A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 30 The Guardians

Entering the base Brandon took his time and didn't rush to meet Cecil. He had come previously for a debriefing but he never really got the chance to really examine the place. Which was regretful, the GDA could be considered the top of most organizations.

Technology? They had it in high supply and were years ahead of the rest of the world. Knowledge? They had plenty of that. Some of which could even be considered ancient or forbidden like magic.

What they have access to is simply unimaginable and Brandon really had an interest in gaining it for himself. Slightly lifting his hand Brandon lightly shook it. A simple gesture that looked like it didn't have any meaning but in reality, he had just released small Kryptonian infiltration robots. Being small and undetectable they would fly to all corners of the base accessing anything they could.

Doing this would allow a direct connection to form between the base and his ship which would in turn give Zod complete access. Was this a scummy move and not really hero-like? Yes, but to be fair Cecil had tried many times to take his DNA so in Brandon's humble opinion it was fair game for him to try and take for something himself.

'Nice, it shouldn't take them long to connect to all their servers' Brandon thought as he smiled, imagining what he could learn. When it came to technology he didn't really have high expectations. Kryptonian tech was far ahead of anything Cecil likely had access to but Magic? That was completely different.

Magic in the comics was something known to hurt Superman and was versatile. It wasn't exactly a weakness per se because it's not like he became weak in its presence but it was capable of damaging him and that was enough for Brandon to acknowledge its significance. Especially in the world of Invincible where curses could make heroes like Monster Girl.

So with that in mind, he planned on learning it. If he proved to be incompatible with Magic then that was fine as well. He'd just find a way to block magic like an anti-magic charm or item.

Experiencing the Red Sun was a wake-up call that he wasn't completely invulnerable and he learned his lesson. Brandon had no plans of being caught off guard again and was going to make every effort to handle his weaknesses. Red Sun was sort of handled already with a Kryptium suit, Magic was next on his list, and finally for last was his most potent weakness.


So far he hadn't heard anything about the rare material. There wasn't even a meteor shower in his hometown to bring it like it did in DC comics. Its lack of appearance gave Brandon a sense of security but he knew it had to be out there somewhere. The Kryptonian scout ship even had records of it so Kryptonite definitely existed.

'But those are worries for another time. First I need to handle this meeting.'
Being led by a security detail he soon reached the familiar medical bay and made his way inside. Upon entering the first person he saw was an old balding man who had a habit of invading other's privacy. Like most times Cecil had a blank and stern expression while tapping his arm. Brandon taking his time obviously irked the man but he didn't voice his complaints.

Looking around Brandon saw some more familiar faces but these ones actually brought him a sense of joy. The immortal, Red Rush, and War Woman. They were only half of their team and were all Brandon had managed to save…

This recollection soured his mood but he picked himself back up. He did what he could, mistakes were made but he wasn't getting better and on the upside, Brandon had managed to save the team's core members. The three in front of him could be considered the strongest and the only ones that could potentially fight a viltrumite if given the chance to grow.

Especially Red Rush, Brandon had seen his fair share of speedsters and could think of numerous ways to make the speedster faster. The flash show made this easy with its inclusion of serums like Velocity 9 and technology like Tachyon enhancement.

'Now that I think about it, didn't the Flaxans use Tachyon-based technology to reinvade in the show?' It was a minor detail that was lightly mentioned but if this was true then it seemed like the Flaxans had something really interesting on their hands.

While Brandon's mind was running a mile a minute the others were also in their own thoughts. Wa Woman in particular seemed to have her gaze fixed on Brandon with intensity.


'Incredible I've only been out for a month but I can tell. He's become exceptionally strong.' War Woman may have been a Demigod but she was the daughter of Athena and as such she carried unique attributes unknown to others.

One of these was her divinity with wisdom and war. This divinity gave her a sort of mystical sight and intuition that helped her accurately assess situations and the strength of her opponents along with her odds in combat. It is also this ability that helped her realize quickly that their chances against Omniman were low as she was able to see the strength he had.

It was this same ability that she was using now and it truly surprised her. 'His level of Strength he's reached Omniman. He's long passed me'

The moment War Woman realized this she felt a great amount of discomfort not because of Brandon's growth but because of her own inability. It felt like it was yesterday when they had a great spar but now she doubted that she could push him to use more than 70% of his strength.

