Chapter 8: The Light: Part Two
is arms.
The image ended, and another began. A group of merry travelers sat around the campfire. Each passing around a bottle, talking and laughing. Children ran around the adults, playing a game of tag. "You fight for them."
The image suddenly turned horrible as a beast of the night attacked the carefree group. The mothers quickly sweeping up their children, trying to get away. The monsters went after everyone. Vas picked up his sword slashing at the illusionary beast. "Stop this." The last mother covered her child with her body. The beast gnashed its teeth, tearing into the mother's back, as the child screamed. The mother reached out to Vas. The illusion ended. " Why, would you show this!? What do you hope to achieve!?" He pointed his sword at Light. "Why do you have to show me how frail everything is!?"
Light moved side to side, pounding her fist into her hand. "To ... show you.. .To show that someone means something to someone." Light nodded to no one.
"Those at the campfire, you knew who they were, didn't you? You knew their stories, their voices, and their faith. You were that child who survived
Vas turned his back to her, looking ahead to the podium. " You said someone means something to someone. So, everyone to you, in general, matters. Is that the reason I fight? I fight for those who matter."
"You fight for everyone because they exist. Because they exist, the people and creatures of this world matter. You fought for those who existed, who threw down their lives. Who perished and who survived."
"What about the ones who do not exist yet," Vas asked her.
"Them too, You fight for their possible existence."
"Are you saying I fight for the future too?" Vas began to pace back and forth.
Light nodded, and Vas's mind returned to his body on the battlefield. Beasts of the dark hung in midair before him. The creatures let out a sound of rage. The monsters soon lunged at him.
Vas quickly dodged, grabbing his sword. He narrowed his eyes, finding time to stand. His blade started to glow. Light balls began to shoot out from his blade. The balls of light transpired in an area beside him, forming Light. She smiled at him. " You do not fight alone for the future. " A blade formed in her hand. She pointed it at the beasts.
The beasts squirmed away, taken aback. A sudden, gravely wispy voice spoke. "I will devour you Light. For, once you will be blown to smithereens, I will rule overall. " The beasts of the dark formed together, creating one creature. A massive three-headed dragon. Light rushed forward.
The Dragon swiped its massive black claws at her. Light dodged, and Vas joined the fray. One of the dragon's heads snatched up Light. The dragon bit into Light, crushing her spine. She smiled as the dragon swallowed her, blood leaking from her mouth.
"I win," the dragon roared.
Vas stood back, eyes dropping to the ground. He stepped back, for a moment, tempered his focus, then lunged forward.
"Why continue." The dragon roared.
"Because there is still tomorrow. Because there is still someone who matters to someone!" Vas dodged and drove his blade into the dragon's thick green scales.
The dragon roared as it's stomach started to stretch; and move on its own, beams of Light shot out of its belly, and Light reemerged. She shot off into the sky. The dragon laid, torn apart, on the ground. The pieces of flesh, pulsing like a beating heart, moved to reform the dragon. He snatched light up again, only to have its jaws blown apart. "What the!" The Dragon roared in agony.
Light's voice rung out, but her lips remained motionless. "You can chew on me all you want, but you can never destroy the light. Light is eternal just like the darkness. Light's light may dim. And you may snuff the flame of light out. But light will eventually burn, Even when the darkness seems to consume all. There is always that one flame that burns." With one final blast, Light ended the dragon and
vanished. Vas dropped his blade. "Finally it is over." He closed his eyes. Maybe I can finally dream of that time. "Anne."
"Just as Light is eternal, Darkness is always eternal." A female covered in a black cloak approached the sleeping Vas. " Be forewarned, for the defeat of darkness is always just Momentary. It is ever looming and ever-present. It only takes one seed for it to plant a field. " The mysterious woman dropped a small glowing purple seed into the ground by Vas's head.
"Darkness doesn't hide; it seeps in slowly. Your battles will now be of the mind and the physical world. The mysterious woman disappeared.