A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 14: Sintering Cullet (Frame 514.5)

Sintering Cullet (Frame 514.5)

Content warning:



To remain in the fourth Giyar would risk waking her, so this one begins to slow the Frame's workings. Adjusting both Iphodian Gears and synchronizing with the pace of second Giyar, this one allows the frame to settle. Matching the speed of the Mistress’ slow resting beat.

Only seven primary gears spin upon melodic intervals, setting to begin harmonizing with the rhythm of the resting.

One last small twisting of Elevar’s body, and the melody that roils off her, out of her, around her and through the frame finally quiets. Resting now after flaring into wroth and fury and fear that only the old parasite’s words, warming flesh, and steadying mind quelled after she had the wretched foreign organ removed.

Her body now curls against the alluring softness of this frame, and is totally encompassed by all four of its limbs. Patterned in the way she’s always needed after days of pain from the Soul Rot, or close encounters that rouse memories of the betrayal of the old teacher. 

Only… This time a single hand stretches out alongside the thrumming tether she had woven around the Ousia of the old parasite. Fingers just barely touching the iron of the hilt.

If Xafra had not submitted and made herself vulnerable, willing to endure whatever trial needed to save the Mistress… that would cause conflict within the Frame. But she did, and while the Garrote is not anything like what this one thinks she should have woven, it will act as a symbol.

Of what? This one is not sure of what all it will encompass. And now all but Frame 514(.5) rest while it folds itself around that threat. Considering all the things this parasite will mean to leech from the slowly dying Mistress.

[Little Monster.] Comes a gentle thrumming from the tether still linking this frame to the parasite alongside a crisp ::Converse/Request:: of silent Cant.

This one considers ignoring these, or growling in… not annoyance. Rather in negation of the incorrect title she seems to link to this Frame. But discovery of motives and setting considerations into rhythm will serve the Mistress. In either conflict with, or at this blade.

[Share your thoughts, parasite.] This one thrums through the link. Soft as to not echo and wake the treasures slumbering both within and without.

[Gratitude. For trusting. Your— Our Mistress is alive because of you. I am glad you exist.]

Possessive. This one considers correcting her but… She is not like the Frame. Not a melting of Ousia and Physis into a new form devoid of the will and ways to shift and alter and break and consume the world without. No. Both are her domain now, so long as she continues to feast and bleed Ousia from others to replenish her wellspring.

[The Frame serves the Mistress, no gratitude is required.] This one decides is the correct reply. [Trust is not a function it operates within. Had you not explained yourself well, we’d have come into conflict, and she might have withered.]

[Understood. I have questions. I assume… the Frame does as well?]

[It is a certainty that the Mistress will require all manner of recollections from you, so this one will not waste time or memory space with those.] The Frame thrums after a pause shorter than one of the seven gears winding clicks. [But… a consideration of function falls into its responsibility. Why do you remain? What feast do you yet desire from the Mistress that the wider ways and paths could not offer you? This village has a plentiful amount of Mundanes that could serve your purposes. Why not simply infest their forms and wills, and then leave? Escaping the gaze of one of the few beings who can threaten and bind you? Parasites do not last long when the creatures they drink from are alerted to their presence.]


[You call me a parasite due to a fundamental misunderstanding. The only forms I can truly commandeer or infest are ones like yours, dear kin. I benefit my wielders as long as they treat me with the barest of respect. If I wished, I could have drained this city dry instead of healing one of my ancient enemies, but… She is worthy. You know the pain of loneliness. I would be a slave before I return to that.]

Loneliness? This parasite MEWLS TO THIS ONE OF LONELINESS‽

The ::Seething/Fury:: rocks down the tether before it can halt the ignition and quell the unbidden reaction. The Frame nearly slows to Giyar One to ensure no others wake but… no. Both only stir a little in their slumbers.

It hesitates, then replies as gently as possible into the quieting bond. [You’ve told this one all it needs to know. Ask your questions, then return to your slumber before one is roused to awaken the Mistress or Schatzi by mistake.]

[Schatzi. So that is the little sister's name. I envy you, little monster. You think you're defective but no, you are in many ways the improvement upon my blighted design. Hate me as you will, I have no means or plans to take your place, You were Elevar’s before me, and I plan to help her, including to help her better value your service. Do you wish for any further changes to your form? I am willing to sculpt it into something you desire. My question doesn't need an answer now. Ponder it. Everything deserves a form that they can be comfortable in.]