'Maybe I should go back home and try the trials…' It was a risky idea. Going back risked her freedom and she doubted her mother would let her run away again but it was also an opportunity to release the true strength of her heritage. Yes if she had access to her essence then Omniman wouldn't have been an unbeatable wall.

Gripping her hands, War Woman knew she had already made her choice.


"Great you're here. As you can see the guardians are mostly recovered. In particular The Immortal is basically completely fine. Thank you for the help on that one" Cecil said in a rare moment of true thanks. If he hadn't known about this then he might have buried his friend unknowingly.

But now that he thinks about it, how did Ultraman know about this? "Mind me asking how you knew he could recover?"

This question also took the immortal by surprise as he had been wondering the same thing. In his long life, he'd never died and never knew that his immortality extended that far. So it was surprising to learn that someone already seemed to be aware of it.

Brandon feeling the gazes quickly made up some stuff that would work as a decent excuse. "For one his name is the Immortal so it only makes sense and lastly I saw that his cells were still alive despite being dead. So I figured you could just put him back together"

"Wait, what do you mean you saw his cells?"

"Exactly as it sounds. I was able to observe him on the microscopic level and found that his body still had vitality"

Cecil knew Brandon's sight was good from various examinations of his previous battles but to see things on a cellular level. That was pretty impressive but at the same time, it was worrisome. 'Another ability to his ever-growing list' Cecil thought as his men most likely began updating his file.

"Then I really have to thank you" Immortal said with a wide smile as he took Ultraman's hand in a tight hold.

"No problem. I'm just glad that I ended up being right"

"I wanted to say thanks too. If you hadn't arrived then I would have been done for." Red Rush said while thinking about the moment Omniman took hold of him. At that moment he knew he was done for but Brandon's intervention spared him. "My wife also packed you something for saving me"

Saying this Red Rash disappeared in a blur and returned in seconds with a basket holding warm Beef Stroganoff that filled the air with a delicious smell "Here"
"Wow this smells great definitely call me the next time you're in a near-death situation"

"Cough ugh I'll try not to end up in such situations from now on but if I do I will" Red Rush replied truly wishing nothing like the Omniman situation never happened again.

"Hey, I've saved you dozens of times where's my food?" War Woman said in a passive-aggressive tone as she placed a hand on Rushes right shoulder.
"Now that I think about it I've saved you at least two dozen times so don't I deserve some stroganoff?" Immortal said placing his hand on the other shoulder leaving Red Rush embarrassed. In fact, his wife had made dishes for them but being a speedster made him practically hungry all the time. Add his wife's cooking to the equation. Well, let's just say that the food never got delivered.

"Haha, next time?" The two lightly glared at his response but soon laughed it off with him.

Cecil watching this cracked a rare smile. This was a sight he had almost lost and could potentially lose in the future. However, he wouldn't let that happen.

"Ultraman I know we haven't seen eye to eye on some occasions due to your level of secrecy"

"Secrecy? I think you mean personal privacy"

Cecil made a stern expression as he relented "Well our differences but with the threats that may come we need to be ready. The guardians are four short and the three we have can't match up to a Viltrumite"

This comment incited irritable responses but none of the remaining guardians complained. Omniman was the only Viltrumite they had met and was their only measure of power for the species so they naturally placed all potential enemies at his level. If this was the case then them not being a match was true.

"You're the only one who stands a chance so I'm asking… No, the world is asking if you can join the guardians"

Brandon for the first time in a while was actually surprised. Cecil had tried multiple times to take his DNA, most likely stalked his family, and invaded his privacy in every way possible while also showing him I trust. Yet he was actually willing to ask him to join.

Looking behind Cecil he watched the team and saw that they also supported this decision and wanted him in.

"Can you give me time to think about this?"

Cecil sighed he had a feeling he was partly at fault for the hesitation. However, he didn't regret his past choices and simply acknowledged them. "Alright but you know we don't have a lot of time. The viltrumites could come today, in a week, or in years. We just don't know"

"Don't worry I don't need much time just give me a couple of hours"

Cecil nodded before leaving the room and as he did Brandon felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning he saw a War Woman with her arms crossed.

"Too good to join us?"

"No it's not like-"

"Pff, it's a joke I get it. It's a big decision. How about I help you make up your mind with a quick spar?" War Woman offered. From her experience fighting always seemed to clear the mind.

"Didn't you just recently wake up from your coma?"

"If you're worried, no need . I know my body and I'm near complete recovery. Though if you really are worried we can just keep things light"

"Alright, then I'll take you on your offer."

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