A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 28 - Drunken Beauty

Chapter 28 Drunken Beauty

As an officer of the high-level special forces, Xia Lun was knowledgeable and talked funny. He told Qin Shu a lot of interesting things in the military.

For example, they had once laid ambushes in the primeval forest for two days and two nights for a mission, not moving at all despite of mosquito’s bite.

Or when in trouble, they would drink dew if thirsty and even eat rat if hungry.

These special forces, after receiving special training, possessed unimaginable perseverance and tenacity. Moreover, they adhered to one belief for which they could even risk their lives.

From Xia Lun’s words, Qin Shu could tell that he worshipped Ling Mohan and talked about him endlessly, “You simply can’t imagine that the three of us were once surrounded by more than 50 enemies. All of them were desperados. Ling wielded a pair of guns and killed more than 30 of them!”

Hearing this, Qin Shu was shocked. No wonder there seemed devils in him.

“Weren’t it for Ling, we wouldn’t have been able to break through the encirclement and come back alive.” Xia Lun got immersed in memory.

Qin Shu nodded and praised, “You are all excellent. You are the pride of the country and the people.”

Xia Lun laughed, “Don’t flatter us. If you mean it, just buy me drinks in the bar.”

“I am not flattering. It’s a compliment and admiration from the bottom of my heart.” Qin Shu also laughed.

While waiting for the traffic lights, Qin Shu saw a famous bar across the street. An idea came into her mind. “Remembered you offered to buy me drinks last time? How about tonight?”

“To forget your sorrow?” Xia Lun asked casually. He didn’t mention about the quarrel among Tang Anru, Yang Bin, and she tonight.

“No. You read too much into it.” Qin Shu denied and looked at the red light that counted down the time. “I just want to have a drink. Is it inconvenient for you?”

“Not at all. I came to pick you up.” Xia Lun glanced at her and drove ahead. “Now that you asked, I don’t think I can say no?”

Then both of them laughed heartily.

The bar was elegant, high-end and romantic. It was not like other bars that were noisy. There were quite a few people drinking in pairs. A woman was singing love songs softly at the stage.

Xia Lun and Qin Shu sat at the bar. A handsome bartender came over to service them.

“Two shots of golden tequila.” Xia Lun snapped his finger and looked at Qin Shu. “Have a try. I’m sure you will love it.”

“Great.” Qin Shu lay lazily against the bar.

The bartender began to gracefully perform the bartending process. He was quite skillful. Qin Shu stared at his hands. They were slender and white, and the joints were distinct. They were so beautiful.

“If you keep staring at him so enthusiastically, he may think that you had a crush on him.” Xia Lun teased.

“I am just appreciating a handsome guy. Is it against the law?” Qin Shu said calmly and continued to stare at those hands.

Xia Lun agreed with her. He looked at the beauties in the bar and said slowly, “All love beauty.”

“Ha. Good point.” Qin Shu was overjoyed.

Qin Shu was obsessed with the handsome bartender while Xia Lun was looking among the beautiful women: they found something in common.

Qin Shu was quite knowledgeable about handsome men and beauties from all over the world. She even made a voluminous collection out of them. She said to Xia Lun, “I’ll make a copy for you another day. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself.”

Xia Lun raised his eyebrows and smiled, “I’m looking forward to it.”

As they were chatting, the bartender had finished concocting the tequila and placed the wine, salt, and a plate of lemon in front of them.

It was an exquisite wine glass with two slices of lemon soaked in it. The liquid in the glass was golden yellow, very beautiful. It was somewhat similar to the color of beer.

“I’ll teach you a traditional way of drinking.”

Xia Lun blinked at Qin Shu, picked up a small pinch of salt and sprinkled it on the tiger’s mouth on the back of his hand. He then picked up the golden tequila wine, and nipped a slice of lemon between his fingers.

He quickly licked the salt on the tiger’s mouth, drank the wine, and took a bite of the lemon slice.

The whole process was completed in one go, revealing an indescribably handsome aura that attracted the attention of several women sitting beside him.

“Interesting.” Qin Shu smiled. She just imitated his action and swallowed the salt with a mouthful of lemon slices.

Xia Lun smiled and asked, “How is it?”

“Exciting.” Qin Shu clapped her hands and took another sip of wine.

They cheered, enjoying the music while chatting. A large glass of tequila was soon gone.

Xia Lun thought that Qin Shu’s good at drinking. However, to his surprise, after drinking a glass of tequila, Qin Shu started to feel dizzy.

“Ling Mohan, you bastard!” She glared fiercely at Xia Lun with blushed cheeks and blurred eyes.

After saying that, she even burped.

Xia Lun was speechless.

Obviously, Qin Shu was already drunk and muddled.

Qin Shu was not good at drinking. Whenever she drank, she would flush. Su Xiaoya had mocked her several times about it.

At this moment, after pouring a large glass of strong tequila into her stomach, Qin Shu was totally drunk. She was confused and mistook Xia Lun as Ling Mohan, scolding him angrily.