::Bitterness/Sorrow:: comes from the old parasite.

[Do not mistake hatred for wariness. The Mistress is sick, dying and riven with old scars that you so easily tear at.] But… The Frame thrums quietly in ::Concordance/Peace:: as an offering to her. [And this one IS defective, but will speak no more on it than that. Ask the Mistress if you want to know of the flaws. The Frame’s workings and past are hers to possess, after all. As for the shape…]

No. This strange parasite cannot raise the long shattered or wind time’s ticking cogs backwards a decade or more.

[Only shifts that improve our use for the Mistress matter. The frame is of designs that allow it to mold the outer shell at will. However… You restored delicate inner workings that it can only adjust and monitor. If a time comes that the Frame is damaged in that way again, your abilities will be suited well to that.]

She pauses, then seems to almost growl the words. [She will not die. I will not permit it. With your help, I will remove this Seelenfäule from the Mistress, and then I will assist in whatever other goals you three have.]

::Confidence/Hope:: Thrums from her, fueled with enough oddly tuned will that… 

[You are a fool, parasite.] The Frame thrums as a third rises to bleary awakeness. A new consciousness suddenly pressing against this one and causing the discomfort of Division that arises when both are awake.

Schatzi becomes alight with memory and worries so quickly that this Frame has to Cant ::Peace/Calm:: from our soul to halt it and avoid Division of purpose as well as thought. [All is well, little sister. Remain quiet or risk waking the Mistress. Or better still, return to slumber. This one is watching over things.]

[Oh. Hello, Xafra. Good afternoon, big sister. Is the Mistress alright now?] Schatzi asks while reaching out through the Frame’s senses. Easily and deftly pushing this one aside to examine our surroundings and Mistress in our arms’ embrace. [I was quite worried, but she seems okay? Warm and sleeping comfortably at least...] 

[She is.] This one assures the other half of the Frame.

[Schatzi.] The parasite interjects. [My apologies for disappearing during our conversation, and sending you away so quickly the last time.]

[It's okay.] The other half of the Frame replies, then turns what would normally be silent thought into communication the parasite can overhear. [Big sister, we should see if Xafra can help the problem with me. I miss you.]

The frame thrums contradictory pulses of thought, and skittering clicks of Division as this one openly intones ::Negation::.

[The parasite played her role well in removing a vile organ laid by the old dead teacher, and if the Mistress’s perspective remains the same, the rest will soon follow. Alongside a restoration of her digestive facilities. There is little more to ask of her.]

::Insistence:: pulses, but Schatzi responds privately. [She has the ability to alter us like during your Knitting, she could make me better. Not just a defect in your design. Maybe even—]

This one rumbles, quieting the other half. [The defect is not in form, but absence. The riven nature of this Frame is what has allowed it to persist. You serve the Mistress well in the calm, this one in the fury. What could this parasite alter within that could change it for the better?]

[The Division, the risk it entails? I don't know, sister.] Schatzi insists, Division rising with every word between them. More than have been shared in many years. [I just know that I'm not enough. A poor substitute for your sisters, your real ones. I need you to be happy, that's a large part of what my function is.]

Its fanged jaw opens, inflicting what the Mistress would consider a sigh, and even the Frame’s head leans back to rest against the backboard of the bed as the gears within it grind in silent agony only the little sister will hear or possibly understand.

The wailing of the last piece to rust. Broken and riven and so very alone. Incomplete. Defective in the absence of the Resonant Chorus. One instrument left to slowly waste amidst the long lost symphony.

[There is but one thing you can do to aid this one, dear sister.] It thrums as gently as it can after inviting such Division of thought and purpose. Silencing the frame with but a whisper of control. Trying to lessen the pain Schatzi endures. [Do you remember what this one told you? That day you broke away and improved this Frame’s function with yours?] 

The frame goes silent for a long time. Even so much that this one considers just… passing back into Giyar Null. The void betwixt function.

But just before it can, Schatzi thrums. [I will hold the care you cannot, as long as necessary. I'm never letting you be alone again. Never.]

That… cracks the silence. And this one can do nothing but fall into the slumber to avoid the Division Schatzi’s words would otherwise cause.

Seeking refuge from the anchor that would keep it bound to functioning in this defective state.

Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 




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