where the maidens started believing that this degradation is what they wanted.  What they deserved.

Once the victim was completely in his clutches and convinced she could belong to no other?  Their beloved tutor would expose the girl’s disgraceful behavior to her family, and abandon them.

While there were many attempts to get justice or revenge?  Lord Ives knew the ins and outs of crown law. Making sure to never look like he had broken it.  And his masterful skill with the sword meant that even if a duel occurred?  He would likely win it.

Dozens of young ladies found themselves dishonored.  Either driven into the church or married off to even more remote and minor nobles.  Some took their own lives.  After realizing they had been used, abused, and brought low, just to entertain a bored court noble.

Then the first princess contacted him.

She knew of his antics and wanted him to target her half-sister.  The younger sister was getting too much attention and needed to be put back “in her place.”  Humiliation in front of the king and queen would accomplish this.  So the royal princess arranged for Ives to become her half-sister's tutor.

Up to taking her chastity, “Tricky Avi,” didn't seem that clever or difficult.  However, afterwards she resisted what had pulled so many other maidens down.  The tutor had to resort to higher and higher dosages, and more and more extreme techniques, to keep her cornered.  And when finally on the edge of breaking?

She confronted her sister then fled to the church.

The great Ives Futterel had been beaten by a half-breed.  She had not broken.  Did not believe she wanted to be her tutor's toy.  Knew she was being drugged.  And was a member of the royal family.

He would be ruined if she exposed him.  Possibly executed.  His entire family might be.  Especially if she turned Prince Filip's ear.  Worse, he had failed the eldest daughter of the queen.

Not long after, Ives Futterel was promoted to a “landed” Baron and given territory to rule under the Marquis Lianlaf.  Effectively banished from the royal court.  Exiled.  Soon also ousted as head of his house and declared a “branch” family.  A distant branch.

His new barony?  A dump compared to the capital.  Without a single decent maiden to be found.  Only raiding the demon lands, capturing demonettes, and breaking them, gave him any pleasure.

Years later he encounters her again.  But now instead of a princess or an oracle?  She's a slave.  Ives panicked when her breakdown touched on his part in her downfall.  However, he was then filled with glee when he witnessed the beast striking her.

He had planned to visit the Beast to see about buying or even “renting” his slave.

Then the “Clever Count” orders him to return east at once to pursue the retreating demon army?  At this rate he would miss both tormenting her and capturing demonettes.  So the nobleman was feeling particularly foul when he left the camp with a few other barons and retainers.

Not considering it odd that only the “banished barons,” like him, had been sent away.  Long ago deciding that the “native” lords were jealous of him.

An hour out of camp he was startled by a northern marauder jumping in front of him.  Surprise turned to amusement once he realized it was actually the “Beast.”  The conversation didn't last long but the Baron managed an insult or two and let her owner know about his slave’s past humiliation.

Ives decided this fool wasn't very bright but he was cooperative.  Hopefully soon humiliating and traumatizing the ex-princess more.

Plus with the Lord General wanting the Beast's help?  He and his slave would soon go to the front where her old tutor would have opportunities to “teach” again.

Ives promised himself that this time?  He would not stop her “tutoring” until she couldn't even remember her own name.  Pleasant visions of a more adult Avi wrapped and strapped even more tightly than she used to be, stirred the lord's heart and loins.


His daydream was so enjoyable that he didn't notice the metallic noise that came from his right.  Only when the rider on his right started sliding out of his saddle, did the Baron realize something was wrong.

“Sire Lugwin.  If you've drunk too much wine again?  I'll lash you to a tree and leave you to feed the monsters.”

He stops his horse and looks down.  Expecting to see a passed out knight on the ground.  Instead?  The back of Sire Lugwin's helm appears caved in and a pool of blood is spreading from his head.

“A rock?”

Ignoring his wounded retainer, Ives twists around in his saddle and sees the Beast standing in the middle of the road some distance behind him.  Who’s staring back at him while tossing a rock from hand to hand.

"Is that idiot looking to die?"

Angelles, Filip (male, human, tourinese)

  • 1st Prince
    • Kingdom of Tourin
  • Heir to Kingdom of Tourin
  • First child of king and queen

Futterel, Ives (male, human, tourinese)

  • Melee
    • Long Sword (mst)
  • Former Viscount
    • Royal Court
  • Promoted to landed baron for eastern frontier
  • Former popular tutor for children of landed nobles

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