Xia Lun was scared to sweat. The drunk Qin Shu was horrible. She dared to scold Ling Mohan!

If Ling heard it, he would probably tear down the bar!

Just as he was thinking, his phone rang. It was Ling Mohan.

“Have you taken her back?” Ling Mohan asked on the phone.

Before Xia Lun could reply, Qin Shu bit his wrist fiercely. It was the fierce bite that caused him to gasp in pain.

Ling Mohan immediately asked, “What’s going on?”

“She’s drunk. She is mistaking me as you and biting me to death.” “She seems to have a deep grudge against you. I’m going to be bitten to death,” Xia Lun dared not to take his hand out for fear of hurting Qin Shu.

Ling Mohan frowned and asked coldly, “Where are you?”

Xia Lun told him the name of the bar honestly and got an order from Ling Mohan from the other side of the phone, “Stay there and wait for me!”

After Xia Lun hang up the phone, Qin Shu yelled and finally let go of Xia Lun’s hand. She mumbled, “Your bone is so hard. So boring.”

Should it be interesting to bite someone?

Xia Lun felt angry but funny. He didn’t expect Qin Shu to be like this when she was drunk.

He put Qin Shu’s hand over his shoulder, holding her waist and walking out of the bar. After settling her into the passenger seat, he waited for Ling Mohan to come over.

Half an hour later, Ling Mohan drove over in a domineering Hummer. He was still wearing a black battle uniform. His cold and stern face looked very oppressive.

“Sir!” Xia Lun got out of the car and saluted.

“Did you bring her to drink?” Ling Mohan glared at him coldly.

“Sir, it’s really not me!” Xia Lun felt wronged, “She said she wanted to drink, and I can’t refuse …”

Ling Mohan kicked him over, “As a special forces soldier, you dare to tell me that you can’t refuse. Go to write 200 copies of the Military Discipline and hand them in tomorrow!”

Xia Lun cried inside. He was so badly entrapped by Qin Shu. He hated to copy Military Discipline. He would rather do two hundred push-ups.

But he had no choice. Ling Mohan was his superior. Xia Lun could only obey and said, “Yes, Sir!”

Ling Mohan snorted coldly and took Qin Shu off the car. When he smelled the alcohol on her body, his face further darkened.

After Ling Mohan took Qin Shu away, Xia Lun sat back in the car.

There was a faint smell of wine in the cabin, mixed with the faint fragrance left behind by Qin Shu. The mixture seemed to have a strange charm.

Xia Lun was stunned for a moment before raising his left wrist. There was a red tooth mark on it.

He suddenly shook his head and smiled. Qin Shu was really an interesting woman.

Apart from mistaking Xia Lun as Ling Mohan at first, Qin Shu had been very obedient ever since. She didn’t cause any trouble until she returned home. She only groaned occasionally when feeling uncomfortable.

After Ling Mohan took her to the bedroom, Qin Shu still refused to let him go and hugged his neck. Her crimson face rubbed against his chest, causing Ling Mohan’s heart to beat quickly.

“So naughty!” Ling Mohan said angrily and then pressed her onto the bed and kissed her fiercely.

Qin Shu frowned and pushed him away. Her lips were red and swollen, moist and lustrous, just like sweet peaches.

Ling Mohan couldn’t control himself and lowered his head to bite her before letting go of Qin Shu.

Qin Shu fell into sleep and dreamed of her twentieth birthday party three years ago in a trance. Ling Mohan happened to be back from the army and participated in her birthday party.

Everyone had a good time, and Qin Shu also drank a lot. Afterwards, she had sex with Ling Mohan without a clear mind.

That enchantment was too beautiful, but after that, she was the only one who bore the pain.

If time could fly back, Qin Shu would definitely not get drunk, nor would she have sex Ling Mohan.

‘”Bastard! I want a divorce…” Qin Shu lay in the bed and groaned uncomfortably. Her stomach was boiling. Ling Mohan’s annoying face kept appearing in her mind, making her extremely annoyed!

Ling Mohan’s face darkened and he forcefully pinched Qin Shu’s cheek, “Why do you want a divorce?”

Qin Shu closed her eyes and frowned, “I don’t like it … I don’t like it, I want a divorce.”

“Who do you dislike?” Ling Mohan continued to ask.

“I dislike all of you.” Qin Shu muttered, and a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. She stared at Ling Mohan with her big eyes wide open.

However, her eyes were confused, as if she could not find the focus, just like a helpless child.

This was a Qin Shu that he had never seen.

As far as he knew, Qin Shu was charming, cunning, and stubborn, instead of being sad and helpless as she was now.

Ling Mohan stared at Qin Shu tightly, his black eyes shining with an unclear light, deep and reckless. Then, he said to Qin Shu word by word, “Listen. It’s impossible for me to divorce you!”

He didn’t care if the drunk Qin Shu heard him or not. He lowered his head and forcefully kissed her lips …

He would never allow Qin Shu to think about other men!

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