A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Easier Than Expected

14+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


The large hall was well-lit. As the two made their way toward the center of the room, Tomoya stopped when she finally saw the magic circle in front of her light up. “Yue, get ready.”

“On it!” Yue rose into the air. She had gotten many ideas from Tomoya, watching Tomoya abuse her ability to create footholds in the air. She could now move around a lot better and could dodge quite quickly. She had many floors to practice on, so her skills now were quite good.

A massive hydra with six heads appeared from the magic circle. Just like Tomoya had said, each color was present. Yue was once more in awe at Tomoya’s knowledge of what would be happening.

Tomoya did not waste any time. Before the hydra could even get a chance to attack with one of it’s heads, she threw out three flash bangs and charged forward. Her first target was the white hydra head. As long as she could kill that one, she could easily deal with the rest. Mainly because she did not know if cutting the heads off the other ones would work. She did not know if the white hydra head could regenerate the entire head or not.

She also did not wish to waste energy to even test this out. She quickly moved through the air, using her skills to the max. The flash bangs went off at the same time as she arrived in front of them. She closed her eyes as the bright light filled the area. She then opened them slowly as the light began to dim.

Once she could see well enough, she shot forward. Yue was not slacking in the slightest as she spammed her spells. Roars of pain could be heard as the massive onslaughts of mini azure blazes smashed into the hydra. The attacks were so quick that the hydra could not react at all. Even with its six heads, it was locked down into a defensive position and could not raise its heads to attack. But this only made things easier for Tomoya, who quickly arrived above the white hydra head. But just as she was about to attack, a thought came to mind.

“Why am I trying to kill one at a time?” Tomoya wanted to smack herself for being stupid. She shook her head and pointed her sword forward; it extended and began to branch out, and in almost an instant, the sword stabbed right through each of the hydra’s heads, killing it without it even getting a chance to do anything at all.

Tomoya had no time at all to think about what she had just done. She could only watch as the hydra’s body warped slightly, and another silver head sprang up. But because Tomoya was above it, it had yet to notice her. Sadly for it, just as it noticed Tomoya’s presence, its head was sliced off.

“Tomo!” Yue flew over and stared at Tomoya with puffed-out cheeks.

“Yes?” Tomoya was confused. In fact, she was utterly confused as to why things were so simple.

“You said this would be a tough battle. You even prepared so many grenade things! Why did it die as soon as it sprang up?” Yue asked. She could tell the monster was strong, but what she did not understand was that in front of Tomoya, the monster was like a small animal. She was starting to think that Tomoya was the monster instead! She was the true final boss of the abyss. The monster of the abyss!

“Yeah… I don’t know….” Tomoya had to know that, for one thing, her stats were much higher than anything in this world at this time. And second, she also was not standing in front of it, pointing a small gun at a large monster. Her blade alone was sharp enough to cut through almost everything except a magic barrier.

Yue looked at Tomoya’s expression and knew the fox girl had also not expected this. “Let’s go. Didn’t you say there was a nice place for us to rest in for a while?”

“Yeah.” Tomoya nodded before hugging Yue’s waist and gently stepping down out of the air.

[Skill Acquired: Omni Flash Step]
[A combination of Air Dance, Aero-Dynamic, and Supersonic Step]
[Allows the user to move around freely in the air. Each step can move the user many feet in an instant. Distance and speed will grow with level.]
[Current Distance: Max of 500 feet]

Tomoya was surprised to see that she had gained a combination skill. She thought it would only be possible if she was Hajime, but from what she was reading, her skill was actually better than the one Hajime had gotten, and she could actually basically instantly move. “So, kind of like Shunpo?”

Shunpo was the movement technique in an anime called Bleach. She wondered if she would end up going to that world sometime in the future. She did take a liking to a certain death god in that.

“Tomoya, what are you thinking?” Yue asked when she heard Tomoya’s muttering. She did not hear what she said, but she was curious.

“I was just thinking once we walk through these doors, we can finally take a relaxing hot bath!” Tomoya couldn’t wait to sink into the hot water of that bath she saw in the anime. Right now, she just wanted to melt away inside the bath.

“Don’t forget your promise!” Yue hugged Tomoya’s arms and stared at her. She would not let this fox weasel her way out of this!

“I won’t. But first, we need to carve this thing up. I am hoping it will help me reach level 200….”

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